HomeMy WebLinkAbout09161999 ZBA Minutes• . .~ City of'~'t~est U~i~e~rsity P1ace ZOI~TING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3800 UNNERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1999 7:30 p. ~m. . •^ . I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Billings, Steve Mazoff, Carolyn Panebianco, Mark Plagens, Sue Ponetto, Bill Richazdson, and Steven Segal II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Rich Langenstein and Michael Neal III. STAFF PRESENT: Leslie Montisano IV. CALL TO OR.DER: 7:30 p.m. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1. Protocol Sue Poaetto called the meedng to order. Protocol for the meeting was given and those persons wishing to speak regarding agenda items were swom in. Leslie Mondsano reported that all notices for this meedng had been properly' posted in accordance with State Law. Steven Segal moved to accept that notices had been properly posted and distributed for this meeting. Mazk Plagens seconded. All voted aye. Modon passed. 2. Heazing of the Public None None required 3. Matters relating to Docket 99-10, Pamela Gross (owner of 3111 University Boulevard) presented Frank Billings moved to close the concerning property located at the request for variance. evidentiary portion of the hearing. 311 l Universiry Boulevard, Lot 7, Block 17, West Universit Y There were no speakers in favor of the request nor had any Mark Plagens seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Place First Addidon. A request corres ondence been received in favor of the re uest. P q for variance that would authorize ~slie Mondsano provided the staff report, in which the Steven Segal moved to deny the projection of up to 5 1/2" into the recommendation was made to grant the request for variance. request for variance. Frank front yard to allow the placement Billings seconded. Steve Mazoff, of stone azound the perimeter of There were no speakers opposed to the request nor had any Sue Porretto, Mark Plagens, and the existing principal building. correspondence been received opposed to the request. Steven Segal voted aye. Frank Bi4ings voted no. Modon passed. ~ .~ 4. Matters relating to Docket 99-10, Henry Kyne presented the request for special exception on Steven Segal moved to grant the concerning property located at behalf of St. George's Church. special excepdon for item 2 to 3505 Bissonnet, Lot 1 8c 2, Block allow a New Day Care (maxirnum 92, West University Place Second There were no speakers in favor of the request nor had any of 60 children), which will operate Addition. A request for special correspondence been received in favor of the request. Monday tivough Friday during the exception that would authorize hours of 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Church use (and existing Church Leslie Montisano provided the staff report, in which the The following condition will apply: Buildings) in a Single Family recommendation was made to grant the special exception. A traffic plan will be implemented District with certain accessory • to ensure traffic along Mercer and uses and accessory buildings as Dr. Yatsu and Karen Minich (both residents of Auburn Place) Sewanee is kept to a minimum follows: expressed concerns regarding increased traffic in the azea. during daycaze hours. Frank 1. Existing Worship, Education Billings seconded. All voted aye. and Office Acdvities and Correspondence was received from Joe and Mary Studlick Motion passed. Facilities. 2. New Day Care (5321 Sewanee) via electronic mail expressing concems Use, Maximum of 60 regarding increased traffic as a result of the daycare, as well as, Steven Segal moved to deny the children (Using existing parking, traffic and trash problems during special events. special excepdon request for items education facilities). 3. 1, 3, 4, 5, & 6, recognizing that the Existing Food Service for prior nonconforming status for Church Functions in large these items will condnue. Mark hall (with prepazation only Plagens seconded. All voted aye. kitchen, no cooking). 4. Motion passed. Existing Weekly Fund Raising Event (Thursday spaghetti luncheon). 5. Exisdng Annual Festival (Not to exceed three days). 6. Existing Parking (For Church & approved accessory uses). 5. Election of Board Chair and Vice Frank Billings nominated Sue Porretto as Chair. Frank Billings moved to elect Sue Chair Porretto as Chair. Steven Segal seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. Sue Porretto nominated Frank Billings as Vice Chair. Mark Plagens moved to elect Frank Billings as Vice Chair. Sue Porretto seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. 6. Minutes of Prior Meeting None Frank Billings moved to accept the minutes for August 19, 1999. Steven Segal seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. 7. Adjournment None Frank Bil.lings moved to adjourn. (9:15 p.m.) Mazk Plagens seconded. All voted aye. Motion passed. ~