HomeMy WebLinkAbout04291999 ZBA Minutesi~, .- .~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS REGULAR SESSION • CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PUBLIC WORKS LUNCHROOM WEST UNIVERSITY PLAC~, T~XAS MINUTES APRIL 29,1999 I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Mannon, Mark Plagens, Michael Neal, Steve Segal II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Sue Poretto, Frank Billings, Darlene Haber, Lee Huber fII. STAFF PRESENT: Neslihan Tesno, Interim Building Official IV. CALL TO ORDER 8:11 p.m. Minutes of Meeting Agenda Item Discussion Action l Protocol Mike Neal called meeting to order. Protocol for the meeting was given and those persons wishing to speak regarding agenda items were swom in. Neslihan Tesno reported all notices for this meeting had been properly posted in accordance with State Law. Steve Segal made a motion to accept that notices had properly posted for this meeting. Dave Mannon seconded. Motion passed with all members in agreement. 2 Hearing of the Public None None required 3 Matters relating to Docket 99-04, Sanders Beckman, owner of 4135 Swarthmore, presented his 4135 Swarthmoro, lot 22, Block 2, request for variance. The builder, All Star Conswction, submitted Colonial Terrace Addition, a letter from swctural engineer stating that the swcture was sound variance to allow an existing garage and could support the second floor. Michael Neal asked if all other to remain within 2 feet of the side West University codes complied with? Both the architect and property line and to add second builder said that they were in compliance. floor gameroom and walkway from house. Michael Neal asked if therc was any correspondence received in Dave Mannon made motion to favor, Neslihan Tesno stated none was received. Michael Neal close evidentiary portion. Mark asked if anyone wanted to speak against. No one did. No Plagens seconded . All voted aye. cornespondence received against variance. ass~~ssr~~irt~~~*-~~~~rtrssa~~~~~f~~~r~tt~~~tstr~t*tt• •~~ttirt~~F~tstttr~+~t~t4~r BOARD DISCUSS[ON Dave Mannon motioned to grant Mark Plagens stated only a small portion of the garage was variances to allow garage to remain encroaching due to the garage being angled. and to allow addition of sewnd story gameroom and hallway with the stipulation it be limited to existing garage in the event the garage was tom down. Mark Plagens seconded. Michael Neal, Dave Mannon , Mar4c Plagens and Steve Segal all voted in favor. Motion passed. r ~ • ~. ..~ 4 Matters relating to Docket 99-05, Rich Jochetz, President & CEO of Bank of Tanglewood, submitted 5500 Kirby, Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 a letter from Mrs. Lowe to allow him to act as her representative. and 21, Block 3, Evanston Mr. Jochetz described the lots, one tract is L-shaped (owned by the Addition, a variance to allow two Bank of Tanglewood) which surrounds the tract owned by Mrs. separately-owned tracts to be Lowe, the site of Big Frank's Restaurant. Limitations of the tract treated as a single "Building Site" owned by the Bank were discussed, i.e. could not get the building on which a structure (bank) could situated on it with correct sctbacks and address the issue of only be built. h~ving entrances off Kirby. Mr. Jochea stated that Mrs. Lowe could not sell thc lot in rcspect to her late husband's wishes but had agreed to lease it to diem (50 years lease with option to renegotiate every 6.5 years) with first option to buy. Bill German, Architect, stated that the proposed structure meets all othcr codes and ordinances. ~ Michpel Neal nsked if anyone wantcd to speak in favor: Davc Mannon motioned to closc Sharon Graf- 2617 Sunset, Mariane Day- 2621 Sunset, Ms. Nelson- tlie cvidentiary portion. Mark 2625 Sunset,lohn Alevis-2G18 Sunset and Ralph Rice-2G23 Sunset Plagens seconded. All members all spoke in favor of the variance. voted aye. Motion passcd. Four letters were received in favor. Michael Neal usked if anyone wanted to speak against: Weldon Lee-2615 Sunset wrote a letter against. tttRfitttitRf~ittt4~k~lfiitit4M~tf{iR4iF4ttii\it~ttRf 44fi*~tt4tti-it~tt*tii4~tf~• BOARD DISCUSSION Steve Segal motioned to table decision to next rep,ular ZBA Commission members discussed the possibility of granting the meeting to give members variance. Questions concerning legality of situation were opportunity to consult with City discussed. Attomey. Dave Mannon seconded. All members voted aye. Motion passed. 5 Minutes of Prior Meeting None None 6 Adjoumment Steve Segal motioned to adjoum. Dave Mannon seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. r ~ ~l `~