HomeMy WebLinkAbout06151995 ZBA Minutes (3)~ - . A • T(iG STATS OF TEXAS X ' COUNTY OF WIRRIS X • CITY OF WCST UNIVERSITY PLACE X NOTICC OF MCGTINC Notice is 1-ereby given tliat tt~e Zoning Doard of Adjustment of the City of West University Place will meet in regular session at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 15th day oE June , p,D, 19 95 ~ in the Council Chambers, City Ilall, 3800 University Boulevard, City of Weat University Place'~ Texas. A copy of the agenda for said meeting, ahowing the subject(s) of sucl- meeting~ ia attached hereto. I hereby certify that I posted this notice on the bulletin boord located at a place convenient to tlie public in the City }lall of West University Place at 10:00 o'clock, A. M.~ on the Sth day of June , A.D.~ 1995 , and that such notice was posted for at • least tlie three days precedi~ig the day of tl~e meeting~ or, in the case of posting of tliis notice for a period not at least the three days pre- ceding the day of the meeting, that this noCice Was posted before the meeting was convened, or called to order, and that such meeting was called becauae of an emergency or urgent public necessity. . Witness my hand'and the seal of the City of West University ~Place, this Sth day of June ~ p,D.~ lg 95 , CITY OC WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY ~ / Secretary •