HomeMy WebLinkAbout05271971 ZBA Minutes1 v0?~JIJG B01`iRL v~' l~LJUSTMENT MEETING MAY 27 ~ 1971 The Zoning Board. of Adjustment of the City of West University Place convened- in .regular session at the City Hall on Thursday, Pray 27, 1971, 7 ~ 3C p.m. with the folloin~ing members present Temporary Chairman Floyd. Murphy, presiding; Members Parks, Beeves, Hilton and Smith. The application doc'_Teted 71-1, filed on t~pril 14, 1971 by Mr. Jesse Hickman, 3777 Arno ld., was submitted. to the Board-for. con- di sideration at this time. The Board was advised. that necessary legal notice of public hearing had been given by publication in ~ tYie West Zone Section of the ~io~.zston. Chronicle on May 13, 1971, ~ and. by mail to all property owners witti~in 200 feet of the pro- m perty on March 14, 1971... Mr. Hickman appeared.. before the ~soard in behalf of his applicat- ion for permission to construct a two-car carport with two (2) three (3-+) inch in diameter posts to be erected. in the three (3) foot building line on the west side of the lot, said. posts to be located. within 18+t of the west lot line. A survey plat of the property way; submitted for the Baard.'s in- formation. Mr. Eiickman stated. he needed. the carport for weather protection for his cars and that the driveway curved in order to extend to the front opening of the gara~-e which is located. on the 3' set back Line required. by the Zoning Ordinance and. the posts needed to be placed.. in the set-back to allaw clearance for his cars to park in front of the garage. 2'he ~_egal description of the property is Lot ?, Block l Sunset Terrace Addition, Section 7 City of West University Place, Texas Mr. Murphy read. a letter from iar. R. 0. Mangum, 3770 Arnold, stat- ing he had. rlo objection to Mr. Hickman's application. Mr. and 1~rs. George E. Kluppel, 3783 ~~rnold, who ,reside .next door to the applicant, objected to the exception because of car exhaust fumes entering their home when cars started. a.nd stopped. at their bedroom window ;here the carport kTould be located.. Mr. Kluppel also stated. Mr. .Hickman had. requested. him to .move a long standing fence which encroached. on his (i~r. Hickman's) praperty, back to the property line, whic'.e he had none and he believed. Mr. Hickman should be required. to abide by the ls,t~r a.s set ou.t in the Zon9.ng Ordinance. Mr. and. I~rs. H. E. =~.de, 5812 Auden, Mrs. P. W. Schumacher, 5832 Auden, Hatti Tobey, 5822 Auden, Mr. and. Mrs. T. P. Blackstone, 5804 Auden, objected to the application because they believed. if Zoning Ordinance provided, far set backs they should. be adhered to and no exceptions ms.de. -~ There k~ein~ _no fFzrthe.-~ c~~aect ons from the Bo~.rc? , motion by i~r. Hilton, seco~lde;~ ry Mr. T~eeves, that pLZblic he?.rin~ be close'. Votins~ Aye: A11 ''Toting, Teo: T7one After disc~.z.ssior, the fo7.lotain.g action. t~,^r taken by the '~o~rc7: iti~ot~.on b~J Mr. Reeves, th.zt nr~pl~:.c~t,'~,on doc?~.~tecl 71-1, from Jesse Hickman, '777 Arno~.~ , ~'or permission to construct ~. two- cf~r. carport with tT,~o (~) three () inch in diameter Hosts to be erecte°1 .n the the#~¢ (3) foot set. bacl> Lire re~u~.re~ by the 7,r~'ll.?1¢' ~~''~ ~ n~.:'?Ce `1'.''_? #.;he ~K~o=t~ nPP ~~?~a to re X)~.`~Ce~ In t}"ie SL~t- baclr to al oTiv' clear_~nce for hi r c~.rs to x~ark~ in front of his ,~.ara~e, be aenie~, ~anc'er the fo?.lo~r~.ng prcvisior of_ the Toning Ordnance: Section 2~ (3) - uistance fz'om nr~;p:erty lines . i~?o b,.zi?.c? s.n~ o~' s tr~actu.re of any xin~ shall be constru- ^~ e~ or erected v-ithin three (~) feet. of the rear or ~i~'e ri~"cperty i'n~;~ on i.nsi~'~e ~!_ots anc? on Corre2 lots no ?„~il~in~ or othe-~ ^trzacturec of ^ny 1~in shy,?.?, be ^on;?trt~rtea ^?^ ereot;o~ Tfr?.~;h~n~ t'~T'ee (~) feet cif t'hF; re?.r and. ?.ns~ ~' e property ~ roes nn~ Trrlth- i ri. fit*e l r) ~^~:et f~'om ~~.ny street 7.ot Zine. ~iowever, this sh~?i. not ~.pr1.y to a rorcrete `aT~lk or a concrete ~?ri~rev'a~J on sid•~ property lines, but shali~ arply on thr r4~f~a" '.?~"~reti'ty ~elnes . ~roti ~,~ A~7e s A?.1. Voting Sic : ~~vone xn f ~ ~ she ~,z.~.~_~t:?S,~ , .?~ . Floyd .:.. ;y, ~ < .~ e~.ec ~i.~w. ~~e~m~.nen , c~~air~zaz: of the `~o3<in~ ~o~:~~'~ of 'w~.just'rE,n;. ?~~y Accl.a.m~~.tion. Tt:er" ~:'ei'.'3!~' nof'~~^t1n~r b4,a.S!`z~'~:>."-. t0 Cat"e b~fC??"+.? t:^.~.' ~o^•?"~ cdt t~"ti ti~:e, ~.zporiwirotian c'.~?l.y r.~tir~e, seccr.~e--? ,,nr~ c~yrie~, t?ae meeting adJoz.trnF~ . Chairman ATTESTS Secretary 1 1 1