HomeMy WebLinkAbout05021968 ZBA Minutes`- ~'~ MINUTES OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MAY 2, 1968 The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place convened. at 7:3Q p.m. at the City Hall, with the following members present: Chairman Livermore, presiding; Members Neighbors and Murff. Alternate Members Scett and. Wald_t v~*ere also present. Chairman Livermore annour.ce~? that the public hearing called for 7:30 p.m. would now begin. He advised that the notice of public hearing had been legally published. in the regular section of the Houston Chronicle on Saturday, April 20, 1.968 and. that notices ha.d been mailed. on April 19, 1968 to all property owners within 200 feet of the property under consideration. He stated. that the public hearing Uaas called to give consideration to the applicat- ion bearing :Cocket No. 68-~ filed by St. AndrewTs Presbyterian Church on March 22, 1968, requesting an exception to the zoning ordinance to permit use of Lot 1-C, :33ock 89, W.U.P. Second. Add- ition for parking purposes for the church. Chairman Livermore read. the folLowi.ng provision contained. in the zoning ordinance, under which the Zoning: Board. of Ad_ justment would'. have the author- ity to grant the request: "Section 34, Article (2), paragraph t51, Special Exceptions: ''T~Then in its judgment the public conven- ience a.nd welfare will be substantially served. and. the appropriate use of neighboring property will not be substantially or perman- ently injured., the Board of Adjustment may, in specific cases, after public natice and. hearing and subject to appropriate condit- ions and. safeguards, authorize special exceptions to the regulat- ions herein established. as follows: --- (5) Permit in any district such modification of the requirements of these regulations as said. Board. may deem necessary to secure an appropriate development of a lot where adjacent to such lot on ttnro or r~xore sides there are build.- ings that d.o not conform to these _regulations. Mr. Percy Gentle Appeared before the Board in behalf of the appli- cation of. the Church, stating that they desired to purchase and. pave Lot l-C, Block 8g, WUP Secor_d Addition, far church parking p~irposes. Mr. Gentle pointed out to the Hoard.. that parking regu- lations had. been changed. on B'~affalo Speedway and. church member. ;s could. no longer park there on Sunday morning. Mr. Gentle stated that the acquisition and. pav~.ng of this 90 x l,~Ot lot would provide parking spaces for approximately eighty ver:icles. N?r. George Ga~.MS appeared before the Board. and' stated_.'~hat pav~.n~,- this property ~~culd enable them to provide better drainage for their air conra:i.ti.onin,g towers as well a.s storm. water. Chairman Livermore noted. that no correspondence, either written ar by telephone, had been received.. by the Board_ for or against the application by St. And.rew's P~•ev.byterian Church. 4~ 1 There being n.o further persons desiring to be .heard., the following action was takens ^~otion by ;Ir. ?Vei~hbors, seconded. by Mr. Scott, that the public hearing be closed.. Voting lye s All d~ ?~ OG Voting No : A'one Chairman Livermore advised. those present that the Board.. would go into executive session following, the second.. public hearing and. arrive at a decision bases? on the f~.cts presented. to them. Chairman Livermore declared ~, ten-minute recess before calling the second public hearing to order. Chairman Livermore announced.. that the public hearing called. for 8s00 p..m. would. now begin. He advised. that the notice of public hearing had been legally published. in the regular section of the Houston Chronicle on Saturday, April 20, 1968 and. that notices had. been mailed. to all property owners within 200 feet df the property under consideration on April 19, 1968. He stated. that the public hearing was called. to give consideration to the application bearing Docket No. 68-5 filed b~ri~~est Uraivorsity Baptist Church on April 18,.1968, requesting an exception to the zoning ordinance, to permit them to construct a recreational and. activities building and. Sunday school space on Lots 6,7,8 and 9, Block 19, College View First Addition using a 5' front building line set-back. Chairman Livermore read. the following provision contained. in the zoning ordinance, under which the Zoning Board of Adjustment would. have the authority to grant the requests "Section 30: Article (2), paragraph (5) Special Ex- ceptionss "tr7hen in its judgment the public convenience and welfare will be substantially served. and. the appropriate use of neighboring property will not be substantially or permanently injured, the Board. of Adjustment may, in specific cases, after public notice and. hearing and.. subject to appropriate conditions and.. safeguards authorize special exceptions to the regulations herein established. as follows --- (5) Permit in any district such modification of the requirements of these regulations as said. Board may deem necessary to secure an appropriate r~evelopment of a lot where adjacent to such lot on two or more sides there are buildings that do not con- form to these regulations. :~Ir. Ke11y Gaffney appeared before the Board. in behalf of the appli- cation of the church. Mr. Gaffney presented. drawings showing the proposed construction, present buildings and. the buildings that would be torn down to make room for the proposed. buildings. He stated. that full utilization of the property, ~.zsing a ~' front building line set-back, would, enable the church to build. adequate facilities for church activities. Mr. Loys Vest Appeared before the Board. ar_d stated. that the changed construction plans had.. been a result of "tight money" and. that it was an economic move on the part of the church. He further stated that some additional parking area will be gained by tearing down of the wooden buildings now being used. by the church. Chairman Livermore noted. that a letter had. been received from Mr. William Gertner, 3826 Amherst Street stating that he objected. to the 5' building set-back inasmuch as a resident would not be granted i such a request. Mr. Livermore also noted. that telephone calls had. been received. from Mrs. Garland. Voorhees, 3811 Amherst and. Mrs. H. 3. Clar, 381 Amherst, stating their objections to the 5~ buil.d- in2 set-back and that it was their thought the property should be used. for parking purposes rather than building construction. Mr. and Mrs. .. F. Gay, 3x32 Amherst, appeared. before theBoard. and stated. they had na objections to the building, but it was their thought that the church srbould. use the same set-back as all other buildings in the city in order to maintain uniform appearance in all areas. Mr. Gay further stated. that some provisions should be made for additional parking facilit~.es. Mr. and. Mrs. Lon Kavana?~gh., 3821 Amherst, appeared before the Board and stated. they had no objections to the construction of the bu3:ld= ings,.but belietired they should conform to the established. building lines. Mrs. Kavanaugh requested. that something be done with regard to the parking facilities in order t'rdat residences on Arriherst Street will not be blocked. during church services. R?rs. Charles T. BocTr, 383 Amherst, appeared before the Board. and.. stated. that sYie thot~~;ht the church shout=~. have to use the same build- ing lines a~: everyone else. There being no further persons decira.ng to be heard, the following action. T,~Fas ta,'~ers: Plotion by Mr. Neighbors, seconded by Mr. Murff, that the public hearing be closed. G'oting Ayes A11 ?Toting; No : None Chairman Livermore a~~?vised. those present that the Board would. go into executive session anc~ arrive at a deci lion b.~,sed on the facts presented. to them. Zt was agreed. ths.t St. .~~nd:~•ewts Presbyterian Church definitely had. a need. for additional parking facilitie^ and. it ~*~s ~.lso agreed that the additional parking; are:-~ wolzl.cl r. elieve some of the on-street parking: on Sundays. It was further agreed that the use of neighbor- ing property would. r_at re subctanti~l7_y or. permanently injured. by the granting of this request, anc~ that the public welfare and. con- venience would. be substantially served., if the request were granted. Fiction by Mr. Neighbors, seconded by Mr. Hollis, that the Zoning Board of Ad just?~ent grant an exception to the ze~2irk ordina~..ce to s.l.).ov~r Lot 1-C, Block ~9, y~'est University Place Second. Add.itian to be used for po.rkin~- purposes, subject to actual purchase of the property b;r ML. ~;dreT,~:s F,resbyteri~.n Church., irl accordance with provisions of ths~ zoninfiJ ordinance contained, in Section. 3Q, Article Voting Ayes All Voting i`7o : mane zt was agreed. th;~t ~n'est Univer.ss.ty Baptist Church could. utilize the available propPrt~* for proposed. construction to a better ad- vantage using a 5' front building line setback and that the use of neighboring property woaAlrt ~~:~~ t;e substantially or xermaner~tly 1 1 4~ 1 C7 d~ S CYa CO itju-red. 'cy the gr~.nting of this request, and that the public con- venience and. welfare TA?oul~? be substantially served. if the request were granted , motion by NIr. T~'urff, seconded by fir. ~nlald.t, that the Zoning Board. of ~~d justment s?:ran+: ar excepti.on to *~he zoning .ordinance to allow a 5' front build.in.g line set-back on Lots 6, 7, 8 and Q, Block 19, Co liege View First: addition and to cross buildings lines on said. lots in accordance with rrovisions of the zoning ordinance cont- ained. in Section. 30, ~'~rticle (2}, p~.ragraph (K} and. plans pre- sented to the Laard. `Toting .dye. :ill Voting ~To: done There being no further busine~s to come before the Board at this time, upon motion dv.ly made, seconded. and .carried, the meeting was adjourned, at 8:~0 p.m. Chairman 1 ATTEST: Secretary