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' : r f ,1^ ~ t ~ .~, _~ .~E~'.~f-1!1•, ~ ., ~~ ._.°.. 1iEO~ OS, x,__ ~ i ?.-. L^. e~ n t,~'1~'. 2aJ v~~iu ..4.car.~ Vert f~J ;y C 2 _s. ~TOt.LYi~~; d0 : ~TUY:@ ~~ ~?.fter discussion .A~ith regard tc r_~rovi lions of the Zoning Ordinance ?ti~hich state that no bu.l•9ing shalt. ?'~e erected. or sty°ucturally altered it violati.en of tine previsions of t.~~e Zonn~; Orrinance; the d_asirabil~.ty of resi.t9ents petition~Y~~ the city Co?r:zr:ission .for some changes to the Zon~.n:~ C`rdi.na?.ce; the l~.ck cf objections by the; con- tiguous property or~-ners and.. t~~e po~,s~.bility of alternate construct- Lon, the fallowing action was taken.~;y the Board.: Mctior~ by Mr. beeves, seconde.*_? by A'r. Jat:?~?s, th~.t '-he ~.pplication filer?.. by rr. ~hom:as Mayor ? inn ,°~otting.~m~, for p~~~rT.~ission to rebuild an exist- in~; l~3' x ?.~' garage in the same location, such being only orie foot from the Trrest property line x~athKer -than the three feet :required by the Zorin~~ O;~dina.r~ce, be denied. ??.nder the following provision cf the r~oning Ordinance: ~ erection ?~ti O - Bistanee from property lines. 110 pq build ~ ng, ar vtructu.re of any kind. shall be co?^struct- C:0 ed or erected tftithin three (3) feet of the rear ar. sidA property l~.ne~ c?n i.nside 7_cts and. on corner lots na hui1~?ing cr. other structures of any kind. shall be cor~;structFvr': or erected within three (3) feet of the rear an~-'._ inside properly lines and ~bithin five (5) feet from a.ny street lot line. TToting Aye : ?''r. '?eeves TToting :~o s Mr. Murphy Mr. Ja}1nS Mr. Smlth C.iazr?nan a:?rphy advised i~r. 1~~~~yor of the decision of ..the ~3oard. In further business Mr . Jahnti re;~uested tYia.t the min~ates of the regu3.ar meeting on Junco 2~, 1g~2, be corrected to show that he voted. against ~*r-.~.nting the ~..?:pl catzon filed by Mr. ~arrr Bryson.. t~Ji th no further bLts°iriess to come before the Board. at this time, upon motion d?zly made, seconded. and. carried., the meeting was ad. j ou.rnec? . Chairman ATTESTs Secretary 1