HomeMy WebLinkAbout02202003 ZBA Minutes• ~ RecyCled Paper City of ~est U~i~ersity P1ace A Neighborhood City ZO1vING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BILL WATSON CONFERENCE ROOM, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES February 20,2003 6:30 p.m. I• MEMBERS PRESENT: Steven Segal (voting), Mark Plagens (voting), Michael Neal (voting), John Rentz (voting), James Jordan (voting), Michael Silver and Jeann Howse Maril n Griffin, Council Liaison II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Carolyn Galfione and Bill Richardson III. STAFF PRESENT: Neslihan Tesno, Ciry Planner and Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:35 p.m. ~ . Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to Steven Segal called the meeting to order at 6:35 James Jordan moved to accept that all order and Protocol. p.m. Steven Segal asked all members and staff to notices had been properly posted and introduce themselves. Sallye Clark stated all distributed for this meeting. Mark notices were posted as required by city and state Plagens 2nd. Steven Segal, John law. Rentz, Michael Neal, Mark Plagens It was stated that James Jordan is the voting and James Jordan voted aye. Motion alternate for the meeting. passed. 2 Citizens who wish to None. None. be heard on items that are not on the agenda. 3 Citizens who wish to Those citizens who wish to address agenda items Steven Segal, Chairman, administered address agenda items identified themselves. the oath to all witnesses. Swearing in of witnesses. 4 Extension of Time. Jim Powell, Merriman Holt Architects, 3614 John Rentz made a motion to close Matters relating to a Montrose Boulevard #203 gave a brief overview the evidentiary portion of the request for an extension and stated that on June 11, 2002 the variance was meeting. Motion was 2nd by James of time to design, granted and this was the very beginning of the Jordan. Steven Segal, John Rentz, construct, etc. under design process and has been going on until present. Michael Neal, Mark Plagens and Variance granted in Jim Powell a~rmed that plans will be submitted James Jordan voted aye. Motion Docket No. 02-01 to St. to the Development Services Division this week passed. After discussion James Mark's Episcopal and they are anticipating completion of Jordan moved to grant an extension of Church and School, construction May 1, 2004. Jim Powell stated that time until March 31, 2003 subject to 3816 and 3836 Bellaire the tree disposition has been applied for and is the all conditions and requirements of Boulevard. only permit that has been applied for and wanted previous order of Docket 02-01. to reaffirm that when the last came before ZBA Motion was 2"d b John Rentz. Steven 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes February 20, 2003 Meeting minutes • • • for the request for the variance that St. Marks was very early in the design process. There was no correspondence received in favor or opposition to the request. No one spoke in favor or opposition to the request. Nes Tesno, City Planner presented the staff recommendation for the extension of time re uest for docket 02-01. Segal, James Jordan and John Rentz voted aye. Michael Neal and Mark Plagens voted nay. Motion failed. Extension of time was not granted. . 5 Public Hearing of Lanny Lown, resident of 4151 Bissonnet, property John Rentz made a motion to close Docket 03-O1 (Special owner of 4148 Coleridge gave a presentation for the evidentiary portion of the Exception). Request the request for a Special Exception of Docket 03- meeting. Motion was 2"d by James for a Special Exception O1. No correspondence was received in favor or Jordan. Steven Segal, Michael Neal, at 4148 Coleridge opposition to the request. Bob La Forge, 4134 Mark Plagens, James Jordan and John regarding Table 7-4A, Coleridge; William Johnson, 4141 Coleridge; Bob Rentz voted aye. Motion passed. Garage Space, Note 1, Whitman, 4103 Milton all spoke in opposition to After discussion, Michael Neal made Special Exceptions. the request. No one spoke in favor to the request. a motion to deny the request for the The request for the Nes Tesno, Ciry Planner presented the staff Special Exception of Docket 03-01. Special Exception is to recommendation for docket 03-01. Motion was 2"~ by Mark Plagens. allow construction of 4- Steven Segal, Michael Neal, Mark car garage on a building Plagens, James Jordan and John site with 6600 square Rentz voted aye. Motion passed. feet. Special Exception was denied. 6 Public Hearing of Bill Finnegan, resident at 6331 Sewanee, property Michael Neal made a motion to Docket 03-02 (Special owner of 6404 Westchester gave a presentation for close the evidentiary portion of the Exception). Request the request for a Special Exception of Docket 03- meeting. Motion was 2"~ by Mark for a Special Exception 02. No correspondence was received in favor or Plagens. Steven Segal, Michael at 6404 Westchester opposition to the request. No one spoke in favor Neal, Mark Plagens, James Jordan regarding Table 7-SA, or opposition to the request. Nes Tesno, City and John Rentz voted aye. Motion Parking, driveways, Planner presented the staff recommendation for passed. After discussion, John etc., Note 7, Special Docket 03-02. Rentz made a motion to grant the Exceptions. The request for a Special Exception as request for the Special requested and the applicant must Exception is to allow record the decision with Harris the maximum width for County and all permits necessary for a side yard driveway the prosecution of the work shall be serving a three-car applied for within 90 days and garage to be 30 feet. construction commenced and completed within two years from the date of granting by the Board, unless otherwise prescribed in the approval itself, or unless an extension of that time is granted by the Board. No extensions may be granted by the Building Official unless authorized to do so by the Board. Motion was 2"~ by James Jordan. Steven Segal, Michael Neal, Mark Plagens, John Rentz and James Jordan voted aye. Motion passed. Special Exception ranted. Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes February 20, 2003 Meeting minutes ~ • ~ a lye A. Clar Planning Assistant 7 Meeting Minutes. James Jordan made a motion to accept minutes for the November 21, 2002 ZBA meeting as written. Motion was 2"~ by John Rentz. Steven Segal, John Rentz, James Jordan, Michael Neal and Mark Plagens voted aye. Motion passed. Minutes accepted. 8 Adjournment. John Rentz made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was 2~ by James Jordan. Steven Segal, John Rentz, Michael Neal, James Jordan and Mark Plagens voted aye. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. PASSED THIS ~~~ _DAY OF Segal, Presiding ,.