HomeMy WebLinkAbout04131972 ZBA Minutes9-. I~E?:TT~Fr~ OF :~ONIP,G BCf~iD Cr ADJtTSTI~i~'~'T ~} 'r_nTr 1 , 1.972 _ Al 1,~ Tlie Zcnin~ Bo~.rd of Ad justtner~t Place cozyrered ~,t ? : 30 r1.r?,. at ing members presents Chairman mop: Ss~it'_~ any Pi chard Hilton. was ~Iso present. of the City of jtirest Ur~i~,rersity the ~ity Hall, with fi,he follow- F1oyd. Murvhy, presiding; Members l~Iternate member Nicnroe Jahns T~'r. I~Iurpriy advise? that t'.~is r~aetin~ had beer called for the C~ purpose of hol...ing a pu'~lic he~x.ring ?:n cornectior~ with ax~pli- ~ cations filed. by T~'r. Jay Harri^ an i~:arch ~, 19?2, and Ifr. Dan ~ r~ct~rrxs cn hirch 9, 1;72, ~'or ~~ermissio~~ to utilize J.5' of the rear 2C' of their property for co:~str~action. of rez^ma.nent re- m silence. He st~.ted for the record. that notices had. been mail- e~? to all persons otrrrlwn~ nropErty within 2C?0' of the property in question., ` nc? that notice h~~d been published. i n the outh- ~restern ~'~rg~rs cri Larch 29, 1972. i~i~r. Dawns aclvi sr:d. the Boaz•d t~:~'it hir req~~.e.;t for a variance *.aa predicated on cond.ibons e~-tablished by the City of 13ouston th~.t there :must be a 2C' front setback for m~,ne~avering of ~utcmobileC prior to permission to mike ~, curb cut cn Bissonnet. i~r. Downs also advised that ire addition tc the 20' required. by the City of Houston on the fro?~.t of the property, he ha.d dedi- cated a 61 ease?r!ent on the s.ic~e of his property to the City of West University Place as ~ ,fi.re l~,r.e. i~":r. ;`owns stated that if the variance ?~~.s granted the construction an the rear of the lot would contain. no windo~rs in orr~er_ that privacy of he and his neighbors could be maintained. i~?rs . Virginia. Parks arriv?a at the meeting at this time . T~Ir. Harris a.~.,?~Tised the Board that conditiars on. his property were identical to those explained to the Board. by rnr. -Downs and. that he too would. construct his townhouse T~ri~h a central court- yard and have no Tv~r:ndoUrs on the .rear ~?o.rtion of the building. P1r. Bill Pye, 31C8 tvroxton Aaad, stated. that he was apposed. to the ~;z•anting, of a vari~~nce because it was in opposition to the zoning .r.estrictions of the City of West University Place. Mr. '~va1t Schuler, 3J32, Wroxton, stated. that he v~ras opposed. to the granting of a valiance because of tk~ie close proximity and loss of p~ri~.racy, but .~rould not object if there were no windows in the permanent structure built ?~r.tthin the twenty faot setback. Nr. Jeff Gorbin, 3017 Bissonnet, stated that his objection to the granting of the variance ?Aral the fact that he wa?zld have a possible situation where adjacent to hip; property would. be a house 34' long and. 35' high. ~^r. Corbin. stated. that ?>ahen he constructed. his to4~rr~house .residence he abided by all of the setbac?s lines estab- lished: by the city of Houston ~~nd the City of West University Place and. Ura,s of the opinion that Tyr. T~so=Nns and Ir. Harris would also construct ta~Jrnhouses ~~ithout being gr=anted. a ~,rariance. 7~ ?~1rs. Iilli e Elsu:~, '?A09 ~issornet, stated. ths.t townhouses should. be U.t~ beautif~.~l as passi tale and if the variance vras granter. it ti,-o?zl~a be sa done -~.r':~itraz•i ly inasmuch as evidence had previously beers subm.itte~' to show th~~~t a townhouse could be b~xilt on the prap~~rty ~~;ithaut the variL~nCe. ~Rns, ~'ls~js stated further that she loos op~?osec~ to the =;ranting of the variance because of the displeas~z~^~ of the ~~,join~alg prarerty o?toners to the soutr. who were putting up with townhouses they did. not want in t'.~iQ first place. ors • Marshall 'r~ells, ~0?? ?-;rra~~:tan, sta.terv that construction urith- in the re~.r set b~r,1•; lines wol.zld c?efinitely harm the r_eighba.ring prapert.y and; shP Trrau?.d su~r^~es+, that the ci;;~.~ file a condemnation suit ags.inst the ~~ronerty owners not vtilling to -rant rear access to the rrapcrty. r"r. '~3ct! Renner, ?~_i.2 •~lraxtcr:, ^tated that x~erhars the ot~~er prc- p~;rt~r cTi?n~=rs tfa~~,~~ change the~.r r:in~?s ~rrith regard to the Z.ase of the ~^'e~a.r area, far access if they T~vTc:re advised that ~.? l ~.vPnues h^ve iJe~n~.sXLic~..lAi?t~i~ • c Mrs. R. A. ~0?a:pup, ~03!~ T:dz°oxtan, stolen that in 1qJ~ no one vraG nPrm~ tted to ruil~ an ~~.r~,~rnrnt ~ treet anry that the Townhouse Ordi~zar.ce ?gassed in 1Q6h was ~. com,~ra~I?.se to prohibit commercial. bt?~.lc~.in`s ~1nd ~11C O}?~]f_'CtF=~_ to ?.r'iyT v.~~-I"i~?'ICe to tl':E? !^..a''lln~'' 1^E'strl.Gt- ions established in the Towr'~house Di~~trict. Tr. C~.rroll Rro?~rz~, ?0'~~ ~^TroXton, st~.ted. that ~.t +:he ors ^-in~.~. time a~' re7oni?'1~' cf the ?',~tri ~,'t far tC;frrnrl0'':set', ad ~aCent yesidents ,re~re ass~~?^ed th~~,t the?'e ~.rr1~7~d be re~.r access tc the prc?~Art~r and. ~~~:.t reSidE?nts of t~^e area"i hay? been. rnmi^,^ i.n not r•.,i.vinm further stihdy to the arf? ~ Hance E.,~,+.r,ti.l, nh~.rr the ~7 istr Ct upon its ca-nti~_et- l.on. Mr. '3ra?nTr, f,,rtl';er ;;t~te<? *'hat t'tie same e''tah?.'~Yl~' ^tatutes ~.. t->-~~t ;~•~T7e the a^.:ttv the ri ~ht to ?c~~,r p ~i~rc the c ty the r.r.ht to ..., ~ 4 COndemrl ,Y?'., s }.: ilrr'i. 1?' .. C°~1.r1.2C'_'i 4._ i v ?;b ~t:r. '1G`."_,^, 1~?Z~.7~.t~' `.?t':vtl.~.~ ~?e :i G.r v 9 ~,, ~ /ry :4:~'. ,^~;,,, ,jregory : :"13 R~ K.,,.~:~r~r>et, states:~ tha.~ he '.i y*ec~ ir_ tf.`)?n'.~:.t^I; Jn ~:~!rJ~"i~1£:" .=z:1'' ~i:dam _~'1;y" ~Cw'' ~:~C1^ r7f t~`lf: ~J`3T'"? Y~TCL1~~. not cif feCt Yl" j'"c„-)~A"'''y 7.x'2 +._°: ~),C1" +~;~ 'fib' TA~~' ~~' ~z1Cer"it tC3 r^4?IC~.;r`i~'r ':O'`:ntila'~°i~'!' Cr C»a4 .'µ?C t-xy,-? ~.``! ,~;ri,~•t- n;r s ~ ar ^+ h +~la,r~7. }. }- _. ,.,.,~ ~J rC s,..e. ~e un t e a:,~ . , ~uV t1'?".~ tY'iF? C~..}:.VCr~~~tZr~sY'd u'v7.•y,b~ -.'E°'~~.~~.~ ~a '~;Grl!a^~nrliw.tit~Yt '•`?r0^.£_'.e?`~ir:~;j ?~7aS frig'.fltPnin~~ ~`.:' i1.I%• '~r• ~7cn Oz~v~ul, ;121 Taro:'etcr3, :~t~~t;eu. th~~'; hi: nlCper;;y ^lc' not back Lim a: f,; t'1 ~' v G .. ~1':t:: , c''. u ~ , ~'.? t ~' ' `~ ~ r. _,ii 1rt i c y l ~ ~' ~' : `t" iArall 1":~. ,.~:~. i ._ _ bF ..ief h~.~ _ e e r ~ ~~ t%e -'Yi :a,°^.'~Ylr.viC ii :,-~'+,'~Yl~"G.""° 1C ~",~tr~r1~" a ~r'~'.l UCrOec ~vsn r~3ar of .u ~,,, ..~ ~ _~ v ~, _, z- J _. } the ,)rapert,~T aw r c~~~tl be~`'i.n~''. ;'. re ~,? ence • 1L ,J.t11 na 1 ~7„A_L~e~' ?.?7 :J NOd .i't~'~ ~:'~r`i~~.`u' va L:. _. ~. _ 11i1ta:Cl, ,`>eCC:`i~'~e.a. ~?y i^• aIT?? the thn ~'-i?TIP. , t~':CS U rtes cn} ?4~F'~'~a ?,.7?ri _ et.'; t, nxecut7_ve >e~sio : end ~~ro'~ 1,~ a<avi se be '~ea~^d , ~xpan -rat:~.an by i~r. he_=~'ar_? vr~~s Closed-. 1?t this h~.t t.-Ie Bard ~rao?z1.d ga into thas~,: tl^x`3.t Cared.. to ^?al t t0 wall O'.'' "~:;Y:e -'~.eCs:Mara Cf t'.~AC ~a'a.rG. Co:~sideration *~Jas viven by the Roard to tree provision of the Pcwers of a Zoning :?card of ~c~justment which states, "The potti*er to gr~.nt variances is i i„m~ +~er' ~~y th- words "unnece^U~~ry hardship" to providing a reasonable use for ~ specific lot having unique characteristics, Ttih_ere the Zoning Ordi~?ance air applied. to that l.ot would. be confiscatory by .m~.l~cin~; it practically worthless because pct permitting any reasan~zble use of the lot." Conside:~f~tion was also given to the a~~~risabili.ty of requesting the Cit~T N±an~:ger to seek ad.ditioral re:~edies from the City of Houston witr. regard. to ingress and. egress onto sissonnet, and to peeking additional. advice fro!n tre City ~.tterney. ~ ~-otion by Chairman Murphy, secondec by I~7r. Smith, that the appli- ~ cations filed b~- I`ir. .~~'an i~owns and. i~2r. Jay Harris, for permission ~ to utilise 15' cf the roar 2Cr of their x~ro~erty for permaneiZt pq construction, be app~~^oved. jlot..ng dye: Ivr. i~~urph~r ~.nd P~r. Smith ~Joting "~To : r~~ . Parka , Dr.. ~ahns and ~'r. silton 1 It was, therefore, staled by tho ~3oard that the applications be denied. and. the participants in the public hearing so advised.. With no further business to come before the Board. at this time, upon motion d~al;T made, seconded. and. carried., the meeting was ad journed at I0:5~ p.m. Chairman ATTEST: Secretary 1