HomeMy WebLinkAbout02251971 ZBA Minutesi~~ ZONING ??OARI~ OF A~JUSTMF~IT FET3RU~~RV 25, 1?71 The Zoning ~3oarc?. of adjustment contrened on Th»rsday, February 25, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the fol~owing members present: Temporary ~harr?an Floyd. i~~arphy, presiding; members ~vT. J. 'banks, Jr. , Richard Iiiltan, `tom Smith ~.nd :hrs. Jerry Parks, and. alternate members Ncnroe Johns ~.nd. Ien~,r. d Ree ties . P^rr. i~'i?zrphy anno-:~nced that t'_ce n~arpose of the meeting was to select ~. permanent meeting d_~.te and. to discuss in general the duties and functions of the Zoning Bo~.rd of Adjustment. After general discussion the ~3oard se2Pcted the third. Tharsday of each month as its reg?zlar meeting date. t~lith no further basness to come before the Board. at this time, upon :motiari duly Yaade,, seconded. and. carried, the ?Heating ?aas ad jo?zrned.. Chairman ATTESTS Secretary 1