HomeMy WebLinkAbout08191971 ZBA Minutesf 7 R~' 7UL4R i~E:~TI~~T^ OF ZC!1TIi'v'G BOliF~?? OF AT}JtTSTTriENT AU~:~U~T 1~, 1971 The Zoning: Board cf «d juctment foz' the City of ~~est university Place coi^~ver_ed in regal=?r se~~io;? ~': the City i-iall on Thursday, August 19, 1_~'?1_, 7 ; 34 p.m. T~ri.th the following members present s Virginia Parks, Jima T?bank:= o.nd Ta.m STrith. Alternate *nembers Monroe Jahns and Lenard. Ree~~es were designated to sit as act- i ng members of the ~ioar_c': at this meetin~° ~t~s it eras determined. that a glzorum wolzl_d r<ot be ava i l.~.ble . City Attorney Ch:~rler Cockr. e1'l_ met with the Bo~:~rd advising that ~ the firs} order of blsinesA srrou.ld be the election of a tempor- any cri~,.irman i nasrrizch :~.s Chairman. Floyd. N~u:nphy ?eras hospital- .- ~ izerT as `? :resjllt of an a?zton?ohi.le accident. m Motion by i~Tr. ?~b<~.nks, seconded by h?r. Cmith, that hrs. TTirg?nia Par's be electef? to nerve a~; ter?por~~.ry chairman of the Zoning .~oar1:,?, of ~^~d-j~a.str2en~t :~urin~; the absen^e of. Clz~irm~,n Floyd r1~r.C (!u • TToti.ng Ayes 11.1 Voting No : None T+'r. Cockrell ~aa~=~sed the ?3oar.:~ th~.'~ their only puxpose --~na act- ion was to make a :~ecisio?^; to ?-rant or deny the request filed. by Mr. N`ilton Sch~rartz for o. re-he~.ri ng for the p?~rpose of granting a variance to perzrit the oiler°ti.on of s4 pharm.^,cy in the Clinic Office Buildin` under construction on Bellaire Pou?.evard. 1'~?r. Cockrell fY_~^t?~,er ~~-d~,rised that i.f the Boar?. Uri.shed to grant the ~.. request the n^r?nal Board proced?.~re for. calling ~ Pw7~blic TTearing would. be folZo~red. IArit?^ tuber legal notice and notification to all p,-roperty o ~rnerr I~''± thlny e. ~QQ t r~ d i,zc . Te?nperary CY~~.i„~nan tT rt~ini ~ P-Arks th+~n called the meeting to order atria stated. that she IaTauld. Pntertain a -~otioz? teat the request far d. re-y:E^.ring fC_C` t'I~' "?I~r)pSe of grrn.ting a V~.rlanCS to permit the operation of a rharrn~.cy ir_ they C~_i.l^3_c Office B~,~ilding under con- ctrl~Ctian rJ':? n{_~ i"'.~.rC-' Ba~;levat~:i be c~:r31'?r{3Tred or denied. ?ration by PTr. re~v~:s, seconde-' by fir. Smith, that tx1c req~w~est for ~. 2'e-'lleaZ'1Y1z; be d enied. 1T,'~.Sllil'-.Ch :`-'.~' n^ Y'~f:ti ~'Z'Id.e?:i:e jc;.d UeeYl Sub- uittei~ ~t.T'id ~'~~,'rE' h<'?'~ been 27C? L,~"Cn~eS ice,. tl'1C CirC12'"rtanceS affect- ing tY:e nr^~P~Prty. TTCtin~: °iye: T?~P~~t',c, c,,,.".th, ~T.:.~'?'n^ send P~_"kc a ba ~: ~.: ~~f'ter f??rt:er dir~c'.zsSian witYi rC-ga,?.'d '.C: t'r'_P. intent- ar~r7 purpose of t~~e Zoning -end ptannin~; Commi^^ icr^ ryt the tune the property I~ras re-zoned. from Sir~g:?_e Family '~~r-~11 ir~g to Professional anr? Office Bui'.din,y rie',-rict; ~y.1e~ general r•eWcticns of the neighboring re•- silents and. the l.ac'~ of ~'ard;~hi p -;.z'?d „ustificat ion.. on the part of the owner, the T'a~rd -,T~.s ..~~~ isc a ':-y the City Attorney that it Itioula be ~;ro?Fr ~>nd fir. co-nplete comr? fiance ~~rith the Ru1F.s of Procedure cf tY:e Zoning hoard. of Ad. ju:~tmerit tc make a motion to grant the req`:~.:st fora re-he~~rin~ in order for the minutes of ~'~•~ ,e~,tiY~ ~~° ref? eat t~.~:~~ s»o~~i ~aCt? orl x~rv~~ ~en~.e~' ~y fr„zr ~rc~te~. 1'L ~-1.C ri ' Tr..r. T` 1r~^ <~ ~ !~ ~rt Tri T r.± i- t- y+ r~- ` .~~_ ~y ~~~... ~i~a.r~r>_.} , »,c.o~~- ed ,~ _,.:.. ~ ahn.. , th.~. he e,~ao ~t for :.-.. 7'U~-'f`.v'r?'I.21~" f~.?-£:~~ ~i.?y' i"r. .~_.m~C7r ~CzV:ci.r~~. U;I ~E'1'ld.~ i Gf Lr. 1~Orr~S . Z:+'~`sC7';ti, or *'"f_ i,~zr,lo~'~' Uf~'r=~nv3.r; s~. v~r~.in.ce tt7 ?~er.~Tlit she ur.:eY ~Fti ~r: of =~G ~~h~.r~~_aC;~ i~ t:e vI~ t~.._ C~~; CU ~?tzi?_^ i.n~; nn~~, und:i_r COL1~'r2^1.tC ~C~1 UY; ~~~ ~-3.1.'"E` rG'ti~e?T::r.=.-1 Y~~r ~r;~~Y:,'C('C~ . tr~a-~r~ ryTo. ~eev~~~, Sru~t;'_~, P,~rks and vahn .~ , ~~ ~o ~, ~thpr 1~~'~~~ie~~ '-~ cor~~e ?~e°ore the ~o~r~ ,. „ th..s , ~~U:~ TIaC~~ C~~ ,?tA~, f 7'I~sr?s~+ c~?f;nn~.G(' :.~'_'''~. C~>T"r.Gu., ~lE' )IiUf:t1.~'ln; =1~? ~Olir:1- Chairman ATTEST: Secretary 1 1