HomeMy WebLinkAbout03201973 ZBA MinutesX76 1L:E Z)nlYib ~U~3.r~ Cf " j'u^-,.tilUnt Of t'i'e City Of ~vtieSt tTY:j."Ite2'"SLty Pic:l'.E 3ii~t In `3-."•' E'nt:`-~ titan tiE,r;c].OY' c~,fv" t'_^F? v).. ty :all. 02^.i i'1,iE;Sda,~7, i~iL~rGh ?^, ~..9?3. i' ~ ~~ p.m~. , Yrvith tU,~: fol~_ov.*in~ p7`e~ent: Memt',ers Ph'l.ip: i~• Lti:~1'_`!, T3^1`i uTCr''lri`"On, r?1G~'l~.r"~ twTilkin^, T`;UY1rGe JahnScl~d F'i1.CP1:~.~''"~ ~>~ltvn j lilter'"s«tC ~'~t`:.u 1v E. r ~iy~r~e r:~.~E9y '-i.2: ~ ~JJ• ~ r T'v1TS~E'~. • CUIIiu?ifi~~ i U?"iE'r i~tary :'inn ~i.ni.~z;, tYle city ~ttorriey arid. the City Na.n- a~er ~4rere ulvo present. 'The first .tem on the a~eYi:':~ i~~~^ the el.ect,~on :;f ±rre Chair*nan and ~1GE.'-~~".~1a~.1".rlan tU .~'U?"iTt '..~:'Itl~ t~1e f lr:3t rU~,?~i<Lr 1i~F'~'.~ln~ 7.?'? Ma.yr 174, or the ~~,:_1F~c of PrcGe-a?ara are w~ren~-? ed to pro side ~~ ? or~~e.r teen. of office. irGt-..On ~}y 1`~r• v0~"?°?r,U~a, c'~?C;;;rt~~i1~~~v" ~'?r`• ~.1pi.?ki::~, tti'la~' ~'!1"« ~=~'ili'1.~7 .LJ}~.t2r. ~'_s E'. f~ef.';"E'.. ~_~ tC~ S('.7'~ra S Cl`:~,1'_"At"1an r'f t-he ZUn~..nr ~Oc~.. r~;. Of 11t~jL1S t_ ?zlent , ~?ot ir~~ ~~TL : <il~. lUtlOil ~y ~`:.~ . I` .t0 !, E's.:"Crl'a ~ .-.;~ '~ . ~!=~l`?r1SUi1, t!'Ira,t ~, r • '~~.1':~"'OE'. ~~,hnS sJe e1E;^t€'.t'~ ~O ;°;E y"`.rE: `~;,~ ~flGf',-~i '~tl.l"II'~.rl Of the .~.rUn.".!'ts: LUc~.r!j of Ad j~.z~.<<tmcrit. Votinrr .'dye : 1'1Z1 M"'. r~iGU'rE~.'t. pU i ?~+;E?'~ O>> ~ tC! ~ti'i0 M~G<3r^ ty:~.:.` tl"!€' ~70n1!^~' rSU:>.r~ C ~ iir, j?~-~~'ilf'~1t 'rt`i`;~> n0'~ V i+. '~'~~.tO?'~+ , ' ~ - "n., a y G 1 t :. ~ S I n i c X ~'::" l.s 1 ~U.:. ~'_a'7' ~ G' G' Y: ~. t^? fi' C~ 1^rj l Y'i.`_'. i'' ~.: E"? Ca 0 S'~atirl~ `h.~Ut cre n~' {'he <y,pci fl~~ p:r'o~rision^ of ., . .. ,~ tlY?~, ~~"` fv~'.t~ 2C?:':,n~ 3rz=!rd ~:~ ~`i'a~.2t?tTT:e;^t f ~~~5 NT aL2rt:. CY'£c3.tl.Oyn tiff a the ~t.~~';-~tes set- i th ~i~ales of ~'roce-~ ZC? '~GC;Ur'i4t.'"G ' ?t?i{Jri f;£' ~'O v'i Sj_Cin,S O~ FS.y~f;~ rl n Z t jeGt.yCn ~. OC' tYle Rules of ~ro~ educe ;;f he 2,on~ri~Y ??o.~„' of t~~' just*:~ent of thy: City O f ~?v P `> t ~T n t yt r3 r c~ ~ !- y Pl .-y -. l't ., ti-..a r3 i <, , n ,1 p N Y ; c? Y' .. .._..,1 .y.r~.Gt~, f',.x~ ~0~..~ . .__..G.1~ E' :~, ~U; ate t0 .e . ~.~.i~,.,,e <~._. ~:_ r~ ~;uy~.r -fi. e ._n, aza.,~ , ~o ~i.n~ ,ha ., +r _ _~. ~. of ?'ruGeL~'are `..?lz°'': i:(' ti?:±?Y~~e;:~ i.i" f;l'?U nC ~'d fr:,'°"> t1;~ tC`.i-r~.a 1~0y,.1'y Of e~~.Gh r2oYit'r~. r"ot1o~! t'%y I~Rr• *'~z~~.1. Ai:.t Cc] --yr~rlF.;3 ?~~= ti°;~"• 47c;hn:^on, than tine third 1~ r '~•- r' ~^: rn . v~, #-1'? - A<?r` i~'n`V`: :~ ~. `} thf' ~ P~t"1:~%?_y" ~.E°t 4nm '.a :.t~ . _ I'~.~rti._.~~.,~ of et3G-_ _......_,. . ~e . J .~ ~. ~,-ar fi11e ::~o~l , ~~ ?3 JA~1"~ -, ~ °~~ y, ~;~~ient ~~~~ the ?~~a?_a.~~ cf FroGF~~?..~re . ,.. a :.. .,... _ . v .`.~. T-:7eil _?. E: ~~. ~'. i n, yy...~ J1.:C n~. rr ~l r~'T'* rRv. E;"j-'i ~ ;r ~iw. .. ~.. .~a...4. ~Cj~ ._~. .. t.. `1 '.v' L •i. ~j fr ~ J~ ~v i L ~ ~. `+~V L11:aj~ l'T'~I. T~v ~i : LCS 1 O ~ ~. U' t ]. Yl" v }"i C ~ ~~ 7 c C +- i r; rl ,~ , r- `~ ~i. ^: ~s s"' ~ i !'? _ f- a t ]~"i , r r O ~± 1r ~+F~ ?_ ~. .~ ;a 'r 1 ? F? r' 3' ~ tl' t ' ' ` ' ~ ± z~ '3 ' ~ ' ' ~ ` g?:n~ra nF i f ~ j" :O '!~?r~ t ;!~. a, ~ S ,'O'~ . ~ t" , , - ??.: ?"'7 Ur:r . .. , . . . , _ C~ntil'}~ ;^~+~c~ t, }Z ~-~ ~r `r.. .., F;~v~ rt ./ ~, ,. -/~, 'a P~rUtr 7_ ~-.-, f-'Y~ca ~ ~ ~', ,t]- of ~ lY. }'jp ~?Z~1 Eie Y' . .. ^r F' .~r€, a~ ... re a~ ~' .. ,. .~~,~~'~.n~; ~i~: to^y~°::~ u~:. n~..~~:~_.. ttiaerrto .:y ., ane ti-r;e. ~s~ fit thlc. tlI21e ~r.~.C.'Y'c?~ ~_ ?_^~'V:.F^~,•E?+' t1; E? ~?J.? Pte': of PrGCed~,lre witti'1 the BO?.r~ r,Gzr~ri ~ W.. ~., ~e tU!cI"~' 1. :1 c1;'?c~ ?i^is~. ~' rs~- :, c~+-j. Y~c s2~ erx h .~.~ tic ~ rem i ~~ .~ue~ ~ o rese-' ry oard ?rie.iber_` . Ci t~- a,n::~z;E~r T~~Y._ rt Johnson. Gad v e ~, ste?~ by step account:~.ng of the pro{^Prilz7'E? {'o~.~.(Jv^7e~ ~~ t'C~E' >Oc1'."~? ~7L'~.Y'.`v,~,?'tj :-~.Y1? City ;47,^YiS.~ertS office -ar:exi €:~ request is ~ria:'e for ~~ ~2earin before the Zoning Board cf ti« ju~;tme_~2t s~abe lue nt to t'•~e ~~eni~.l of a b~ail•uirg perrr:it Yzy the Builair` InCp~cto~^. Mi~. Coc!~rel~ e~~:aii2c? the ~:ifferenc° yn. the function^ of the Zoning aYl'v ~ic?;l.^2Y?~ (:oTtl"1~°~ipn ~.t7~ t'te _Onin~ y0ar~. C:f ~:a,~u5tile?'lt, Stating that ti2e r~~~vic fvnct ion of the ~~or,<~ anc? Planni_~r Coy~:ission is ~ that of a stu,y co.¢ir.i ttee to ct:.ud.y an' hear applic~.tions for a~nenc9- +~~ ?llf'ntS, G'^.~.rt~;eS or TMit7C~..ifiC~t1.0?~S tG t%e basic ZOn7.nv Ordinan.Ce ,~q tin.lll, and ~amem~in` ordinances. r?.fte_'n heax•ing the applicants, L1A the Zoning and Planning CoTil~.ui~uo:l will arrive at a decision to make, cr to not m~~.ke, ~~ recammendatio~l to the City Commission for ~.clendemnt to the Zoning Oz•d.inance, such as crpa.ting a row use district {for~e:4~ re.;i_denti~.l district chan~;e~-'; to ~. commercial district, vtc.). mho purpose of the ''cuing Board. of Vic'. jus t~nent; is to serve as a szfety value for +~he Zot2ing Or+-'inancc itself, bet~Teen officials administering the ~r~in~~nce an;~ the people, ^ctir~g in this fashion by three ~Sle ~nS a} Al:,peal by the applictzn from ;~, rule o.f some official of the city, ~zs~~z~lly the ~uildi ng Inspector. b) ~~ear anc~ act on req~zest for variance to the ordinance. c) Hear and. act orl req?~est for an exception to the ord finance. Follo:~ing ~ hea:rir~g by the Bo.~~-~,a to seek relief, if the property or~,ler is unh~~.pp~% Frith the c~ec~.aion re_~aered., his recourse is to co~a_rt, where a sure-rior court (Bistrict Cnurt) is telling a lower court (Zoning 3aa.:~~:? of yid jt.nstTt=ent) that it Tyrants to look at the testimony ~~n~ then ren~' ors a ~=e~rc? fief . City i`ianager ~Jhitt Johrisori adv.sed t.~e '~oaY~d of some cam-non cases generally heart' by the city~s Toning Board of L~djustment, such as: a) let bae'_•~ lines b) Hear lot coverage c) B~ail~':in~; lines .?) ~ncroach~nents e) Garage apart~r;ents. (reha:~il~_tation, etc. ), iVr. Cockrell stated, trz~t insofar as it ,~r~vs possible for this Board to d.o so, it would. be i~? the best interest of the city for garage apart.~rents to be discouraged, and to take ~, hard loo'_~ at any applications filed with regard to garage apartments. ., \.,. rol'a~~in~ a decision to meet an a re~?t~.~.r ^~ontY~ly b4-~.sis fur some .ninths. in orf?er to bet-ter acr°.~~,int themselves rrrith the f~~nctions of tYie Bo,~rd , ~.l tern~~.te Ne~nhers ~rere rer.~estPc~. to attent~ all Tn£'P,tln~°S a.n.~ T~i'IIeYi neCeS,3al~r r0 SerVE', ~tS '?: ^iesnber the Cryll b8 m<~?e :.1 r;~~~~betCally tr.e fir.~t time, and then. on a rotating basis. ~'Ie~bers of the anin ~a~.r~' of Ad j~astment were ad~rised that they have ~o jurisdi Ct~,o.ri ~?hatsaever aver the fallo.~din~s x) yhC feYlCe a:I'd in~?2"iC^ ~•~ ~-„~, ,~;a - rs,.... r -~ ,+• ~ c ~t ~ tion of sld ewalks ..) ~„e a_,._~~~~~?Ce4. .. ep•al~.~.zn~ the one rt.,c ar.:? d.riv ~~tays . ) Circular c'•rvet~say. e) Plumb:in~ and. C,~a~,= ~a~;e f) r;lert~~iaal Cc~,a~, ... ~; ~ieati.:~, ~ Air Ca:~!di.tionin~; ~egulatikW~ns Jith no fux~ther bta.siF"1B5S to Ca~-ae before the Ba=zr~,~ at thi:,= tine, apan//~~~n°tion duly ~nad.e, secan~? ed :~.nd Cirri ed., the meetirln ad jou_rned at 1`J i 4V y~'~.m. 1 F. Chairman ATTESTS +,%;' Seeretar~