HomeMy WebLinkAbout06171968 ZBA Minutes~} ,;,TT,,vTFc 0~~" ZO'VTII~'+:x ?3C~_HL7 CAF ~.LJtJSTPlENT i,.~.v JU~~' 1~,, 1968 The Zcning Board. of Ad just~ner.t c•.crvened in regular session at the City 'mall ".t ~ :3G p.m. , i~or:day, Jane 17, 1968, with the following tt1embers ~,rese~nt: Chairnan Livermore, presiding; Members Niurff, '~Y.eeler and. +IhPr.~tho~'f . ~ lternato wxember `~Tald.t was also present. Chai~^man L~.vermore a.nno~anced that a public hearing had_ been called. for 7:3G p.m. tc consider T'oc1zet loo. 6R-6, filed on ~~ay 13, 1968 by Mr. R. 11. ui~•by, 643 Buffalo Cpeed.way. ue stated. treat notice cf heryring ~.af~ beer_ published. in they ~?ewslife aectien of the uouston Chronicle on ~N'ednesda~T, tiny 29, 1968, and. notices ~n.ail.ed to all property ottirners ~rtithin ~ (? feat of the x~roperty on June 3, 1968. Chairmen Liver~:.cre advised. that a loiter had been received from i~ir. ~3obert Whitehead, F~~??.? Buffalo ~peed7ti*r.y, stating that he endorsed the :plan of Pir. Kirby to build. ans? reccmmended that the Board. give the necessGLry authori2a.tior:. ~'~ letter from. ~'r. J. a. N`c Clain., 642E Vanderbilt metre+et, ire which ho expressed strong opposition to the proposed constr~cticn was also read. CY-:air~r~an Liver~ncre ad- vised. that a telerhone call. had. been received. from Rirs. B. L. Jones, Jr., 64.21 Buf~'alo SppedwagT, ad.visi:n.g thu.t she had n.o objections to the pl<tns ~ro~?osod by Ter. Kir'r~y. Mr. Kirby appeared. before the Boa~•d in behalf of his application, stating that it was his desire to m~-.ke additzans to his property cer~sistir~ of threw phases : Phrase 1~, to convert an existing; 2G' x 18' garage into living quarters with 1G' x_ 1G' bed_roar.:, plus bath, and. one ~.dditior:al 1G' x 1R' bedroom with complete kitchen facil- ities. Fhase 2, to construct a 2^' x 24' al.uminu~ carport to be attacYied to the living qua~~ters and. face ~3uffalo upeedway. Phase 3, to construct on the rear, of the living quarters a 20' ~ 8' totally enclosed room for the purpose of ctori.ng lawn mower, garden tools and. household. e~uipmerxt. r~r. Kirby further stated. that the need for separate living: quarters was to afford. care far atwenty- six year old. semi-invalid. con that is wholly dependent upon a houGe- keeper in tY:e absence of the family, and.. privacy for the sor,. inas- much as there are three young girls (ages 14, 2.-~, and. 6~) also in the family. lair. and. Mrs. Delaney, 6413 Vanderbilt, appeared. before ire Board. and. stated they had been advised that an apartment was to be con- structed for rental purposes. Chairman Livermore explained. the application fileld by Nir. Kirby stating that the _oroposed construct- ion mould. not constitute rent property. l~r. and. Nrs. Delaney then stated. that they had. no objections to the construction_ for the pur- poses as requested. in the application. Mr. ?c Nlrs. Johnny Lomax, 6428 Vanderbilt, appeared. before the Board and. stated. that they had been denied a permit to install bathroom facilities in an upstairs garage room and. it was their opinion that all such requests should. be der_ied. if one request was refused.. Mr. 1 '~ C~ 1 Kirby~s situation was explained to N:`r. and Dirs. Lomax and. they withdrew their objections. Chairman Livermore advised. those present that the Board. would. go into executive session at this time and.. arrive at a decision based on the facts presented. to them. It was agreed. by members df the Board. that Mr. Kirby had. a definite problem and. all were in sympathy with him. It was further agreed that similar. requests had.. been received. to provide care for aged. parents, and any application for the. construction of separate living quarters would. constitute a direct violation of the single-family occupancy provision of Zoning Ordinance No. 1.11. After discussion concerning a possible solution the Board. took the following action; Fiction by Mr. Waldt, seconded. by r"r. ~lheeler, that the application be denied for the reason that it would constit- ute a direct violation of the single-family occupancy provision of Zoning Ordinance Ne. 1.11 and. the recommendation be made that Mr. Kirby investigate the feasibility of constructing the proposed. addition as a portion of the existing; living quarters. There being no uponmotion duly at 8 s l~ `p.m. Voting Aye: All Voting Nos None further business to come before the Board. at this time, made, seconded and. carried., the metting was adjourned. Chairman 1 ATTEST: Secretary