HomeMy WebLinkAbout06221972 ZBA Minures~'~2 MIr'rTING- OF Z~vI~dG 80.~~?z3 eJF A?JUS y~~~'NT .?t'~~~' ~ 2 , 19? 2 'The ~oninu Loard of Adjustment of the City of ?dest ?7riiversity Plact~ convened- at ? » 3~ p.m. ;~.t the City Hall, with ~,he follow- inv me.mbe,4~s pre°~.~ent. CYiwirman Floyd. ?yTur?~hy, presiding; Memb- ers Tom Smit'r ~;+.~~.r? ~??.ch~~.rc~ ::3i :.ton. a,Z':ernate me?~bers I~ionroe J~.hn~= and Lenard Beeves *v~Te~~re c3esi~;natec? bar the City i~!anager to sit as actin; ~r~e~nbers of the Board. at this meeting c?ue to the resignation. of i!rs. zlirginiry Parrs and. 'r"r. Jim E~~~.nts. Chairman Murph;;~ anno!~nce•~ that the 3oard woul~? at this time hold. t?~:e ~~ub_lic lze?rir~~~ which Tawas called. for this d~.te, rznd for ~nich noti,~;e was maileu= to ~:~11 x~~~ox~erty oYr~ners ~~,~ithin ?OC? feet of the property in ~ue;~tion on ,~T~an~y ~, ~~~2, to consi~'er a Trariance of setback, re~suirE~~r~ents an pro;ra~rty locate+a at F331 ?~zztgers, Appeal No. ?2-~, filed lay I~r. Bwrry Bryson. Tha oard secretary stated that notice of t?~:e p?zbli^. he::a,~in had beer: published ?.n the ~r~est Zone section of the ?ioustr~r. Chronicle on Sun~~a.y, Jca.ne ~, 19?2. T~?r. d3arry Bryson, oT,Tner of the proper. ty, state~3. t,rlat. it was his desire to enclo:,e tine e~xistin~ ?lt x 7' front porch it order to construct tt~ro closets a?nc7 air condition the remaininr~ area. Mr. Bryson presented the T3oax,^ with sketc:^ec shoT~Tin~ the:~proposed aonstructior., the exterior d.esi~n of the house and a p?ot olan show:i.n~; the location on a ~Q' x 15C ~ lot . Photographs presented shoT~red that the porch had. been pU.rtially enclosed with Ced:~,r slats and the additioz7~ of closet space ar~d glass behind tI'iE: Cedar slats wdulfl n.ot change the oz?tszc?e disnens ions of the existing str_ ucture. Iy'Ir. ind ~':rs, Irwin Sawnuels, 6~~~? Bu and. stated. tl~tat it was their. bel3.ef approve? inacrrtzc'ra ~~s ?~Ir. Bryson ha.d white bric'~ house and maf?e ~, lovely stated that it wa.s her opinion t`r~at could:. to encoura~=;e ~~n~? ~~ssist yclan Univers it;r. hers, a.npeared, before the Board that the application sl:ou.ld be taken a very old, unattractive home. I~"rs. Sa?n~z.els further the city should. da all that it r=eople mo~r~_n~ into Glest i? let:ter fr. um i~T~°. F~zul iii. ii~?~cock, 53~~~ ?:izt~;err , st=z.ting that the proposed. enclos~Tre was not objection,a,ble 1~o he or his wife, was presented. to the Board fo~~ their inform~~tion. There bein~~ :-;o f~,.rther. ~?zesti ons by Board. lnem~:ers, Ch~~i_rr_zt~,n Murphy :~dvise~? I~i~Y'. T3r~~soz that tI^.e Roar:'. Thtould go into executive session, and.. ghat he ^cul..d wait for thf 'hoard', decision i.f he so desired . lei r . J^;,' ~;.. J'`i l e f f : t-.'~ e .P.1 e ~'t ~. i~; .`_'•. t t h i ;=~ t ~. roc E± ~ n+r :.ct~.;~n by IMr. ~~i.?ton, ^e~;ondpd by MY~. Smith, that the public hear_ ink: be closc:c~. tJot.7,~ Aye: ~~l.l. Voting ~?os "done r ~> a~c~as•sion stiTith re~~'arc to the ~.g~lication, motion Afte~. ~ener«1 ~~ _.~ by Lr. J~,:~n:~, reconde~d ~y Mr. Hiltan, thaat the ~o~.r~? a,d jo~arn for twenty-fisre ~in~_z*ec -and r~=~.~e :~.n o-r~-site ir~s~ecton of the :^.ou^e ir: or~'er to see v'~.~ ho~~~=e ~_n rersrect?~Te with the surround- in~ nei~~~h~aarhoo~ . ~Tatin;~ Ayf~: J~.hns Vct~i.n~ Na: 1~rith :-.'iltor~ ReezTes :~urphy Fcllawin` dincus~ion 'r*it~ ~'eTard to t?^_e enclosure of the ~o_rch w:Lth vlasv , the ^•a~^,,trUCt;_c?n. of closet space and. the ouerall c'~^'~x`~,1'F;4nL;E? Qf t'.!'.e ~iC1'ui~p i± rtrs~c; thE:' '~`ti'.^.i~~.a?~ of t~Cl! 1a02a-Y'f? t0 T.1'_`d.~:~P. ati-51 tF' insp.~ctiory. "~ L?pon re*:ur,~ the fc~_1oT~i.~?4 ~.^,t or; ~.r~.s t-ken her the ~?o~.r~ . P"odor. by !~.^. ~?i7to:n,, secord~:~' ry ii?". rPezTF:ry, that the ~.~nlica.tion filed. by fir. B=~.r~ry ]3?~yson to e~^c1oG~ <^.n ex~~.st n~ ~l' x 7' porch be 1.~t~r'a'~Tfw'. r `~.;":'a t1?ti', ~~ecistar. of t'riP 73?ail;:.in4 Inspector ~;e ~r'e~TerseCi,. 'Train-f~ t~.ye: HW7.ton Votir~ ~?a: J~~hns ,m; ~,1 ~e e~Te t':a.~ ~'-~:y irir. ?iiJ.ta_z re~taected that, tho m=:,nl7t ~~~ of the re~~al.ar meetira~ of t?:e ~cn1 n` '~oar^ of ~'~' jw.3 t~~erit c?r ".~°:ril l~, ' 97?_, be corrected. to ~hCi'~T ~. rna~i.a~? ~~~? ha.;? 'I^~°, fCw"' ~~?P^.S,^h theZ'f? jar`?s }'1^ .`",eCOnd., rec~UE',St- ~•,~- fihst ~. deci^:~on on the arr? icxrytian. he delayed ~?er.~?in~ a. con- ~~~~ _ _ ference T•sith the C~.ty l~tto.r~,e=. wltki na further r%"Jr'. Y?Cc" t0 ca~F ~=~efare th£' ~O:'+r'' fit t?'21.~ t7.I?le, lzpan 'PattC:l'1 ~?,~1Jr m,dC, ^eCCn~e~ 2an~ C~Z':'i.E'C~, tY?f` meeting: TnTd.S ~.~- Chairman ATTESTS Secretary 1