HomeMy WebLinkAbout06172004 ZBA Minutes~ • ~ Recycled Paper City of ~est Uni~ersity Place A Neighborhood City ZOlVING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BILL WATSON CONFERENCE ROOM, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES June 17, 2004 6:30 p.m. I• MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Plagens (voting), Bill Richardson (voting), Jeann Howse (voting), John Rentz (voting) and Michael Silver (voting) u MEMBERS ABSENT: Dick Yehle, Richard Wilson, James Jordan and John Grabowski Iu• STAFF PRESENT: Neslihan Tesno, City Planner and Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant N• CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. Agenda Item i • Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to order and Protocol. Notices, Rules, Etc. . Mark Plagens called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Mark Plagens asked all members and staff to introduce themselves. Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant stated all notices were posted as required by city and state law. . Swearing in of witnesses. John Rentz moved to accept that all notices had been properly posted and distributed for this meeting. Michael Silver 2nd. Mark Plagens, Jeann Howse, Bill Richardson, John Rentz and Michael Silver voted aye. Motion passed. Mark Plagens administered the oath to all witnesses. 2 Public Hearing of Nes Tesno, City Planner, gave a brief overview of Jean Howse made a motion to close the Docket 04-02 Docket 04-02. Andrew Davis, applicant presented evidentiary portion of the hearing. (Variance). Request variance request. Sallye A. Clark, Planning Motion was 2"d by John Rentz. Mark for a variance at 5702 Assistant read correspondence from Ms. Plagens, Jeann Howse, Bill Academy to allow a Vadanovich, 5704 Academy in favor of the variance Richardson, John Rentz and Michael wood fence that would request. No correspondence was received in Silver voted aye. Motion passed. project into the front opposition of the request. No one spoke in favor or After discussion, Jeann Howse moved five feet of the front opposition of the variance request. Nes Tesno, City to grant the variance at 5702 Academy yard setback up to the Planner presented the staff recommendation for the to allow a wood fence that would front street line (Table variance request for docket 04-02 and read an email Project into the front five feet of the 7-6, Projections from Lt. Todd Schneider, West University Place front yard setback up to the front street Schedule). The request Police Department that stated that police department line (Table 7-6, Projections Schedule). is for 60 inches of fence feels that the proposed fence would reduce visibility ~e request is for 60 inches of fence along Bissonnet and 206 on the corner. along Bissonnet and 206 inches of inches of fence along fence along Academy. Academy. Motion was 2"~ by Bill Richardson. Mark Plagens, Jeann Howse, Bill . Richardson, John Rentz and Michael Silver voted aye. Motion passed. Variance granted. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org ZoRing Board of Adjustment Minutes June 17, 2004 Meeting ~~ • • 3 Public Hearing of Nes Tesno, City Planner, gave a brief overview of Bill Richardson made a motion to close Docket 04-03 (Special Docket 04-03. Todd Mason, 1619 N. Blvd and Jim the evidentiary portion of the hearing. Exception). Request Reid, 3725 Plumb representing the applicant Motion was 2"d by Jeann Howse. Mark for a special exception at presented the special exception request. No Plagens, Jeann Howse, Bill 3636 Rice Boulevard to correspondence was received for or against the Richardson, John Rentz and Michael allow curb cuts special exception request. Eddie Fitzgerald, 3700 Silver voted aye. Motion passed. exceeding 34' (thirty- Rice Blvd had a question about what a curb cut is After discussion, John Rentz moved to four feet) maximum and was not opposed to the request for the special ~ant the special exception at 3636 required within a exception. No one spoke in opposition of the special ~ce Boulevard to allow curb cuts commercial use to exception request. Nes Tesno, City Planner exceeding 34' (thirty-four feet) increase safety. presented the staff recommendation for the special maximum required within a exception for docket 04-03. commercial use to increase safety. Motion was 2"d by Jeann Howse. Mark Plagens, Jeann Howse, Bill Richardson, John Rentz and Michael Silver voted aye. Motion passed. Special exception granted. 4 Public Hearing of Lisa Young and Matt Assiff, presented special Bill Richardson made a motion to close Docket 04-04 (Special exception and variance request. No correspondence the evidentiary portion of the hearing. Exception & Was received for or against the special exception and Motion was 2"d by Jeann Howse. Mark Variance). Request for variance request. No one spoke for or against the Plagens, Jeann Howse, Bill a special exception at ~ecial exception and variance request. Nes Tesno, Richardson, John Rentz and Michael 2707 Pittsburgh Street City Planner presented the staff recommendation for Silver voted aye. Motion passed. to allow that the present ~e special exception and variance request for docket After discussion, Jeann Howse moved encroachment along the 04-04. to grant the special exception at 2707 East property line and Pittsburgh Street, to grant PNC status the encroachment of the to the structure to encroach into the Front Yard setback be side yard 6 inches and the front yard granted PNC status one foot with the condition that: until such time as the Prior non-conforming status is lost if residence is removed or the structure is demolished or alterations to the alterations cause the removal of the residence cause their encroachment. Motion was 2"`' by Bill removal. (Article 12, Richardson. Mark Plagens, Jeann Section 1.02, Note (e). Howse, Bill Richardson, John Rentz Request for a variance and Michael Silver voted aye. Motion at 2707 Pittsburgh passed. Special exception granted. Street to allow the Jeann Howse made a motion to grant construction of the the variance at 2707 Pittsburgh Street proposed carport that to allow the construction of the maintains a 3 foot proposed carport that maintains a 3- setback from the West foot setback from the West property property line and line and projects to a distance of 54 projects to a distance of feet from the front street line. (Article 54 feet from the front 7, Section 6, Note 5 and Article 7, street line. (Article 7, Section 2, Note 2). Motion was 2"~ Section 6, Note 5 and by Bill Richardson. Bill Richardson, Article 7, Section 2, John Rentz and Jeann Howse voted Note 2) aye. Mark Plagens and Michael Silver voted nay. Motion failed. Variance denied. Zoaing Board of Adjustment Minutes June 17, 2004 Meeting i • 5 Public Hearing of Nes Tesno, City Planner read the request from the John Rentz made a motion to table Docket 04-OS (Special applicant to table their agenda item until the July 15, public hearing of docket 04-OS until the Exception & 2004 meeting. July 15, 2004 meeting. Motion was 2nd Variance). Request for by Jeann Howse. Mark Plagens, Jeann a special exception at Howse, Bill Richazdson, John Rentz 3611 University Blvd to and Michael Silver voted aye. Motion authorize the existing passed. Docket 04-OS tabled. church and customary ancillary uses (which may include schools, daycare, gymnasium, etc. in a single family disirict and to grant PNC status for yard encroachments (9.5' side and 5' rear). (Article 12, Secrion 12-102 (E), Acquiring PNC status). Request for a variance at 3611 University Blvd to allow the interior side yazd setback of Lot 9 to a 9' setback and of Lot 10 to a 13' setback. (Table 7-2: Yards (or setbacks) 6 Meeting Minutes. Jeann fiowse made a motion to approve the minutes ofthe October 16, 2003 ZBA meeting. Motion was 2°d by John Rentz. Mark Plagens, Jeann Howse, Bill Richardson, John Rentz and Michael Silver voted aye. Motion passed. Jeann Howse made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2004 ZBA meeting. Motion was 2"~ by John Rentz. Mark Plagens, Jeann Howse, Bill Richardson, John Rentz and Michael Silver voted aye. Motion assed. 7 Adjournment. John Rentz made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was 2°d by Bill Richardson. Mark Plagens, Jeann Howse, Bill Richardson, John Rentz and Michael Silver voted aye. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. • ~ • Zo~ing Board of Adjustment Minutes June 17, 2004 Meeting ~