HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Board Minutes 5-10-23_rlc
TYPE OF MEETING Parks and Recreation Board Monthly Meeting
CHAIR Will Bertron
Members Present: Sami Morrison, Will Bertron, Richard Cunningham,
Amar Patel, Manish Agrawal, Evan Mintz, Stephen Damiani, Lulu Lopez,
Laura Turley, Ariene Wells, Bret Bingham
Staff: Susan White
Council Liaison: John Montgomery
I. Call to Order: Will Bertron called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
II. Citizen Comments:
Alida Drewes spoke to say that increasing fees on disabled residents is cruel. She has also
requested a dog park or run, and has brought it up in the past, and other West U.
residents have asked for it as well. A disabled West U. resident was denied a shower in
the rec center during the artic blast. There are not enough parks on the East side of the
city. She also asks for the new senior center to have covered outdoor space rather than
merely office and rental space, and for it to have a place to read a book and drink coffee.
III. Meeting Minutes: The April 5th minutes were unanimously approved
IV. Wier Park Concept Presentation and Discussion: Will Bertron, Chair and Dale Clark,
Dale Clark of Burditt presented a proposed design for Weir Park. The plan includes new
shade structures, putting turf under shady trees and across play areas, expanding the
boundaries of the park on the south side, expanding play areas, adding amenities under
the southwest oak, and others. The board asked questions about the use of turf; shade;
the drop-off around the basketball court; the proper pavers; the availability of softer
sidewalk material; the value of having phone chargers in the park; and adding a curb cut
to the main entrance for easier bike access.
V. Operational Analysis & Financial Sustainability Update: Farrell Buller, 110%
Farrell Buller presented a slideshow digging into how the city invests in parks and
recreation, and whether we’re hitting our goals for spending and cost recovery.
The board discussed whether the city needs to charge more for rentals in order to
improve cost recovery.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 2
Buller also used a MacMillan Matrix to assess various parks and recreation services.
Buller presented a breakdown of rec center usage during the first hour (5am to 6am).
Buller presented a breakdown of resident vs. nonresident participation in adult aquatics,
private swim lessons, youth and teens programming, facility passes and seniors.
Buller presented a breakdown of the administration of private/semi-private lessons.
Considerations included reducing reliance on property tax, opening at 5:30am, watching
the impact of 2023 fee changes before making more changes, and charging seniors
especially as the population ages.
VI. Friends Update: Sami Morrison, Friends Board Chair
Fathers and Flashlights will be November 4 and 5th. Park Lovers ball 2024 will be at the
Post Oak Hotel, Saturday, Feb. 24th. Party on the Patio will have its first event June 2nd
— Moondance Jazz — with each following Saturday in June.
VII. Council Update: John Montgomery, Mayor Pro Tem
There will be two new members of council. The city had its first post-election meeting on
Monday, which included the Capital Investment Plan. After the election it is clear that
West U residents are worried about flooding.
VIII. Parks & Recreation Update: Susan White, Parks and Recreation Director
• Edloe, Events and Misc.
IX. Park Ambassador Reports & Remarks:
Colonial Park: Amar Patel (east); Evan Mintz (west); Stephen Damiani (pool)
Friends Park: Sami Morrison –
Huffington Park: Brett Bingham –
Jennie Hughes Park: Laura Turley –
Judson Park: Richard Cunningham – following a significant rainfall, Richard drove by the
park and noted that except for two relatively small areas, the park seemed to be draining
Recreation Center: Manish Agrawal –
Whitt Johnson Park: Arlene Wells –
Wier Park: Lulu Lopez –
X. Order of Business: Will Bertron, Chair
- Old Business
- New Business
XI. Motion to Adjourn:
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 3