HomeMy WebLinkAbout09132000 ZBA MinutesO Q DDDO ~ R 1 Gl~~~. Cit of ~est Universit Place Y y • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ Recyeled Paper City Council Chamber ~ 3800 UIVIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES September 13, 2000 7:30 p. m. I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Mazoff (voting), Mark Plagens (voting), Michael Neal (voting), Frank Billings (voting), Steven Segal (voting), Carolyn Panebianco (alternate) and Rich Lan enstein alternate II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Richardson (alternate) and recently appointed Elizabeth Wilder (alternate) III. STAFF PRESENT: Neslihan Bilir Tesno and Ron Wicker IV. CALL TO ORDER: 7:32 p.m. Note: On two items, regular members racuse them selves. To hold the vote, the official votin alternate artici ated. • • Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Called the meeting to order ~ Frank Billings moved to accept that notices had and Protocol Vice Chair Frank Billings, called the meeting to order at 732 been properly posted and distributed for this p.m. and ask that each member introduce himself. meeting. Steve Mazoff 2nd. All regular Neslihan Tesno stated all notices were posted as required by members voted aye. Motion passed. city and state la~v. ' Michael Neal nominated Steven Segal. Steve 2 Election of Chair Person Vice Chair Frank Billings, asked for nomination for the Chair Mazoff moved that nomination cease. Motion Person. was seconded by Mark Plagens, Motion passed, • Steven Segal was elected Chair Person of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 3 Protocol Chairman Steven Segal reviewed the meeting Protocol Chairman Segal swore in all those witnesses that wished to speak. 4 E~Iearing of the Public Docket Rich Spencer, Attorney representing the applicant presented the Frank Billings moved to close the evidentiary 00-17 for 3636 Rice Blvd. case for the Special Exception, which requested reinstatement portion of the hearing. Motion was 2"d by Special Exception request for of Prior Non-conforming status for the parking lot located north Mark Plagens. All voted aye, motion passed. JMH Super Market. of the super market building. Frank Billings moved to appruve the request Neslihan Tesno presented the staff report. Staff recommended for Special Exception for reinstatement of PNC that the Special Exception be granted, in order to allow status for a period of 20 years, with the continued operation of JMH Super Market. No one spoke in stipulation that the parking lot could be used opposition to or in favor of the requested variance. for the primary purpose of parking related to the business use located on the adjacent property to the south. Steve Mazoff 2"d and motion passed with all regular members voting aye. Motion passed. 3800 University Boulevard • Houston, Texas 77005 • 713/668-449~1 Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes September 13, 2000 • • Hearing of the Public Docket Peter Ly, son, represented Mai Lan Ly, property owners at 3819 Frank Billings moved to close the evidentiary 5 00-18, 3819 Sunset Blvd. Sunset Blvd. requesting a variance to allow a Brick fence to be portion of the hearing. Motion was seconded Request for Variance for a located along the Bissonnet Street and Sunset I31vd Property by Mark Plagens. Privacy fence. lines. Fence to be constructed 8 feet high. There was no Frank Billings moved to deny the requcst for hardship established. Neslihan Tesno presented the staff report, variance. Motion was 2"d by Steve Mazoff, recommending denial of variance, because of lack of proving motion passed with all regular members voting hardship. aye. Hearing of the Public Docket Applicant Steven Santry of 3121 Sunset Blvd. presented his Michael Neal moved to close the evidentiary 6 00-19, 3121 Sunset Blvd. case for granting the variance to allow projection into the portion of the hearing. Motion was 2"d by Request for variance to required side yard, for the construction of a porte-cochere, in Steve Mazoff, motion passed with all ayes. project into required side order to save an oak tree from damage. Neslihan Tesno Michael Neal moved to grant the variance yard. presented the staff recommendation to approve the variance. subject to the following conditions: 1) That the garage be maintained as a semi-enclosed parking space, 2) the proposed structure is limited in depth to the existing back line of the house and 3) the proposed 2"~ floor be required to comply with the current side-yard setbacks. Frank Billings recused himself because of potential conflict of interest. Caroline Panebainco, Altemate B voted in his abscence. Hearing of the Public Docket The applicant Frederick Wood of 3509 Rice Blvd presented his Frank Billings moved to end the evidentiary ~ 00-20, 3809 Rice Blvd. for a request for variance, to allow the removal of one required portion of the hearing. Motion was 2"d by variance to allow one enclosed off street space to be removed. Neslihan Tesno Steve Mazo.ff, motion passed with all ayes. enclosed parking space to be presented the staff recommendation to deny the variance Mark Plagens moved to approve the variance to removed. because of lack of hardship. allow the required enclosed or semi-enclosed off-street parking space to be removed, with the stipulation that if living space were added to the rear of the structure, the enclosed parking space would have to be restored and to require the two remaining off street parking spaces to be maintained. Motion was 2"d by Frank Billings; motion was passed by all ayes. Michael Neal recused himself because of potential conflict of interest. Caroline Panebainco, Alternate B voted in his absence. 8 Approval of Minutes for July Steve Mazoff moved to approve the minutes of 20, 2000 the July 20, 2000 meeting of the ZBA. Motion was 2"d by Frank Billings; all voted aye, motion assed. 5 Adjournment at 9:45 p.m. Frank Billings moved to adjourn. Steve Mazoff 2"d, all voted aye, motion passed. ~