HomeMy WebLinkAbout03171969 ZBA Minutes MEETING OF ZONING BOARi~ OE .ADJUSTMENT Mr1$CH I^r , 1gE~g The Loning Board.. of Adjustment of the City of West University Flace convened. in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 17, 19~9- 7~3C p•m., with the following members present: Chairman Livermore, presiding; member Whenthoff and. alternate members Scott. and ~~7aldt . The application docketed. 69-I, filed. on March 3, lgbg by Mr. L. W. Adams, 272 Cason., was submitted. to the Board. far consideration at this time. The Board. was advised that necessary legal notice of public hearing had been given by publication in the Houston Post on March 7, 1869, and. by mail to all property owners within 200 feet of the property on March 6, lg6g. Inn. Adams :~.ppeared before the Board in behalf of his application for permission to relocate two (2) posts approximately 2 3/8" in dia- ~eter, supporting an aluminum carport which is attached. to a de- tached garage, said posts to be located- within 12" of the east lot line. Mr. Livermore advised that statements received , from the following residents expressed. ap proval of I~r. Adams ~ re~ iaest Mrs . 5 . H.. Collins L. T. ~nlalker Mrs . Sybil Wa jecki 2732 Cason 271.1 Cason 2?36 Cason Betty K. Manning Miss. Lena Bum~.r T~. M. Denny 2726 Werlein 2717 Cason 2740 Werlein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Casey H. H. Craven xa. W. Bibens 271 Cason 272< Cason 2729 Cason Ernest B. Golding Mrs.Tee7. Standifer Mrs. L.V. VonStone 2721 Cason 2724 Cason 2'736 '~lerlein Allyne Hayes Wm. Schmidt,Jr. ~?. B. Coffman 2719 Werlein 2,718 Talbot 2733 Cason Mr. Adams state^~ that the construction of the carne t would. provide easier access to his g '~.ra~e arld_ t~Tould also provide a patio area for lawn furniture. Mrs. Ernest B. Golding, 2721 Cason, stated. that she resided. next door to Mr. adams and had. bes~n assured that the construction would. be constructej3 for p~Hoper drainr-age -end that she h~.d no objections. Mr. Ja:n~es Hall, 2740 Cason., advised the Board. that he had. no object- ions to the olanne~7 construction and was confident i t would be an addition to the neighborhand. There being no further, questi ons by ?~oard members, ~`r. Livermore a~?visAd. Mr. Adams that the Board.vaould go into executive session, and. that he would be adviCed of their decision. Mr. Adams left the meeting at this time. After discussion, the following action was taken by the Board: Motion by Mr. :Scott, seconded. by Mr. ~~tnenthoff, that the request of Mr. L. 61. Adams be granted under ;provisions contained in the zoning ordinance which state, "~~Ther~ in its judgment the public convenience and. welfare wi7.l be substantially served., a.nd the appropriate use of neighboring property wi11 not be substantially or permanently injured., the Board of ti3justment may, in specific cases,' <~fter public notice and hearing and subject to appropriate conditions .:xnd safeguards, authoriz? Gpeci?.1 exceptions to the regulations herein established. as follows....(6) Permit such modif- ications of the .yard or open snare or lot area or lot width regulat- ~ ions as may be necessary to ~;ecu.re appropriate improvement of a ~ parcel of land. where such parcel was separately owned. at the time ~ o.f the passa~Te of this ordinance, a:~d is of such restricted. area *~ that it cannot be appropriately improved. without such modification. Vcting Aye : All SToting ~Jo : Plone There bei.n~ no further business to come before the Board. a.t this time, upon motion d~a1y made, second e,? and carrie~~, the meeting was ad j ourned . Chairman ATTEST: Secretary 1