HomeMy WebLinkAbout04202000 ZBA Minutes• ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BILL WATSON CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 UNNERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 20, 2000 7:30 p. m. u C J I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Porretto (voting),Rich Langenstein (voting), Bill Richardson (voting), and Steven Segal (voting) II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Neal, Frank Billings, Mark Plagens, Steve Mazoff, and Carolyn Panebianco III. STAFF PRESENT: Neslihan Bilir Tesno IV. CALL TO ORDER: 733 ~M Agenda Item Discussion Action 1. Protocol Sue Porretto called the meeting to order. Protocol for the Steven Segal moved to accept that notices meeting was given and those persons wishing to speak had been properly posted and distributed for regarding agenda items were sworn in. Neslihan Bilir Tesno ~his meeting. Rich Langenstein seconded. reported lhat all notices for this meeting had been properly All voted aye. Motion passed. posted in accordance with State Law and City Ordinance. 2. Hearing of the Public None None required 3. Matters relating to the Charles Bracht (2931 Tangley) presented the request for special Rich Langenstein moved to close the request for pocket 00- exception. evidentiary portion of the hearing. Bill 08 (2931 Tangley). Richardson seconded. All voted aye. Request for special Shelby Ranly (#4 Westchester Court) spoke in favor of the Motion passed. exception to grant PNC request. No corcespondence was received in favor of the Rich I.angenstein moved to grant the request status which would request. for special excep~ion with the condition that authorize the projection it "apply to existing equipment only". Bill (no more than 18") of 1Veslihan Tesno presented the staff report, which recommended Richazdson seconded. All voted aye. Motion existing pool to grant the request for special exception to extend PNC status ~assed. equipment into the side to al.low the existing swimming pool equipment to excend into yard. the side yard (no more than 18"). No one spoke in opposition and no corcespondence was received in o osition of the re uest. 4. Matters relating to the Salvador Diaz (6430 Wakeforest) presented the request for Steven Segal moved to close the evidentiary request for pocket 00- special exception. Julia Findley (6345 Belmont & listing portion of the heazing. Rich Langenstein 09 (6430 Wakeforest). agent) assisted in presenting the request. seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Request for special exception to grant PNC No one spoke in favor of the request and no correspondence Bill Richardson moved to gra~it the request status which would was reccived in favor of the request. for special exception to grant PNC status to authorize the projection authorize the existing principal building to of the existing principal Neslihan Tesno presented the staff report, which recommended project into the front yazd. Steven Segal building into the front to grant che request for special exception to grant PNC stacus to seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. yard. authorize the projection of the existing principal building into the front yazd. Staff also added that if the request is granted that it be recorded with Harris County Deed of Records.. [Vo one s oke in o osition and no corres ondence was • • received in opposition to the request. 5. Matters relating to Shelby Ranly (#4 Westchester Court & owner of Lots RI & Bill Richazdson moved to close the Public Hearing of R2) presented the request for variance. evidentiary portion of the hearing. Steven Docket 00-10 (One & Segal seconded all voted aye. Motion Two Westchester Barbara Kyle (3418 Bellaire) and Bill Glasko (6724 passed. Court). Request to Westchester) spoke in favor of the amendment to the variance amend existing if it increased pazking and drainage was adequate. No Rich Langenstein moved to grant the request variance which limits corcespondence was received in favor of the requesc. to amend the existing variance to allow one the height of the sin le familv 2 1/2 storv residence with a residences to two Neslihan Tesno presented the staff report, which recommended maximum height not the exceed 35' on Lots stories with a maximum to grant the request to amend the existing variance to allow one R l and R2 with the condition that 3 of 35' , to allow one single-familv residence with 2 1/2 stories not to exceed 35' in additional guest parking spaces be installed residence proposed for height. on lots R1 and R2. Steven Segal seconded, Lots R1 and R2 to have all voted aye. Motion passed. 2 1/2 stories No one spoke in opposition of the request and no . maintaining a correspondence was received in opposition to the request. maximum height of 35' (which would be in compliance with the current ordinance). 6. Matters relating to the Steven Segal noted a change in the minutes concerning the Steven Segal moved to approve the minutes approval of minutes. phrase "not higher than 6" modifies similar structures onlv". from the February 17> 2000 meeting with the noted change. Rich Langenstein seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. 7. Adjoumment None Bill Richazdson moved to adjoum. Steven (8:50 p.m.) Segal seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. .