HomeMy WebLinkAbout02172000 ZBA MinutesCity of ~est U~i~ersity P1ace • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT B1LL WATSON CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 UNNERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 2000 7:30 p. m. • CJ I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Billings (voting), Rich Langenstein, Steve Mazoff (voting), Michael Neal (voting), Mark Plagens (voting), Bill Richardson (voting), and Steven Se al (votin ) II. MEMBERS ABSENf: Carolyn Panebianco and Sue Poretto III. STAFF PRESENT: Jim Dougherty, Dennis Mack, Ed Menville, Leslie Montisano, and Sherman Yehl IV. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 Pwt Agenda Item Discussion Action 1. Protocol Frank Billings called the meeting to order. Protocol for the Michael Neal moved to accept that notices meeting was given and those persons wishing to speak had been properly posted and distributed for regarding agenda items were sworn in. Leslie Montisano this meecing. Steven Segal seconded. All reported that all notices for this meeting had been properly voted aye. Motion passed. posted in accordance with State Law and City Ordinance. 2. Hearing of the Public None None required 3. Matters reladng to After recommendation by Frank Billings, Board Members Bill Richardson moved to approve the Rules Rules of Procedures. agreed to modify the order of agenda items by moving item of Procedures as amended. Steven Sega! eight to the first item for discussion. seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Frank Billings recommended changes to Article V(Secdon 4), Article VII (Section 1) and Article Vllt (Section 1). ' 4. Matters relating to the Written request for withdrawal from the property owner was None required. request for re-hearing submitted and accepted by the Board. of Docket 00-02. 5. Matters relating to Verbal request from the applicant for withdrawal was given to None required. Public Hearing of the Recording Secretary and accepted by the Board. Docket 00-04. 6. Matters relating to Frank Billings gave a brief overview of past proceedings Michael Neal moved to re-open the Public Hearing of involving this case. evidentiary portion of the hearing. BiU Docket 00-05. Richardson seconded. All voted aye. Steven Segal stated he had not been in attendance at the Motion passed. original hearing on January 20, 2000 and withdrew himself from the meeting. Steve Mazoff moved to close the evidendary portion of the hearing. Mark Plagens Alan Hassenflu (Trammel Crow), Mark Dixon (Whole Foods), seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Reid Wilson (Whole Foods/3824 Case), Randy Taylor (Heights Venture Architects), Jeff Carlton (Traffic Engineers, Inc.), Bill Richardson moved to re-open the Bruce Watkins (4220 Ruskin), and Luke Hegler (6719 evidentiary portion of the hearing to allow Weslayan) spoke in favor of the request. for the presentation of correspondence in favor/o osition of the re uest. Michael • • r ~ L J No correspondence was received in favor of the request. Neal seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Leslie Montisano provided che staff report, in which staff recommended to grant the request with the following Michael Neal moved to close the evidentiary conditions: 1. All delivery vehicles performing a backing portion of the hearing. Steve Mazoff maneuver from Weslayan into the loading area would require seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. a minimum of two flag persons to assist in controlling traffic while the maneuver is being conducted. 2. Whole Foods would Bill Richardson moved to grant request to require all delivery vehicles co access the loading area from existing special exception (fior reaz parking Holcombe (Bellaire Boulevard) to Weslayan and would lot) that would authorize revised entrance prohibit them from using Ruskin or Academy as part of their location, service drive radius modification delivery route. In addition, drivers would be required to exit and modified parking space locations (as per the loading area/alley turning right onto Weslayan towards attached drawing) with the following Holcombe (Bellaire Boulevard). conditions: 1. All delivery vehicles performing a backing maneuver from Marc Boucher (4130 Ruskin), Stephen Pohl (3928 Mazlowe), Weslayan into the loading area would require Ken Hoffman (4212 Ruskin), Ann de Rouffignac (4040 a minimum of two flag persons to assist in Ruskin), Denise Beck (4112 Ruskin), Dave Stephen (4036 controlling traffic while the maneuver is Ruskin), Eric de Rouffignac (4040 Ruskin), and Ellis Mills being conducted. 2. Whole Foods would (4012 Ruskin) spoke in opposition to the request. require all delivery vehicles to access the loading azea from Holcombe (Bellaire Several letters were received in opposition to the request and Boulevard) to Weslayan and would prohibit were submitted to the Board for review. them from using Ruskin or Academy as part of their delivery route. In addition, drivers would be required to exit the loading area/alley turning right onto Weslayan towards Nolcombe (Bellaire Boulevard). 3. Installation of height restriction device (headache baz) across entrance to parking lot. 4. Full compliance with all conditions set forth in the previously granted special exception. Michael Neal seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Bill Richardson moved to recommend to the Traffic Task Force that signs be placed as per the recommendation of the traffic study conducted by Traffic Engineers, Inc (Install "No Through Truck" sign on Weslayan Street, north of Bellaire Boulevard and "No Truck" sign on Weslayan, north of the alley driveway for the Whole Foods loading dock). Steve Mazoff seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Bill Richazdson moved that the vehicular parking imposed in the special exception be strictly enforced. Mark Plagens seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. 7. Matters relating to the None Michael Neal moved to approve the minutes approval of minutes. from the January 20, 2000 meeting. Bill Richazdson seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. 8. Adjournment None Mazk Plagens moved to adjoum. Bill (10:25 p.m.) Richardson seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed.