HomeMy WebLinkAbout09191979 ZBA Minutes[] 1 REGULAR MEETING ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SEPTEMBER 19, 1979 The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place convened in regular session at the City Hall on Wednesday, SEptember 19, 1979, 7:30 p.in., with the following members present: Chairman Doughty, presiding; Members Billings, Commander, Fougerat and McCandless. Alternate member Dorothy Rieger was also present. Chairman Doughty introduced himself followed by other members of the Board and ascertained from the secretary that proper notice of meeting had been posted in the City Hall. Motion by Mr. Billings, seconded by Mr. Commander, that Public Hearing on appli- cation docketed #79-12 from Richard L. Chambers to construct a metal carport roof to project 5 ft. past the front building line at 3715 Tangley, be opened. Chairman Doughty ascertained from the secretary that notice of public hearing was published in The Suburbia-Reporter on August 29, 1979 and letters to property owners mailed on September 4, 1979 and administered the oath to all those in the. audience desiring to speak on the application. 35 Mr. Chambers presented a sketch showing plans for the proposed carport and stated that he desired to extend the rooft 5 ft. into the front yard in order to cover the entire car; that the columns were behind the building line and that it would be constructed of corrugated metal and fire proof; and that it would also provide a walkway from the carport into the house which would be protection from the weather. The following information was elicited from Mr. Chambers during discussion and questions from Board members; that there is not a garage or carport at this time; that a portion of the area which had previously been the garage was enclosed and taken into a new study; that the roof of the proposed carport would be flat and only slightly tilted for drainage; that if application denied he would build car- port in accordance with codes of the city; that generally the front setback of the other houses on the block is 25 ft.; that the supports would probably be metal possibly wood clad; that the carport would not touch the existing structure and would be guttered between; that there is an existing driveway but that he eventually plans to enlarge for two vehicles from the house to the street.; that there would be four supports and the roof would be cantilevered with a structural beam. Mr. Chambers also showed photographs of the existing area and that the proposed carport would not completely cover two vehicles across, but would cover the outside vehicle on the driver's side so that a person would be protected going into the house. He also presented photographs of several residences in the city with projections and stated they fell into three classifications: (1) projections of air conditioning units (2) open porches and (3) one actual carport; and that he likened his proposed carport roof to a porch. Mr. Doughty advised Mr. Chambers that each application must stand on its own merit and other structures do not set precedents. Mrs. Elizabeth Mosny, 3706 Tangley, stated that remodeling Mr. Chambers had done to his property had only enhanced the property and the neighborhood and she would not questions anything he wanted to do; that he would not do anything which 36 would adversely affect the neighborhood and that she spoke also for two other neighbors on the block. Building Inspector Perry stated that he had denied Mr. Chambers a permit for the construction because only an open porch may extend into the front yard in accordance with the zoning ordinance. In answer to a question, Mr. Perry stated that a twelve inch overhang was allowed on a garage or carport in the side setback in accordance with the Southern Building Code. Motion by Mr. Billings, seconded by Mr. Commander, that public hearing be closed. Voting Aye: Billings Voting No: None Commander Doughty Fougerat McCandless Mr. Chambers indicated that he had something to add to the information already given.. Motion by Mr. Billings, seconded by Mr. McCandless, that public hearing be re- opened. Voting Aye: Billings Voting No: None Commander Doughty Fougerat McCandless Mr. Chambers stated that the carport had been designed by a structural engineer. Mrs. Mosny stated that she would give Mr. Chambers carte blanche to do anything he wanted. Motion by Mr. Billings, seconded by Mrs. Fougerat, that public hearing be closed. Voting Aye: Billings Voting No: None Commander Doughty Fougerat McCandless Mr. McCandless stated that the proposal is aesthetically pleasing and that with shrubbery one probably could never see it and that it doesn't detract from the neighborhood and that the lines of the roof is sympathetic with the rest of it. Mr. Billings stated that once again we are back to what is it we can grant variances one; that it is a nice plan; but that he could not see where Mr. Cham- bers has shown any hardship. Mrs. Fougerat stated that the proposed carport is not attached to the structure; that it is a carport not a porch; and that he did not show a case for hardship. 3'7 Motion by Mr. Billings, seconded by Mr. Commander, aht due to the fact that applicants failed to show any fact that would indicate a hardship, as that term is defined, that application docketed #79-12 to construct a metal carport roof to project five feet past the building line towards the street on Lot 18, Block 1, Sunset TErrace #6, 3715 Tangley, de denied. Voting Aye: Billings Commander Doughty Fougerat ~"~ 1 ~I~ ~~ Voting No: McCandless Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on August 15, 1979 were approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Board, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ATTEST: Sec tart' Chairman