HomeMy WebLinkAbout10261995 ZBA Minutes (2).~ • TtiG STATS OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF NARRIS X • CITY OF W~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE X NOTICC OF M~ETINC Notice is liereby given tliat tl~e Zoning IIoard of Adjustment of the City of West University Place will meet in SPECIAL session et ~~30 o'clock P.M. on the 26TH d8Y af OCTOBER ~ ~.D. 19 95. in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS City 11a11~ 38b0 University Boulevard, City of Weat Univeraity Place, Texas. A copy oF the agenda for said meeting~ showing the aubject(s) of sucli meeting~ is attached hereto. I hereby certify that I poated tliis notice on the bulletin board located at a place convenient to tiie public in the City 1[all of West Univeraity Place at 11:45 o'clock, P• M., on the 16TH day of OCTOBER , A.D.~ 19 _, and that such notice was posted for at • least tl~e three days preceding the dny of ti~e meeting, or, in the case of posting of tliia notice for a period not at least the three days pre- ceding the duy of tlie meeting, that this nolice was posted before tl,e meeting was convened, or called to order, and that euch meeting was called because of an emergency or urgent public necessity. Witneas my hand and Che seal of the City of West University il~ Place, this ~ day of ' Q ~A.D. , 19~,) CITY Or WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE IIY ' ~ ~~f.. C ~~ Secretary •