HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Standards Commission Decisions M - ZForm ZBA-201(04c:\wp51 Vorms~zba201.54orip~ ~ Add~ss of site: 4103 RILEY Legd description of lhe site: Building Permit No: 96-01003 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") D ECISION 'PO GRANT A VARiANCE LOT 43, FAIRHAVEN ADDITION Permitiee/Appliccmt: MR. JOHN TSERTOS & MS. ANGIE TSERTO: Decision orAction Requested orProposed: A REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO ALLOW AIR-CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT TO SET IN THE REQUIRED 5.39 FOOT SIDE STREET SETBACK Notice, Hearing, Findings, Yo[e: ~ ~ (~ Required notiCe given by: POSTING(MLINICIPAL BLDG & PR~PERTY) MAIL (PROPERTY OWNERS) (~ X) Hearing held on: JUNE 26 1997 - (~ Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcemeat of the ordinance would result in urinecessaiy hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) • ( ) Additional findings (if any): N/A () Thevote: BILLINGS, SNELL, NEAL & SELIG for, NON ~. a$~~- ~ Decia~on of the Zoning Boa~f of Adjustment (subjecl to all a~plicable c~peals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Section 7-101, REGULATIONS , TABLES ETC . (B) PROJECTIONS . T~LE T-6 . of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant . named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): VARIANCE IS GRANTED SUB.~ECT TO THE CONDITION THAT ADEQUATE SCREENING BE INSTALLED & MAINTAINED. THIS DECISION TO BE FILED WITH THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS. 'I~is variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary perioil is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and govemed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Undec Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date thi decision is filed in the Board's office. By. Z~%tir•vG A [test: ir.~ C airman, For the Zoning Board of Adjustment . ~ /} F ed in the Board's office on , l9 '7 ~, ~d copies mailed (see mailing list altached) on , 19 Y: Form ZBA-201(04c:\wp51\forms~zba201.54orig) • Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Address of site: 3210 Rice Docket No. 94-14 Legal description of the site: Lot 5, Block 58, West University Place 2nd Addition Building Permit No: N/A Permittee/Applicc~t: S. Edward & Sherry L. Williams Decisiort orAction Requested orProposed: A request for a variance fo allow a side setback for the east side to be one (1) foot instead of the required three (3) feet & would allow the structure to encroach into the 2.5 foot side setback by 1.5 feet. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: ( X) Required notice given by: POSTING (NNNICIPAL BLDG) , PUBLICATION (HOUSTON CHRONICLE) ( X~ Hearing held on: Thursdav, October 20. 1994 ~IL (PROPERTY OWNERS) ( X) Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) ( ) Additional findings (if any): • ( X) The vote: MINOR, BILLINGS, MASERA, HANSEN, PETERSON for, NONE against. Decision of the Zoning Bout~d of Adjustn:ent (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Section 7-100 Single Family Residence District of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): See attached document. This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & AppeaJs: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision aze subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Z g Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial re us p esented within 10 days after the date t' decision is ~led in B ard's office. t By. A ttest: Cha' man, Fo Zoni Board of Adjustment •Filed in the Board's office ofn A ril 2 , 1 d co ies ailed (see maiJing list attached) orr , 19 y By: . .- + ~ ~ Form ZBA-202(04c:1wp511formslzba202.54ori~ Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West YTniversity Place, Texas ("Ciry") bEGTSION 'PO DEN'Y A VARIANCE Add~ss of site: 3005 Robinhood Lega1 descriplio~r oJlhe site: Lot 15, Block 14, Monticello Addition B uilding Penn it No: Pernii[~ee/Appllccait: George & Elizabeth Boehme Decision orAcrion Reguested orProposed: Allow porte coochere (semi-enclosed garage space) to Setback 3' from side property line. No[ice, Hearing, Findirrgs, T~ore: MAIL (Property Owners~ ~ X~ ltequired notice given by: POSTING(Municipal Bui ding) ~ pOSTING on Pro ert ( X) Hearing held on: 995 (X~ The Vote8i11ings,Minor,Peterson,Morley **~~ & Masera for, none against. I~ecrsion of !he Zaning Boarrl oJAdjustment (subject lo all applicable qppeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance aiid applicable (aw, tha varianco from SectionTable 7-6, Pro'ection Schedule, a e ii Note 5 of the Zoning brdinance is DENTEb. • RtlllA~S 011 li1lIlYlCf1lQI 1~lf}!~/12d fjryL~Jlt~S (optiorral; a-~quest fortfiese individual rulings »rust be timely mcrdeJ: (1) Reguired Firrding: "vaziance is not contrary'to public interest." () This finding could bo made. () This finding is impossible. (x ) Unpersuasive proof. () Variance woutd be contrary to the pablic interest. ( ) Other: (2) Requi~d Finding: "due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ardinance would result in unnecessary hardship." () Positive finding could be made. () Positive finding is impossible. () Unpersuasive proof. (X) No "special condition" proved. () Na hardship proved. ( ) Othor: (3} Required Frnding: "spirit of the ordinance is observed." () Positive finding could be made. () posiYive finding is impossible. () Unpsrsuasive proof. (X) Variance would not observe the spirit of the ordinance. () Other: (4} Reguir~d F}nding: "substantial justice is done." () Positive finding could be made. () Positive linding is impossible. (X ) Unpersuasive proof. () Substantial justice would not be done if the variance were granted. () Variance would have advsrse impact on others. ( ) Other: (5) 01herRequlr~d Fynding (1'J.4ny); Effective Da~e ~ Appeals: 7'his decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the $oard's office (c% Sccretary of the Zoning 8oard of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston~ Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals af this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the oning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Locat Govcrnment Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial r te r_esented within 10 days after the date this decisian is filed in the Board's o~ice. ~3'~ ~ Altest: . Ch ' man~ For th oning Board f Adjustment Filed in ~he Board's o ce on C a~ , 19 ~5 c»rd copies mazled (see mailin li attachedJ on ~`'1~~ ~ O , 19~~ BY~ ~ f-- .l~ ~ N(s- . ''~ . .... Form ZBA-201(04c:\wp5l~forms~zba201.54oci~ • (94-14) ~ Address of site: 3210 Rice Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West Unive~sity Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Legal description oJ[he site: Lot 5, Block 58, west University Place, Second Addition BuildingPerntitNo: N~A Perntillee/Applia~tt: S. Edward & Sherry L. Williams Decision orAc[ion Reques[ed orProposed.• Request for a variance to allow for a side setback for the east side of the property to be one (1) foct, instead of tt.e required three (3} feet. . Nolice, Hearing, Findings, Yole:~ ~ ~ MAIL (Pro erty Owners PUB ISHING (Houston Chronical), ~ (g ) Required notice given by: Pl]STTNG ( ~nicis ai R~aing~' ~ (X ) Hearing held on:October 20. 1994 ' ~ (X ) Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial jusrice is done.) - ( ) Additional findings (if any): ~ • (X~ The vote: peterson Masera BiT~ ings M{nor & Han~en fOi, None ag8inst. Snell and Huber did not vote. . Decision of the Zoning Boar~ of Adjustment (subject to all c~plicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable laW, a variance from Section 7- ~0 s~~rial e fami 1 v reci denep di strict of the Zoning Ordinance is ~granted to the permitteeJapplicant • named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): ~ 1.) The Williams:acquire'the 2.5 feet in agreement with.the adjacent property. 2.) No fence will be•.constructed closer than three feet to ~the property line. 3.) No structure will be built on tfiis property withia five feet or in accordance with ~the Zoning Ordinance will accept to be built or allowed to remain on adjacent ~ property,. ~3his~vartance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the~City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. . Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Boazd's o~ce (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevazd, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicafed above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and govemed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the ning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Undec Chapter 211, petitions for judicial -presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's o~'ice. - 1 ~ o - ~ By: A ltes[: _ Ch rman, For th oni g Bo d of Adjustment •Filed in lhe Boa~'s o tce on ~,~f/~- , 19 card copies mailed (see mai ~ g list attached) on .rr `~ ,~~'~ , t9 , ay: ~ ,. '~ . Form ZBA-201(04c:\wp5l~forms~zba201.54orig) • Zoning Board of Adjustment Ciry of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECLSION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Address of site: 3031 Rice Blvd. Legal description of the site: Lot No. 9, Block No. 8, Rice Court Addition BuildingPermitNo: 94-03224 Pernrittee/Appliccmt: D& D Creations, LLC. Contractor: Marco Development Decision orAction Reyuested orProposed: A request for a variance to allow a 3' setback instead of a 5' setback as required ; by the Zoning Ordinance. Notice, Heonng, Findings, Vole: MAIL (Property.Owners), PUBLISHING (Houston Chronicle) ( Xj Required notice given by: POSTING (Municipal Building) ( X)' Hearing held on: November 30, 1994, Wednesday ( X) Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) ( ) Additional findings (if any): N/A • (~ The vote: Peterson, Morlev, Hansen, Huber for, none against. Decision of the Zoning Boarri of Adjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Section 7-100 Residential District (1) (ii) of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): . rr None This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effec~ive Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: e Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicia r view m be resented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the oazd's office. ~ gy. A ltest: A' Chairman For the Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary cting , • File in the Bo 's offrce on ~ , 19 d copies m d(see mailing list attached) on . , 19 By: • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS nFrrcrnN Reference: Lot 53, Fairhaven 4103 Riley Appeal : 94-05 Dated: 5/2/94 Hearing Held On May 19', 1994, Thursday 7:30 P.M. 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" The variance request is denied. • BY THE BOARD STERLING MINOR, CHAIRMAN Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zo ing Board of djustment Secretary Date: 5/20/94 cc: Building Inspector • • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION Reference: 3771 Robinhood Lot 4& E 1/2 of Lot 3 Appeal : 93-23 Rehearing Dated: 11/24/94 Hearing Held On FEBRUARY 17. 1994 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" VARIANCE GRANTED TO ALLOW THE PORTE COCHERE AND THE GARAGE TO REMAIN WITH THE STIPULATION THAT AN AGREEMENT TO BE FILED BY THE APPLICANT ON OR BEFORE JULY 1ST CONCERNING THE PURCHASE OF 3765 ROBINHOOD AND THAT THERE BE A RESTRICTION PLACED ON THE SIDE SETBACK OF 10 FEET • FOR THE MAIN PRINCIPAL BUILDING AND 6 FEET FOR THE GARAGE AT 3765 ROBINHOOD. BY THE BOARD Unless otherwise stated, an authori Adjustment for a special exception, shall expire if the applicant fails days from the date of authorization variance or conditional use. STERLING MINOR, CHAIRMAN zation by the Board of variance or conditional use to obtain a permit within 90 of such special exception, City of West University Place Z ing Board of Adjustme ~~ ~ Secretary Date: 4/21/94 cc: Building Inspector • • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION Reference:3771 Robinhood Lot 4& E 1/2 of Lot 3 Appeal : 93-23 Dated: 11/24/93 Hearing Held On December 16, 1993 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" Variance granted as to the home (porte cochere) for a period of fifteen years (15) and as to the garage for ten (10) years. • BY THE BOARD STERLING MINOR, CHAIRMAN Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place on ng Board of Adjus / r Secretary Date: 01/18/94 cc: Building Inspector • • . . . ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS n~rTeTnrr ~ Hearing Held On ~~ 1. INTERPRETATION: Reference 5~,.~.~ ~~rt~.r-~~ ,~v~ Y ~~"Y1 ~ ~ ~ ~` 3~.. .. pPPeal : ~3~2.~ Dated: !~.-,~~ ~ "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ~U7^ r~e e- ~ ,~azv-. ~~- a~ a S ~ ~- ~ c_ ~ f~ o~l~- ~. ~~~ y-~•~ ~ 0 ~,.~ a ~ ~, ~ d o~~~~ y -~ ~S r~,-~ ~. d ~ s ~ ~ 9 ~~ .~. ~ ~ c~~~ r~ . , Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the ~oard of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date: cc: Building Inspector ~ BUILDING & STANDARDS COI~IISSION ~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE • Reference: 3737 Robinhood Lot 12, Block 1, Sunset Terrace Appeal No: 93-06 ' Date of Application: 10/28/93 Receipt No: 16921 Hearing Held on Thursday, November 4, 1993 DECISION/INTERPRETATION: The variance is denied with a conditional Certificate of Occupancy to occupy the premises with the condition that the repairs would be made within 30 days. • ,• City of West University Place Building & Standards Commission Date: 11/5/93 ~~~I ~ _//n !"~ivl~~j ~ SECRETARY cc: Building Inspector • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS n~rreTnN Reference: ~~~~,~~ Appeal : ~f 3-L ~ Dated : ~~= yd' - q~ Hearing Held On s~' ~ / ~ 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ~- r~y ~-~ f~-a v~,-. ~-~ p~ a/l~ a s~ ~.~- / . S G~'~" h-~ ~ ~T', s ~- ~ ~,,. ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~', ~~ d ~ ;~ ~ ~'r~ °~ ' ~ ~~'~~ ~. ~ Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date: cc: Building Inspector . .. "" ° , .• ~. : ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TL~/'+ T Q T /lAT Reference: E1/2 of Lot ~4 &W1/2Lot 5 3516 Robinhood ~• Appeal: 93-07 Dated: March 18, 1993 Hearing Held On Thursday, March 18, 1993 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" "" • The appeal is denied. The Board voted to uphold the interpretation of the Building Inspector that the 100' building site does not consist of two subdivided lots. Sterling Minor, Chairman BY THE BOARD Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. Cit of West University P1 Z ng Board of. j stment i Secretary Date: 3/19/93 cc: Building Inspector ~ ~ ~~, ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION Reference: ~~~f ~°, W ~~°'f s~ ~Cat i~ /3~/nd~ 7s;'~ S'/l~~~.~•/~ -~ Appeal: ~3~~ ~ Dated: 3 - J ~~ ~'3 Hearing Held On I'Y~ a, r~ 1 ~~ S~ 3 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ~~ d~.eu, !.~ d e n~ ~d. 71, ~/~~~-- a2 vd r`~ d~r u~~I~ ~, ~ ,'~ ~~~ `~ ~, ~ d ~ j~ ~u.,T / d ,.~,,,~~~~ ~r 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ /~' ~ bw, '~~, ~s ~i~- ~~s n.~ ~ c~s ~3 f ~ ~ ~`'w~ '~Z ~~ d ~1~v~'d { d /~ ~-s , ~ . - ~ .~t'rv~^~L=) ~~ ~ Unl~ss otherwise stated, an authorizatiof~ by the '~oard of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant iails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the dat~ of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date: ~ cc: Building Inspector ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS T1FC` T C T f1N 4003-4015 Ruskin Reference:Lts. 7,8,9&10 Blk 25, College- view Addn. Appeal: #92-16 Dated: 11-25-92 Hearing Held On 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" . The application for special exception is DENIED by vote of the Zoning Board of Adjustment following a public hearing. BY T~~~1tD~"~L, . • ~ ~Chairman Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Boa of ~ Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment 5ecretary Date: cc: Building Inspector ~ 12-17-92 r- I i ~` ~~ ~ BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Reference: 4116 Ruskin Lot 49, Fairhaven Appeal No : 92-05 Date of Application: 3/24/92 Receipt No : N/A ~ Hearing Held on April 2, 1992 DECISION/INTERPRETATION: Drew McManigle made motion to grant variance to Ms. Chiasson to erect a roughly 712 square foot bathroom, bedroom addition to match existing home on concrete blocks as per plans approved by the Building Department. This motion seconded by Carolyn Hodgins. Voting Aye: Nicholas Ashliman, Drew McManigle, Carolyn Hodgins, Craig DuCote, Dale Reid and Jeann Howse. Voting No: None DATE : 4/3/92 cc: Building Inspector File CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMIS5ION 1 ~ C. ~!~ SECRETARY BUILDING & STANDARllS COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Reference: 4217 Ruskin E 1/2 of Lot 8, Lot 9 Block 2, Colonial Terrace Appeal No: 92-04 ' Date of Application: Feb. 27, 1992 Receipt No: N/A Hearing Held on March 5, 1992 DECISION/INTERPRETATION: Carolyn Hodgins made motion to decline request for no sidewalk, as this . does not meet any requirements i.e. hardship. However, they would be allowed to have the sidewalk end at the driveway to avoid the trees. Motion Seconded by Dale Reid. Voting Aye: Nicholas Ashliman, Dale Reid, Susan Freeman, Jeann Howse~; and Car•olyn Hodgins. Voting No: None Date: March 6, 1992 cc: Building Inspector File City of West University Place Building & Standards Commis ion .' ~' SECRETARY Form No. 3 ZONING BOARD OF AD.TUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS • DECISION Reference: 6707 Rutgers Lot 4& 5, Blk. 41 W.U.P. I Appeal No.: 91-16 Dated: 9/9/91 Hearing Held On September 19, 1991 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" Your appeal for 20' front setback instead of required 30' front setback is approved. • Unless otherwise stated, any authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if . the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. ~ City of West University Place Zon'ng Board of Adjustment _ ~ Secretary ~ (Date) ~ cc: Building Inspector • • ~ ~ • ~. City of ~est Uni~ersity Place • A Neighborhood City ~ Reeyc~ea Pape~ Building and Standards Commission City of West University Place, Texas ("Cit}~') ~~ DECISION INVOLVING ANIMAL REGISTRATIONS ~ Address of Site: 6403 Sewanee Docket number: 06-O1 Appellants: William J. and Margaret Eggleston Decision or Action Requested or Proposed: Reverse the Animal Control Officer's revocation of conditional registrations (for the appellants's two dogs) Notice, Hearing, Vote (X) Notice given as follows: Notice of the hearing was posted on January 28, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. Personal notice of the hearing was given to the appellants. They appeared and participated in the hearing, which ~vas held February 2, 2006, in the Bill Watson Conference Room, Municipal Building. (X) The vote: FOR this decision: Bryant Slimp, J. Denis Powers, David Flame, Dave Miller and Michael Talianchich. OPPOSED: None ABSTAIN: None. ~cision (subject to all applicable appeals): After a thorough hearing (including testimony and statements by the appellants, a neighbor, the animal control officer and a police officer) and extensive deliberations, the Commission decided to uphold the revocation of two animal registrations for canines belonging to William J. and Margaret Eggleston, residing at 6403 Sewanee, with the following modification: The applicants shall have the right to apply for reinstatement of the conditional registrations through tl:e Building and Standards Commission at or after the Commission's regular meeting in February 2007. E,f~"ective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is signed and filed in the Commisison's office, unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws. BLTILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION By: i7. /iJ C~ i~~'~r Chair, for th Commission ~ Filed in the Commission's office and forwarded to applicants on~~~ ~ E~ , by: Permit Technician Ms. Josie Orosco. • ', 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 ~ www.westu.org • r` ~i' : .~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ; A Neighborhood City . ~ . ~rHe~~dec granting variance, t2-04 05/30JOb 3D08 74 6~513 :24.00 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") I~~ ~ Docket No: 06-02 ~ / ~ DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE u Addressofbuildingsite: 3123 Sunset Drive, West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal. description of the building site LOt tW0 ( 2~ and the adj oining east twenty- f ive ( 2 5) ,(~ feet of lot one (1), in block seven (7) of Monticello addition, an ,~J adclition in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat ~ thereof, recorded in Volume 7, Page 53 of the map Records of Harris ~ County, Texas. ~ Applicai:t: Kathy and Tom Laucius ~ ,. 99 ~ . Decision orAction Requested: Applicant requests a variance to allow a minor ~;, encroachment of porte-cochere into the side yard (3.31' from the side ~ property line) ~ Notice, Hearifig, Detern:ii:atioi:s, Vote: '~ (X) Notice of hearing was given by: Mail and on-site posting, in ~ accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning ~ Assistant oftheCity. ~,. (X) Hearing was held on Apri 1 2 0, 2 0 0 6 ~ (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: n/a (X) The vote was: ~for, ~ against this decision. Decision of t/:e Zoni~:g Board of Adjustment grai:ti~zg variance (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision) Table 7- 2 Yards or setbacksof the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: N/A VARIANCE, Page 1 .~ 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org 1 5. i Y Other Provisioics: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ;~'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90TH DAY FOLLOWIl~TG THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MIJST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNNERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQU]RED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. 1F ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEAR]NG. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIItEMENTS (SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUII.,DINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZOI~TING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENT'ITIES (1NCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BU~DING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIItEMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE 1N QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION ]MPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFIlVITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JUIZISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is VARIANCE, Page 2 .~ ~ u' ~ ~Y governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, CITY OF WEST iJNIV~RSITY PLAGE, TEXAS By: iustment STA ~ OF T ~AS COUNTY OF HARRIS tr' ` This instrument was acknowledged before me on T ~ (date) b ame) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustme of th City of West University Place, Texas. SALLYE A. CLARK ,+ ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 ~ ~ (SEAL)w~~~p ~"' d J~ ~I My commission expires: `~ ~ V ~ Notary Public 4~, I This instrument was filed in the Board's office on ~~U , and, if a mailing list is ~ •a ~+ attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list n(N/A . ~ ~ i~ By~ ~ .. ~ // Name: bi 2. -z2~ ~~ ~ Title:. ,~ j~~C~.'II'l C~ ~T~ Ci Q, ~er recording return to: v ~ Sallye A. Clark ~ Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #:713-662-5843) TNEST~T~ pl ~ ~~MfNO AD~ ~~ ~ N ` N N1Y OF RIS YwdumlRl wm1 FqFD M Flle On die ~n ~ ~ ~~"~i°''M°~'n~an~eo~,~~;~~,a~."a~°'~.a,~ .. ~ x OIAd~I PuENe Reoords of Red Prop~A~r oi H~rt1~ Counh.lbxw on Q~ i~ _~~ MAY 3 0 2006 ~ ~ ~~ x ~ ~ c~°~ ~° ~ ~ ~""~ ~~~~~J"~~~d"~ ~ "~'~ ~ V~ rO~ COUNTVCIERK ~ Q ~' * ~ w-RR~SC~1~1Nrv *pxa~ O S 0 N VAR/ANCE, Page 3 .. d • ~ • ` City of ~est Uni~ersity Place • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ Recycled Peper Address oJSite; 3819 Sunset Blvd. City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Legal Description of Site: Lot 1, Block 2,Cotlege View Addition, West University Place, Harris County, Texas Building Permit Number: N/A Docket Nznnber: 00-18 Permittee/Applicant: Mai Lan Ly Decision or Action Re~uested or Proposecl: Request for variance from Article 7, Table 7-6, page iii, regarding Front Yard Fence. Notice, Hearing, Findin.gs, ~ote: ( X) Required Notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance ~vith Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place. ( X) Hearing held on: October 19, 2000 . ( X) Required statutory findings made: Variance is not contrary to public interest; literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship; spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done. ( X ) Addirional Findings: None ( X) The vote: Steven Segal, Steve Mazoff, Mark Plagens, Mike Neal and alternate member Bill Richardson voted for, and no one opposed Decision of the Zo~sing Board of Adjustnient (subject to nl/ applicnble nppeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Article 7, Table 7-6, Projections Schedule, page iii, of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the applicant named above. The variance granted is to allow construction of a masonry fence on the front property line on Bissonnet and Sunset subject to the prohibition of no fence to be built on the College side of the lot, further such fence to be limited in lengtli to the dimensions shown in the application's attachment, 39.80' on Sunset and 28.40' on Bissonnet and at owners option a fence in a material of owners choice may be extended to the closest corner of the house. This variance is for an indefinite period, unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City and it does not grant any properiy right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date c?~ Appeuls: This decision takes effect on the date it is fled in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of tl~is decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: t Zoning Ordinanc and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial rev' v ust be pr te within 1 days after the date t's decision is ~le in the Board' office. By: Atfest: ' ~ airperson, Zoning B rd of djust nt ~ Staff Repre tative, City of West University Place Filed in the Board's o~ce and copy mailed to applica~rt on November 3. 2000. By: Sallve A. Clark. P/anning ancl Developmen.t Assistant. 3800 University Boulevard •~Vest Uni~~ersity I'lace, Texas 77005 • 713/668-4441 City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ;~ ~ RecycledPaper ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO DENY A VARIANCE Address of Site: 3819 Sunset Blvd. Legal Description of Site: Lot 1, Block 2, College View Addition, VVest University Place, Harris County, Texas Builrling Permit Nun:ber: N/A Permittee/Applicant: Mai Lan Ly Decision or Action Reguested or Proposerl.• Request for variance from Article 7, 2-13, Table 7-6, regarding Projection into the front yard. Notice, Keari~:g, Findings, vote: (X) Required Notice given by: A'Iail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Ronald J. ~Vicker, Interim Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place (X) Hearing held on: September 13, 2000 (X) Required statutory findings made: No hardship found (X) Additional Findings: None (X) The vote A'Iicl~ael Neal, Steve Mazoff, Mark Plagens, Frank Billings and Steven Segal voted to deny the request. In accordance with the rules of procedures, the motion to deny the variance passed. Decision of the Zoning Bourcl of Adjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance under Article 11 is denied. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Govenunent Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after date this decision ' filed in the Board's office. By: Attest: "Z ~~ auperson, Zoni g Board o r djus . ent taff Representative, City of West University ace Filed in the Board's o~ce on~~'-pT. ~~~ fL CaDO , 2000 and copies mailed (see attached list) on ~f'T. Z ~ , 2000, By: ~ 0 N/.-r~.•D ~1 1/~/ ~ e~~ ~ ~ 3800 Universtty IioulevArd • West University Place, Texas 77005 • 713/668-~41 City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ZOIVING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ Re~''~'~a`'~e` City of West Un.ive.rsity Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Address of Stte.• 3121 Sunset Blvd Legnl Description of Site: Lot 3, Block 7, Monticeilo Addition, West University Place, Harris County, Texas Building Permit 1Vc~mber: Per~~nittee/Applicant.• Steven G. Santry Decision orActiorz Reguested or.Proposed: Request for variance from Article 7, Table 7-2, Interior Side Yards. Notice, Heuring, .Fin~li-ags, Vote: ( X) Required Notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Ronald J. ~Vicker, Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place. ( X) Hearing held on: September 13, 2000 ( X) Required statutory findings made: Variance is not contrary to public interest; to prevent the loss of a qualified tree, literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship; spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done. • ( X ) Additional Findings: None ( Y) The vote: Steven Segal, Steve Mazoff, Mark Plagens, Michael Neal and alternate member Carolyn Panebianco voted for, and no one opposed Decision of tlie Zoning Board of Adjushnent (subject to all applicable nppeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance under Article 7(Table 7-2) to allo~v the addition of a porte-cochere in the sideyard, with the following conditions: 1) That the garage be maintained as a semi-enclosed parking space, 2) the proposed structure is linuted in depth to the esisting back line of the house and 3) the proposed 2"d iloor be required to comply with the current side yard setbacks. This variance is for an indefinite period, unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdicrion of the City and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Bffective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision. are subject to and govemed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zouing Ordinance and Chapter~ll, Texas Local Govenunent Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days aft~,i~e date this decision is filed in the Board's office. B : ~ Attest: ` ~ l •~ Y Chairperson, Zoning Board Adju ~ent Staff Representative, City of West University Place Filed in the Board's o~ce a~zd copy mailed to applicant on~' . Z~ ~o , by; ~ZoN a u> ./. GV/e,rE:~, 3800 Univers~ty Boule~~ard • West Uni~~ersii.y Place, Texas 77005 • 713/668-~i41 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") ,,, DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE • Address of Site: 3214 SUNSET Lega! description of t/le Site: Lot E-50 12, Block 28, West University Place, Second Addition Building Permit No: Perinittee/Applicant: Robert C. Reeves, Jr. Decisioi: or Action Requested or Proposed: Variance to allow principal building to remain that was built .5 feet into the side setback in 1939 and to remodel said structure. Notice, Hearing, Findi~:gs, Vote: (X) Required notice given by: Iris Conway, Building Secretary (X) Hearing held on: October 16, 1997 ~ (X) Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest; due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship; spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) ( ) Additional fmdings (if any): (X) The vote: Sue Porretto, Frank Billings, Mark Plagens, and David Mannon for, no one against. Decision of t/re Zoning Board ofAdjustment (subjecl [o al! upplicab/e appeaLs): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from APPENDIX Z- Zoning Ordinance Projection Schedule*, Type of Structure, Buildings, of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): There shall be no external modifications made to the structure, i.e. window airconditioning units, additional windows, etc. This variance is granted subject to following conditions: 1) No new shvcture be placed closer than 7.5 feet on the west property line, 2) [n the event that the present structure is torn down the ordinance in effect at that time must be complied with as far as side setbacks are concemed. 3) If 51 % or more of the fair mazket value is a structural lose due to casualty, eminent domain, absolute demolition or other cause, then the new structure must comply to the current Zoning Ordinance and Building Codes. This vaziance is for an indefmite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjusttnent, 3800 university Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision aze subject to and governed by ap.plicable ordinances and laws; .including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Govemment Code. Under Chapter 21 l, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By.• ~C~~ . Attest: ~~~~~-V~I~t.L ~ ~ I ~(.vECJ/.l,l.~.~~ Chai an, For the :'oning Board;of;4cl;justment. pr~~r'hct.lly iss u.e~l. UGto6e:r ~ ~~ ~.R9~. "~led in the Board's o~ce on 1 a , 19 9~ , and copies a~ti~i (see mailing list attached) • p~[krd up 6y RCaI~ t . , 19 ~ . By: City of ~est ~T~~e~sity P1ace • A Neigl:borhond City . ~ Recycled Paper . CERTIFIED COPY CERTIFICATE THE STATE nF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS CITY OF WEST UIVIVERSITY PLACE I certify that: (1) the attached document ( 1 total pa~e) is a full, true and correct copy of original records of the City of West University Place, Texas, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, which original records are now in my lawful custody and possession; (2) such original records are authorized by law to be recorded or filed in my office, and they are in fact recorded or • filed in my office, which is a public office; (3) such copies of public records are in fact from the public office where items of this nature are kept; and (4) I am an officer or employee of such City, and I make this certificate in my official capacity with such City. Date: May 15~, 2002 Signe • I certify unc~er seal that: (1) I am a public officer of the City of West University Place, Texas, (2) I have a seal of the City, (3) I have official duties in such City, and (4) the signer of the above and foregoing certificate has the official capacity stated and the signer's signature, above, is genuine. ~ Date: May 15, 2G02 Signe : Ci cretary • (SE~1L) 3800 University Boulevfud • West Unive.rsity Place, Te.~as 77005-~8~J • 713.668.~41 • w~ow.westu.urg s Form ZBA-201(04c:\wp51\formslzba2~1.54orig) ' • ~ Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECLSION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Addr,ess of site: 2901 Sunset Blvd. Legal description of the site: Lot 8, East 6' of Lot 7, West 2' of Lot 9, Block 9 Monticello Additfon BuildingPermitNo: N/A Permittee/Appliccmt: Steven & Phyllis Segal Decision orAction Requested orPrnposed.' A request for a.3 foot variance on the west side yard of the structure and a.1 foot variance on the east side yard for both the existing house and proposed additions Notice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: ,pOSTING (PROPERTY ADDRESS) MAIL (PROPERTY OWNERS) ( X) Required notice given by: POSTING (MUNICIPa~ aLnc~ _ ( g) Hearing held on: THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1996 ( X) Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of . . the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) ( - ) Additional f ndings (if any): • ' ' N/A • ( X) ' T'he vote: ~ PORRETTO; BILLINGS, SNELL, NEAL ~~ ~ ~ for, HUTCHINS :. against. Decision `of tie~e~ Zoning Boara- of A djustm ent (subject to `crJl applicQble appeals): Under and subj ect to the City's ~~Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Section~ TABLE - R ("Y~-1tnS") ' ~ ~~ 10~ SIDE YARD Rv ..s ON .Y of the Zoning Ordinance is granied to the permittee/applicant named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): (1) VARIANCE ONLY APPLIES TO THE EXISTING HOUSE IN ITS EXISTING LOCATION. (2) VARIANCE DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REMODELING, WHICH MUST CONFORM TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE IN EFFECT WEiEN WORK IS DONE. This variance ls for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject tv the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. . Effec[ive Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's off'ice (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance arid Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, peritions for judicial review~must be presented within 10 days after the~date thi decision is fited in e~Board's office.''~:. ~ By: ~:.t.-t..P, ~ ~ ~ ~ .4 t~es[: ~~... ~ "~C'~~~ . ~ . , . . . . . . ... .. ._.. . . .. . Chairman, For the Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ed i he Bo ' ojjice o r;~,Y 30 _, 19 96 , und copies muiled (see mailing list altached) on , !9 ~ , By: s~~~ Mr. Dennis Mack ~ ~ ~'~ J ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ West University Place, Texas Re: Zoning Board of Adjustment, City of West University Place, Decision To Grant A Variance, 2901 Sunset Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 (Heard 5/16/96, Signed 7/24/96) Request for Certified Copy of Decision To Grant A Variance I want to comply with the current requirement of the Zoning Board of Adjustment--that all Decisions granted .by the Zoning Board of Adjustment: be recorded with the Clerk of the Harris County property records. I have a copy of the signed decision (copy attached), and I have been advised that West University has an identical signed copy of the decision in my property file. However, neither I nor West University Place officials have been able to locate the original. I attempted to file a copy with the Clerk of the Harris County property records, but it~was rejected because it was not the original. I understand that the Clerk will accept a copy for filing if it is certified by an appropriate West Universitx Place official.. Therefore, I request a letter addressed to me from and appropriate West University Place official, attaching a copy of the signed decision and providing a statement that the copy is certified to be correct. This certification must be notarized to be accepted for filing.. • Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours ~ ~ Steven E. Segal ~ ~ % -~~ 2901 Sunset Blvd. Houston, TX 77005 ~ ~ w t L_J ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES FROM MAY 16, 1996 The Zoning Board of Adjustment came to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Vice Chairman Sue Porretto, Frank Billings, Melinda Snell, Ty Hutchins and Michael Neal. Absent were Chairman Sterling Minor, Amy Chaisson Selig, and Lee Huber. Present from the City were Chief Building Official Dennis Holm and Building Secretary Susan Thorn. The first item on the agenda was the hearing of the residents. No one was present. Notices were read and participants were sworn in. Frank Billings made a motion to approve the notices as posted, with Michael Neal seconding the motion. Voting for: Billings, Neal, Hutchins, Snell and Porretto Voting against: None ~ ~ The motion carried. The second item on the agenda was Public Hearing of Docket No. 96-03, concerning property located 2901 Sunset, Lot 8, East 6' of 7, West 2' of Lot 9, Block 9, Monticello. This is a request for variance to allow an addition to a structure which currently is in violation of the required side setback. Property owner Steven Segal gave the following as the reason for the request. In 1976 and 1986 additions were added to the present structure and a three foot side setback was required. A recent survey made in February of 1996 revealed an error had been made when the additions were done. Instead of a three (3) foot side setback a 2.7 foot side setback on the west and a 2.9 foot side setback on the east had been made. Because of this error the structure then became an "illegal structure" and not a PNC structure. Phyllis Segal explained she and her husband had consulted with an architect to change the pitch of the existing roof because the flat portion of the roof was leaking. During their meeting with the architect they inquired about the possibility of adding a second floor to that same area. Frank Billings asked what would their alternative be if the variance were not ~ granted? Mrs. Segal said they would not add the second story, however, at the times both additions were made to her house, all the required ordinances and codes ~+ : were followed. She also stated she would be very upset, as she and her husband have always complied with the city ordinances and did so when the additions were made to her house. Mr. Segal stated a survey was not required when the 1976 and 1986 additions were constructed. Sue Porretto also asked if the Segals had considered what they would do if the variance was not granted. The Segals stated they had not considered other alternatives, because after the permit was denied the next step was for them to ask for the variance. Mrs. Segal stated she had been told if the variance were not granted and they tried to sell their house, this could possibly cloud their title and they could possibly be unable to sell their house. Frank Billings stated one of the problems he had with this variance is the Segals have covered every possible inch of the property. Mr. Billings explained when someone has built up the maximum allowed setback and if an error is made suddenly the structure is in violation. The Segals stated they complied with all of the requirements in efFect when the additions were built. If the variance was denied, they would have to repair the flat roof, knowing it could start leaking again. The proposed roof pitch change was also to cover a room on the back of the house to provide better insulation and be able : to better relocate duct work. David Cuerod explained he was the architect for the project and it was his understanding the Segals needed the variance to make the structure legal. Mrs. Segal asked if the variance were granted to make the structure legal, would one of the alternatives be to have the second story setback 5'? Melinda Snell stated that could be a possibility. No correspondence was received in favor. Dennis Holm, Chief Building OfFicial gave the City's point of view. This is a request for a. 3 foot variance on the west side of the structure and a.1 variance on the east side of the structure in the required side setback areas for the property located at 2901 Sunset. He explained the structure at 2901 Sunset Blvd. was permitted for construction on May 9,1938. At the time of permitting the required side setback was 3.0 feet. The structure was surveyed on February 27, 1996 for the express purpose of getting a remodeling permit. After submission to the Building Division for permit review it was noted the side setbacks (east 2.9 and west 2.7) were both improper. The permit application was therefore turned down. The property owners, Mr.and Mrs. Segal are requesting the above noted variances to bring the structure into • 2 ~ ~ . compliance with the side setback requirements of the zoning ordinance. The approving of this variance request will provide this structure with compliance to the zoning ordinance and allow for the issuance of permits for this main structure. Mr. Holm explained banks and lending agencies contact him and inquire about structures that are not to current code and for this reason he has copies of ordinances dating back to 1937. He researches the date each structure was permitted to see if it is either a prior nonconformity or an illegal building. When this structure was constructed there was a 3' side setback required and the 1996 survey showed this building in its present location was not in compliance. Mr. Holm explained he told the Segals the only way to rectify the violation would be to get a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment to allow this structure prior nonconformity and this would be the only way this type of addition could be made to the building without the proper side setbacks. One letter was received in opposition from Selby Clark, resident of 2907 Sunset. Frank Billings made a motion to close the evidentiary portion of the meeting. Ty Hutchins seconded the motion. Voting for: Billings, Neal, Hutchins, Snell and Porretto ~ Voting Against: None • T Hutchins stated he felt the variance should be granted and the addition allowed Y to be constructed. Melinda Snell stated she felt this property was overbuilt with no garage space and very little green space. Ty Hutchins said he felt the Board should not take those items into consideration when granting this variance. He did however, understand the concern if you keep allowing exceptions you push it to the limit but he also understood with these small lots, people are going to want to take advantage of every inch of their property. Frank Billings stated there are two questions: (1) Do you allow them the prior noncomformity status, and (2) allow them to put another second story addition on top of it? One thing this Board could do would be to put a condition on the variance, that any addition must comply with the present ordinance. Ty Hutchins explained if this structure was three feet off of the property line this would not be an issue and they would be allowed to add a second story with no questions. • 3 : Michael Neai stated he had a problem with continuing a violation of this sort. Ty Hutchins explained the Zoning Board of Adjustment would be hearing more and more of these cases because there were many more of these in the City. Frank Billings made a motion to grant the variance with the following conditions: 1) Variance only applies to the existing house in its existing location. 2) Variance does not apply to any new construction or remodeling, which must conform to the Zoning Ordinance in effect when the work is done. This motion was seconded by Michael Neal Voting for: Porretto, Billings, Neal and Snell Voting against: Hutchins Frank Billings made a motion to approve the minutes from January 18, 1996. This motion was seconded by Melinda Snell. ~ • Voting for: Porretto, Billings, Neal, Hutchins and Snell Voting against: None. Frank Billings made a motion to adjourn the meeting with Ty Hutchins seconding the motion. Voting for: Porretto, Billings, Neal, Hutchins and Snell Voting against: None. , ~ 4 • The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ~ J 1 ~ CHAIRMAN ATTEST: SECRETARY • • Form ZBA-201(04c:\wp5l~forms~zba201.54orig) • Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECLSION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Addness of site: 2901 Sunset Blvd. Legal descriptiort of the si1e: Lot 8, East 6' of Lot 7, West 2' of Lot 9, Block 9 Monticello Addition Buildirrg Pernrit No: N/A Perntittee/Appliccmt: Steven & Phyllis Segal Decision orAc~ion Requesled orPrnposed: A request for a. 3 foot variance on the west side yard of the structure and a.1 foot variance on the east side yard for both the existing house and proposed additions Notice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: ; POSTING (PROPERTY ADDRESS) MAII. (PROPERTY OWNERS) ( X) Required notice given by: POSTING (MUNICIP~r BLn~) ( g) Heanng held on: THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1996 ( X) Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) ~ ( ) Additional findings (if any): N/A • ( X) The vote: PORRETTO, BILLINGS, SNELL, NEAL _ for, HUTCHINS against. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (subject to all aPplicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Section TABLE - R ("YARDS") 109 SiDE Y[~Rn ~tirr.FS ONT.Y of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): (1) VARIANCE ONLY APPLIES TO THE EXISTING HOUSE IN ITS EXISTING LOCATION. (2) VARIANCE DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REMODELING, WHICH MUST CONFORM TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE IN EFFECT WHEN WORK IS DONE. This vaziance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. ~ EJfec[ive Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 Universiry Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zo~ing Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Govemment Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date thi decision is filed in e Board's office. 1 ~ ay. ~.,~ _ A ttest: ~- Chairman, For the Zoning Board of Adjustment ~'led i he Board's office of~ 1~AY 30 , 19 96 , and copies mailed (see mailing list attached) on 19 `~" , By: ~ • ~ Zoning Board of Adjustment • City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO DENY A VARIANCE Address of site: 2635 sunset Appeal No: 95-05 Legal description of the site: Lot 10, Block 3, Evanston Addition ~ BuildingPermit No: N~A Permittee/Applicant: xennith & Sandra Kuffner • • DecisionorActionRequestedorProposed.'A request for a variance to allow a structure (residence) to encroach in a ten (10) foot utility easement. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: OS~I~TG r~IL ( X~ Required notice given by(~?unicipal Building & Property) ,(propertv Owners) (~) Hearing neld on: Mav 18. 1995 ( X~ The vote: Billings, Masera, Peterson, Hansen & Snell f01' ~ None against. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (optional: a request for these individual rulings must be timely made): . (1) Required Finding: "variance is not contrary to public interest." ()This finding could be made. (x) This finding is impossible. () Unpersuasive proof. () Variance would be contrary to the public interest. () Other: (2) Required Finding: "due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship." () Positive finding could be made. () Positive finding is impossible. (X ) Unpersuasive proof. () No "special condition" proved. () No hardship proved. () Other: (3) Required Findings: "spirit of the ordinance is observed." () Positive finding ~ could bee made. () Positive finding is impossible. ~)Unpersuasive proof. () Variance would not observe the spirit of the ordinance. () Other: (4) Required Findings: "substantial justice is done." () Positive finding could be made. () Positive finding is impossible, ~) Unpersuasive proof. () Substantial- justice would not be done if the variance were granted. () Variance would have adverse impact on others. () Other: (5) Other Required Finding (If Any): N/A Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's oi~ice (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex, Local Go~rnment Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented wi~ip;10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's ofi'ice. _ ,~ By: + Attest: Cha~iiman, For th Zoning Boa of Adjustment Filed in the Board's' ffrce on ~~__, 19qcj , and copies mailed (see mailing l st attached) on , 19 , By.• Y • ~ • Zoning Board of Adjustment . City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION INTERPRETING ZONING ORDINANCE Address of site: 2635 Sunset Appeal No: 95-05 Legal description of the site: Lot ~0, Biock 3, Evanston Addition Building Permit No: N/A Permittee/flpplicant: Kennith & Sandra Kuffner Ordinance Reference: Zoning Ordinance 1493, definition of "Common-Use Area". BuildingOfficial'sDecision/Action(ifany): Dennis Holm Sr., Chief Building Official stated that Mr. Menville, Director of Public Wo~ks does not feel com~ortab~e _~ai~h an acquiescence to encroachment. Instead, e is more in favor o an a andonment. IVohce, Hearing, Findcngs, Vote: pOSTING MAIL ( X~ Notice (if any) given by:~~unicipal suilding & Propertv) ,(Property Owners) ( x) Heaxing (if any) held on: May 18, 1995 (X) Thevote: Billings. Masera, Peterson, Hansen and Snell for. None against. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (subject to ald applicable appeals): The Zoning Board of Adjustment interpreted the easement in question to be a "Local Service Easement". (Optional) Reasoning/Comment: N/A Disposition of Building Official's Decision (if any): ( x) Affirmed ( ) Reversed a.nd ( ) Modified Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Go ent Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented w' - ays er the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. . By: Attest: ~- Ch rman, e Zonin Board of Adjustment Filed in the Board's offiee on ~~ 02 ~ , 19~ and copies mailed (see mailing ' attached) on , 19 , By: ~ Fortn ZBA-203, 8-2494(04c:\wpS 1~focros~zba203.54) Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") ~ DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEP'TION .4ddr~ess of sile: 2609 Sunset Legal descrrplion of the site: Lots 16, 19, 20, 21, Block 3 of Evanston Addition BuildingPerniitNo: n/a Perntittee/Applicc~tt: Kerr McGee Oil Company by Brand/Allen Architects Decision orAclion Requesled orProposed.• Medium Commercial Use No[ice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: M~IL (property owners) , PUBLISHING (Houston Chronicle) (X ~ Required notice given by: POSTING (Municipal Building) (X ) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below (proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed special exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service.) ( ) Additional findings (if any): N/A (X ) Hearing held on: September 15, 1994 (X ) The vote: Billings,Minor,Peterson for, N~a against granting. asera, orre o Decision of the Zoning Boarri of A djustnrenl. (subject to al/ applicable appeals): Under and subject to tlie City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception for a medium commerical use . as specifically allowed by Section 8-100(6) of the Zoning Ordinance, is granted: (i) to the permittee/applicant named above, (ii) for the site identified above, and (iii) subject to the following conditions ~~f ~y~' (A) For use as a Branch of Home Savings (a division of Savings of America. (B) With no ingress or egress to Sunset or to Nottingham. This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effeclive Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and govemed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented withi 0 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. 1 ~ A ttest: Chai an, For`tli~ o ing Boa d of Adjustment Filed in the Boarri's office on ~ p~- , 19 '~~and copies mailed (see mailing list at~ached) on , 19 , By: BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE • • Reference: 6509 Sewanee North 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 33 West University Place lst Add. Appeal No: 93-03 " Date of Application: June 21, 1993 Receipt No: Hearing Held on Thursday, July lst, 1993 DECISION/INTERPRETATION: No Decision was made. Applicant must provide additional information before any decision could be made. The Applicant needs to find a specific alternative before a decision would be made. Date: July 2nd, 1993 cc: Building Inspector City of West University Place Building & Standards Commission SECRETARY ~ J ~ A ~ ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS nFrrcrnN Reference: 3749 Sunset Appeal : 92-15 Dated: 9/30/92 Hearing Held On Thursday, October 15, 1992 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" Variance is granted to allow an eight month period between granting of building construction permit and occupancy of home, during which the garage apartment may be occupied. • BY THE BOARD Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zo g Board of Adjustment Secretary Date : October 16, 1992 cc: Building Inspector • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION ~ Reference: Appeal: Dated: Hearing Held On September 17, 1992 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" 3936 Southwestern Lot 18, Block 4 Col lege._ Vi~ew Addtn 92-13 October 1, 1992 Frank Billings-made the motion to grant the variance with the following conciition. The prope~ty can't be built on or enclose_. tne 2.1/2' area outside the 47 1/2' without the written permission of harris County. Robert Mc Bride seconded the motion. Voting Yes: Voting No: . Sterling Minor None~ Frank i3illings Robert Mc Bride ~i'eresa Fogler BY THE BOARD Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit with~in 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. Date : ~ ~ ~O ~ ~ cc: Building Inspector City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment C~ \~ . Secretary ~ :t , • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS • DECISION Reference: 6732 Stella Link Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . Block 6 and all of . Appeal: Block 2-Cunningham Terrace Addition Dated: 92_11 Hearing Held On September 17, 1992 October 1, 1992 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" Frank ~illings-made the motion to grant_the variance ex~ept for the following conaitions. He stated that the overhang canopy should stay. as originally proposed; 6' of canopy should offer enough pro- tection against the elements as well as safety for motorists. He specified that the night deposit/ATN could only project out a... maximum of 8", not 2 1/2" as requested. Teresa Fogler seconded tne motiori. ~ Voting Yes: Sterling Minor Frank Billings Robert NIc Bride Teresa Fogler Voting No: None BY THE BOARD Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment C~~ Secretary ~ Date: ~(~'"(~ .C a'_' cc: Building Inspector ~ , ; ~ ~~ • Form ZBA-201(04c:\wp51\forms~zba201.54orig) ~ Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECLSION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Address of site: 4135 Swarthmore, Houston, Harris County, Texas Legal description of the site: Lot 22, Block 26, Colonial Terrace, Sec C Building Permit No: Pernrittee/Applicant: Sanders Beckman Decision orAction Requested orProposed: Variance to allow a garage additon of second floor to Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vote: ( x) Required notice given by: (y) Hearing held on:~~~ to stay within 2' of property line and to allow garage and hallway to house ~+~-n~...~u ;1~, `'`~c ~;~ ~c~~.lZ- °t ( z) Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) ( ) Additional findings (if any): (~ ) Thevote: r'Iannon, Plagens, Se~al, Neal for, none against. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (subject to alJ applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Section Table 7-6 Pro~ ecti~n SchPd~~le see note ~5 . of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): This variance is limited to existing garage, the variance is void if the structure is ever demolished. This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any prQperty right or vested right of any kind. EfJective Da[e & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, peritions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ~By. C airman, For the Zoning Board of Adjustment A ttest: ~2~ ~'~ (Sb -1.~ Filed in the Bou-~d's office on ~ , 19 ~~, and copies mailed (see mailing list attached) on -~~,-2j , I~i~By: ~~-o~ Fo~nt ZBA-20Z(04c:1wp5l1formslzUa202.54ori~ Zoning Board of Adjustment Ciry of West ~CJniversity Place, Texas ("Ciry") bF,GISION 'PO DF.N'Y A VARIANCE .4 ddress oj site: 3 8DJ ^ Sc~v,r~l~ yy~ ~. Legal description of the sitc: B urlding Penn it No: Pern~ itlee/A ppNcca~t: Decision orAclion Requested orProposed.• No[ice, Hearing, Findi~~gs, ~ote: ( ) Required notice given by: () Hearing held on: ~T~~,~ ZOT q_~, ( ) Tt~e vote: for, against. Decrsion of the Zoning Boan~ of A djrrstm ent (subjecl to al! q~plicable c~peals): Under and subj ect to thc City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, the varianco from Section of the Zaning drdinance is DEl~b. Ruliags orr individual requined findings (optiaaal; u~questJor these rndividual rulings m~st be timely madeJ: ~ (1) Required ~t~ding: "vaziance is not contrary to public interest." () This finding could ba made. {) This finding is impossible. () Unpersuasive proof. () Variance would be cantrary to the public interest. ( ) Qdier: (2) Required Finding: "due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship." () Posirive finding cauld be made. () Positive ~nding is impossible. () Unpersuasive proof. () No "special condition" proved. (} No hardship proved. ( ) Othor: (3) Reguired Finding: "spirit of the ordinance is observed." () Positive finding cauld be made. () positive finding is impossible. () Unporsuasive proof. () Variance would not observe the spirit of the ordinance. () Other: (4) Requir~d F~nding: "substantial justice is done." () Positive finding could be made. () Positive finding is impossible. () Unpersuasive proof. () Substantial justice ~vould not be done if the variance were granted. () Variance would have adverse impact on others. ( ) Other: . ' (S) O1herRequir~d Flinding (Jf Any): EfJeclive Date & Appeals: ~'his decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning 8oard of Adjustment, 3800 Universiry Boulevard~ Houston~ Texas 77005), unless othcrwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and govemed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the ing Qrdinance and Chapter 211, Tex, Loca1 Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial pre~sent~d within 10 days aftei• the date this decision is filed in the Board's ot~ice. 1 By: /1 // v J A ttes~: ~C~irman, Fo tt e zoning Bo~rd of Adjustment Filed ~n the Boan~'s office on _ 19 , m~d copies mailed (see ma~ling list auached) on 19__, By: City of ~est U~i~ersity P1ace ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Address of Site: 3923 Swarthmore Legal Description of Site: Lot 4, Block 13, College View First Addition Building Permit Number: Permittee/Applicant: Brian and Martha Kidder Decision or Action Requested or Proposed: A request for special exception that would authorize the continuation of PNC (Prior Non Conforming) status and allow the modest enlargement of the principal building. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vote: ( X) Required notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Leslie Montisano, Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place ( X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below: Proposed special exception will not cause any signifcant increase in on street parking; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed special exception will not cause ~ an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service; and the proposed special exception will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance. ( ) Additional Findings: ( X) Hearing held on: December 16,1999 ( X) The vote: Frank Billings, Steve Mazoff, Michael Neal, and Mark Plagens for, no one opposed. Decision of the Zoi:i~ig Boarcl of Adjustment (suGject to all applicaGle appen.ls): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception to authorize the continuation of PNC status and allow the modest enlargement of the principal building is granted subject to the following conditions: 1. Construction plans are followed as proposed, especialiy with respect to the second story pitched roof dormer shown on plans. This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the city, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005) unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to And governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be r sented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. gy. Attest: ~.tL •J /10e1 ~~G(-L.~A v i(~C airperson, Zoning ard oF Adjustment Staff Representative, City of West University Place ~~ a 2000, Filecl i the Board's office o , 2000 and copies mailed (s~e~aEtaG~ '' e~ t) o By: _ _. - ~.~. ~ • . ~ . ,- , ti G~~ ~ Retyeled Paper ~I / L X771941 07/id/04 30D44d338 City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace A Neighborhood City Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Address ofsite: 4144 Tennyson, Houston, Texas 77005 Docket #: 04-O1 ~11,40 ~ ~~ Legal description of the site: Lot Three (3), in Block Twenty (20), Colonial Terrace Section "C" according to the map or / plat thereof, recorded in Volume 655, Page 517 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. Permittee/Applicant: Clifford G. Thout, Jr. I/"'' Decision orAction Reguested: Request for a Special Exception regarding Article 12, section 102 (e) Certain Yard Encroachments of the Zoning Ordinance. The request for the Special Exception is to grant prior non- conforming ~ status (PNC) to allow an existing 6' wrought iron fence and stone column that encroach into the front yard setback to ~ remain. ~ Notice, Nearing, Findings, Vote: ~ (X) Required notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning & ~ Development Assistant City of West University Place. ~~` (X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the specia] exceprion as ~ranted below: (proposed ~ Special Exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception will ~; not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed Special Exception will not cause any substantial ~ increase in traffic; proposed Special Exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or ~;I upon any other public facility or public service.) ~1 .(X) Addirional findines(ifany): Encroachment was inadvertent and neither misrepresented to the City or hidden from City officials, it will not cause substantial adverse effect on other persons and it does not pose a signifcant health or safety risk (X) Hearing held on :March 18, 2004 (X) The vote: Mark Plagens, James Jordan, Jean Howse, Richard Wilson and Dick Yehle voted for; no one opposed. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (subjecl to a!1 applicable app~uls): Under and subjeet to the City'S Zoning Ordinance, a special exception as requested, granted for the site identitied above subject to the following: 1. The decision must be recorded in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and a certified copy is returned to the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, I3ouston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. This special exception is for an indetinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org . Page 2 ~ ZBA Decision, Docket 04-O1(Special Exception) Efj''ec~ive Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and la~vs, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: Board of Adjustment r~, State of Texa1s1. ~ County of t~n/^1"(~ ~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on "' ~7 ~ (date) by Mark Plagens, Presiding Officer for the ~ Zon' g Board of Ad'ustment. i ~° ~r Notary Publ' s Signature ...:... ~~ (Personalize Seal) SALLYE A. CLARK MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~ After recordinq return to: MAY 18, 2006 ~ Sallye A. Clark City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 Phone #: 713-662-5843 wr~ ~ wwcx Resrncrs nrt sue.wExrK, a us~ a n~ o~xn~e ~u ~' ~" ~a ` '' =' r ~ne~a~caaaowrt~c~vu~ouotuExroac~uxoe~~oauuw. ~ ~• THE STATE OF TEXAS COUM'Y OF WIRRIS ' '' 7 S+j r_7 S• ~.~. ~ ~' ~ f"- r, •--~ 't .;,~ nFletMmbs3~~nemfMdu~dMlrlm~ I~peblwHlhllinMwluaFlED ~ "~ ~= ~. °. ~~:~ qlspd Mnor C~ M; ~ei ru IJ~ RECORDE0. YMe OBaY i~lic AemN~ ~ Nrl Pnph d M~i ~~ ~ -- ~ Cairy,T~wm ~ ~ . JUL 16 2004 y~ <~ ~ :"-~~~ n~ ~ o ~ ~~~~ r~~ ~ x x' o ~ ~ ~ COUNTY CLERK ~ * HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ~,.... ,~ ~ 1. ..~ ~. ...,::.. . . ....~ ... . : . .. ........... . . . .. : . . . ; . .. . . . . , ..~~ . . . . . ~ ~ ,:,~=;_ ; 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~°~: ~ . = -- ` Cit of ~~.e. ,st U~ii~ers~~t: ~~P1~,~~c~e ~ ~ - - - .:~ . Y. ~~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ . . ~ . ~~ ~ ~. ~ ,r~~ ~ ~~°° A Neighborhood City ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~. fieeycledPaper • . . + ' . . . , . . . . . . • . : • November 13, 2002 : ~ - . . . ~~ ~ . . ' ~ • . G . .. . . ~ Stephen.R. H~unf ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ , ~ 39U6 Tennyson , . . ~ . , . ~ ~ . ~ . ~ Houston, Texas 77005 ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ D'e'a'r`Mr. Hunt: ~ . ~ ~ . , . . . ° . . . . • .. . . . . , :. . `~ ~ Enclosed herewith are the notar~d originals of the Zoning Bdazd of Adjustments decision . . . ~ .,:;.:..;; •... ,:._. . ;ti = .; .. ~ , regarduig docket number 02-07.~pecial Excepti~ granted from August 15, 2002) so that it . ~ can beirecorded:and; a..c~ertifi~ed copy returnec~, to .the Development Services Divisio.n. ~Also. ,, enclosed is the.orig~ii,al. notarized ~d~ecision •to, deny'~a.variance,fo;,,tliey~,ame,~docket. number :, :~ ~~ .~ You are:not-.required to record,the Variance decision to. deny,a~d you shoulii keep~the origirial ~ ~ ~ for you~records. ~ I am enclosing an address and phone number ~for the~ Real Properiy Records ~~~ . ~~ .for:your ii~ormation as to tlie location to~ get tlie Specoal ~ Exc,eption decision recorded, and~ to . ". ~ ~~ ~ obtain a cerkified re'corded~ copy to. retui~ to ~ our offce. Rlease: note~ that~ recording.•and~ ~° . . •' ~ ~returning a cerkified ~recorded°copy'of;~lie~Special° Exception decision. is a~part of the conditions ~ ~ ~ ~and failing to-do so will make your decision nu11 and void. If you have any questions; please ~~ oontact me at (713) 662-5843. ,~ . : ~ ~ ~ . - . . . . ~. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' , ~ ~' . . ~ :Sincerely, ~ ~ ~ : . ~ , ~ ~ /~ d0~' ~~~tJ, Y-~ ' . • • . ' ~ ~ ./ l,~ ,,n ' , :... __ ~ T- ~ ___ _ -- •_ `, _' _' _ _ _ ~ -.~ ~ i1 / /w.._ _ . --~__-' ~ - -- ' - - -- - - -- - ~- o-~. . ' 1 ~ . . ~ , . ~ ~ . : Sall.y,e A. .Clark .. < . . . , '~ ~ ~ , CAJ ~ Planning and Development Assistant ~ ~ ~,,,,;-, ~n~ ~ . . . ~.~ ~~',1 ~(.(~t~• . ;~, , . : . . ' ' ~ . . . ~'~~~n Tr U(..- , Vl ~~ C~~~ . ~ Enclosures . ~ . . • . . . . , ~~ ~ U - . . . . . . S:~ ~,r~ ~ . . ~ . .... . . ..- ..... ~ . . ~ . . . . . . . ~ . . ;.:F . . ~ " • ' , . • I ~~. I ~ .. . ~ ' . / . , . , . ~ , ~ •~ ' ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ . ~, .. ' • • , . ^ W - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q-~ ~ ~ ~. . -p ~. ~ . ., ~ _ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~.. 3800.University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.•668•4441 ~ www.westu.o . ~ ~ Cit of ~est Universit P1ace ~~ y y 1 A Neighborl:vod City Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ RecycledPaper City of West University Place, Texas (,"City") ~'n!' d. DECISION TO GRANT A SP~CIAL EXCEPTION O ~ ~~x~ W319~s~3 12/30/0? 30~1~31212 f11.00 I I Add~•ess of site: 3906 Tennyson, Houston, Texas 77005 Docket #: 02-07 Legnl descriptio» of the site: Lot Eleven (11), in block T~velve (12), of College Vic~v Acldition, Third subdivision, an addition in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat tliereof recorcled in volume 572, Page 33 of tl~e Deed ltecords of Harris County, Texas. ~~ ~ . Pern:ittee/Applica,rt.• Stephen R. Hunt ~,--Q~~ Decisra: orActio» Requested: Request for a Special Exception regardiug Article l2, Section 1.2-102, Acquiring PNC Status (e) Certain Yard Encroachments. The request for the Special Exception is to grant prior uonconforming status to allow tlie existing structure to encroach 0.2 feet into the east sicle setbnck. Notice, Hearing, F'i~idings, Vote: (J~ Reguired notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accorclance ~vitl~ Article 1] Uy Sallye A. Clark, Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place. (J~ Required determinations have been made bv the ZBA with resE~ect to the special exception as ~ranted below: (proposed Special Exception will not cause any signific~nt increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; ~~roposed Special Exception will not cause any substantill increase in traffic; proposed Special Exception ~vill not c~use an unreasonable burden u~on utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service.) (X) Additional findinr?s (if any): Granting a Special Exception for tlie proposed structure will not unreasonably interfere ~vith available light and air and will not signiticantly alter access for fire figl~ting and similar needs. (J~ Hearin~ held on: August 15, 2002 (J~ The vote: James Jordan, Michael Silver, Mark Plagens, Micl~nel Neal and Steven Segal voted for; no one opposed. Decision of the Zoni~:g Board ofAdjushnent (subject to all applicab/e appenls): Under and subject to the City's zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception is granted as~requested and as specifcally allowed by Article 12, Section 12-102, Acquiring PNC status (e) Certain Yard Encroacl~ments. Tl~e request for the Special Exception is to grant priqr nonconform;ng status to allow the existing structare to encro~ch 0.2 feet ii~to the east side setback. The Special Exception is granted for the site identified above subject to tl~e following: 1. If structure is ever demolislied, it cannot be built in tlie s~me location and must comply with tl~e existing setback requirements. 2.~ The applicant must record tliis decision in tlie Real Pr~perty Records of Harris County, Texas. Tl~e decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and a certiiied copy is returned to the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustmeut, 382G Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. This special exception is~for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. Tl~is special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of tl~e City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • ivww.tivestu.oi•g ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS 1NVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UIVDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY A~ST: ~r~~ u ~ ~003 BEVERLY B. KAUFMAN, County Clerk Harris County, Texas ~~~ 7'~ ~"~~r Deputy SONG TRAN : . .. ~~-~: . Page 2 ~BA Decision, Docket 02-07 Effective Date & Appeals: Tliis decision takes effect as indicated ~bove. Any appeals of tl~is decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: t~e Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Bo~rd's office. '~.. ; _ ,; ~; ' r- (-: : ~ :.~ ~. By: - ~ ' `~~ . Presi ng Officer, oning Boa Adjustment :. ~'~ "~ .^~ ,.• ~ ~:~" , i`5 +.... ..~.a State of T as ~ ~'' County of~~ ~p This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ V~~~CI~ ~~ (clate) by Steven Segal, Presicling Officer for tl~e fp Zoning Board of Adjustment. o n(~ /~ JOSIE MARIE OROSCO ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 , `L. O ~~ ~"~-~ ' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~~~ \Totary Public's Signature • ~~ ,)UNE 22, 2oos C~ ~Personalized Seal) i v~i • Filed in the Board's office and original forwarded to applicant for recording on ~ I ~~~_, by: Planning and ~t~ Develoument Assistant. !~1 • . ~ K~~V Y"L l ~ 1G(C~~~K ~. ~l~K~ .. = .. . q c~ ~ -f~. vL~..Yso~ ~~~ s~T'm ~, `t'~C ??a o ~' Nnr~x ~~N wr~a~ ~srriaccn n~ s~ue. ~xru. a~ us~ a n~ o~scusE~ ~t w~ntre[~u~ o~ caa~ oa aece s Hvxro r~e u~a~o~ a~x r~oau~uw. lHE STATE OF TF.XAS COUNTY OF HARRIS IhnbluNMOnIOit I~A wn F1lED'nFl: Nmha Sawence anYiedNe a~dtlrime wnipet Irrea E~ m: ~M rns AA~ FECARDEO. Y Ik q!c:~ PoAk RemrM d Reel Prapnry d Nam Cwq~Tca~an D~~ 3 C 2002 ,~, ~~~~'~~i~~"/ COUPf1Y CLERK # HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UIYDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY • A.~ST: J A N 0~3 1003 BEVERLY B. KAUFMAN, County Clerk Harris County, Texas : S 3 ~J'~4 f~'-' _ ~ Deputy SONG TRAN . ~~ • • . . ~ ~ r~' ~~,! . ~.~; . ~~ ~ ~~,~~~ J 3 )15 . ~ Recyeled Paper r ;: ~ ~ v334yz~. City of ~est U~iversity Place A Neighborhood City Zoning Board of Adjustnient City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DEC.ISION TO GRANT A SPECI:AL EXCEPTION 10/OZ/O1 300624704 V3349z1 f31.00 Address ojsite: 4114 'fennyson Docket #: O1-08 Lega! descriplia~ of tlze site: East 20.00 feet of Lot 10, And the adjoining West 40.00 feet of Lot I1, in 131ock 20, of Colonial Terrace, Section "C", an addition in I-f.arris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume G55, Page 517, of the Deed Records of ~farris County, Texas. ~ 13uildi~rg Permit No: l~`/A . Permittee/Applica:.l: _ Shawn Q. and Jeri T. ~Ieely ~ ',_ Decisio~r orAction Requested: Request for a Special Exception regarding Table 7-4A, Carage Space, Garage doors or openings, ~;~ Door or opening facing front street line, Note 1, Special Exceptions, (i). This request for a Special ~~y Exception is to allow tl~e construction of a porch style roof and support columns to project above the driveway from the house to the front building line. .~ ;m ~~~ Nolice, Heari~rg. Fi~rdi~rgs, Vote: ~ (X) Required notice given bv: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sa11J~e A. Clark, Planning & !`~# Development Assistant City of West Univcrsity Place. ~,aj (~C) Required determinations have been made bv the ZBA with respect to the saecial exception as ~ranted below: (proposed Special ~ Exception will not c~use ~ny significant increase in on-street parking; proposed speci~l exception will not cause any ~!{ substantial traffic congestion; proposed Special Exception will not cause any substantial increase in traftic; proposed Special Exception will not cs~use an unreasonable burden upon utility syste~ns or upon any other public facility or public ~1~ service.) w~~ (X) Additional findinQS (if any): Granting a Special Exception for the proposed structure will not unreasonably interfere ~vith availaUle light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire fighting and similar needs. (X) Hearing held on: September 20, 2001 (X) The vote: Mark Plagens, Bill Richardson, John Rentz, Carolyn Galfione and Steven Scgal for; no one opposed. Decision of the Zoning Boc~rd ofAdjustme» ~(.suGject to a!! applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception as requested and as specitically allowed by Table 7-4 A. Garaee Space, Gara~e doors or oaenines, Door or O~enine facine front street line, (ii), Note 1, Snecial Exceutions (i) of the Zoning Ordin~nce, is granted for the site identiliPd above sub;ect xo thp fol!a~ving: 1. The applicant must record this decision in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and a certitied copy is returned to the Board's Oflice (c/o Secretary of' thel Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of ~Vest University Place. 2. This request for a Special Exception is to allow the construction of a porch style roof and support columns to project above the drivcway from the house to the front building line as per attached site plan. This special exception is for an indetinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. EJjective Da1e cC Appeals: This decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented .~vitl~in 10 days ufter the date this decision is filed in the Board's oft7ce. 38C~ Universi~y E~~I~evard = West University Place, Texas 77G05-2899 • 713•66$•4a41 • w-vw.tivn,stu.org ANY PROVISIONS HEREI[V WH1CH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY Deputy f1~T n ~ ~1 Page 2 ZBA Decision, Docket 01-08 I gy. A1te • ~~•~ Presiding Officer, Z ing oar of A'ustment a f epresen tive, City of West University Place f~ ~~i ~4~ ~'~ ~~~ ~~ ~ y~a ~~1 ~f ~ State of Tcxas • County of S This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~d 0~ (date) by Steven Segal, Presiding Officer for tl~e Zoning Board of Adj stment. ~ ~. . 0~~ ... '"..~r"'. , ' ,~;t~~~~ OAIL C. ROBER78 Notary Public s Signature ~I ?0`'•• °%° Public. State of Texas _.: ;''= Notary (Personalized Seal) ~ :, ,~~; My Commiss~on Expires 2004 .~ i r sh~~,~ ~-~ yo a ~ o~~-,~~ ~,~ ~~ v X 7~ ~~ s- ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR .OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY ~,;+,;;;;~',,••' August 21, •,,,~~~.~•• Pleke~ upI 1 rrrd the origi-ia[ to 6e recorded, +~.on 1~ ~I , by. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ r , ~ "~ ?7 i J ~ ~ "' .. ~..~ ~ ~ ." ~ ' ~':. y;,fi , 1. ~ ; "...~ e.~~w. . ~. _ ~ ...r = ~. N = ;~-; , ~ ~ .{i"" (;,i~~ .^.-.. ;i, 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~;~A , a ..._ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~~ tb 1'~ ~ ~~ti~ 4! ~'y '! ~~q Yi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mr ~ <<.y.:~~ ••{r} gd:,:'rM~• =i~ : ..' ; .~•=•- =o ,~I ~ •`. r~ , .•w•. - . ~ - -: , ~d I s~~.,,~'~',' ~,.~j~„~F' q i ,~~ fi._ •:~1.:}=, a~iv " ~' • U~ ~.~•i:.'~•p •i'..~ • . . - • r`'~.':: p • Y~ I '~~ ` ~ ~f' ' _ Q. J I ~I' ^:~~.~ ~ .. . ~'~ .~, ' .. ~ I "~~ 1.'~ ~Y.J .. . • .. _ ~ /. I . ~ S . 1~ J . ' . 0 . MI I l'6 3413 ~9 - - I _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ ~ ~~i':•~oc ~ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~00'OZ[ I ~ ~ilt-~ie W Z S ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER , THE FEDERAL LAW. . • A CERTIFIED COPY jZ v.~ w u j ~ F ' ni z~ WO N ~ V JU ~ ~ U~ ~o W N X Q V '~ u p~ WW w w~ u~ c7Z a ~ ;nc 0' wd . . Wd p W w N~ ~ a p w ~O ~ u u3 U~~ N OJ i o= so O oz ~ r_ p O m o rc O ar ~~ a~ • d~ I ~ m a ~ au ~00'OZ! ~ L -- ~ _ _ N -- _Q~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ .~ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ '_' ~ r - ~ F ` 1 ---- i ~ ---------L------ --~~ I ~ ~ ~~ I/T - ~ ( ~I . .I . . . I C/ I ? I I ~ I ~ ~ I . ~ . • ~ ~ I J; a° ~ < ~ I . , ;;, , W '~ , • . ~ V I o~ a ~° ~ ~J `O I _ < U ~ . ~ Y ' ~i '~ " :'I~. ~ 1 . . i ., . ~ iY. ~~~ 5 ~~ ~ ~'.p ~ i ' ~' . I L ~ ~ _ V , ~~ ~ ~~ ~ <i ~ ~ • _ i • r `.v.~' ,~p: ~ ''~,~ ~~ '}~'.1~'~'~,+ , <1,.L:9~ `j.*~ ~•,~,i~~ . N . ~ I ~ • ~w ~~'.`+ i~; o ~~$~ . '~,.~ . ,~.,:. y,. ~ ~ ~ O a ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~~ 1~ ~~ rd ~ ~~ L~ ~ ~~~ ~r _ ~~~~ Q W J W O ~~ `r I N ~ ~ ~ Z° W~ ~ cn U ~ W JU F N d.> K d, N 4 UW1 N 'J~ ;91 h Z a u°~ a °1 u c o; z r I ~ o~ c~ w I ~a du ~ ~, \ ~ a --- ~ ; I o ~ ~ ~ ~~ ----1- --- ~~';~'-I- 1 _~ ~' ~ ~ - _ W I a I ~ ~' i a. I = m ?~ uc 1 I o ~ ~ os cZ u~ , I W 3 oJ aa~i ~ ~ i ~ ~~ u6 Z I ~ ~ S a~ p? 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I 3 u ' I d m~ ~ ~ -_=__ _ ~ ~ OI j ~ W n ~ ,0 Z ~ ~ C _~_ __~t __ _ ~I ul I ~ i ~' ~ u J1I N~ u~•IrDY •pewooe~ pue Pe~} sBM Wauwlsui eyl ew~i eyl ~e ~uase~d eien+ se8ueyo pue suop~ppe ~ 's~no~~o~q 11y '~la 'ieded pe~o~oas~p 'Adoo o~oyd io uoqis~ '~(1p~q~Bep~ -o esneoeq uoponpade~ oiydeiBOloyd sseq ey~ io~ elenbepeui eq o! puno~ SBM ~UBWIU~811~ 61y~'uo~lep~oaei ~o ewp ey11tl ~Wf10NtlFlOW3W S~tl30kl0~3H ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNEIVFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW: )eputy ""r'"or~~ -~w wwa r~c~ n,~ s,y~ ~r~ ow us~ o~ n+E o~sc~e~ aEu P~fAiT IEGUSE Oi COtOR OR IGCE IS Irv+UID AIPo UNEMiORCEAIIE UNOEd FF THE STq1E pF TEXqg DEAAI UW. ~~ ~ ~!{~RRIS ~~~.hh _ ~/ Tasa~~~~~~~ ~I'~lYmtl~d a+1~hYw - ~-~Sh aAni ~C I ~ 2 2~0~ ~ ~E~Z~ ~1~\ %~/ * COUNTY C~RK -iARRIS COUNTY, 7~Xqs ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS 1NVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY 1. ~. .~ ..~ ,.~ . - ; - ~%;3443U2 ,~~~ ~ ~ II 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n ~ Recycled Paper Cit of ~est Uni~ersit P1ace ~ ~~ ~` ' y y A Neigitborhood City Zoni~lg Board of Adjustmenl City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECiSION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION 10/04/O1 300627663 V344302 s11.00 Address ojsite.• 4144 Tenn,vson Docket #: 01-07 Legul desa•if~tioir of the site: Lot Three (3), I31ock Twenty (20), Coloniallerrace Sectiun "C", according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 655. PaQC 517. of the Ueed Records of Harris Countv, Texas. Buildi~rg Pernrit No: N/A Permi~te.e/App(icant: Clifford G. Thout, Jr. ~, ~•- i' . i Decision or Aclio~r Xeqi~ested: Request for a Speciai Exception regarding Table 7-4A, G~rage Space, Carage doors or openings, Door or opening facing front strect line, (ii), Note 1, Speciul Exceptions, (ii). This request for a Special Exception is to allow tl~e open area above tl~e driveway to extend only 4'1" inward from the front yard in lieu of the required 7' to prevent the destruction of a qualified tree. Notrce, Hearing, Findir~gs, Vote: (X) Required notice iv~ en by: Mail und on-site posting in accordance witl~ Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning & Devclopment Assistant City of West University Place. (X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the specill excei~tion as ~ranted below: (proposed Special Exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed Special Exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed Special Cxception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed Special Exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service.) ( X) Additional findin~s (if any): Granting a Special Exception for this location ~vill prevent tl~e destruction of a qualitied tree. (X) HearinQ held on: September 20, 2001 (X) The vote: Nlark Plagens, Bill Richardson, John Rentz, Carolyn Galfione and Steven Segal for; no one opposed. Decisiar oj11~e Zoning Board ofArlj:~shnent (subject to al! applrcable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception as requested and as specifically allowed by Table 7-4 A. Garaee Snace, Garaee doors or o~enin~s, Door or Onenin~ facine tront street line. (ii), Note .1, Saecial Exceations (ii) of the Zoning Ordinance, is granted for the site identiticd above subject to the following: 1. The applicant must record this decision in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and a certified copy is returned to the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Ad,justment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. This special exception is for an indetinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. 7'his special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. EJJ"eclive Date cS'c Appeals: Tl~is decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ' 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • tiviU-v.tivestu.org ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF TI~ DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. ' A CERTffIED COP~CT O S ZOO~ ATTEST: BEVERLY B. KAUFMAN, County Clerk Harris County, Texas • ~~~ ~ ~""'~'~~ Deputy 50NG TRAN . ~ . ~ Page 2 ZBA Decision, Docket 01-07 By: ~/~ Artest: ' Presiding Officer, Zoning Boar o dj tment Staff epresen ive, City of West University Place State of Texas , County of ~~ ~~ C~ cv ~ ~~ ~ i ~ t~ ~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~~ 6/ O ~(date) by Steven Segal, Presiding Officer for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. ~ , C ~~'~ ~_ Q.c.~ /`~ ~"~ GAII C. ROBERTS aoop: ~~I~4 Notary Public's Signature ,•; °= Notary Public. State of Texas My Commission Expires (Personalized Seal) '~,'~;•.•y~~~a3 August 21, 2004 ~ yM111o1i~~~~,, Filed i the Board's o~ n By: E ? Q~;u~ ~ R: ~_.-~; : ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~._~i ~~ ~ ~?1'C,ke~dup 1 ~~ a~:d the original to be recorded, -r~ri~ed on ~ ~~ ~ ~ ;°;; : . : ~• ~. , ~:~~ ..~, ~ . : t.~ :~, ...~ , . ~: ~~ .. ., ..~ , . ; - . . ~ . ~ _~: . . . ~ \ ~ A~ :~.~ r .~ L . f~~ V~ {!7 ~ ~~~ _~ ~ 1 /,r ~. . ~ C_. ~ ~t.•~ ~. ~. .~~ `~ X. r ( ta , (-710 C~. , ,. ~~~ j ~ C_°_~~ -~ ~•. ~` ~ AN1' PROYI90M lEAENI M11CN RElTRJCTS TNE SAIE. RENUI, OA IISE OF TIE DESCRBED REAL PROPEAIY tEG1USE Oi COlOA OA RACF LS pYAlp ANp UNEMFORCEAIIE UNDER FEDERAL UW. THE STATE OF TEXAg COUNTY OF WIRRIS ~~+~1 ~Y NI hi nkM~ FIFD i i! Ninbx S~~o a M di rd ~ h ir ~pd Mrtan y uK W ra duh IEOOIOED. In h didi RaE Remdi dR~l Ae~y d Ilm fa~b, far m ocr - 4 1001 ~ ~E~~~ ~)~; y~.~/ COUNTY CLERK * HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY Az-rEST: O C T ~ S 2001 BEVERLY B. KAUFMAN, County Clerk Harris County, Texas ~:; :;::;~,r ~i .~.it:NQkA!d'JIiM aLl Bl~:!:.i 4~~ f ~ A.t7^~11D1lS A~~D C++ANt;c] y,~;C~pR':SEPII' AT ~H, 11MElhElNSiRUMElS~ YVAS Fll.k(: ANU R~CORDED. • ~07:~ ~ Deputy SONO TfiAN s , . . : ~ .• • ~ City of ~est University P1ace ~ ZO1vING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ Recycled Paper City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION OF APPEAL Address of Site: 3836 Tennyson Legal Description of Site: Lot 18, Block 11, College View, Third Addition Building Permit Nuinber: Perneittee/Applicaitt: B.J. & Brandye Drager Decision or Actiorz Requested or Proposed: A request for appeal from an order, requirement, decision or determination made by the City's Building Official regArding interpretation of Ordinance No. 1506, Table 7-6 Projection Schedule, Page 1, Note 1, Dealing with second story porches. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vote: ( X) Required notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Ronald J• ~'~cker, Interim Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place ( X) Required determ.inations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the appeal of the Building Official as stated below: The ZBA interpreted the word "porch" in Table 7.6, 1.2, (iii) of the West University Place Zoning Ordinance, to include 2"d story porches(sometimes referred to as balconies) providing all other code conditions are met. i ( ) Additional Findings: ( X) Hearing heid on: June 15, 200U ( X) The vote: Regular Voting members Sue Porretto, Mark Plagens, Steven Segal and Alternates Bill Richardson and Rich Langenstein voting for, no one opposed. Decisia: of the Zoning Board of Adjustnzent (subject to all applicable appeals): The ZBA interpreted the word "porch" in Table 7.6, 1.2,(iii) of the West University Place Zoning Ordinance, to include 2"~ story porches(sometimes referred to as balconies) providing all other code conditions are met. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (clo Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, VYcst University Place, Texas 77005) unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinAnces and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this de ' ~on s tiled in e Bo rd's office. l3y: tlOM- `e~"'~ Anesr: Ch_~, Zoning Board of Adjustment Staff Representative, ' of West University Place Filed ' the B 1r 's office on ~ Z , 2000 and copies mailed (sce attached mailing list) on , 2000, 13y:~~~"_""n' u 3800 Univer.sity Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005 • 713/668-4~1. City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ Recycled Paper City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Address of Site: 2931 Tangley Legal Description of Site: Lot 1 pnd adjoining west 10' of Lot 2, Tr 24, Block 17, Monticello Addition Building Permit Nu»iber: Perniittee%I pplicant: Chuck Braclit & Cheryl Verlander Decision or Action Requested or Proposed: A request for special exception that would grant PNC status which would authorize the projection (no more than 18") of existing pool equipment into the side yard. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vote: ( X) Required notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Neslihan Bilir Tesno, Development Coordinator/Forester ' City of West University Place ( X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below: The encroachment was inadvertent And neither misrepresented to the City nor hidden from City ofticials. The encroachment will not cause a substantial adverse effect on other persons. The ~ encroachment does not create a significant health or safety risk. ( ) Additional Findings: ( X) Hearing held on: Apri120, 2000 ( X) The vote: Sue Poretto, Rich Langenstein, Bill Richardson and Steven Segal voted for, no one opposed. Decision of t~ie Zoning Board of Adjustment (suGject to all applicaGle appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception to grant PNC status and allow the projection of swimming pool equipment to project into side yard (no more than 18") is granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The projection apply to existing equipment only. This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the city, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (do Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005) unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zflning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: ~PC~~1~- `~' Attest: I~O~C~E~CM'v" ~ I~ L~a ti O~ - Chairperson, Zoning Board of Adjustment Staff Representat~ve, City of West University Place Filed in the oard's office on 5~ , 2000 and copies mailed (see attached mailing list) on ~O , 2000, By: ~ 3800 University Boulevard • West Uni~~ersit}~ Plaee, Texas 77005 • 713/668-~1 - City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ Recycled Papar City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Address of Site: 2931 Tangley Legal Description of Site: Lot 1 and adjoining west 10' of Lot 2, Tr 24, Block 17, Monticello Addition Building Permit NumGer.• Permittee/Applica-it: C/tuck Brac/rt & C/:eryl Verlander Decisio~i or Actiai Requested or Proposed: A request for special exception that would grant PNC status which would authorize the projection (no more than 18") of existing pool equipment into the side yard. Notice, Hearing, Fi~tdings, Vote: ( X) Required notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Neslihan Bilir Tesno, Development Coordinator/Forester City of West University Place ( X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below: The encroachment was inadvertent and neither misrepresented to the City nor hidden from City officials. The encroachment will not cause a substantial adverse effect on other persons. The encroachment does not create a significant health or safety risk. • ( ) ,Additional Findings: ( X) Hearing held on: April 20, 2000 ( X) The vote: Sue Poretto, Rich Langenstein, Bill Richardson and Steven Segal voted for, no one o.pposed. Decision of t/Te Zoni~zg Board of Adjusdne~:t (suGject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception to grant PNC status and allow the projection of swimming pool equipment to project into side yard (no more than 18") is granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The projection apply to existing equipment only or comparable replacement. This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the city, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is tiled in the Board's oftice (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005) unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by npplicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local G Code. Under chapter 211, petitions for judicial review us be presented within 10 days after the date this de 'sion ' filed in the B r' ~ce. `'~J~ •r: . By: ' Atte~ Chairperson., Zoning Board of Adjustment StaC Representative, City of ersity Place Fl i e o r' o c o , 2000 and copies mailed (see attached mailing list) on , 2000, By: . 3800 University Boulevard • West University Plfzee, Tesas 77005 • 713/668-~1 ~ City of ~est Uri.iversity P1ace ZOIVING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO DENY A VARIANCE • Address of Site: 2931 Tangley Legal Description of Site: Lot 1 and the adjoining west 10' of Lot 2, Block 17, Monticello Addition. Building Perniit Number: Permittee/Applica~it: Charles Bracht and Cheryl Verlander Decision or Action Requested or Proposed: Request for variance from Article 7, Table 7-6 (Projections Schedule, page ii), which would allow pool equipment to project 18" into the side yard. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vote: (X) Required Notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Leslie Montisano, Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place (X) Hearing he.ld on: January 20, 2000 (7~ Required statutory findings made: No hardship found (X) Additional Findings: None (X) The vote: Frank Billings, Michael Neal and Sue Porretto voted to deny'request. Carolyn Panebianco voted in opposition. Decision of the Zo~ai~ag Board of Adjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicnble law, a variance under Article 11 is denied. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o SecretAry of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: ~ hairperson, Zoning Board of Adjustment Attest: a,~~,~ i.~(~,_~ ~-~o ~ (~C~ Staff Representat~ve, C~ty of West University Place ~.uu~~e~Zl~staie-- Filed in tlie Board's office oit ~ U 2000 arid copies n:ailed (ce~ut ) on 2000, • ay: ~'1 fT k~rt ~ ~ l'.c.~-U ~~ -~ ~ Form ZBA-201(04c:\wp51\forms~zba201.54orig) • Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE A ddness of site: ~//,~S^ % c n H~ sv~ Legal description of the site: Building Permit No: Permittee/Applicc~at: Decision orAction Requested orProposed.• Notice, Hearing, F'indings, Yo~e: ( ~ Required notice given by: ( ~ Hearing held on: ~-_($' 1/, _ (.~ Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) . ( ) Additional findings (if any): ( v~ The vote: for, against. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adj:~stment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Section of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: th ning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicia ~ew~ust~be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: ~ A ttest: i g Board of Adjustment Filed in the Boa~rl's office on 19 , and copies mailed (see mailing list attached) on 19 , By: Form No. 3 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~ DECISION Reference: 4210 Tennyson Lot 10, Block 16 Colonial Terrace Appeal No.: 91-24 Dated: 11/22/91 Hearing Held On December 19, 1991 & January 16, 1992 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Ad~ustment" Motion made by Mr. Robert Mc Bride, seconded by Ms. Teresa Fogler to grant the variance with a stipulation that if the garage structure, (including the slab/foundation) ~ ever replaced, then the new structure would need to comply with current regulations. Voting Aye: Sterling Minor, Vic Hansen, Robert McBride and Teresa Fogler. . ~ Voting No: None. Unless otherwise stated, any authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Bo d of Adjustment ~ f ~I~~ i Secretary ! (Date) 1/31/92 cc: Building Inspector ~ ~ ~ ~ } . ' ~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ~~j~ A Nei hborhood Ci W-, 8 h' . ~ Reeycled Paper ~ ~ ~ ~ Form ZON-203 dec granting special cxception, 12-04 07~~7/0~ ~( 6~1~ ~~ Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") Docket No. OS-09 DECISION GRANTING A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Addressofbuildingsite: 2723 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005 ~ Legal descriptio~: of the building site: Lot three ( 3), and the adj oining West one - half (W. ~) of Lot Four (4) and the adjoining East one-half (E. 3~) of Lot two (2), in Block "A," of Pemberton,~a subdivision in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Volume 8, Page 41, of the Map Records of Harris.County, Texas. Applica~:t: Editha Macapinlac Decision orAction Requested: Applicant requests a special exception to grant Prior non-conforming ("PNC") status for certain yard encroachment ~~ ~ into side yard 2.5 feet from the property line. Briefiiig, Notice, Hearing, Detern:inatioi~s, Vote: (X) (if requirec~ Notice of pre-application briefing given on N/A and briefing held on N/A, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. (X) Notice of hearing was given by: Mail and on-site posting, in accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant of the City. (X) Hearing was held on June 16 , 2 0 0 5. (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: ( i) the proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; (ii) the proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; (iii) the proposed special exception will not cause any ~ substantial increase in traffic; (iv) the proposed special exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility . systems or upon any other public facility or public service; (v) SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 1 D~ ~22.Q0 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org the proposed special exception harmony with--the general purpose Ordinance. is consistent with--and in and intent of the Zoning (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A ( X) The vote was:~for, ~against this decision. ~ .~.~ Decision of tlte Zoning Board of Adjustn:ei:t granting variai:ce (scrbject to all applicab[e appea[s): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception as specifically allowed by (identify the exactprovision) Article 12 , Prior Nonconformities, Section 12 -102 ( e) Certain Yard Encroachments of the Zoning Ordinance, is issued for the site identified above, but subject to the following: 1. Prior non-conforming status is lost if the structure demolished or alterations cause the removal of the encroachment.~ ~. P~er a1t~Ci.r,l~~cl, oi ~ ~Ian Ot1:er Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNNERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THTS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIlZED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOAR.D WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONiNG ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 2 THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING 1N THIS DECISION IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY ~F WE$T T~TNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By, Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ STATE OF TEXAS~ ~ COUNTY OF HARRIS 1 ,, This instrument was acknowledged before me on W~ ~~ (date) by Q,r~ name) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of e Cit of West University Place, Tex . SALLYE A. CLARK MY CQMMISSION EXPIRES ~_ MAY 18, 2006 ~ (SEAL) j ~ i ~ /~ / „ My commission expires: :~ I CJI.~~ otary Public SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 3 This instrument was fcled in the Board's o~ce on ~o ~ 1 I~G ~ , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on N/A. By: Name: S~ ~ 1/~~ v~ ~$ , j,e5N0 Title:.~.~ ~~,r~y~.e~+ ~er recording return to: Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment Ciry of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #: 713-662-5843) / / ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ .:n ~., ~. L. •~ f, - c '_ r.. , t ' ~_• ~. N `. , ~1 ~ , j : ' ~ ~ • ~ , ~ ~ rn~ , ~ ~C ~ .. D ,~,~ N SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 4 ~' T F"" ~ ; . ~- .l~K-~~ a5~oq ~ I ~ ~ I~ ~IA ~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~l ~ ~ f"~1 ~ L ~ B ? `N~pi7 ~ m~~ ~~ ~~nu°a~ a~ ~.~d~~~~ ~.~ m ~ ,rY! ~ ~ ~: a ~. L m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ a3 ¢ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ WoQ~og° Q:~1~~tq ~ Vo~~C~~a a°a ¢~a~~~2 m ti ~ ~ ~ ~ fs~~yp~m ~ ~~": n~{a N ~ E B SCAIE: 7°=30' •WAKEFOREST AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY ASSUMEO TO BEAR NOFTH ~ iF I W ~ R Z lo 1.~.1 ~ Q F--~ ~ I W Y ~ LL ~.1.~ ~ Y Q 3 sn •r• ix coxc ' • ~yoo~ : •~: .:.~ `.e .' N ~ .~M ~~~ • IR ' o<.. ^ ~ '^ ~ 4 ~:'.C. 3 GN'g ~ "~• 1=-~m z • K ~ i1 ~ _ = - ~ ~ . z y oW~ ° O ~'o~ z < B L 0 C K ~• ,a• wio[ Yllw wux - ' - sn MPROYIY~TC LOG1qN M ~( IIOIC~{) f !/0' I.R 0 ~' 7 Q ~ ~ e I W J ~ O m ~N J 0 , ...w~~.... , - .~ ~' Q Z Z a B L 0 C K~ 1 ~ g LOT 2 l,pT } g TNf THE EAST 35~ OF ~ I THE BUFFINGTON TRACT AUJOINING WESi LDT 1 k TNE A~JOINING _ (~.c.e.r. xo. *sueoo) 13' 0~ LOT 4 WEST 25' OF LOT 5 THE BAGCCTT d~ RESTREPO TPACi THf WARD TRACT _ ' (x.e.c.r. xa. x.uw) ' (Kaar. xo. s~ae~~e~ . I xs.oo• I ~/e'~~.~._ _ _ _ ' __ _ FENWOOD RO~D - - - - rxo V~ NOTES: 1.) -//- DENOTES WOODEN FENCES, -O- DENOiES CHAIN-LINK FCNCCS, S.) SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALl UNRELOA~E~ EASCMENTS CUINED, B DENO7ES LONTR~L YONUMENT. ~ ISSF31TE0 ON USCO BY OR iHROUGH THE CIIY OF WEST UNIVCNSITY PUCE, ~N ANY UTILITY COMPANT 9Y ACREEMENT WITH OR 2.) SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE COVENAN75 BY VOL 9, PG. ~i. H.C.M.R. PENYISSION OF TNE CI1Y OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TE%A5. 3.) 5' l1TILI7Y EASENENT BY VOL 806, PG. 59, H.C.D.R. 6.) SUBJECT TO SEWCR l1NE ALONG REAR Of SUBJECT PROPEXiY AS SHOWN ON UNRECORDED SANIfARY~SEWER MAP OF TNE CITY OF 4.) SUBJECT TO iNE 20NING ORDINANCES NOW IN FORCE IN THE CITY WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE, TEXAS, REVISED 1959. OF WEST UNIVERSITT PUCE, TEXAS. 7,) BRICK DECKS ARC WITHIN 1HE 5' UillliY FASEYENT AS SHOWN. B.) ORICK WALK ~5 OVER THE PROPERTY UNE AS SHOWN. BUYCR'S ACKNCWIEDCY[NT 7M4 SURVEY IS NOT COR iU7URE CONSTRUC710N PURPOSES. ALL BEMWGf ME BASED ON IHE flECOR0E0 PIAi UNLE55 OTNEIIWISE NOTEO. ~L000 ZON[ DE7CAYINED B'f GRAPHIC PIOTTING ONLY. WE CO NOi 1LSSUMC RCSPONSIDRIiY C011 EMACT OCTCRYINATION. 7{IIS SUpVEY XAS B[CN PREPARED iROY INFORYAiION CGNfA1NE0 IN iHE TRIE COYYRYENT REfENENCED W Gf N0. 01381fi05, ONIY. ILT 3! tN[ A010WW0 wt5f 1/7 Ot t07 ~~~K SECIION • SUBOIVISION FLODD NOiE ~ 7NC M/Oayp Gy7 ~/7 p~ ~p~ 1 ~~~ ~ PEY9ERiON AOOITION (10.170 SLL/L) ' TIIIS 7pACT IS LOChTEO M/ITMIN RO00 p[CONDATON COUNTY STATE SIIRVEY ZONC '% (UNSIIADCD) ACCOROING TD iNE VOL B, PG. ~1. M.C.Y.R. NARRIS iE%AS ~ fEOERAL EIAERGENCT YAtUGEYENT ACENCY (FEL/~ RO00 INSURAMCE MTE YAP (IIRY) G.f. NO. RCV6C0'ry p~ =p0.2ppp~~~ 0060 J, ~HOea co. m~c eo. • BIWN OF AYFJtlG 7EXA5, N.~. COMMONWGLTX L1N0 TRLE COMPANY DISR1605 JOB NO. ~ PURCWISER HOYER AMCAPINUC AND WIFE, EOITHA MACAPINUL ' ]3244K ADOXESS 7723 UNNERSRY BOULEVARD, HOUSTON, TE%AS FlELD WORK fl-ol-ot Rli DRAFfED BY i~-aa-oi urc CHECKED BY If-ot-o~ wp KEY YAP N0. 533~ B ~ REVISION N ~ /~~ E ~~~ ~ .S' ~COPYRIGHT 7001 WINOROSE UNO SERNCES. INC. ALL RIGH75 RESERYEU I do ~ercEy caAiiy that ihla survay under my auparvlalan was Ihla day mada on Iha ground end Ihal Ihia plal eorreelly reprasents fhe properly legally deserihad hareon (ar on oHaehad aheef). Thal Iha IaaM faund a1 tha Itma of Ihi~ survey shaw Ihe imp~ovem nta and fhal lhers are no rlslhle aneroaehmenla app ant Ihe pround, axeept as shorn, lo ihe 6ae1 0l my kn rlad ~n rose Land Services, Ina f f30f RAdvnardAw.. SulEs K-fai f~mEor~ Tems7laB2 I+AarerlBf)b5B-BOOB Fa~r(719)/Bf-f161 Professional Surveying Servioes I ~~ „r- LN. ~ UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD (1D0' R.O.W.) ~Nr F~DM~ON ~AEN M1p1 ~ESf~CIt DE SKE RFxIK, OR I~E OF 1uE OESC~ AF~I rH~ ~~~ °R w~ a~uo u~o u~oac~ a~ ~ut uw. COUNTYOf RIS I heieb/ o~tlat tlis YabmieM wac FILED h fle numbar an Ihe deb end M tlie ~nped heieon bp n~e: and was duy RH~ M tlie OlAdal Public Reeords ol Real PropeAy ot H~rtb Counry Tex~a on JUL 2 7 2005 ~ y~ ~sc~ •E~~~~~~'~.~/ ~~~ COUNTYCLERK HARRIS COUNTY. TEXAS ~ . ~ .` :~ : ~ l~i ~ City of ~est Uniyersity P1ace A Neighborhood City ~rflf~~'dec granting variance, ]2-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") y 07/27/05 ~OOd~150f' 3 Docket No: OS-07 DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE Addressofbuildingsite: 3756 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005 .~ ~ 520.00 Legal description of tl:e building site: 13.09 acres (570,384 square feet) West University Place School Site, `~j1~ A.C. Reynolds survey, Abstract Number 61, City of West University N J Place, Harris County, Texas ~ Applicant: Houston Independent School District Decision orActio~ Requested: Applicant requests a variance to allow new classroom building addition to have a structure.height of 44 feet above the base elevation. Noti , Hearing, Detern:inations, T~ote: ( Notice of hearing was given by: Mail and on-site posting, in accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning ssistant ofthe City. ( Hearing was held on Ap r i 1 21, 2 0 0 5. ( Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is o served and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is ot contrary to public interest. ( ditional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: ( The vote was:~for, ~against this decision. Decision of t/te Zoning Board of Adjustment granting variance (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision) Article 7,Table 7-4b: Principal Buildings, Height, maximumof the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard ~ West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 ~ www.westu.org ; 1. Al1 portions of the structure that is taller than 35' should be at least 3x height to the nearest property line. 2. Exhibit "A" attached Otlier Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION ~IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MCTST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMA]NS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORA.RY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY VAR/ANCE, Page 2 ~ Effective Date & Appea[s: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, CIT~(JF WEST ~JNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: , Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ ~ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS l~~--, This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ ~J~J (date) by ~~. . ~~' name) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment f the ity of West University Place, Tex . SALLYE A. CLARK MY COMMISSION EXPIRES • ~ ~ MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) . ::~..:.,...,.~.., My commission expires: Notary Publ' This instrument was f led in the Board's office on ~~o~ _, and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on /A) . By: ~~ Name: 51' °/l 8 ~~S ~'1 6 Title:. L",~-,I ~I.~,v~n~.~ / ~er recording return to: Sallye A. Clark ~ .-. xti ~, ~ u'~ Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ ` ~ City of West Universiry Place _~.;?,. ~ r 3826 Amherst Street ~-; :;. '• N -;; Houston, Texas 77005 y=~ ~; `' -~ r= (Phone #: 713-662-5843) ~rn {,;.: ~ c ~ i~ ~T~ .D y< •~'~~ .. v' ;i - ~ VAR/ANCE, Page 3 .:, ~ , ~ 1 ~ ~ { ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1'Of . . . . . . . . . . ,.. , . .. -,; ,. . . ~ . . ~ ~ .i~. ~~ ' ' • . : '. • . ~ . . : .~ . . . ' -'-_ . ~ i. . .. ~ . . --- ---.....----~ ~- . ~ ~ ; ~---.•---=-...------~-~----=------ . .~` /, ~uo~ s~r~eo' r+.o.w.) ~ag` e u ~.~~~ ' . ' . .. '•~ .~° . ' .. ..~ _ ,~.,u,~, w~~.. ~~ ------- ~ . ~ N 077B~J0' W 535.78' w ariran' . i„.or ~~+~ ~ r . ~ i .. . . . ' • ' " "' ' """"" """""'" ~ . . . . . , . . , . """"__ """'""' ~' ' ' ~~ n`.: r"' ~ ~ . ~ . I I ~ ' _ ~ ~. ~ . , .. . K . . ~ . _~ •:I ~ . . ~ `I •` ' . ~~.Y....o._ , . ~ ~ I • . ~ . I I I _ - - - _ _ ~ f . . I ' ~ ~ ~ .'I ~ .I ~'_. b ~a ' . . . I j ' ~I i I~. ' ~ ~ i' ' . ~3' ~ ' • . .I .. ~ • ' ;II ~ .' • - I'~ • ~i .,: ~ ' ~ • ; ' ' • ~~ ------ i. ~i, ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . : ~' . ~ . ' ' ~ ~ ' ~ , ` ~-~~ ~ ~ .• . c.+ ~ • I I I ~ I' I '- i'.' ' ~~. . v ~ I ~ Ay .. 1. 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In tlie Olfldal Publk Recoids ol Real Pioperty of H~rtis Counry Tex~s an JUL 2 7 2005 8 _~~~ ~~~~~~~ ,'~?i;l;;j~(~7~;7:1 HARRIS COIN~tTY.TEXAS „~ _ • ~ _~ {~ ~ °! ~ . ~~ n w\ ~ City of ~est Uni~ersit P1ace Y A Neighborhood City U ~ aeeyciea aepa~ 2 ~ ~.• Addressofbuildingsite: 3756 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE ~ ~; Lega[descriptionofthebuildingsite: 13.09 acres, West University School Site, A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, generally bounded by University Blvd., Edloe Street, Auden Avenue and Pershing Place, City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, as more completely described in Exhibit B. ~~ ~~ ~20.00 Applicant: Houston Independent School District ~ Decision or Action Requested: To reduce off street parking from 139 to 36 spaces. ~ Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment Y641945 City of West University Place, Texas ("City") ~7~27~45 3Q0662132 Docket No: 04-12 (1) Notice, Hearing, Deter~ninations, Vote: (~ Notice of hearing was given by: Ma i 1 and on - s i t e po s t i ng , i n accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant of the City. (X) Hearing was held on September 16, 2004 . (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 5 for, 0 against this decision. Decision of tl:e Zoning Board of Adjustment granting variance (subject to a[I applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision) Article 10 Parking Areas, Driveways and Loading Docks, Section l0 - l00 . Of f Street Parkin of the Zoning Ordinance is gran,ted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard ~ West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 ~ www.westu.org ~ This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated. The ZBA urges the applicant to consider platting the building site to resolve easement and boundary issues. Other Provisions: } THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY ., RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 180~ DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFIlVITE PERIOD, UIVLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR VAR/ANCE, Page 2 .~ REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ,~ ZONING BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, CITY F WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: ~ Presiding Of e, oning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS 1' This instrument was acknowledged before me on D (date) by ~~il.l~f~ ~ ~¢me) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of e Ci of West University Place, Texas. SALLYE A. CLARK ' " MY COMM{SSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) 5 ~~.~,~lJ My commission expires: . Notary Public This instrument was filed in the Board's office on ~D/~~p~~~ , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on N/A. ~Y~ ~~ After recordinF return to: Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #: 713-662-5843) By~~'1~~~-~ Name: Ne S1 ~ ~~'l ~~ -T~s1v0 Title:.C ~-E~ ~4vt /t Q ~' VAR/ANCE, Page 3 ~ ., ERHIBIT "B" METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION ~. 13.09 ACRES (570,184 SO.UARE FEET} ~~ " ~ ~~~ ~ WEST UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE ~;~ ;; ~ A. C. REYNOLDS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 61 :~-~ `~. " r CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE =~~ : J ~ ' HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS „~~`~ ` • ~ .~I ('9 'I ' ~ ~ ;'fr l'~7`'+, .~'.J :Tt ;, ~'~'. ~~ y +~ ;~x ~;~ .a Beinc~ a tract or parcei containing 13.09 acres (570,184 square feet) of land situate~iin t~ siti.~ed in the A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract Number 61, Harris County, Texas; being all of that c~rtain tract of land ~ conveyed to West University Place Independent School District by W. D. Haden, et al. as described in deed recorded in Volume 619, Page 288, Harris County Deed Records (H.C.D.R.); and being out of and a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 875, H.C.D.R.; and being all of that portion of Amherst Street quit-claimed by the City of West University Place to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1119, Page 91, H.C.D.R.; said 13.09 acre tract being more particularly described as follows (bearings herein are oriented to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone-NAD 83): BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the intersection of the north right-of-way (R.O.W.) line of University~Boulevard (100-feet wide) with the west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street (60-feet wide); said iron rod also marking the southeast corner of the aforesaid tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the southeast corner of the herein described tract; Thence, South 87°24'06" West, along the north R.O.W. line of said University Boulevard, a distance of 1,064.23 , feet to a 1-inch pinch-top pipe found in the east R.O.W. line of Auden Street (60-feet wide) and marking the southwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the southwest corner of the herein described tract; Thence, North 02°38'30" West, along the east R.O.W. line of said Auden Street, at a distance of 300.00 feet passing the northwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the south line of the aforesaid tract quit-claimed to Houston Independent School District, continuing a total distance of 535.76 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped °Terra Surveying" set marking the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, PERSHING PLACE SECTION ONE, a subdivision plat of record in Volume 998, page 511, H.C.D.R. and marking the northwest corner of the herein described tract; ~ Thence, North 87°24'39" East, departing said R.O.W. line, and along the south line of said Block 1, and the north ~ line of said tract conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 815, H.C.D.R., a distance of 1,064.61 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set in the aforesaid west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street and marking the southeast corner of said Block 1 and the northeast corner of the herein described tract; South 02°36'03" East, along said west R.O.W. line, a distance of 535.59 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.09 acres (570,184 square feet) of land. This description is based on the Land Title Survey and plat made by Terra Surveying Co., Inc. dated August 4, 2004. TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. Compiled by: Patrick Trewitt, R.P.L.S. Reviewed by: Ernest Roth, R.P.L.S. Terra Surveying Co., Inc. 3000 Wilcrest drive, Suite 210 Houston, Texas 77042 August 13, 2004 Revised February 16, 2005 TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. M B-2720-0302-W U-ELEM. d oc IIN'I P~SION IHIEM YAldl RE51kCt5 nF SuE. ~ENtAI dl uSE OF nE oE9ql~ ~Fu Ofll PA~9tt1 ~GUSE OF CQOR qt RACE IS UNAUD ~ID II~IfOR~A~E IIOflI F~UI l~l. THE STATE OF TEXq~S COU~~F ~RR ~~,~ F1LED ~ FOee Nu~nber~. M 1he aae.na a~ st~ ~~^ ~r me. ~a ~as a~y pffidet publk Records ot Real PropeAy ot Hams CouMy, Te»s on JUL 2 ? 2005 ~~~~ .~~~~~~~~ s ~.~~~/ ry~ yyyn~ ~ N.i.ry~ r~ ~` W1i~t1SC0UtAY.TDfAS w .:. .. - . . - ,~- • " ' ' ~~ . • ,~ „ t.. J City of ~est U~i~ersity P1ace A Neighborhood City ~ Hecyeled Paper ~ Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 ~ Zoning Board of Adj ustment Y 6 419 4~ 6 City of West University Place, Texas ("City") 07/27/05 300~2133 Docket No: 04-12 (2) DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE ~~ ~ Addressofbuildingsite: 3756 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 Legaldescriptionofthebuildingsite: 13.09 acres, West University School Site, A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, generally bounded by University Blvd., Edloe Street, Auden Avenue and Pershing Place, City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, as more completely described in Exhibit A. ~ d t22.Q0 Applica~:t: Houston Independent School District ~ QA/ , ll Decisio~i orAction Requested: To allow parking in front of principle building . with no perimeter fencing. Notice, Hearifig, Determi~:ations, Vote: . (X) Notice of hearing was given by: Mail and on-site posting, in accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant of the City. (X) Hearing was held on September 16 , 2 004 . (X) Rec~uired findings and deternunations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 5 for, 0 against this decision. Decisio~z of the Zoning Board of Adjustme~t granting variance (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision) Article 10 Parking Areas, Driveways and Loading Docks, Section 10-103 . Location of Parking Spaces of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org 7' ', yidentified above subject to the following: This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated. The ZBA urges the applicant to consider platting the building site to resolve easement and boundary issues. Exhibit "B" is attached. Other Provisio~:s: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIItED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 180TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MCTST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. ~+ THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONII~TG ORDINANCE PROVISION ~ IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~ REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND ~ OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE ~" CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIIZES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES VARIANCE, Page 2 " ' THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. ~ ~ THIS DECISION REMAINS 1N EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUB7ECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONIlVG BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, CITY QF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Presiding Of~~r, Zoning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS \ COUNTY OF HARRIS t/" This instrument was aclrnowledged before me on ~ 1 l!i ~(date) by ~~K (name) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of e City of West University Place, T as. SALLYE A. CLARK ' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) ~ ~ ~ My commission expires: Notary Public This instrument was filed in the Board's off ce on ~lf ~ O`~ , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the 1 sa on N/A. By: ~-~s'~0 Name: ~l; ~g,~ ~, 1 ~s~.30 Tit1e:.C ~ } y ~~,~h~ ~' After recordin~ return to: Sallye A. Clark VARIANCE, Page 3 Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #: 713-662-5843) LS~ `~ . ~ ~ ` EXHIBIT "~•' ~ ~ ~' METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION 'C ' ~.. f. ~ r~'" ~ 13.09 ACRES (570,184 SQUARE FEET) -~.'+= . ` N ' WEST UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE ~~ -c ~ ~ J rn A. C. REYNOLDS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 61 ~~'~-r-' ~ ~'~; , , ~"' ~ ~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ; .~, ~ o~ ~ HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ~ ~ ~~ , ' xx ~ o Being a tract or parcel containing 13.09 acres (570,184 sauare feet) of land situated in the situated in the A.. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract Numbe~ 67, Harris County, Texas; being all of that certain tract of land conveyed to West University Place Independent School District by W. D. Haden, et al. as described in deed recorded in Volume 619, Page 288, Harris County Deed Records (H.C.D.R.); and being out of and a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 815, H.C.D.R.; anii being all of that portion of Amherst Street quit-claimed by the City of West University Place to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1119, Page 91, H.C.D.R.; said 13.09 acre tract being more particularly described as follows (bearings herein are oriented to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone-NAD 83): BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the intersection of the north right-of-way (R.O.W.) line of University Boulevard (100-feet wide) with the west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street (60-feet widel; said iron rod also marking the southeast corner of tfie aforesaid tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School• District and the southeast corner of the herein described tract; ~' Thence, South 87°24'06" West, along the north R.O.W. fine of said University Boulevard, a distance of 1,064.23 feet to a 1-inch pinch-top pipe found in the east R.O.W. line of Auden Street (60-feet wide) and marking the southwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the ~ southwest corner of the herein described tract; Thence, North 02°38'30" West, along the east R.O.W. line of said Auden Street, at a distance of 300.00 feet passing the northwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the south line of the aforesaid tract quit-claimed to Houston Independent School District, continuing a total distance of 535.76 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, PERSHING PLACE SECTION ONE, a subdivision plat of record in Volume 998, page 511, H.C.D.R. and marking the northwest corner of the herein described tract; ~ Thence, North 87°24'39" East, departing said R.O.W. line, and along the south line of said Block 1, and the north ~ line of said tract conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 815, H.C.D.R., a distance of 1,064.61 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set in the aforesaid west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street and marking the southeast corner of said Block 1 and the northeast corner of the herein described tract; South 02°36'03" East, along said west R.O.W. line, a distance of 535.59 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.09 acres (570,184 square feet) of land. This description is based on the Land Title Survey and plat made by Terra Surveying Co., Inc. dated August 4, 2004. TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. Compiled by: Patrick Trewitt, R. P. L. S. Reviewed by: Ernest Roth, R.P.L.S. Terra Surveying Co., Inc. 3000 Wilcrest drive, Suite 210 Houston, Texas 77042 August 13, 2004 Revised February 16, 2005 TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. M B-2720-0302-WU-ELEM.doc ~ . . _ ~ _ ~~E- ~ : s- , ~.. . :' g • ~ ~ I . I~l • . f ; ' ' ~ ` . Field G ~ -.` a~ :~ o , ~ ! • ~ . ~ . ^ ~ °-~. ~ .. . ' . m i ~ ~ ~ . ~ j . i • . ~ ~ ~'~f ~ - ~ o ~ . ~ .• .. . , . .~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . ~ ~ . ~r . ~, .i . . ~ . . ~~ I 4 ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ' _. . ~, , + ; , . ~ ~ ' . \ 1 ~ ~ - 3 ~ . ~ , ^ * ~ ~ tne rray ~e F ~ . . . ~ ~~ ~ n ~ ~ . ..~ .. ~ ~ , . ~~a~, -- -- o~c. • ' 2 ~ . • ~ • ' • ~ ,U~ QSS .Q . . __._ .. ' . e~z p •~ ~ ~-! ~ ~ ~ ' i n ' ~ p gress~ ~~ .;~ . i . . . . A - u a, u 3 <« ! ~ ~ ~~+.~ ~ t. oS ~ +' `~ ~.6' f~ ~ ' ; ,~ '~ i 1 1 ~ Cu~UC~2 . "- _ ~1 ~ ~ . . ~'~ p ~ • ro' co' : ~ ~ (~t,, J ~ t f ; ~ ' ~ ` i ~ • ~ c ( OS0~I4~t flQVE~ LK°8 . f I , ~ ~ 1 '~ ~ ` , ~ p. i ' ; , 1. s~~r.~ ~ 1 °~ , . ~ , ;. ~~ -: i , !. ! ~ - ~ i ~,:~ .Ax . . ~~ k-~, ~ . , e , . . ;~ ~ ~- ~ ~~ . _ - 1~._ ~ : ~ .. ._ -~~ 4-SC.t? . ~ ~ . . PROPOSED PARKING SITE PL,: I I a.c~s ; ^'c~:cr_re x7 il i " ; ~ . ' . ., EXISTING 2 STORY BRICK SCHOOL BUILDING c. c+o ~ ~ ' ~~ 6SS ~ %. n~~~F ~~;~k_ S:tC.+ pa~~' tirP.~- c ~ I ~-- ~~ ~ ~~;~ a~ ~ ~~ 36 uc;c ~ ~ c ~ f~S V, ~ -- ii . ,~~ CG"~BiE a~~'tikrrvy `~ p ~~ ~ . s~~ ~ ~ ~ -~I u^~ 'J'~ G:E! ~~ $[a~ _ ~ ' • ' .. ~ .. . ...~. .~...~. ..r....... x_.Yn ~. .~Y.~34~ ~~.. ~If.~~::LV4L~3~~:+.~,,:3a`DSi " ' Cl 1S3M ~0 ,11.1~ 3H1 J18 ' ; .,, . ~ itrs.r:•:a.'.La~^3f"s,i«:•.se.2~:~Y~'y,,~~.,,b'`~~';_ , : ., -• -'- - ~ ~ .. .. lifl ~'a~'~r :r;,~.n~._.,..=: :..~.~.-~ : e..~:.-~-- ~F~.~=s~ .. .. _ . •. _ • , ' ~c~._.._:.r.'s=.r:~- ..~,c:`:-.. ' " . ~~ ~~ ~~ . ~ ~~ ~ , ~ ~~'~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~s~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ y~~~- ~~~~-~~ ~_'~ N ti N' J ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ `~~1Y, i~y iv ~~ ~ 'b ALN~ ~ ~ ~ G --~~ ~7i -~ (~ ~~ .[~ ~ . ~ 1' _' . ~ ,f ~ ,. Ci ~ of ~est Uni~ersit P1ace ~- ~ y ~ ~, A Neighborhood City ~ Reeyeled Peper ~ Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 ~ Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") Docket No: 04-12 (3) Y641947 O7/27/OS 300662134 g~~~Q DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE Addressofbuildingsite: 3756 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal description ofthe buildingsite: 13 . 09 acres, West University School Site, A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, generally bounded by University Blvd., Edloe Street, Auden Avenue and Pershing Place, City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, as more completely described in Exhibit B. Applicant: Houston Independent School District Decision orActio~: Reqirested: To allow existing modular- buildings to remain in ,~ street side yard. 46~ Notice, Hearing, Determi~zations, Yote: ~ •(X) Notice of hearing was given by: Ma i 1 and on - s i t e po s t i ng , i n accordance with ~ ~ Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant of the City. ~ (X) Hearing was held on September 16, 2004 . (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to ~~ special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance ~ provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 5 for, 0 against this decision. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment granti~g variance (subject to all applicab[e appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision) Article 7, District -Specific Regulations, Section 7-101 Regulations, Tables, etc. , Table 7-2: Yards (or `setbacks' ) oftheZoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page t 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713~668•4441 • www.westu.org This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated. The ZBA urges the applicant to consider platting the building site to resolve easement and boundary issues. Exhibit "C" is attached. Otlzer Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MiJST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 180T" DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND A1~INIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFTCATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. I THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION ~ IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~ REQUIItEMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND ~ OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE ~i CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY ~ AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FIlVDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. VAR/ANCE, Page 2 i THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KI1vD. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and govemed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, CITY WEST LJNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Presiding Office oning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ jl~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~~~J (date) by e) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the C ty of West University Place, Tex . SALLYE A. Cl.ARK ~' - MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ' , MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) ~ ~ ~ ~ My commission expires: Notary Public This instrument was filed in the Board's o~ce on ~(~~ 5 , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on N/A. By: '~ .~r~ Nam : NeS~i~r~ ~ ~~~esN d Tit1e:.Gi~V Pt~v~vte ~' After recording return to: Sallye A. Clark ` Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment ~/ City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #: 713-662-5843) VARIANCE, Page 3 ERHIBIT "B" ~, - ,~ ~ ` f METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION t- 13.09 ACRES (570, 7 84 SQUARE FEET) ~~' ~° . r-~" ~ WEST UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE `~~ ` N ~ ..... ~ ~ A. C. REYNOLDS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 61 ~~ ~~ _ *1 1' CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ~~ '~ r tr y ~ HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ', ~ ...,~ =~ u~ rn~ + a }i r ~ N Beinc~ a tract nr ~arrel containing 13.09 acres (570,184 square feet) of land situated in the situated in the A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract Number 61, Harris County, Texas; being all of that certain tract of land conveyed to West University Place Independent School District by W. D. Haden, et al. as described in deed recorded in Volume 619, Page 288, Harris County Deed Records (H.C.D.R.); and being out of and a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 815, H.C.D.R.; and being all of that portion of Amherst Street qui.t-claimed by the City of West University Place to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1119, Page 91, H.C.D.R.; said 13.09 acre tract being more particularly described as follows (bearings herein are oriented to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone-NAD 83): BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the intersection of the north right-of-way (R.O.W.) line of University Boulevard (100-feet wide) with the west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street (60-feet wide); said iron rod also marking the southeast corner of the aforesaid tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the southeast corner of the herein described tract; Thence, South 87°24'06° West, along the north R.O.W. line of said University Boulevard, a distance of 1,064.23 feet to a 1-inch pinch-top pipe found in the east R.O.W. line of Auden Street (60-feet wide) and marking the ~ southwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the ' southwest corner of the herein described tract; Thence, North 02°38'30" West, along the east R.O.W. line of said Auden Street, at a distance of 300.00 feet passing the northwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the south line of the aforesaid tract quit-claimed to Houston Independent School District, continuing a total distance of 535.76 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, PERSHING PLACE SECTION ONE, a subdivision plat of record in Volume 998, page 511, H.C.D.R. and marking the northwest corner of the herein described tract; Thence, North 87°24'39" East, departing said R.O.W. line, and along the south line of said Block 1, and the north line of said tract conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 815, H.C.D.R., a distance of 1,064.61 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set in the aforesaid west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street and marking the southeast corner of said Block 1 and the northeast corner of the herein described tract; South 02°36'03" East, along said west R.O.W. fine, a distance of 535.59 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.09 acres (570,184 square feet) of land. This description is based on the Land Title Survey and plat made by Terra Surveying Co., Inc. dated August 4, 2004. TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. Compiled by: Patrick Trewitt, R.P.L.S. Reviewed by: Ernest Roth, R.P.L.S. Terra Surveying Co., Inc. 3000 Wilcrest drive, Suite 210 Houston, Texas 77042 August 13, 2004 Revised February 16, 2005 TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. M B-2720-0302-W U-E LEM. doc ~ . . . . . ~~ ~ ' v ~ ~ ~• ~ ~~- X ----- x - - x r°'.~ ~ . • ~ ~ • f u ~ . ~.x _ -.X~= , ~ _----- ~ ' =_ ' ~ . - . • . . - ~ s • . as;;holt po~t~d ro~Jwuy sd;fece ~ . ' . . . . . X. ~ ~r~ ~ ~ , . . . ~ ~ . . . . r~ °~P o , ° ;4°Gak concr~te ar~kwc- _¢- ~ . ~ wass ~~ . ~Gn . . r~ y -• • LbNC ~ x x o Y. - _. ~ ~''+Y ~ x: ~% , ~ fl ~a m . . .. ~ . ~.. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~_.~~~.--~~.. . w~ . . . .. .,.,. . Pre-Sehooi ' ~ `14. ~ ~`~ ,nioJ~rou~d Ateo '9.5'~ ('nothing tied in this acea )~ ~ \ ~ f4~GUr~UEi?'S ~,~EMORANDUM: ~ ~ ~~~ ~+i ti;e ~ir:ie c}f r:~:;Cr~~4i~n. t:siS inStrYrtlBnt ~~ 5~~` yti~l ~:x!~~[! ro ~r:~. itti~cl~•auate ~n; thC~ t~eSt p Q~p~ ;. ,-F,+,; r~•it ;:'i'?ri t:^C;:1USe :;f ~~l.,git)+ti;y. r3rbOn Or ~ \ NI ;c; ~.; c::;;I ~ . ~ .v.. . ,, ' . . ~... I block ` \ ~C^;iECrS c1i1f; r,liar~@S Lv?r6 :}i3S 1 8t ~19 f~ \ ~i'1:: `rl; ~:~:;r21~j :.r~g :i!~•~~ 2'~d ~BG01' Sd ~ ~ . , 14 w__, -x i ~~~p v \ ~~.~\~ \ b~~dmy , ~~\7~ w9~,~~y~as ~2.~9' . ..` ~ . ~` ~ - . ,~ . ~.' . o°° Vi1' ~2' Tr , ~ o - ~I ~ ~" Tiee ' . \ °~r~ 'Dpf~1 o D o Z T..°c' r/ . ~ D o . ~~ ~~ • ° _ ~._._...__ -.._ ••-'"'--~'~~ o ~ ~ o . . . ~ . . . -o ~ ~ I . ~ o ~ . ~ ~ 2y T D 10AQtt~ ~ . . ' D o ~ o o~ o iG'~a~ ( L _ St ~ 0 ~ l4 O~r YGR~,~rdJ , .~ _ ~ . ~~,~ 8` E~fCfi"!~'~+t.i .. :.~ $f~~A Lreo -i o• 2~ i(C~e . D ~ o l D . ~~, . ~ 9ARK/1~UCCfi PlAYC~7(itN~ ~ 0 a ~ ~ W o ~ ~ ~G C.'S O ~ . VS• ~ 36'Gok • ° j4 pck . ~ ;~. .'''-~,45,.-~~ I (tl 24" s"fu~p { ~ ~l. ~,~~ ~ . ~. ~~ c'ii. ' .--__. • `J .. i /..".\ ` ~ .~~ ~ ~~~»~~ ~+ { o ~~~~ ~• a~r ~ . ~ • .~ d~ .. .; _~ . .o~ . 7O~ ... ti ~I. ~ WEST .~I:1ij.~ ~ r, ;. ELEME~NT~~ . . ..:r. . 3756 :UN-1~ BQ;'~z' 'E; ~ . . ~:~: a,..:~~'yr~t ~ ~~VS-'~;Q~ i . . . . . ~ in association with ~~ ~ . BREWER & ESCALAI` ~j 10900 NW Ff~EEWAY: ` . SUITE 126 . ~ ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS ~770.~; VOICE= ~ 13. 688~.353;Q. ` - FAX= 713. 688. 547~f.: ~ ~ DBR _ENGINEEF~IN:G~~t P 9990 RICHMOND A~E. ~~ SOUTFi BUILDIN.C; : ~11~t7~~ HOU~STON, TEXAS ~77~04~ VOICE~ 713.914.08°8.8 ~ ~ FAX~ 713.914.08`8fi ~ ~ • . HAYNE•S WHALEY-_A9 2000 ~ NVEST SAM, ~HO~IJSl' ~ PARKWAY SOUTH; ~l1~ITE~ ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS 770=42 ' VOiCE~ ~ 13.868. ~ 591 : FAX- , 713.86:8..0046.:.~;~,... ~ RABA-KISTNER~ ~ 8601 ;1AM~EEL ~ " ~ ~ SUITE 150 ~ ~ . HOl1STON, TEXAS 77p40 ~VOICE; ~713:~96:.89:90 ~ . ~ FAX~~~ 7.13.996.8993 . A PROJECT OF~ ~ REBUILD ~HISD . . 2600 SOUTHW~ST FREEV' ~ _ S~. IITF ~ ?~~ . ~ ~ . ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS 77098 .,.,~,~.~. ~~ z ~z~ ~ ~nn ~~ ~~ ~~ . ~ ~~ o ~ ~~~ ~ .~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~g ~~ ~~~ ~ ~a ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ y~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ N' J ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~N1r. r~ ~O# ~ 41N~ ~~G~~-~~-~~~ K~~ --~ '~ . ~ _.. , • ~t~ ~~G ~ ~ 'L ~ R~i~a ~~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace A Neighborhood City . Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") Docket No: 04-12 (4) DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE 07/27/05 300662154 ~3 Addressofbuildi~:gsite: 3756 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal description oftl:ebuildingsite: 13 . 09 acres, west University School Site, A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, generally bounded by University Blvd., Edloe Street, Auden Avenue and Pershing Place, City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, as more completely described in Exhibit B. ~ ~~ ~+ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; Applicant: Houston Independent School District ~~ 520.40 V" _ Decision or Action Requested: To allow the existing 6-foot high chain link fence to remain at rear lot line (instead of 8' opaque fence). i' Notice, Hearing, Determinations, Vote: i•' (X) Notice of hearing was given by: Mail and on-site posting, in accordance with ' Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant of the City. (X) Hearing was held on September 16, 2004 . (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 5 for, 0 against this decision. Decisio~: of the Zoni~:g Board of Adjustment granting variance (subject to al[ applicable appeats): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision) Article 8, Additional Regulations, Section 8-103 Transition Features of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VAR/ANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated. The ZBA urges the applicant to consider platting the building site to resolve easement and boundary issues. Otl:er Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 180TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISTON. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMA]NS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. ~ , THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONII~TG ORDINANCE PROVISION '~ IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~ r REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND I, ' OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY ~ OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE ~ CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY ~ AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE ~ CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH ~' REQUIlZEMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAIl~TS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS VARIANCE, Page 2 4' SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY F WEST RSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Presiding O Zoning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS ~~ ~~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ (date) by ame) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of e Ci of West University Place, Te . ~ kY+ ~~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4i~ ~ SALLYE A. CIARK • MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 ~ (SEAL) ; My commission expires: 5 D Notar Public J This instrument was filed in the Board's o~ce on ~, ~~ ~ S , and, if a mailing [ist is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the last on N/A. ~ ~" By: _ _ ~~~ ~~ Name: Ne5 ~~ ti1..a r~~c j,Tesu Q .. Title:. Ct.~-~r. ~`g-'~~eC~ After recording return to: ` ~' Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjushnent City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #: 713-662-5843) VARIANCE, Page 3 ~ ~~ ~ ~. .~ EXHIBIT B ~,, ~ ~`• cri ai ~~,.~ . c._. ~ METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION :,:~ "1 ~~ r " 13.09 ACRES (570,184 SO.UARE FEET) ``'~= . ° N ~..r~t WEST UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE ~ ~ ~ ' ; ' -~ r rn A. C. REYNOLDS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 61 -'' ~s (~`;. ~ E7 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ~~ ~;~~ ~ HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS x `~ , ~ ,~ sn o ~~ Bein~ a tract or parcel containing 13.Q9 acres (570,184 square feet) of land situated in the situated in the A. ~ C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract Number 61, Harris County, Texas; being all of that certain tract of land conveyed to West University Place Independent School District by W. D. Haden, et al. as described in deed recorded in Volume 619, Page 288, Harris County Deed Records (H.C.D.R.); and being out of and a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 815, H.C.D.R.; and being all of that portion of Amherst Street quit-claimed by the City of West University Place to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1119, Page 91, H.C.D.R.; said 13.09 acre tract being more particularly described as follows (bearings herein are oriented to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone-NAD 83): BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the intersection of the north right-of-way (R.O.W.) line of University Boulevard (100-feet wide) with the west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street (60-feet wide); said iron rod also marking the southeast corner of the aforesaid tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the southeast corner of the herein described tract; Thence, South 87°24'06" West, along the north R.O.W. line of said University Boulevard, a distance of 1,064.23 feet to a 1-inch pinch-top pipe found in the east R.O.W. line of Auden Street (60-feet wide) and marking the southwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the southwest corner of the herein described tract; Thence, North 02°38'30" West, along the east R.O.W. line of said Auden Street, at a distance of 300.00 feet ;~ passing the northwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the south line of the aforesaid tract quit-claimed to Houston Independent School District, continuing a total distance of 535.76 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, PERSHING PLACE SECTION ONE, a subdivision ptat of record in Volume 998, page 511, H.C.D.R. and marking the northwest corner of the herein described tract; ~ Thence, North 87°24'39" East, departing said R.O.W. line, and along the south line of said Block 1, and the north ~ line of said tract conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 815, H.C.D.R., a distance of 1,064.61 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set in the aforesaid west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street and marking the southeast corner of • said Block 1 and the northeast corner of the herein described tract; South 02°36'03" East, along said west R.O.W: line, a distance of 535.59 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.09 acres (570,184 square feet) of land. This description is based on the Land Title Survey and plat made by Terra Surveying Co., Inc. dated August 4, 2004. TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. Compiled by: Patrick Trewitt, R.P.L.S. Reviewed by: Ernest Roth, R.P.L.S. Terra Surveying Co., Inc. 3000 Wilcrest drive, Suite 210 Houston, Texas 77042 August 13, 2004 Revised February 16, 2005 TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. M B-2720-0302-W U-E LEM. doc un ~a~ ~ wxa ~sra~rs nE wf, ~rK. dt u~ a~ nE o~sa~ ~Al TM~ T~ a~aaa~ ~~vµoNOU~aa~~ uoe-~ uw. COUNTY OF MARRIS d101 d~id ~t Oie iine~ tlia ~nbum~q was FiLED'n Fik Number on tlie O~id~l Public Rerand: s~ol~Rea~~P-o q me: a~d ras euM RE~ In tlie perry of Hortis Counry, Te~s an JUL 2 7 20G5 ~~~~ •~~~~~~~`~ ~ ~ ~o~ r~ a~ courmra~ac HARRISGOlA1TY,Tp~pS ~ • • ...,. , ... „ .• ~ . ~ ~~ Ci of ~est Uni~ersi P1ace C~~ \f~ ~Y ~ `l A eihbr ' N g o hood City ~ Recyeled Peper ~ Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment ~7~~~~05Y~~~~~.q City of West University Place, Texas ("City") ~2~•~Q Docket No: 04-12 (5) ~ DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE ~ ~ Addressofbuildingsite: 3756 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 Legaldescriptionofthebuildingsite: 13.09 acres, West University School Site, A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, generally bounded by University Blvd., Edloe Street, Auden Avenue and Pershing Place, City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, as more completely described in Exhibit B. Applicant: Houston Independent School District ~ ' Decision orAction Reqcrested: To allow existing and new portable buildings in ~ the front yard. Notice, Hearing, Detern:inations, Vote: (X) Notice of hearing was given by: Ma i 1 and on - s i t e po s t i ng , i n accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant of the City. (X) Hearing was held on September 16, 2004 . (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 5 for, 0 against this decision. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment graizting varia~:ce (subject to all app[icable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision) Article 7, District -Specific Regulations, Section 7-101 Regulations, Tables, etc., Table 7-2: Yards (or `setbacks') oftheZoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VAR/ANCE, Page 1 ; 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org , This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated. The ZBA urges the applicant to consider platting the building site to resolve easement and boundary issues. When the portable buildings are removed, the related infrastructure be removed and the fields be restored to the current conditions within 180 days. Exhibit "D" is attached. Other Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 180TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MCJST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARIl~TG. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION ~~ IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~ REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY ~ OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE ~ CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIItES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES VARIANCE, Page 2 THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. ~ ~ Effective Date & Appea[s: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Govemment Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONII~TG BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY F WEST IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Presiding Offi Zoning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS )~ r n~ ,~,,,~/ This instrument was acknowledged before me on CY 1~ 1~U (date) byr~' -~ !~- name) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of e Ci of West University Place, T s. ......,. ,,,rrr^~ ^^~~^^^ SAILYE A. CLARK ~ p MY COMMISSIdN EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) ~ ~ O My commission expires: d . Notary Public This instrument was filed in the Board's o~ce on ~~~~a ~ , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on N/A. By: Name: ~l 1 ~/1.41/~ ~ r ~-e5~1Q Title:. ~ ~N~~C- After recording return to: Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Boazd of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #: 713-662-5843) VARIANCE, Page 3 . ~ r~ ~ ;.,r EXIiIBIT ~•B•• ~ c~ c.r~ METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION :~' ~'• ~~ ~<:~;: C r ,~~ 13.09 ACRES (570,184 SQUARE FEET) r+`: ~ N ~ WEST UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE ~-i a~'• ~ {T! A. C. REYNOLDS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 61 ~~' ''~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ d CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ' *'~` ~` ' _i~: 'a,r^~ ~ HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS x~ ~~~' ~~ b' ~ ~ O Being a tract or.parcel rontaining 13.09 acres (570,184 souare feet) of land situated in the situated in the A. I C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract Number 61, Harris County, Texas; being all of that certain tract of land ~ conveyed to West University Place Independent School District by W. D. Haden, et al. as described in deed recorded in Volume 619, Page 288, Harris County Deed Records (H.C.D.R.); and being out of and a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1 108, Page 815, H.C.D.R.; and being all of that portion of Amherst Street quit-claimed by the City of West University Place to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1119, Page 91, H.C.D.R.; said 13.09 acre tract being more particularly described as follows (bearings herein are oriented to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Central.Zone-NAD 83): BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the intersection of the north right-of-way (R.O.W.) line of University Boulevard (100-feet wide) with the west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street (60-feet wide); said iron rod also marking the southeast corner of the aforesaid tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the southeast corner of the herein described tract; Thence, South 87°24'06" West, along the north R.O.W. line of said University Boulevard, a distance of 1,064.23 `feet to a 1-inch pinch-top pipe found in the east R.O.W. line of Auden Street (60-feet wide) and marking the southwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the southwest corner of the herein described tract; , Thence, North 02°38'30" West, along the east R.O.W. line of said Auden Street, at a distance of 300.00 feet passing the northwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the south line of the aforesaid tract quit-claimed to Houston Independent School District, continuing a total distance of 535.76 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, PERSHING PLACE SECTION ONE, a subdivision plat of record in Volume 998, page 511, H.C.D.R. and marking the northwest corner of the herein described tract; Thence, North 87°24'39" East, departing said R.O.W. line, and along the south line of said Block 1, and the north line of said tract conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 815, H.C.D.R., a distance of 1,064.61 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set in the aforesaid west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street and marking the southeast corner of said Block 1 and the northeast corner of the herein described tract; South 02°36'03" East, along said west R.O.W. line, a distance of 535.59 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.09 acres (570,184 square feet) of land. This description is based on the Land Title Survey and plat made by Terra Surveying Co., Inc. dated August 4, 2004. TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. Compiled by: Patrick Trewitt, R.P.L.S. Reviewed by: Ernest Roth, R.P.L.S. Terra Surveying Co., Inc. 3000 Wilcrest drive, Suite 210 Houston, Texas 77042 August 13, 2004 Revised February 16, 2005 TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. M B-2720-0302-W U-E LEM. doc b ~ ~ ~~~~ o .. . Q ,fn,x,~nM ajarr!w ` ~ ...X . ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . ~' ~ ~ . . . I I ' ~ ~ '~ ~ . ~ ~ ~^. ~ ~ o ~~ . . ~- ~~ _ . ~ ~ ~° ~~ _~._ . _ . -~ ~ ~ Q x , . I . ' • „O-,S ' ' I I ~ . I . I I ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ . _ J ~ ~ . a ~ o . . ..^ ~I r' . ' -- --~ I ~ ~ . ~- ~ ~:. I I - . ~ ... ~ . ~ . ,s-, i c ~ ^~ ~ °~ - ° ~ a . . ~ . ~ ~ ' • ,i I ~ . . ~ ~ ~ : ~ n ~ ~ ~' qs a a1~wa 6u~ s~ 0 i 0 N . .a a ' " J ~. ~..~ .. f. ..~q,. ~.~ i II ,~L~ , ~ y /~ O~ D i.J p ` I S' f ~ ~N ~ ~I~ I . ~~ ~. , i ~ a ~ ~ o. ~. ~ ~ ~~ - ~, ~ ~ ~ ~.I ~ ~ . ~_~ w8/ ~-.,Sti ~~~-,~Z - ~ . ~+~_ ~ I ~' _ , ~ ~ . . N ' v - s . - Q x _... c .~ . _ 0 i N ~ V G a ~ - o ~ ~ . o • ~ r~ ~ N v „s-,~ ~ ~ ___.~_------- - ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.." ~ -~ ~ - ~ •c3 1 .cn z O U ~~ ~~ ~ ~4 ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~.~ _ ~~ ~a~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ o ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~4~ ~ y~~$ ~ ~ ~~-~~ ~ ~ N' ~ ~ , ~ ~~ N ~ ~ 4~~1Y. TEj._ iv ~~ * ~ALN~ ~'~~.~~~~T-~~~ S~~ , - • . • ~ ~ -~, • , t' ~,s. , Cit ~ of ~est Uni~ersi P1ace ~ ~~- y ~Y A Neighborhood City . ~ Reeyeled PaPer . Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") 07l27/Q5 p~219St] Docket No: 04-12 (6) $22,0~ DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE Addressofbuildingsite: 3756 University Blvd. , West University Place, Texas 77005 Legaldescriptionofthebuildingsite: 13.09 acres, West University School Site, A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, generally bounded by University Blvd., Edloe Street, Auden Avenue and Pershing Place, City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, as more completely described in Exhibit B. Applicant: Houston Independent School District ~, ~a ~ , Decision or Actio~: Requested: To allow existing community center building ~(Scout House) to remain in rear yard and street side yard. Notice, Heari~ig, Detern:inations, Vote: (~ Notice of hearing was given by: Ma i 1 and on - s i t e po s t i ng , i n accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant of the City. (X) Hearing was held on September 16, 2004 . (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to , special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 5 for, 0 against this decision. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustntent granting varia~:ce (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision) Article 7, District -Specific Re ulations, Section 7-101 Regulations, Tables, etc., Table 7-2: Yards (or `setbacks')oftheZoning - Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org . ~ .. M1 u This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated. The ZBA urges the applicant to consider platting the building site to resolve easement and boundary issues. Exhibit "E" is attached. Otl:er Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST M[JST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 180TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE ~OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNNERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARIl~TG. ( THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION ~ : IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~ REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND I OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY ~ OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE ~ CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY ~ AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE ~ APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE ~ CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS VARIANCE, Page 2 , SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JLJRISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 21 l, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY OF WEST NERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Presiding Offic Zoning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS ~,~/~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on (date) by~GU/C. ame) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of e Ci of West University Place, Tex . SALLYE A. CLARK MY COiuiMISSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 20D6 (SEAL) ~j ~ My commission expires: v This instrument was filed in the Board's o~ce on ~pl~(p~~~ , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on N1'A. By: ~ Name:~s1 ~ ~1.~ /~ ~ ~~-eS1~~0 / Title: . C ~,~. ;~I ~ ~ ~ e ~. After recording return to: ~ ~~~' Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houstoq Texas 77005 (Phone #: 713-662-5843) VARIANCE, Page 3 EXHIBIT "B•• ~ ~~ ` c METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION ~~`=,~~ ri -~. _ t'~- "' 13.09 ACRES (570,184 SQUARE FEET) . ~_%: ;. N ~t WEST UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE ~~ -~• ~ r„ A. C. REYNOLDS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 61 ~~ ~r.. ~~-- 4.~. ~ ~ ~~ G~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ~~ ~' ~ HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS x~ '"`~ ~ ' q' ~ ~ O Beinc~ a tract or paroel containing 13.09 acrQS f570;184 sauare feet) of land situated in the situated in the A.~\ C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract Number 61, Harris County, Texas; being all of that certain tract of land '~ ) conveyed to West University Place Independent School District by W. D. Haden, et al. as described in deed ~~~ recorded in Volume 619, Page 288, Harris County Deed Records (H.C.D.R.); and being out of and a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1108, Page 815, H.C.D.R.; and being all of that portion of Amherst Street quit-claimed by the City of West University Place to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1119, Page 91, H.C.D.R.; said 13.09 acre tract being more particularly described as follows (bearings herein are oriented to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone-NAD 83): BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the intersection of the north right-of-way (R.O.W.) line of University Boulevard (100-feet wide) with the west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street (60-feet wide); said iron rod a~so marking the southeast corner of the aforesaid tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the southeast corner of the herein described tract; Thence, South 87°24'06" West, along the north R.O.W. line of said University Bou~evard, a distance of 1,064.23 feet to a 1-inch pinch-top pipe found in the east R.O.W. line of Auden Street (60-feet wide) and marking the ~ ' southwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the southwest corner of the herein described tract; Thence, North 02°38'30" West, along the east R.O.W. line of said Auden Street, at a distance of 300.00 feet passing the northwest corner of said tract conveyed to West University Place Independent School District and the south line of the aforesaid tract quit-claimed to Houston Independent School District, continuing a total distance of 535.76 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Terra Surveying" set marking the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, PERSHING PLACE SECTION ONE, a subdivision plat of record in Volume 998, page 511, H.C.D.R. and marking the northwest corner of the herein described tract; Thence, North 87°24'39" East, departing said R.O.W. line, and along the south line of said Block 1, and the north line of said tract conveyed to Houston Independent School District as described in deed recorded in Volume 1 108, Page 815, H.C.D.R., a distance of 1,064.61 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped °Terra Surveying" set in the aforesaid west R.O.W. line of Edloe Street and marking the southeast corner of said Block 1 and the northeast corner of the herein described tract; South 02°36'03" East, along said west R.O.W. line, a distance of 535.59 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.09 acres (570,184 square feet) of land. This description is based on the Land Title Survey and plat made by Terra Surveying Co., Inc. dated August 4, 2004. TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. Compiled by: Patrick Trewitt, R.P.L.S. Reviewed by: Ernest Roth, R.P.L.S. Terra Surveying Co., Inc. 3000 Wilcrest drive, Suite 210 Houston, Texas 77042 August 13, 2004 Revised February 16, 2005 TSC Project Number 1327-0405-S. M B-2720-0302-W U-E LEM. doc . . ~ - . . ~ , A . .. ; ,•- , ~ .~ t ~ . ,.•' . 1 . f . . ;, . ~ . ~ : ---__.... ... ,I . - ~ . . : ~ ~ : ~ ~ . . . ~ . : z:: - --:; ~~~ . . - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , . . . ..~ '~, . . • . . . . ~ . ; i ~ _ -. i ----=-- , . ~ . ---_--~_ . . ----- . . ____. ~ ' C ' . , . . ' i ~ _-_ li e . ~ C~'~ . ~ ~. ~ • •..__,_ , ` _^- ~' •~--- ~ ~ ' r.~ __.._._ ~ . - - ~ --- ~ P ~ .., '. _ - __.~ x _ - % % 3. ~~ _, _~ ~ ~.? ~ ~1.. =... , • • ~ a ~,p _.~,__ "~i ~ °. . ' . . • ~I~' ~ • ~ ~"~ -~~ . L ~re .. o ~ /Scoui Hause .~ ~ --'-"'- ~ ~ . . , ~ .~ /t~osorry ar~d ~Yood co~sir. ~ . s~Q ~ Finish Floor Elevaiian - 54.2~ v . ~~ - . , _L'l ' ~' °! ~;vrset wa~xw ~ . Ph c~ek , - ;~ ~ fiaY p~e ~ ~ . ~ .~ . . . ~ ~' Chain link fenc~ ' . , 14P . f ' ' • I . , • ' . Pa ' • , . - •• . G ~ x ~ 17' • , O. *~ . i ~ ~ x - ~~ ~¢,~k ~ ~~ ~~ P R E L ~~ ~ i : - . tvoT Fo~ ~ : _ _ ..~ . . ~~ . ~~ ~~ , . ~ X ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~, o . ~ ~ : ~ : ~ . , 18"~k x o . ~ ~° D Q ~~~~~a ~ ~~ . ~ x SCHE ~ 4 Chain link fen~~ - - . x - x x=-----" x uP ~~ti - x x x - - ~ , Q _ i ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ' ~~h~t! par~~ ro~ncy surloce ~ Z ` ~ ~ ~ - . . . --- - -~ 7 ~ ~ . Gross ~-1 ~ ~ `, ~-r.,~ ~ s ~ . O" C4APl°I? WOt'KW'QV CLt}YG. ~ . ~ .. ~ yF x p r0~ x- X~ ~ ~ ~~+M93 ~ rj / ~/ ,~rt D 0a $o ~ . . , ~ 1 . . ' . . 0' ~ ~ ~' . Q ~ ~ ' ~ ' I ~ n _r r ~ ~ ~ ^ .;W~JIi+ . , ' - • . r'V ' \ i~l • ~\\,~'u S'\ \~~ , ° i ~ . ~~ ~i c'. ~i - _ r-II ~~ /~ 11/ ' . ems e_ p~ ~~i~~~ AM1 PAOMSIpI I~11 ~A1pI ~E5-RICIS DE iNE RFNGI oR u~E OF 11IE DESptlB~ Il~t rn~A~o r~ °R ru~ a Nwun um u~a~ am~ ~t uw. courmroF ~R~s t he~eE~ e~ nis Ynu~nem was FaEU in fik numba on nk d~b eid ffi Oie t~nped hdeon by ~e; and ~as duFj t~E~DED. In tlie Wfidai Publk Re~oNs of Real PropeAy ol Hartia Counlp Tax~a an JUL 2 7 2005 ~ _., . ,.~~ ~sc~ .~~"~`~r~~;.~.~ t ~~ * ~ caNmc~wc wu~iscou~m,rexns ~ . ,. .. . .~ - . , ' ~ ~ • „6 - City of ~est University P1ace ~ A Neighborhood City ~ Reqcled Paper ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO DENY A VARIANCE Address of Site: 4019 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005 Docket: 04-11 Legal Description of Site: Lot Six (6), in block Thirty-Four (34), of Collegeview, Section 4, as recorded in Volume 655, Page 247, of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas.. ~ Permittee/Applicant: Clint and Maria Lauderdale Decision or Action Reguested or Proposed: Request for a variance at 4019 University Boulevard to allow the proposed building behind the garage to have a 3' setback from the side property line instead of the standard 5' setback. {Article 7, Table 7-2: Yards (or `setbacks') Notice, Nearing, Findings, Vote: (X) Reauired Notice given b~ Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant City of West University Place (X) Hearing held on: August 19, 2004 (X) Required statutory fmdin sg made: No hardship found (X) Additional Findin¢s: Due to the ZBA Rules of Procedures, Article VI, Final Disposition, Section 1, ~ motion carried and decision was denied. The vote: Jeann Howse and Richard Wilson voted for granting the request; Mark Plagens, Dick Yehle and ~ James Jordan voted to deny request. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance under Article 11 is denied. Efj`'ective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless ot6erwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is £led in the Board's office. By: Mark age residing Officer, Zoning Board of Adjustment State of Te~a County of ~ j~.; . • JOSIE MARIE OROSCO ;~ ~~~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 22, 2005 This instrument was acknowledged before me on ,~ . (date) by Mark Plagens, Presiding Officer for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. \~.'M~~ ~: ~`~~ ~ . Notary Public's Signature . (Personalized Seal) ~ I I` ~ Oq- ~ ~ ~n /~~ Filed in the Board's office`and an original forwarded to applicant on I'~°'v~J 2004. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org 08/20/A#~ ~ p¢b p~~' 4 ` '~ i20.00 . ~. ~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ~~ ~ A Neighborhood City Zoning Boazd of Adjustment ~ R~I~~~r City of West University Place, Texas ("City") ~ DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION ~,~ ~ Address ofsite: 3780 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005 Docket #: 04-08 ~ Legal description of the site: "See attached" Permittee/Applicant: Houston Independent School District YX • f Decision orAcrion Requesteci: Request for a special exception to grant an extension of prior non-conforming (~PNC') status to allow construction of a new structure (to reptace existing dugout facility) including: parking, setbacks, use, quantity of accessory buildings and height of accessory structure. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vote: (J~ Required norice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning ~j Assistant City of West University Place. ~ (~ Rectuired determinarions have been made by the ZBA with resnect to the special excention as ~santed below: (proposed ~ Special Exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception will ~ not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed Special Exception will not cause any substantial ~ increase in traffic; proposed Special Exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or ~ upon any other public facility or public service.) ~ (X) Additional findines (if any): Granting a Special Exception for the proposed structure will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for t'u-e tighting and similar needs. ~ (~ Hearin~ held on: July 15, 2004 ~ (X) The vote: Mark Plagens, Jean Howse, James Jordan, Dick Yehle and Richard Wilson voted for; no one ~ opposed. ~~ . Decision of the Zoning Board ofAdjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception as requested in Article 12, Section 12-105 Special Ezceptions to Extend PNC Status is granted for the site identified above subject to the following conditions: ,`' ' 1. This decision mast be recorded in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go ~ into effect once the decision is recorded and is in the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of .,' Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. 2. Per attached site plan ~ This special exception is for an indetinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org Page 2 ZBA Decision, Docket 04-08 (Special Exception) B - "L~ Y• ~ Presiding Offic oning Board of Adjustment ~ ,, State of Tex ~~ County of -~~~ .; This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ (date) by Mark Plagens, Presiding Officer for the Zo ' Board of A 'ustment. SAIIYE A. CLARK Notary Pub ~S SlgIIatlil'@ • MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~y (Personalized Seal) MAY 18, 2006 ~t ~ i~l ~ I ~tCi' CeCOCdlilQ 1'etUCII t0: ~ Sallye A. Clark {~ City of West University Place ~ 3826 Amherst Street ~~ ~ Houston, Texas 77005 ~ Phone #: 713-662-5843 ~ ~. .~ , , ~ • 7itle Report on a fract of fand beirig the South Five Hundred and Thirty Six'feet, more . of that city block bounded by University Boulevard, Auden Boulevard, Rice • ~ or less , , Street and Edioe Avenue, being a combination of tracts ~more particularly descr.ibed , • ' herein below. • • . ( ~ Tract 1: 5.311 aaes oF land, more or less, out of the A.C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, ~ and D.T. Ausdn by deed conveyed to Houston Indapendent School District by W.D. Haden ~ recorded in Vofume 1108, Page 815~Deed Records, Hartis Counly, Texas. . ~ ~~ Tract 2: 1.466 ac~es of land, more or less, out of the A.C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, Quit " . Claimed by the•City of Wesl University Place, in favor of Houston Independent School DisVict, by ~ Quit Claim Deed recorded in Volume 1199, Page 91 Deed Records, Harris County, Texas. •., ' Tract 3: 1.221 acres of land, more or less, out of the A.C. Reynolds Survey, AbsVact 61, conveyed W West University Place Independent Scho~l District hy W.D. Haden and D.T. Austin by deed reaorded in Volume 733, Page 152 Deed Records, Harris County, Texas. ° Tract 4: Lots 1 through 28, inclusive, 81ock "8' of South Side Ptace, Second Addition, (a cancelled Subdivisiori originalty platted in ~olume 572, Page 376 Deed Records, Harris County. Texas, and vacated in Volume 729, Page 276 ~eed Records, Harris County, Texas). See Note below. ~~ Effective Date: June 6, 2004 ' ~ Apparent Record Title Nolder: Tracts 7 and 2: Houston Independent School Dislrict uN ~ il ~ _ Tracts 3 and 4: West University Place Independent School District , fl~ . ' , ~ ~ . pI~ bh- ' ~ . . _ ~ • • f J~. - ' lil ' ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ - .~ I I x ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~= .~ . `' I ~7~ ~~ a ~ ~:.1:. • ~ I ti ~ i _ t a ,, 1y ~ ` Q i . .~ ~ I ^C 4 i . i .Ta ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~~ ~p~ ` i- • I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ I 1 ~ ~ i . , , ~ . ti ~ .:~ ~ ; ; V~ ~ -~ . f•:•~ ~ -U q ~~ ~~ ~ c~ ~I ~ ~~ ~ i x b fD Y i 7 ry „~,.~;:~... .-- -:a ~-~~-.a - x 00'00'00` W 6&O.UO' ~ ~ ~~~~ ~-r ~ 'A• 1 •-~-_-_._.........__. ~ _ ., ~ N N -...~..~.-.-.-~. " [.~.~ ~ run va~ox x~~N wwa+~sra~~ n~ sue, ~ertw a~ us~ a nrt oESC~~o nEx PI~t118EfAU.SE OF 601OR OR RACE 6 NVHID A!D INEIiO~CEAlIE UNDFA FE~ltAL tAW. Z ~ THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS Ilwebl~hhttl's tn5undtw~s FLEDhFNN~nNr SeMr~anlyd~md M~Ae im~ yuyCd 6aeee 6~ me, ~N rn d~ry RECORDED. ~ QM O~W hlk Awtb ~tM~t P1e~ry dNrrit ~„ Caury,Temm ~ AUG 2 01004 0 0 0 ~ .~~~`~,`~'~~""/ °~' ~ ~ COUNTY CLERK ~, ~.Q~ f HARRIS COUNTY, TEXA.S .` ;, ~ ~ RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM: At the time of recordation, this instrument was ~ found to be inadequate for the best photographic reproduction because of fllegibility, carbon or photo copy, discolored paper, etc. Ali blockouts, additions and changes were present at the time the instrument was ~led and recorded. - .t .. . EILEACif£RS ~_ ... ........ ..•-•••....._..,..: ~ ~, ~.. ._ ._.I ' ~ ~ i I ~ ~ y ~ : ~ ~ ~ i i 47 i ~.._....._..~ > y ~ %V lx ~ 0. ... A .._ ; ~~ F-' N~ ~ 7 ~ Si •p t_,.~F _ ~u. . ~.~_- _.... .... ..-~ . _._ ~ s j ~ ~, ~~. -; `r~~ ; ; ~ ! j ` I I , ~ , ~ ! GARY R. CI-~ANI7LER ` s ~ I' ~ ; ' ~~t, r' ~ , h ~ WFST UNIVERSITY i ~ x ~' ~# ;:• i`..~iis~' f~ i' '~! ; I; j`~ LITI'LE LEAGUE FIFL.D~-IOUSE j! ntzc~[~~rr:crutzk n~D ~rn'~aioiis i (`~ ~ i:'~i i~ i••' ' i• E I'` I i ~nse.u~s7!rutvr~. j ; I I i ~~j i ~~' k~~~ i jN W[~'1'Ui~!RffR.tii'tY.'fX 4; ~~sro~-~x.~ I! [•' ';~ i! s! i I i"•d ^ E ~ r t~ssa. Y._.. -- ~ ._~ ~ : ~. .._,_~... '~._.:~. . f...~ ~ ~ j. . : . , .:' , . . , _ _ ,. - o- . ~ ~ ., ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Y~~~~~4 12/28f04 300540863 ;2p,pp ~ City of ~est Uniyersity Place ~'' o ~~ ~;~ ~ A Neighborhood City ~ Recycled Paper Zonin Board of Ad'ustment ~1~~~U'T ~5 g J City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION (PNC STATUS FOR YARD ENCROACHMENT UNDER SECTION 12-102) Address of building site: 3611 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal description of t1:e building site: Lots (or tracts) 6A, 7, 8, 9, 10A, lOB and 11A, Block 25, ~ West University Place Section 1(First Addition), City of West University Place, Harris County, ~~ Texas. ~ Applicant: Trustees, West University United Methodist Church, f~,v 3611 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 ~ Decisioit or Actio~: Requested: Special exception to grant PNC status for old encroachments into certain yard areas. Notice, Hearing, Findiizgs, Vote: (X) Notice of hearing was iven b,~ regular and certified mail (to nearby property owners) and by posting on-site (both hearings) in accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant, City of West University Place, Texas. (X) Hearin~ was held on : July 15, 2004; supplemental hearing held September 16, 2004. (X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i) the proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; (ii) the proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; (iii) the proposed special exception will n ot c ause a ny s ubstantial i ncrease i n t raffic; ( iv) t he p roposed s pecial e xception w ill n ot cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service; (v) the proposed special exception is consistent with--and in harmony with-- the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. (X) Additional findin s(if any): (i) The encroachments commenced before 1970 (so no fmdings about inadvertency, misrepresentation, etc. are required), (ii) The encroachments will not cause a substantial adverse effect on other persons. (iii) The encroachments do not create a significant health or safety risk. (X) The vote was: Mark Plagens, Jeann Howse, James Jordan, Dick Yehle and Richard Wilson voted for; no one opposed. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (subject to all app[icable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception as specifically allowed by 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org ~ ~ ~ ` ~ b~ct~~F~-o5 ~ Page 2 ZBA Decision, Docket 04-OS (Special Exception) (identify the exact provision) Section 12-102(e) of the Zoning Ordinance, is issued for the site identified above subject to the following conditions: (1) This special exception only applies to the following "PNC item": the existing building encroachments into certain yard areas, as marked on the attached "Site Plan. " (2) Such encroachments are hereby granted PNC status, subject to all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. (3) This decision must be recorded in the Real Properry Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and then filed, with proof of recording, in the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005). The fee must be paid by the applicant. This decision may not be filed in the Board's office until after it is recorded, as provided above. ~ THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC PNC `ITEM' DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN PNC STATUS FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ~ D (~' v r-~ _,~ , ~ ~ f `~ ` (" „) '~~-'-< , q f- :=; c-~ ' f' i ~ ~ ; ~' C -; ~ ' ~ c :i~: ; ~ c~ ~ , D t~ ' .. O N ~ ~ ~ ~. ~. T • ~ Page 2 ZBA Decision, Docket 04-OS (Special Exception) By State of Texas County of Ir{S Zoning Board of Adjustment b~.~ b~--05 This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~~ b`i~(date) by Mark Plagen as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of est niversity Place, Texas. --- -_~ ; Notary Pub 's Signature ~ SALLYE A. CtARK . •~y~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRc~ j (Personalized Seal) t~~.~"~/ MqY ~s, 2oos j; After recording return to: Sallye A. Clark / City of West University Place J 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 Phone #: 713-662-5843 i ~ ~ ; ., ..~ :. ~ y + ~D~--~o~ U5 , ;~ ,: . , : . . ~ • .~ WEST UNIVERS{TY ~'-' '~\~\ \~ . . ' UNITED METHODIST i ~ ~ CHURCH . , ~ ~ DQSTiNG StTE PLAN SG1LE 1~50 -d ~ ~' .:~4~~•;~ .;:;: :a•.~ ~, DEMO EXISTINC BUILDING ~ I i•,~•,r-: ~:: I EXI571NG GAS C MP I R GULATOR ST ON \~~.-~~- r ~ PROPEKTY LINE I y~-":.+„~ ,~~: ' ,,? ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ I ~ ~'_~~_' x-._~Li~.;~ I ~ ~tS~1NG~~'~.,: ~ ~ EXISTING BUILDlNG~ --- - ~.s • ~ ' M ( p TO BE DEMOUSHED ~ •'B~1ILDINC=~ ~ IN FUTURE ~EVELOPMENT ~=''~~'~'~~'~ I •,l. ~f 1 I~ Yard encroachments 4~_q~~ - •- ~~~x ;~_ ~~;;~~~~:.''~~: .' ~ ranted PNC status *~ ~~~~G:~~~'.' ~;•~ ~ o 4' ~ ~ `i iJ *,I ~~ . 9 ~ • s~i~i~c~ ~~ . ~..:; ~. ~° (existing buildings in these areas) ~ ' ~,..~ . _:~~_ ,~~ ~w.~~~Ra"R~, r ~ ' ~pr' ,~ ,4' ~..~i;t~r.~~:..,_.`:+,.~:;y•,;~,~hi!~ I ~W . i, - I ~ ~ ~.. ~ .~,~COURnraR~ ~ ~~~~` s ~ ~ ~ I ~. ~ 1 I I G I ~ I ~ . _. _. ~ ~._ BUILDING_F"._._ ~ ~ I I ~ on ir~c ~ ~ B~~ G ~A~ (5AN UARIf) I ~ I I ~ I( IL ING ' I I I I ~ ~ I ~d ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ • I ~ I - - - ~ ~ U UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD Nn v~ioN ~~a ~cr~ nE s~ ~~ a~ u~ ~ n~ o~ ~t °~~~~ aa w~ a Nvwe uo u~o~ u~ ~u uw c o~~~~~N~e~ e~r~ ~ Site Plan ~~ ~Re~~iop~irtl~of 1~i~rt~M Couriafr i~. ~ rie . DEC 2 8 2004 a ~ ~" .~~'~°~~~'~.~ ~ 4~j COUMV CLERK MARRISCOUNTY.TEXAS O ~ J O ~ H Z O~ 0 O O ~ F-- Z ~ O U N ~ ~ Q S .~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,, ~ . . ~_ _~. . Y 152706 N~ *• 12/28/04 3005408b4 ~ ~ ~~ ~ • • ,: ~~. City of ~e st Un~~ers~ty P1ace ~( n ~ A Neighborhood City 'C ~ Recyciea Paver Zoning Board of Adjustment j~ ~,~ '~ b, j_D~ City of West University Place, Texas ("City") ~'~ ~ ~ DECISION GRANTING A SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION OF A RELATED VARIANCE Address of building site: 3611 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 t26.00 1 ~~ Legal description of tl:e buildi~:g site: Lots (or tracts} 6A, 7, S, 9, 10A, i0B and 11A, Bloc:t 25, West University Place Section 1(First Addition), City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas. Applicant: Trustees, West University United Methodist Church, 3611 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 Decision orAction Requested: (1) Special exception to authorize existing church and ancillary uses. (2) Variance to allow reduced yards (or "setbac ks") for a proposed new building. Briefi~:g, Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vote: (X) Notices of pre-application briefing were ~iven. (X) Pre-application briefing was held on: June 29, 2004. (X) Notice of hearin was iven by: regular and certified mail (to nearby property owners) and by posting on site, for both July 15 and September 16 hearings. In accordance with Article 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant, City of West University Place, Texas. (X) Hearin~ was held on: July 15, 2004; supplemental hearing held on September 16, 2004. (X) Required determinations ha~ve been made by the ZBA as follo~us: (i) the proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; (ii) the proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; (iii) the proposed special exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; (iv) the proposed special exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service; (v) the proposed special exception is consistent with--and in harmony with-- the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if anv) have been made, as follows: Each of the accessory uses and structures, as specified and limited by this decision, is: (i) subordinate and incidental to a lawful principal building and use on the same building site (church use), and (ii) necessary or convenient for a lawful principal use of such building (church use). (X) The vote was: Mark Plagens, Jeann Howse, James Jordan, Dick Yehle and Richard Wilson voted for; no one opposed. ZBA docket # 04-05 SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 1 ~ ~~r 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 ~ www.westu.org f .t ~ ~K~~~-05 ` Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment granting special exception (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception as specifically allowed by (identify the exact provision) Table 7-1 ("Uses"), including Note 3 of the Zoning Ordinance, is issued for the site identified above subject to the following: (1) SCOPE OF SPECIAL EXCEPTION (a) Existin~• Initially, this special exception authorizes: (i) the existing church use of the building site and structures shown on the attached sketch labeled " Exhibit A," and (ii) the existing accessory uses and accessory buildings specified and limited in Exhibit A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (i) the existing dumpster must be relocated in compliance with applicable regulations; and (ii) the applicant must submit, for review and approval of the building official, an interim drainage plan describing drainage measures that can be implemented reasonably quickly (and at modest cost) to mitigate the swampy conditions along the eastern property line of the building site. (b) Within 180 days following the effective date of this decision: (b) Pro osed. If a variance is issued for the proposed 2-story building shown on the attached sketch labeled "Exh ibit B," this special exception authorizes: (i) church use of the building site and structures shown on the attached sketch labeled "Exhib it B," and (ii) the accessory uses and accessory buildings specified and limited in Exhibit B. (2) CONDITIONS. This special exception is subject to the following conditions: (a) Within 90 days following the effective date of this decision: ZBA docket # 04-05 (i) the applicant must implement the interim drainage plan approved by the building official (described above) and maintain it in effect thereafter while this special exception is in effect; and (ii) the applicant must submit, for review and approval of the building official, a traffic and parking analysis by a traffic engineer (or other qualified professional) including within its scope the following: --- Results and data obtained from the City' s on-going tra~c study, particularly regarding parking regulations along Mercer Street, together with any comments or recommendations on behalf of the applicant. SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 2 `„ --- D'unensions of emergency access ways, parking spaces, walkways, driveways, maneuvering areas, loading space, etc. and certification as to whether they comply with the detailed requirements of the Zoning ~ Ordinance. If any of them does not, the report should indicate whether an additional application to the ZBA will be forthcoming to address those requirements. --- A proposed pedestrian and vehicle circulation plan for weekday operations, including day-care drop-off and pickup; and (iii) All lights on the building site must be constructed or modified so that the bulb or light source is not visible from eyelevel at any point on any of the residential property across the eastern property line of the building site, and they shall be thereafter maintained in that condition while this special exception is in effect. (c) Within 270 days following the effective date of this decision: (i)the applicant must either install or provide all emergency accessways, parking spaces, walkways, driveways, maneuvering areas, loading space, etc. required by the Zoning Ordinance or submit an additional application to the ZBA to address those requirements; and (ii) the applicant must implement the pedestrian and vehicle circulation plan for weekday operations, including day-care drop-off and pickup, as approved by the building official, and thereafter maintain it in effect while this special exception is in effect. (d) This decision must be recorded in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and then filed, with proof of recording, in the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005). The fee must be paid by the applicant. This decision may not be filed in the Board's office until after it is recorded, as provided above. (3) BUILDING OFFICIAL; SUBMISSIONS TO BOARD. The building official is requested to keep the ZBA informed about compliance with these conditions. Should any of these conditions not be fulfilled, the building official is requested to take appropriate action and submit the matter to the ZBA for further review and action. THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC USES AND STRUCTURES DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. ZBA docket # 04-05 SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 3 , ~, TO OBTAIN A SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Other Provisions: The following provisions apply to the pending request for a variance for the proposed 2-story building shown on Exhibit B: (1) The applicant is requested to provide to the building official: ~ (a) a proposed permanent drainage plan for the building site (taking into account the ~ proposed 2-story building) that meets the City's current drainage requirements, but ~ also including provisions to prevent any drainage from the building site across the ~ eastern properry line, assuming a 10-year rainfall frequency event (using TxDOT ~ criteria), which permanent drainage plan would be implemented as part of the ~ construction of the proposed 2-story building (in addition to or in lieu of the interim ~ drainage plan mentioned above); ~ (b) a proposed plan to relocate or otherwise address the existing large, metal "weather ~ head" (now located on the eastern property line of the building site), as part of the ~ construction of the proposed 2-story building; ~ (c) a traffic and parking analysis by a traffic engineer (or other qualified professional) describing any changes to emergency access ways, parking spaces, walkways, driveways, maneuvering areas, loading space, etc. (or the weekday pedestrian and vehicle circulation plan) that may be necessary to accommodate the proposed 2-story building. (2) Pending receipt of the items described above, the variance request will be carried as a pending matter on the ZBA's docket. After the items aze received, the City staff is requested to designate a supplemental hearing date before the ZBA and issue appropriate notices. (3) After the supplemental hearing, the ZBA will resume its deliberations and make its decision on the variance. (4) Notwithstanding anything listed above, the applicant has the right to request the ZBA to make a decision at any time. Any such request should be submitted in writing, and it should indicate whether the applicant desires to submit the items described above and have a supplemental hearing (or not). (5) To the extent necessary to accommodate the proceedings described above, the ZBA's normal rules of procedure are suspended. ZBA docket # 04-05 SPEC/AL EXCEPTION, Page 4 Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ay: ~'~ Presiding the Zoning Board of Adjustment State of Texas County of ~v` This instrument was acknowledged before me on o~. (date) by Mark Plagens, as Pre ' ing Officer f the Zonin Board of Adjustment of t e C ty of West University Place, Texas. Notary Publ 's Signature (Personalized Seal) SALLYE A. CLARK • MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~ MAY 18, 2006 After recording return to: Sallye A. Clark City of West University Place ~ 3826 Amherst Street ~ {~`~~ ~'- ~, `. .~• Houston, Texas 77005 ;,~ }` Q ~ Phone #: 713-662-5843 "'~' ~ ~ ~ .-- r~, '~~ ~~ J : ~ r ~ n ~- rn :G~~-y ~' ` ~ m ~ 4' C7 x ;~•, .. N ~ O ZBA docket # 04-05 SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 5 ;~;° . i i.~~~ ~ . ' 7 + : _ ,~ .;. ; ;;; : :;: :~. . ~ 4 .~ . i ~~ ~~~~ ~; I:; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i'RG?ERTY LIIVE fXISTING BUILOINGS TO BE DEMOLISHED IN FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ~~ ~~ ~k~-~o~ D~ \~ ~ 0 L~ J O ~ F- Z O U ~ O O J Li ~ Z ~ O U ~ ~ ~ Q 2 UNIVERSITY 80U~LEVARD ~~ ~~ Accessory uses and structurgs: (1) Church-provided day care and pre-school (not including kindergarten), limited to 185 pupils and 6,912 square feet of building space (plus part-time use of the 6,857-square-foot gymnasium). (2) Church-sponsored athletic activities, limited to part-time use of the 6,857-square-foot gymnasium. (3) Structures as shown, but subject to the conditions imposed by special exception. EXHfBlT A ,~ ~,rBcaN i OT "I ~otat pa4es) ,, WEST UNIVERSITY UNITED METHODIST CHUR~CH DASTING SRE PLAN SGLE: i°m50~-0° . ~°; ~'~ 6EM0 •EXISTIWG 6UILDIW~ ~~,,? .. ' +•`t . 1 4 ~.~ ~~ ~ / . w ~~~ ~ : ` , : . ..j ' ~ ' ~ ;i . . A i r !: : , . ~;I J ''~ •" W~EST U N IVERS ITY ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ UNITED METHODIST ~ ~~' ~ CHURCH i ~, . ~ ~ ~ SfTE PWV SCAl.E 1°Q50'-d' Ij~ ~ ~ • ' `4:~'Y~,~f PROPOSED D ~ `~'• EVELOP.M~..NT AREA , ' • i,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ a • A• 13'-U 4'-6 " UNIVERSITY 80U • PROPER7Y UNE ANP PNOy010A I~~I N~AldplpII~1RICli 11E aNF. II~ OR I~E Oi 1NE DESC~ R611 ~~~ T~l~10yia~ ~ k+1EE I! N1hWD AIO UNFOAEfAIIE ~Ofll iE06Ul UW ~e~~ ~~ Alef~l~ ~w~l ILED In~ numblr en we cMld~q hANe~eerd~~eel Pro 1 ~. ~ ~ piny 0 N~rtit C~niy Tixu en . D~C x 8 ~~004 ~~~~i~~~ ~~ ~ .~ .._. .~.~_._. -~ • --~ i - • +~--~ _ . I ~ ~ ~ Accessory uses and structures (with proposed 2-story building): (1) Church-provided day care and pre-school (not including kindergarten), limited to 185 pupils and 8,562 square feet of building space (plus part-time use of the 6,857-square-foot gymnasium). (2) Church-sponsored athletic activities, limited to part-time use of the 6,857-square-foot gymnasium. (3) Structures as shown, but subject to the conditions imposed by special exception. ~~f ~~v~ ~~ ~ ~~~~\ \ ~ ~ ~ e , t-- . .. .. . ..... .-- ~-•---~ •--•-~---...._.... .. -_...,...~ . . ( \\\\\\~~ .~ .~: '~;,i9.> ,~•.- a_~~~r,~,-~; '~ ~ - ~ ~: ~ ~~ •~ ~:r- , : .` . ' y~: .. ~:~ , I ~ ..~, ~~ ~ ~ . -. ~~: 1 <T• . ~ Ja; _ ~.~ ~ ` ~`"~ O .,OS~D 'Sf0! ' ;~ ~ ~ :;~ui~n~v, : ~ ~ I ;~y -'~;~-'~ ~.- _ - ~ ~,~,--'~: s~ ~ ` ;~~ . : ~ . ~"~~.`, ~ I :~.$. '!i~ + ~ ~ , ~~ ~l~t \ .'°r.r„~ti',' ~ ~~,~~X' '• ~ -~ + ~ ~ ~ `!~%r~.,~',.v:' ~lF F`~^.y~~a `"~''',•`• ++'. \ .. I I ~ „~, r ~~t•P~-`~-~7~-*..:'a~.~1;~iTi~~;C~.*~~i~;= ~ ~i r ~~~ couRrrAR ~ ' ~ \ :i~~ ~s ~ b . BUIIDING '~' O ~ J 0 ~ F-- Z O U U O O J ~ ~ z ~ ~ U (V 1 ~ ~ Q 2 ~x~iaiT s !D~•.^.y 4 ..~F ~ a..a~~ _ ..~ Y 9~ ~ . . n ~ ~~ . ~j~~UJJU ~ ~. : ~ ~~ ~~ '~ Cit of ~est Universit P1ace ~ ~ Y y A Neighborhood City 06/19/OZ 300776338 VB80550 f11.00 Zoning Board o.f Adjustment ~ ROCytledPaper City of West University Place, Texas ("City") ~~ DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION ~ ~ . ~~,•ess ofsice: 3224 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005 ~ Docket #: 02-04 ~• ~. Legal ctescriptia: ojthe site: West one-half of lot tl~ree (W 1/2 of 3), in Block Forty- Eight (48) of West University Place, ~~ Second addition, a subdivision in Harris County, Texas, according to the ~nap o~- p11t tliereof recordecl in volume 538, '~ Page 147 of tl~e Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. Pernrittee/A~~plic~nt: Thomas ~I. Overstreet, Inc. I~~~ Decisio,r o,~ Actio,t Requested: Request for a Special Exception regarding Table 7-SA, Note 7., S~~ecial Exceptious of ttie Zoning Oi•dinance. The request for a special exception is to allow a forty-foot driveway approacl~ insteaci of a t~venty-foot dr.iveway approacl~ for a four-car garage. ~f ~~ Notice, Henring, Fi~aclings, Vote: ~~ (X) Required notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance ~vith Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark; l'lanning & y,~ Development Assistant City of West University Place. I (X) Reauired determinations have been made bv the ZBA witli respect to the special exception as Rranted belo~v: (propusecl ~ Speci~l Exception ~vill not cause any si~nific~nt incre~se in on-street parking; proposeti speci~l exception ~vill R{ not cause any substantial traflic congestion; proposed Special Exception will not cause any substantial I increase in traffc; proposed Special Exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or ~ upon any other public facility or public service.) ~,~ (X) Additional findin~s (if any): Granting a Special Exception for tl~e proposed structure will not unreasonably ~ interfere witl~ available light and air and will not signifcantly alter access for fire figl~ting ai~d simillr needs. (J~ Hearing held on: Apri118, 2002 (X) The vote: Jolin Rentz, Michael Neal, James Jordan, Bill Ricl~ardson and Steven Segal voted for; no one opposed. Decision ojtl~e Zoning Boar~/ ofArijustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance, a special exception as requested, but limiting the drivewuy to thirty fee~ s specifically allowed in T~UIe 7-SA, Note 7., Special Exceptions of tl~e Zoning Ordinance, is granted for the site identifiecl above subject to the following: 1. The applicant must record this decision in tl~e Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. Tl~e clecision ~vill go into effect once the decision is recorded and a certified copy is returned to the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 38Z6 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of VVest University Place. Tl~is special exception is for an inciefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. Tliis special exception remains subject to the, regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property riglit or vested rigl~t of any kind. ~ ~~-~~ ~, ~v~ J ~ < ~ t..,~- ,•, .~-~t_._.. ' ~; ~ ~.• '~,,•• ~/...nr• .I ~~ •J'. f ~ •~ l'~w • , ~ ../ , `•~' ' ++-~~+`+~''~~ A /~ ~ ~ ~v~ ~ ~.•, ~ /r ti~v. ._.~ ~~ 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, , ~ .~: ~ 1 ~..~ ~~ .1 ` ~7D Texas 77005-2899 • 7l3•G68•4441 • w-vw.tivestu.o~~~ AIVY PROVISIONS HEREIN WH1CH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALiD AND UNENFORCEABLE UIVDER THE FEDERAL LAW. ` , A-CERTIFIED~COPY ATTEST: ~ U N Z ~ ~OOZ BEVERLY B. KAiJFMAN, County Clerk Hacris County, Texas • C~~~`~ Deputy CUC T. LIEN ;~ w~ ~ rd ~ ~'d ~ ~ ff~ ~~ A Page 2 ZBA Decision, Docket 02-04 (Special Exception) Ejfective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of tl~is decision are subject to ancl governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Cliapter 211, Tex. Local Government Cocle. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after tl~e date tl~is decision is filed in the Board's off ce. 3y: Presiding Officer, Zoning Board of A justment :...,.o...~~ State of Texas County ot~-41 Y( i c~ JOSIE MARIE OROSCO ~'~ ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES `~.,.,~i JUNE 22, 2005 Tl~is instrument was acknowledged before me on~~r-~ ~ I, 7~~.J;~ate) by Steven Segal, Presiding Ofticer for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. ~( f Sj. ~ ~~1 S~- ~~C2j Nutary Public's Signature (Personalized Seal) Filed in tlte Board's office and original forwarded to applicant for recording on lJ~ t=~ r`~-~.~..' ~ by: Sallve A. Clark, Planning and Development Assistant. AlIPA011SpM NEREIN NNICN RESIAICIS TNE SAIF,AE11LL,0R USE OF TNE DESCAIBFD REAL ~ PAOPERi1BFCAUSEOFCOl0R0AAA6ESM11lqINDUMEMFOpCflALE9MDEAIEAERIIIIN. ~' THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~V , - '' * COUNTV OF HARRIS ~ ~ • IMn6~eMI~MI1ri~mf4umenln~FlFO~Fi~NrmN~Swu~nc~enA~d~k+M~iNe6re ~j~ ~ `• , ~ ~i~yd hnu b~ ~r,+d ni Id~RECORAFD M~~ 019:4~ 1~ak AaeiU d A~dP~q~~~ d N~id~ i ,; ,: ;^•"ti. - eo~m~,re~~~ ~ i • -_ . •..• '~' JUN 1 9 2002 ..C '~, ~ ~ "~. r .~~. :: ~ ~, t .. ~E~~ ~ ~ ~ C I;" ~: -':~' ' ! • ~ ...K "~" ^?.5 `•f~` ~ ... ' !/ \ . y< COUNTY CLERK j,. ~~-• ,r HARRIS COUNTY. TEXAS ~/~ .,,J . ~ _. _~ r - - -- - -. . _ _ ANY PROVISIONS HEREW WH1CH RFSTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW, A CERTIFIED COPY A~ST: J U~N 2 4 2002 BEVERLY B. KAiTFMAN, County Clerk Harris County, Texas ~~/G ~~/~ Deputy CUC T. LIEId .q ~r s ~~ City of ~est U~i~e~rsity P1ace ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO DENY A VARIANCE Address of Site: 3111 University Boulevard Legal Descriptio-z of Site: Lot 7, Block 17, West University Place First Addition. Building Permit NumGer: Permittee/Appli.cant: Pamela Gross Decisio~i or Actio~: itequested or ~'roposed: Request for variance that would attthorize projection of up to 5 1/2" into the front yard to allow the placement of stone around the perimeter of the existing principal building. Notice, Hearing, Findin.gs, Vote: (X) Required Notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by . Leslie Montisano, Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place ~ (X) Hearing held on: September 16,1999 () Required statutory findings made: No hardship could be found ( ) Additional Findings: None (X) The vote: Steve Mazoff, Mark Plagens, Sue Porretto, and Steven Segal voted to deny request. Frank Billings was opposed. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (suGject to all applicable nppeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variunce under Article 11 is denied. This variance is for an indefinite period, unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeccls: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: `~~~ Attest:~ ~ C airperson, Zoning Board of Adjustment Sta Representat~ve, City of West University Place Filed in the Board's office on ~~nnd copies mailed (~~~ ~~ t) o~z ~~ ~•l~}9; ~ ' ~-11.' ~ sy: ~,~1.. `~ ,~ Building and Standards Commission City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Address of Site: 3622 University Blvd. Legc~l Description of Site: Lot 4A, Block 44, West University Park Addition. Building Permit Number: Pernsittee/Applicant: Transpac Investments, LLP Decision or Action Ret~uested oi• Proposed.• Request for variance from Table 922.2 of the 1994 Southern Plumbing Code to allow two water closets and two lavatories instead of three water closets and two lavatories. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: ' ( ) Notice given as follows: (X) Hearing held on: September 7, 2000 (X) Pernussive Factors: In considering this variance, the BSC took the following into account these matters (if any): () The variance will assist in the preservation of historic structures. () The application involves remedial work necessary to bring a structure into compliance with applicable ordinances. (X) There are other similar circuxnstances in existence. (X) Mandatory Factors. In considering this variance, the BSC took all the following into account: -Whether the applicant made an earnest, good faith effort to comply with the requirement. -Whether the applicant brought the matter to the attention of the City on his own motion, without intervention or enforcement acrion by any City official. : -Whether alternative methods or procedures will achieve the same, or substantially the same, result as literal compliance with the requirement. (X) Required Findings. The BSC affirmarively finds all of the following: - The imposition of the requirement imposes an exceptional hardship upon the applicant. - No reasonable and feasible method or procedure is currently available to comply with the requirement . - The imposition of the requirement is unjustified because of good and sufficient cause demonstrated to the BSC. - The variance will not introduce or increase any threat to the public health or safety. - The variance is consistent with the purpose and intent of the ordinance in question. - The variance will not cause a nuisance and will not unreasonab(y interfere with the use of nearby property. - The variance will not cause a fraud to be worked upon the public or any individual. - The variance will not cause an increase in public expenditures or budgets. - The variance will not create an ineconcilable conflict with any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. (X) Additional Findings: None (X) The vote: McDaniel, Slimp, Harper, Collier, Stelzer Hughes and Albin voted for granting the variance. Decision (subject to all applicable appeals): A variance under Table 922.2 of the 1994 Southern Plumbing Code is hereby granted to the permittee/applicant named above to allow two water closets and one lavatory to be installed in the structure at 3622 University Blvd. The 1994 Southern Plumbing Code requires three ~vater closets and two lavatories. The 2000 SPC requires T~vo water closets and one Lavatory as requested. This variance is for an indefinite period, unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Da & Appe s: is de ''on takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office, unless otherwise indicated above. Any a als cisio are su ~e t to and governed by applicable ordinances and law . ~ a~~ By: Attest: , ui ~ g and and rds Commission Staff Re res tative, City of West Universi Place ~~1~y"`'L ' Filed t/re Board's o~ce on i O~L' 1~~~~ and copies n:ailed (~~~~~a~s~errrst/ on ~' `1 "~ By.• ~ ~ Fam ZBA-203, 8-2494(04c:\wp5 i~fortns~zba203.~ C ~ Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") • DECLSION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION (94-09) Address of sile: 3604 University Legal description of the site: Tract 6a, Block 44, West University Place 2nd Addition. BuildingPern~itNo: N/A Perntitlee/Applicant: West University Methodist Church Decision orAction Requested orProposed.• A request to use a single family residence as a meeting place for classes;and 'offic.~ space. . Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vole: ( X) Required notice given by:~QSTINGr~~IuniciFaless~ i r~ing & f'rope~tv~~ Location) ( X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below (proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed special exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service.) ( ) Additional findings (if any): N/A (X) Hearing held on: $eptember 1. 1994 ( X~ The vOte: Porretto, Masera, Morley~ *~'y~~ Hansen, Snell FOR, noneagainSt gianttng. Billings abstained from voting Decision of the Zoning Bour~ of A djustm ent (subject to al! c~plicable appeals): Under and sub'ect to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception for a~~equest to use a s/~ residence as a • meeting,place for cla ses and office'spac~ as specifically allowed by Section7-100(b) (2~f the Zoning Ordinance, is granted: (i) to t~ie permittee/appticant named above, (ii) for the site identified above, and (iii) subject to the following conditions (if any~: 1. This is a request for a temporary special exception zoning request which will terminate August 1, 1995, unless tHe construction of Fellowship Hall is completed before then, at which time the special exception will terminate at the end of the construction. 2. All residential ordinances concerning noise, storage, fire, safety, and curfews will be respected. There will be no bulk storage of any kind. 3. No slumber parties or overnight activities on the property. 4. Organized meetings for children and youth younger then high school will be restricted to three per week, other meetings will be high school & up. 5. All group activites outside the house will be confined to the backyard. This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. EfJective Da1e & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. , _ ., v A llest: , Chairman, For e Zoning Board o djustment Filed in the Boant's office on , 19 , a~d copies mailed (see mailrng list attached) on , 19 , By: \ J • BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Hearing Held on _ December 1, 1994 Reference: 3611 University Blvd. Lots 7,8,9,10 & N 1/2 of 6 & Lot 11, WUP lst Addition Appeal No: 94-08 Date of Application: 11/23/94 Receipt No: DECISION/INTERPRETATION: ~ Evelyn Dravis made a motion to grant the variance with the agreement that the maximum load be no greater than 200 persons at one time. The motion was seconded by Roy Harper. All voting aye. McManigle, Albin, Harper, Dravis & Hughes Voting no. None The variance is granted with the condition that the maximum load be no greater than 200 persons at one time. Date: 1/9/95 cc: Building Inspector City of West University Place Buil & Standards Co ss'on ~,. TARY . ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION Reference: 3611 University Appeal : 94-02 Dated: 12/15/93 Hearing Held On January 20, 1994 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" • A request for variance is granted to allow a building to be constructed with a maximum heigh.t of 44'4". BY THE BOARD Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoni.~icr Boarsi~of„Ac~''iustment ~ Date : 1/21/94 cc: Building Inspector City of '~est U~i~ersity P1ace • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Address of Site: 3622 University Boulevard Legal Description of Site: Lot 4-A, Block 44, West University Place Second Addition Building Perrnit Number: Permittee/Applicarit: Peter J. Kresta Decision or Action Requested or Proposed: A request for special exception to reinstate and extend prior non- conforming ("PNC") status of a business activity (and a business building) in a Single Family District. Notice, Hearing, Firadi~igs, Vote: ( X) Required notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Leslie Montisano, Planning & Development Assistant ~ City of West University Place ( X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below: A substantial investment was reasonably made in the PNC item, or in reliance upon it; and extension of PNC status is necessary to allow a reasonable period in which to amortize the investment, or to avoid unreasonable waste of any remaining value of the item with PNC status. ~ ( X) Additional Findings: Proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on street parking; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion;' proposed special exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed special exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service; and the proposed special exception will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of ~this ordinance. ~ ( X) Hearing held on: August 19,1999 ( X) The vote: Frank Billings, Mark Plagens, Sue Porretto, and Steven Segal for, no one opposed. Decision of t/ie Zoning Board of Adjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable Iaw, a special exception to "reinstate and extend prior non-conforming ("PNC") status of a business activity (and a business building) in a Single Family District", as specifically allowed by Section 12-105 of the Zoning Ordinance, is granted: (i) to the permittee/applicant named above, (ii) to continue use of 3622 University Boulevard as a commercial business, and (iii) subject to the following conditions (if any): PNC status has been reinstated and extended for a period of fifteen (15) years. This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the city, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. E},~'ective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005) unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and taws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. gy; ~ Attesl: ~ . Chairperson, Zoning Board of Adjustment Staff R presentative, C~cy of West University Place Filed 'n e Boarcl's o~ce on ,~ IO , 1999 and copies mailed (see att a~ling list) on , 1999, sv~ (~.Q,u.wu.Q ~D ~~ti,, ~t.ca~!-cc a.~ ~vlsaa u,~~ ~,;•~ BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVCRSITY PLACE .. Reference: 3201 University Blvd. Lot 7& E Part of Lot 8 West University Place lst. Appeal No: 93-01 ' Date of Application: 1/28/93 Receipt No: • Hearing Held on Thursday, February 4, 1993 DECISION/INTERPRETATION: Carolyn Hodgins made motion to grant the variance according to the Builder (Windham Buildezs) having met the requirements that the Building Inspector (Ed Beasley) had asked of the Builder. Being that everthing is ducted and that the only issue is that the return air grill is not 10" above the finished floor. This motion was seconded by Dale Reid. All voting aye. Date: February 5, 1993 cc: Building Inspector City of West University Place Building & Standards Commission / ~ SECRETARY ~J BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ~ Reference: 3201 University Blvd. Lot No. 6,7 & 1/2 of 8 West University lst Addition. Appeal No: 92-07 ' Date of Application: October 30, 1992 Receipt No: • ~ Hearing Held on Thursday, December 3, 1992 DECISION/INTERPRETATION: Susan Freeman made motion to grant the variance to have one escape hatch in a common egress area from both bedroomsprovided doors are removed. Motion was seconded by Carolyn Hodgins. Voting Aye: Nick Aschliman, Susan Freeman, Margaret Wallace, Dale Reid, Carolyn Hodgins. Voting No: Craig DuCote Date: December 4, 1992 cc: Building Inspector City of West University Place Building & Standards ission SECRETARY ,~ • : ,7, . •.M~;+~ • •~^f :'.; .~. ~ .p. • . .•• ~ . Date: November 9, 1992 To: Al1 BSC members From: Building Inspection Subject: 3201 University code violations ~\ - . . When the plans for 3201 University Blvd. were approved by the previous Building Official, Mr. Perry, they were approved containing violations of the Building Code as adopted by the City of West University Place. I do not know if Mr. Perry approved the plans on his own or had input from other sources. I feel that the plans should have never been'approved as they show a clear violation of Section 1105.4.1 dealing with Emergency Egress Openings. The owner and contractor have now deviated from those -- "approved" plans and now are in violation of Section 1101.1.2 dealing with Means of Egress also. Building Codes are considered to be "minimum" requirements for safe construction. If deviations are granted to these "minimum" requirements, then we have a potential for serious consequences should an accident occur. The codes are written with enough latitude to allow for creative architectural design without jeopardizing life. - safety issues. The current Buildinq Inspection Division feels that this is a major code violation since it deals with a life - safety issue and therefore does not agree with the alternatives in which the emergency egress requirements are being dealt with. ~.' :• . ,~ ~ ~ . .. , : ~.. . , .'~: , : ~,•., . , ~' ~. , ' , , , ' : , '~ • r. . , , ~ ~ ~ rm ZBA-201(04c:\wp51\forms~zba201.54orig) ~ Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECLSION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Address of site: 4102 Villanova Legal description of the site: Lot 1& 2, Fairhaven Addition BuildingPerntilNo: Perntitlee/Applicant: Virgina Tucker with Power of Attorney for Mary L. Karger. Decision orAc[ion Reques[ed orProposed: To vary the setback from the 5' to 3' on the West side or alternatively 3' on the East side. Nolice, Hearing, Findings, Vole: MAIL (Property owners) (~ Required notice given by: POSTING (Municial Buildin~ . POSTING (on ~rnnPrt~) (~ Hearing held on: Februarv 16 , 1995 ( X) Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) ( ) Additional findings (if any): • ( g) The vote: Bi1linQS, Minor, Peterson, Morley & Masera fo~, none against. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustmenl (subjecl to al! applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and appticable law, a variance from Section 7-10 ~ reg~l ati ons, Tabl eG ~ Ft~ _, (b) Pro~ ection, Table7-2. Yards of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): A Variance to allow setback of 3' from the East Property line. This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any pr4peny right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevazd, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zo 'ng Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, peritions for judicial rev' w must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Boazd's office. 1 /~-~~ ~ B y; ~tiN~J'"~-~I llest: ~I.CJ~-~ ~ ~ hai an, For ning Board of Adjustment ~ Frled in the Boand's oJ~ce on ,l ~C~CI-~ 20 ,!9 ~}S , and copies mailed (see mailing list attached) on ~kRe~.. 20 , 19~, By~D~TFtLt~-lv ~LI N lr~ ~ i ~ • May 15, 2001 Mr. Dennis Mack West University Development Dear Mr. Mack, I was referred to you by Patricia in the Tax Department. I am writing in behalf of Mr. Ziad Noshie, owner of the property at the corner of Pittsburg and Vanderbilt. T'he legal description is TR 12B Blk 13 ( 001 *TR 17 ) West University Place Section 1, the street address known as 3030 Pittsburg. When Mr. Noshie purchased the property, it was noted that the front of the property had been designated as Vanderbilt in 1986. The owner did not change the street address at that time. I have • enclosed a copy of the recorded legal change made in 1986. It seems appropriate that the physical address agree with the legal address as described by the November 20, 1986 hearing which was executed on February 20, 1987. It would appear that the address would be 6447 Vanderbilt or 6449 Vanderbilt. Please let me know the steps Mr. Noshie should take to reconcile this situation and have the proper Vanderbilt address for his property. Please call me at 713-858-6973 or 713-963-8111. Thank you. Sincerely, ~~ ~~dG`~" ~~ Nancy Elizabeth Garfield • t ~ ,~ , ~ _ - •s•"~ f. ~ _ ~ ~ ~:,.rr . • ~ • ••~ .~ . • ;I • • • • • ~~ „• . . •' ' ~~' , , • • • . . . ' ~ ~ ~ . `~' ~ ~J~' ZDLIIIVG HOA~ OF ADJUS'II1E1QT • . F. -.~r - ~~ ~ , circ oF s~esT ~uNZVe~s~n. puce. ~ Texns ~I ~2-7 .I S99 . ~ ' ~ !!~`^ ~ ~ L92:4~72 ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ro-:'~ 4~ . • DECISZON • Befarenea: 9D70 Yi ~urB :~ ^a~' • S~ of - Lot .l'2 :ti;r~ : .. . .~•, ~k• 1 ,.. ~: ,~;; °~ yr y • . • ii~s[. rsicY~ Tiiev :~,.;:' . • . q;~~~''-: . . • . Le Add ioa , ''~_~'~~`~''-~,' ~= ~ ' I ' ApPeal Nos 86-6 ' ' ~,y:; ~ ' • ; ~ Dated : OcCo6~r 1. 1986 ~ : ~ .`~ ~ ~;.~' . . . , . +. ' 11e8i1r1t Ne1Q oe llovemDes 20. 1986 . !!/QB/89 00533~ l 172' f~3.00•.. ~: ~'! . • ~ ~. IH:[F1lPJtE?wTI~Nt . • ' ' . ` . . , ~ • , . . ~ , • ~ . ~ ' "Daeioion ot tho Zesie~ Beard•of•Jld~+.ses~neu , ' '; •, . • . ,. . ; , • . . ; • , . .~.. ,..•. • s . , :..:•.. ;'~. • Hotion m'de•.by'Fle:'Mlaos, seccnded.by Mn. lIclG~lvry.. d~at.ia~saueb.ir.ie•is ..' .~; •'~` deernsl'ned lraa~e~ te~ei~eep.ae.tb~ l~iasiag eMs~'•is•i.qwi6lon•~s~~o;+~ab:' •.. ~;:`~~. ' oi' the ~side~ oi tLe' lot a~ould' Da tonsidertd the .~;'ua~ onildi~fg ~liria':'a~~~' • rhiob ;sboutd be.cvae1d.rsd cL. e1d~ buildia~ line~' . ~. .. . . ', `'~: , Va;ian~a: ~lo. 6fr6 •shW;.~pa. er~atad•oa •the ecodic ~ ; thac•'•the ~~roP!rcy~.oi~ner••. ' • '~f -~~;;; ~~ ~:.~.:.: •,~;;•;,, • agreco t1~ot eh~'O~il.ldioa a~ebaele iin~ wstnbl~ab~~ on. Vind~iCOiit'j!l~ll• 6~ ~• •. :. :' . ~°'.,~; •, .ao,rtsiA~r~d elu~ E=baC ~atDuk li~~ .oF ~t6~e 2ot. w~hie: m :~~iba~qwne•.p~lding ~ ~~•• ~~'~'`~ " Y : ~ r . . ;: ~•~::I ''mT ba.Suilt.v~icb'.vca~da'beJOnd~ tlr:[saot boild~lu=''liui''CUaC•.tia.baen'~•' ••,~~; ••,;'••~;;~YSJ '.esestilioned oa''i~ad~_!:1e aed'll+ot.•t6is eonditieol:~.+ ida •',.pwpe oiilbi ~ J. ' •~~~':,;:~~ . ' daed'secorde in e6~ oEiicei o! ~Wrris W~nt~.' i~sss. ; ~ ~' :, .. • i ~ •';";: ~"` . ~ .~ ..Votin w ~: Hillta ' ; ~otin ~lbt lloaa ' , ' ' .' "'"•..,~'" B. Y Ss s . , .4'' ~;~:,,•:; 4 • . ' IICOCO'LL . 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':ri:~:~,rYk,~~,~r~.. •. ,.;~i,a,~,. .'• ~J. ; •~•Y.::.i ~'~ S' . ';:i~`ts:~:~~.;,~A~,. .~~`.,,',`~ ~;~'~Y: ~ LJ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ f~'Y. 11 • • • ""r Cit of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace . y A Neighborhood City O ~ R~~ ~~ Z Form ZON-203 dec granting special exception, 12-04 Y 6~fr 19 E, 2 07/27/05 300662149 Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ City of West University Place, Texas ("City") Docket No. OS-06 DECISION GRANTING A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Addressofbuildii:gsite: 5909 Wakeforest Street, West University Place, Texas 77005 ~~ E20.00 Legal description of tlae building site: Lot three (3 ), and the North 21. 5 feet of Lot (4) in Block Five (5), of Rice Court, an addition in Harris County, Texas, according to the map ~or plat thereof recorded in volume 7, Page 47, of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas. Applicant: Mark and Patti Cowan Decisio~:orActionRequested: Applicant requests a special exception to grant PNC st,atus for the structure to project into front yard .3 feet. ~ Brie g, Notice, Hearing, Determii:ations, Vote: ( (if requirec~ Notice of pre-application briefing given on N/A and briefing held on N/A , in ~" accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. ( Notice of hearing was given by: mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 of. the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of e City. ( Hearing was held on Apri 1 21, 2 0 0 5 . ( Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: ( i) the proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; (ii) the proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; (iii) the proposed special exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; (iv) the proposed special exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service; (v) the proposed special exception is consistent with--and in , SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 1 r 3800 University Boulevard ~ West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org i i ' armony with--the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. (~ ditional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: (N/A~ The vote was:~for, ~against this decision. Decision of the Zoni~:g Board of Adjustment gra~:ti~:g variance (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception as specifically allowed by (identify the exactprovision) Article 12, Prior Nonconformities, Section 12 -102 ( e) Certain Yard Encroachments of the Zoning Ordinance, is issued for the site identified above, but subject to the following: 1) Prior non-conforming status demolished or alterations encroachment. Other Provisio~:s: is lost if the structure is cause the removal of the THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. ~ ~ UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FO:R ON OR BEFORE THE 90T" DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNNERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOll--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BiJT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIl2EMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASENIENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 2 i ~ .1 THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlV~LIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ~ ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Presiding Of i, Zoning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS rr This instrument was acknowledged before me on ''+ p~ Q~. ~(date) by rnG~,l'K. ame) as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment f the ity of West University Place, Texa SALLYE A. CIARK MY COMMISSt~N EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) I,, My commission expires: 5 ~((/ Notary Public SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 3 ~ -i . ... This instrument wus filed in the Board's office on ~~1 O , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list o(N/A) ay: -a,~o Name:l~}es(~124.,.~ U 1es `i~6 Title:.G~~~ ~Sn,1~ ~ ~ After recording return to: Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #:713-662-5843) ~ ~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~ va~em ~ a aro~ at a~ a n~u,o un ~-~oac~u~ uou ~ueui uw. / THE STATE OF TEX/y5 cou~yoF .M,AftR~S~, ~~ FILED'n Fik Mimber a~ ~ aem~ ~ I~eon by me, ~nd vqs dury ~ M tl~e ~° ~~~~~~ 01 Harta Cou~1. Texis an Olfidal PubNc RecoMs al Resi P-nDeA11 ~~~ Z ~ ZooS ~~~~ ~~~+'~'~r'GQ,'~~~ u ~ ~~ 4+~'~ F+n~i co~r.~xas ~ a i~ ,^ ~ . ~rt ;~' n ' L- ; n ~' •: = ` C . :~ , ` ' ~ r ~~ - . ~ ; ~ ' ~ .c ~ ' ~` m .1 r i ' ~ C7 -i =v ^ ii, x "~ ta a ~ ~ "" an - SPECIAL EXCEPTION, Page 4 ~ ~ ~ ' ,, ~, _ . ~~ ` City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace (~~ ~ \,~ A Neighborhood City V ' ~ Recyc~ed Pape~ J Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 1 Zoning Board of Adjustment ` City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DocketNo:04-15 (1) ~ 07l17rOS 30 6~ g~1 316.04 DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE Addressofbuildingsite: 2626 Wroxton Road, West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal descriptio~: of the building site: Lots (1) through Nine ( 9) in Block One (1) 1 of Wroxton Square in Harris County Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded under film Code No. 516 176 of the map records of Harris County, Texas. Applicant: Wroxton Square Partners, L. P. ~ Decision orAction Requested: Applicant requests a variance to allow Height of building to modestly exceed 35.89 feet. ~ Notice, Hearing, Determinatio~zs, Vote: (X) Notice of hearing was given by: mail and on-site posting, in accordance with Article 1~1 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of the City. , (X) Hearing was held on November 18 , 2 0 04 . (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 4; for, 1 against this decision. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustme~:t granting varia~:ce (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact ~ provision)Article 7, Table 7-4b:Principal buildings, Height, maximum._, of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard ~ West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org 'T - Other Provisio~:s: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARIl~TG IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MOD]FICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARIl~TG. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONIl~TG ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS : SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY NRISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. VARIANCE, Page 2 :,, ~ Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, CITY (aF WEST ~iTNNERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Presiding ~$~r, Zoning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS This instrum was acknowledged before me on (date) by r~~l~S- (name) as Presiding Officer of the Z ning oard of Adjustment of the City of West Univers Place, Texas. ....,.. SALLYE A. CLARK `' ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ,„,,,~ MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) ~ ~ p~ My commission expires: (~ Notary Public This instrument was filed in the Board's o~ce on ~ ~ Q , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on (N/A By: ~ Name: ,S ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~eS1J6 Title:. ~~ ~~~~~ After recordinQ return to: Sallye A. Clazk Secretary, Zoning Boazd of Adjustment ~r nq~o~ ~ rxpi ~Etr~crs n~ siuf. ~~rtu, at u~ a~ n~ oESC~ ~u City of West University Place ~~~T~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ "~ ~~~ ~ ~ uw. 3826 Amherst Street COUNTYOFMARRIS, , ~;, ~ I Ae~r oe~h YW tluc nshumenl was FNED'n Fik Niu~er on tlie :~ ~, ~„_ Houston, Texas 77005 m~e era ~t he 6me smmpea nercan bp me; ~na was auy RI:~C~EG m ero ~> "' u~ (Phone ~: 713-662-5843) ~dal Publk Rewrda of Real Propedy ot Hartis Counry, iena on ;~~,~ ,• ie "~ ° ., C JUL 2 7 2005 -~~: ~ ~' N '~ ~d~~ -~`~~ • ~ ~ m ~ s ~ 5~1~~ ~ a.J ~' Os "i 7;7 ~~; ~ ~.,a~+ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~' CAUNTYCLERI( j~~ `~'aL, t0 HARRIS t~UN~Y, TEiU1S ~. VARIANCE, Page 3 ~' p ~~ ~ ~ ti. .~ ~' Ci ~ of ~est Uni~ersi P1ace ~~(~ `~ ~ ~Y \1" A Neighborhood City V ~ Recycled Paper \ Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 ~, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") 07~~1l05 3~p~6b219~~ sis.oo . Docket No:04-15 (2) , . DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE r~ Addressofbui[di~:gsite: 2622 Wroxton Road, West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal descriptioi: of tl:e building site: Lots (1) through Nine ( 9) in Block One (1) "'I of Wroxton Square in Harris County Texas, according to the map or ~ plat thereof recorded under film Code No. 516 176 of the map records ,'~ of Harris County, Texas. ~ ~ Applicai:t: Wroxton Square Partners , L. P. ~ ~ ~ ~ Decision orActio~: Requested: Applicant requests a variance to allow Height of building to modestly exceed 35.78 feet. ~ ~ .~ Notice, Heari~:g, Determi~:atioris, Vote: ~ (X) Notice of hearing was given by: mail and on-site posting, in accordance with Article ~ 1~1 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of the City. ~ (X) Hearing was held on Novembe r 18 , 2 0 0 4. ~ (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (~ The vote was: 4; for, 1 against this decision. ~ Decision of tl:e Zo~zing Board of Adjustme»t granti~:g variai:ce (subject to all applicable appeals): ~ Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a vaziance from (identify the exact provision)Article 7, Table 7-4b:Principal buildings, Height, maximum., of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org -.r Other Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MiJST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE ` 90TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE ~~ REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNNERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMATNS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARIlVG. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONIlVG ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (1NCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUII,DING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH ~ REQUIREMENTS. ~i THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FIlVDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN IlvDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS ` SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY NRISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. VARIANCE, Page 2 -i ~ Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ~ ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY OF WEST LJNIUERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: PresicIi~g Officer, ~~ning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS This i stru nt was acknowledged before me on ~ (date) by Q,J~~ ~ (name) as Presiding Officer of the ning oard of Adjustment of the City of West Uni ity Place, Texas. SALLYE A. CIARK + • MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) ~ ~ / _ My commission expires: (u . Notary Public This instrument was filed in the Board's o~ce on --~~~ attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on ~V/A) By: ~~`¢SL~ 7Vame: ~5~1 ~'lcvl ~ ~ ~e51~~ Title:.Gl~ pL~.U.~l~~- 1 After recording return to: Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROPem I~WSE oc cotpt qt pACF ~S iIN,Wp,up uMN6pI~E u~l F~ ~qy THE ST r ~.:,. ~;, i:_ ~ ~= L " Ciry of West University Place A E OF TE1UrS COUNTYOFHARRIS .' ~~ :+~~ ~, + i ~,_ 3826 Amherst Street ~~'p~fy ~~'~~FILED'nFileNumDer$~ onihe dele md x Qk lilie aWnpod herean br me; and was di9y RECOkp~p M Ihe ~•sc~ ':. ' "s ~ , ~ HOUStOn, Texas 77005 . OfAaal Public RecoMs of Real Properly of Narris Counry, tezos on ., ;.-%t i• fV (Phone ~: 713-662-5843) JUL Z 7 2005 r" ~~ ~. V `~ ~ z~.. ,.. r.;.. -r~i ca.~t a ' ~ ~' u °~ ~~~~~( J"~~' ra~` ~ y ~, v, N ~? ~ • ~N~ 1 M ~ ~ ~ ~ N V L i IY ~ ~ ' ~~ pp c / ~/ ~ ~~ ~ ~~y~~ ~ fIIOV{NII~/NIt1~~IL/1fM7 VARIANCE, Page 3 S and, if a mailing list is ~~ ~:`• ~ C7 • L~ • ~ ~ ~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ~ A Neighborhood City ~ V ~ aecycba Pape~ Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ City of West University Place, Texas ("City") 07/27/45 3~00662i4p~3 Docket No:04-15 (3) s18.oo , DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE . ~~ Addressofbuildingsite: 2618 Wroxton Road, West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal descriptio~: of tlie buildii:g site: Lots (1) through Nine ( 9) in Block One (1) of Wroxton Square in Harris County Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded under film Code No. 516 176 of the map records of Harris County, Texas. Applicai:t: Wroxton Square Partners , L. P. V`"l~ Decision orAction Requested: Applicant requests~ a variance to allow Height of building to modestly exceed 35.56 feet. ~ ~b~ ~ Notice, Heari~:g, Determinations, i~ote: (X) Notice of hearing was given by: ma i 1 and on - s i t e pos t i ng , in accordance with Article 1•1 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of the City. (X) Hearing was held on November 18 , 2 004 . (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance ~ is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 4; for, 1 against this decision. Decision of tl:e Zoning Board of Adjustmei:t granti~:g variai:ce (subject to al[ applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision)Article 7, Table 7-4b:Principal buildings, Height, maximum., of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668~4441 • www.westu.org Otl:er Provisio~:s: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIlVIE PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIlZED FOR GR.ANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. ~ THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZOrTING ORDINANCE PROVISION ! IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~ REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND ~ OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY ' OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONIlVG ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE ~ CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY ~ AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE ~ APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH ~ REQUIREMENTS. ~ THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPAR.ATE APPLICATION, ' NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. VARIANCE, Page 2 , y Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONING BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, CIT F WEST UNNERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: ~ Presiding O f , Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS /,~ /~~ T' i s ru t was acknowledged before me on l(J l/~.J (date) by (name) as Presiding Officer of the Zo ing ard of Adjustment of the City of West Unive s ty Place, Texas. ~ ~ SALLYE A. CLARK ~ • x~ MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRES ~ MAY 18, 2006 ~ ~" (SEAL) ~ ~ My commission expires: ~ Notary blic ~ ~ ~ This instrument was filed in the Board's o~ce on ~D ~~~p d S , and, if a mailing list is ~ attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on (N/A) ~ By: Name: lil~4/t ~~~SN6 Title:.~~-~ ~~5~/L~l,e ~ ,~er recording return to: ANI' IIqYI~ON I~EM NRp~ IESI~CT511E yYF, RafK O~ I~E OF ~E p~yq~ pyk PA~'9R1 Ef~SE ~ ~Oldt p! AACE S BNAIID AID IAIEIiOREEABIf IA~a F~K UNI Sallye A. Clark THE S?ATE'OF TF,X!`S ~ Secretary, Zoning Boazd of Adjustment cou~~~1~S,s~~F~~ED'nFikNunbe~ on~he ~ , •~ity of West University Place ~~~~ bme ~~ b~ ma ana w~a arr RI~ ~n me 'A ~~~ ~ 3826 Amherst Street ~~~ ~~ Retadt of Real Properry of Hams Caeiry, Te:as on :~ ~ ~~!' C.h Houston, Texas 77005 • ..~ ~:~ rC JUL 2 7 1005 ~' ~' ~' ' (Phone #: 713-662-5843) ,:~ ~ :~ ~~w~~ ~ '~~ S:4 ~ ~. ~O` ~~~~ r~~ ,~ x ~.+'' ~,. {~' ~ ~'. ~ s~ IW~tIS00U1~RY,TEXAS y :~`a ~O O ~ A VARIANCE, Page 3 _ ~ . h` s3' Ci of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ~~ ~Y ~ A Neighborhood City ~ ~ ReeycledPaper Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 I Zoning Board of Adjustment Y6419S4 ~ City of West University Place, Texas ("City") 07/27/05 300b6~i41 ~18.00 ~ Docket No:04-15 (4) DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE ~ Addressofbuildi~:gsite: 2614 4~Iroxton Road, West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal description of tl:e building site: Lot s(1) through Nine ( 9) in Block One (1) of Wroxton Square in Harris County Texas,'according to the map or ~ plat thereof recorded under film Code No. 516 176 of the map records ~ of Harris County, Texas. ~ A lica~:t: Marina Elena Santoneva La o ~ ~ PP 9 I DecisionorActionRequested: Applicant requests a variance to allow Height of ~ building to modestly exceed 36.18 feet. ~ ~ . ~ Notice, Hearing, Determinations, Vote: ~ (X) Notice ofhearing was given by: mail and on-site posting, in accordance with Article ~~ 1•1 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of the City. ~ (X) Hearing was held on November 18 , 2 0 04 . ~i (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (~ The vote was: 4; for, 1 against this decision. Decision of tlre ZoHiiig Board ofAdjustme~:tgranting variai:ce (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact ~~ provision)Article 7, Table 7-4b:Principal buildings, Height, maximum., of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org .; Otl:er Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED 1N THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFTED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIItEMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUII..DING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPL]ES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIl~T A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIltES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY ~ KIND. VARIANCE, Page 2 • ~ ,~ ~ ~ By: Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ZONIlVG BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY C~F WEST U~TNERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Presiding Officc~,~Zoning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS 's inst ~pg t was acknowledged before me on ~ ~ (date) by Y (name) as Presiding Officer of the Z ning oard of Adjustment of the City of West Unive 's Place, Texas. SALLYE A. CLARK MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~ MAY 18, 2006 (SE•AL) J~ My commission expires: ,J, Notary Public This instrument was filed in the Board's o~ce on W I W v~ _, and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on /A) By: ~ Name: ~ p~~n~r Title:. ~'c-~Ir h~ ~.~~6r10 After recordin~2 return to: Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Boazd of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 (Phone #:713-662-5843) ~yp~,~~wa ~ncts nE s~, ~atK nt u~ o~ n~ o~sa~e~ ~u aa aa a-~ a~~to uo u~a~ u~ c~wt uw. c ~ `~,, c tr a S • E ST~E 0 TEXI p ~'t ~^ y TH COUN~TY OF WIRRIS' apiytlntNisi~CunentwoeF~EOnFikNuroe- ~~ time f1iI11~E~ ~l011 ~ RIl: alld wdi dUlf RE~ M~ l tlie d M -, ~;~,_. : ': i r; L!~ v ~ ~ , m ~ d~ 016da1 Pupl'K ReeoNs of Red Properry of Hertis Coimry. TeMes on .. ~ ,~ h • ~.,., JUL 2 7 2005 ~ ~~~ - ~' ~. ~ IWt~4 /~ ~~ h~~0~ ~ -.~ : : :~~ r; ..; ~, ..1~ c,. ~ "" ~ ~ ~'1~ 7? ~• O ~ ~ w y ~ +~ V~ ~-. ~ °~ * '~ $(~pUNT1;TEXAS O ~-~ r a VARIANCE, Page 3 • ~ ~ ~~ i' ~ ~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace v A Neighborhood City ~ Recye~ed Pape~ ~ Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment Y6419SS City of West University Place, Texas ("City") q7~Z7~p5 3006621~2 ~ Docket No:04-15 (5) DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE Addressofbuildingsite: 2612 Wroxton Road, ~nlest University Place, Texas 3 77005 ~18.00 "{ Legal description of tlte building site: Lots (1) through Nine ( 9) in Block One (1) ~ of Wroxton Square in Harris County Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded under film Code No. 516 176 of the map records of Harris County, Texas. Applicaizt: Thomir Martinov Decision orAction Requested: Applicant requests a variance to allow Height of building to modestly exceed 36.29 feet. ~ ~ Notice, Heari~:g, Determinations, Vote: ~ (X) Notice of hearing was given by: ma i 1 and on - s i t e pos t ing , in accordance with Article ~ 1~1 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of the City. ~ (X) Hearing was held on November 18 , 2004 . ~i (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. . (X) Additional-findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 4; for, 1 against this decision. ~ Decision of tl:e Zoning Board of Adjusbnent granti~:g varia~:ce (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision)Article 7, Table 7-4b:Principal buildings, Height, maximum., of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VAR/ANCE, Page 1 V ~~~.~ ~ 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org ~.. . i ~ Other Provisioi:s: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED 1N THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTNE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND AIVNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY ~ BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK f~ OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONII~TG ORDINANCE PROVISION ~~ IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~~ REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND ~ OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY i OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONIlVG ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE ~ CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE ~ APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH ~ REQLTIREMENTS. ~i THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RUL]NG FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIltES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS IlVDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. VARIANCE, Page 2 ~I ~ . Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 21 l, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ~p~li~~CNbE OF fAIOR OR ~ I5 ~NV~ID ND UIIEI~ORCEA~f UOER FE~ U~II. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, TNE STATE OF TEriqs COU~ ~F ~yRIS~, ;~~~fllEOnFtleMMnba °"~ CIT OF WEST UNNERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~~e~ke~ ros~ei~l P~roD Ay u~ H~~s °~ h•T~' M me By~ JUL 2 7 2005 Presiding O er, Zoning Board of Adjustment ~`~ ~a~ ~~~r`~`~1 ~~ f ~ ~O cou~nra~c STATE OF TEXAS '~, 4+~ w~rtiscA~n+n~ COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ T~, in tru t was acknowledged before me on ~ (date) by ~/ l~ (name) as Presiding Officer of the Z ing oard of Adjustment of the City of West Univef ty Place, Texas. SALLYE A. CLARK ' • MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) ~ rf ~ My commission expires: (J Notary blic ~ This instrument was filed in the Board's office on ~O l~~Q ~, and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on (N/A) By: ~~4~~~~-~~ Name: ~11~./~ '~~'~SNQ Title: C'" "_~~~ ~-/i e-~ After recordinQ return to: Sallye A. Clazk Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment ~~ City of West University Place 6 ~ i,l`S ~~~ ~' ~`+ 3826 Amherst Street n ~ ' ~ Houston, Texas 77005 ` 'C . • • ~ r (Phone ~l: 713-662-5843) ~, _ ' ~~~. r N 'r'r °`iC'` ~ ~ : V f"` ~ ~... ~ ,~. ;d ~ ~ ;, • ~ . ' ~,.' C7 ~. { ~. ~ ', , A w ~ ~ ~A 0 VARIANCE, Page 3 • ~ . _ - _ . ~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace r~, A Neighborhood City . lJ~ ~ Recyc~ea Pape~ Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") yE,q~ 1956 07/27/45 30~i662143 ~ Docket No:04-15 (6) DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE Addressofbuildingsite: 2616 Wroxton Road, West University Place, Texas 77005 ~~ ~18.00 Legal descriptio~: of the buildi~~g site: Lot s(1) through Nine ( 9) in Block One (1) of Wroxton Square in Harris County Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded under film Code No. 516 176 of the map records ~ of Harris County, Texas. ~ ~ Applicar:t: Wroxton Partners , L. P. ~ ~ ~ Decision orActioi: Requested: Applicant requests a variance to allow Height of ~ building to modestly exceed 35.96 feet. ~ ~ Notice, Heari~:g, Determii:ations, Vote: ~ (X) Notice of hearing was given by: ma i 1 and on - s i t e po s t i ng , in accordance with Article ~ 1~1 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of the City. ~ (X) Hearing was held on November 18 , 2 0 04 . ~ (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance.is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. _(X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 4; for, 1 against this decision. ~ Decision of tlse Zoni~g Board of Adjustment grai:tii:g variance (subject to all applicable appeals): Under arid subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision)Article 7, Table 7-4b:Principal buildings, Height, maximum., of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org Other Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MCTST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90~ DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIltES SEPARATE APPLICATION, . NOTICE, HE.ARIl~TG, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FlND1NGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. ' THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN 1NDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. VARIANCE, Page 2 ~ ~1 ~ Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. - ZONING BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, CITY O WEST UNNERSITY PLACE, TEXAS . By: Presiding , oning Board of Adjustment STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS f~ /~ This instru t was acknowledged before me on U/ I U (date) by (,Z ~ (name) as Presiding O~cer of the Z ning ard of Adjustment of the City of West Unive ry Place, Texas. • SALLYE A. CLARK ~ ~' - MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) ~ My commission expires: otary Public ~er recording return to: Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Boazd of Adjustment DN1 P~Y~ON IB~M wHql RES1bC~s nE S~tE, NQrt~, OR u~E a nE oEtq~ I~L PR~6111 ~ COId! q! RACE S INVAID NO IMBfOACFABIE IIOEA iE~l IArI. City of West University Place n~ESt~~rEx~ ~.: 3826 Amherst Street Cou~o~~~~~~FIIED'nFibNumoK onu~e ~ ~~~ ~ Houston, Texas 77005 df1°'"d'~ 01° ~~11 ~ ~°0" ~' "1°~'"~ "~" `~ ~~~ h ~ ~ ~. OINdN PuMic Record~ of Red Properry of Harta CouMp, TeY~s an ~ r; C., :~~ ~ (Phone f{: 713-662-5843) `"' , JUL 2 7 2005 ~°=, ~~ v-~, .... ~ V ~ ~of ~R4 .fA.f ~•' ~7 ~/ / .,~r~ ~ .. ~, f-'! ~ ~ +,~(~ J~SELyF'~i1C~iV X Y h+, V ~ 0 ~-- -~ ~ ~ ~~'- ~~' a+~ w+t~~is~TExns ~ - VARIANCE, Page 3 ~ This instrument was f led in the Board's o~ce on ~(f/ ~.~ , and, if a nzailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the perso~ls on the list on (N/A) By: ~ Name: N~51 ~ ~C/~ ~ ~~5t~10 Title:. ~t }, , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ." • ~ ~J .. ~ '~ ~ ~ FeeyGed Papei 4 ~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace A Neighborhood City Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") Docket No:04-15 (7) DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE D7127/0~ ~'p 6~'144~ 7 Addressofbcrildingsite: 2620 Wroxton Road, West University Place, Texas 77005 ~~ giA - Legal description of tlte building site: Lot s(1) through Nine ( 9) in Block One (1) of Wroxton Square in Harris County Texas, according to the map or ~ plat thereof recorded under film Code No. 516 176 of the map records of Harris County, Texas. Applica~:t: Wroxton Partners , L. P. ~J' Decision orActio~: Requested: Applicant requests a variance to allow Height of building to modestly exceed 36.60 feet. ~~ Notice, Hearing, Detern:inations, Vote: (X) Notice ofhearing was given by: mail and on-site posting, in accordance with Article 1•1 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of the City. (X) Hearing was held on November 18 , 2004 . (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 4; for, 1 against this decision. ~ Decision of tl:e Zoning Board ofAdjustme~:t graizting varia~:ce (subject to all applicable appea[s): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact provision)Article 7, Table 7-4b:Principal buildings, Height, maximum., of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 ~ 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org .s ~x , Other Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIltED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90T" DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNTVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. "p THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION ~ IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~ REQUIltEMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND ~ OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY ~ OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONIl~TG ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE ~ CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY ~ AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPAR.ATELY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE ~ APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH ~ REQUIREMENTS. ~ THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIltES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IMPLlES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY NRISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. VARIANCE, Page 2 _~ .~ a_ Effective Date & Appeals: Sub~ect to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's offic Nn ~~ wxai ~s~s n~ wF. ae~u~. o~ u~ o~ n~ oe~ ~ ~o~em ~ a~ ca~o~ a~ a~ a,~,wo uo u~a+~ u~ ~ uw. TNE STATE OF TEXIyS ZONIrTG BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, COUNTYOFHARRIS, , I hsebY tlal tlWC nsuumenl rras FILED'n F~e Niunber on we CITY ~JF WEST L~NIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS a~ ~a ~~ sw~a ne~ or ~: ~, ~ ah r~~O. M~e ~ ~„ ~ ' Oflid~l ruElk Records o( Real PropeAy af Hams Counry. TeYas on By: N ~l. JUL 2 7 2005 Presiding Offi r oning Board of Adjustment ~~~""RRa~ V~~r~~r~ O cauHnrcxFwc STATE OF TEXAS ~' ~ wu~ais ~~uKnr,~xns COUNTY OF HARRIS )~ 1'his instrum~~ was acknowledged before me on U/ (date) by ~~i. ~f 7~ (name) as Presiding Officer of the Z ning ard of Adjustment of the City of West Univers' Place, Texas. ~` SALLYE A. CLARK • ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AAAY 1 S, 2006 (SEAL) ~ f ~ My commission expires: otary Publi This instrument was filed in the Board's off ce on ~~~~p ~~ ~ , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on (N/A) By: `~ Name: ll ~c,,V~ ~~',CS~~ Title: n L~ ~~~~,e ^ ~l, 1 After recording return to: / Sallye A. Clazk Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street ~ Houston, Texas 77005 %~ ~~'•• ~ (Phone #: 713-662-5843) ~t :.~ f' :~C~ ". ' ~ 7 -: ' ~ ~.,,, ~J ~ ~ 't ~ `S~ --~ ,r, . V ~.... ~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ t~ ~~• ~ ~' } ~~ ~ A VARIANCE, Page 3 ~ y ,~ O y! ~ ~ ~ .ti `~ ~ City of ~est Uni~ersity Place ~2- ~ A Neighborhood City ~ Reeyeled Paper 1 Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment Y6419S$ City of West University Place, Texas ("City") 07~27~05 300d62145 :18.00 Docket No:04-15 (8) DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE ~ Addressofbuildi~:gsite: 2624 Wroxton Road, West University Place, Texas 77005 ~ Legal description of tlte building site: Lots (1) through Nine ( 9) in Block One (1) of Wroxton Square in Harris County Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded under film Code No. 516 176 of the map records ~ of Harris County, Texas. v!~9 ~ Applicant: Wroxton Partners , L. P. ~ Decision orAction Requested: Applicant requests a variance to allow Height of building to modestly exceed 36.31 feet. ~ ~ Notice, Hearing, Determinatio~:s, Vote: ~ ~ (X) Notice of hearing was given by: ma i 1 and on - s i t e po s t i ng , in accordance with Article ~ 1•1 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of the City. ~ (X) Hearing was held on November 18 , 2 004 . .~ (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 4; for, 1 against this decision. Decision of tlie Zoning Board of Adjustme~:t granting varia~:ce (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from (identify the exact , provision)Article 7, Table 7-4b:Principal buildings, Height, maximum., of. the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VARIANCE, Page 1 3800 University Boulevard ~ West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org -i Otlter Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90T" DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS 1N EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION ~' IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~ REQUIREMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BUILDINGS AND ~ OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE ~ CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY ~ AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECENE ~ APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. ~ ~ THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIltES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IlVIPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN IlVDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY NRISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY K1ND. VARIANCE, Page 2 Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Govemment Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ~y,~ „p~~~~~,~o~sure~~u ~r na~o~ ~ wxai ~st~cis ~a caa~ oau~ aanun uou~~a~ ~ ~uw. TP HE~STATE 0 TEX/rS ZONING BOARD OF ADJiJSTMENT, COUdTYOFMARRIS, , CITY OF WEST UNNERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~~.n~ ~~"'~~1°°"~' "~~~id "~ °i~' r o M~ _ p~ryp~~ Puplk Rewrdi ol Re~l Properh of Hams ~°unb• Texas on By: . JUL 2 7 2005 Presiding Of ic , oning Board of Adjustment ~r~~ l ~,d-~"~tr~ *d,/~~ ~`~ L~ ~'~ t~ F~S WNTY,TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS n This instrume was acknowledged before me on ~' V~ (date) by ~ Q,n (name) as Presiding Officer of the oning Board of Adjustment of the City of West Univers Place, Texas. SALLYE A. CIARK MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) ~'-' ~~ My commission expires: otary Public This instrument was filed in the Board's office on attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list By: and, if a mailing list is ~ `~ ~~ ~Name: ~Sl-1'\9 -1 ~, ~-e SN~3' Title:. C`~ ~~ ~Lq /1 V~~ ~ ~er recording return to: Sallye A. Clark ~ Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place t Str 3826 A h t r~• m ers ee Houston, Texas 77005 ~ ` ~ ~i a,.r~ (Phone #: 713-662-5843) ~~' ~ ' • ~-. IJ~ ~ 7 , ~ •..1 ~' l• ~'~' ~~.~ ~` ~' ~ V ~~ . . . /'r V ~-~t C-. ~ •~~~ ~::~'' ~ ~ ~~ ~~' ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~ .~ ~ ~/? ~... VARIANCE, Page 3 ~ p ~ ~ r~ LJ ~ r. "~' < City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace G, A Neighborhood City ~ Reeyeled Paper 1 Form ZON-201 dec granting variance, 12-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West Un~versity Place, Texas ("City") 47/27l05 3q0~d6216 ~ 9 t Docket No:04-15 (9) ,~ DECISION GRANTING A VARIANCE Addressofbuildi~:gsite: 2628 Wroxton Road, West University Place, Texas 77005 ~18.00 Legal descriptioi: of the buildi~zg site: Lot s(1) through Nine ( 9) in Block One (1) ~ of Wroxton Square in Harris County Texas, according to the map or ~ plat thereof recorded under film Code No. 516 176 of the map records of Harris County, Texas. Applica-zt: Walter Sassard ~ ~ Decisioi: orAction Requested: Applicant requests a variance to allow Height of building to modestly exceed 36.44 feet. ~ Notice, Heari~:g, Determinations, Yote: (X) Notice of hearing was given by: ma i 1 and on - s i t e po s t i ng , in accordance with Article 1~1 of the Zoning Ordinance, by Sallye A. Clark, Secretary of the Board of the City. (X) Hearing was held on November 18 , 2 004 . ~ (X) Required findings and determinations have been made by the ZBA as follows: (i ) due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance provision identified below would result in unnecessary hardship, (ii) by granting this variance, the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done, and (iii) this variance is not contrary to public interest. (X) Additional findings and determinations (if any) have been made, as follows: N/A (X) The vote was: 4; for, 1 against this decision. Decisio~: of tlie Zo~:i~:g Board of Adjustme~:t gra~:ti»g varia~:ce (subject to all applicable appeals): ~- Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance'from (identify the exact provision)Article 7, Table 7-4b:Principal buildings, Height, maximum., of the Zoning Ordinance is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: VAR/ANCE, Page 1 V v - 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org Ot/:er Provisions: THIS DECISION SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION, ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE ~ WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 90T" DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION, AND SUCH WORK MUST -~ BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS) ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE OF THIS DECISION. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRA.NTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT, BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION i IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A) OTHER ~, REQUIItEMENTS(SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE, REGULATIONS SITES, BLTILDINGS AND ~ OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OR ANY ~ OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONIlVG ORDINANCE), OR (B) PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (]NCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, CITY PROPERTY ~ AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE ~ APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BLTILDING & STANDARDS CONIMISSION, THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH (~ REQUIREMENTS. ~ THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT, USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTNITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIlV A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIItES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE, HEARING, PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, UNLESS A ~. TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. VARIANCE, Page 2 '! Effective Date & Appeals: Subject to any applicable appeals, this decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's of~fi~~~~~~~y~~x ~~a~~~ pp~~~~ ~~p OR RACE ~S NNUA AIO UNEKOACF1iBIF UNDEA FE~L UN. THE STATE OF TE%!~S ZONIlVG BOARD OF ADNSTMENT, COUNTYOFNARRIS CITY WEST UNNERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~ ~ a~ ~ ~''"°~ aid "~" °i~' °ED~ ~" °1e OIRd~I Publk Recordt of Red Propertp ol Harrla CouMy, Tex~s on ~ ~ By: JUL 21 2J05 ~~ Presi ing Offi Zoning Board of Adjustment ~~~~ r f •,~~~y~~i~~yM~ ~ WY~„ NfiGln STATE OF TEXAS ~' ~ w~aRi9c~~ COUNTY OF HARRIS This i stru e t was acknowledged before me on ~ (date) by r~ (name) as Presiding Officer of the Zo ing Bo rd of Adjustment of the City of West Univ ty Place, Texas. ...-...._..,. SALLYE A. CLARK ' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AAAY 18, 2006 (SEAL) /'~ My commission expires: V Notary Public This instrument was fzled in the Board's office on ~j~l ~ld S , and, if a mailing list is attached, copies were mailed to the persons on the list on /A) By: ~~ lvame: J~51~h~.~~• l~es~Y'S Title:. C~~-~ ~v~ y~,e (~ ~er recording,return to: Sallye A. Clark Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 ~ (Phone ~: 713-662-5843) ~ VARIANCE, Page 3 ~ ~... `° t:~" ' ` ~ r. ~- . ~ ` ~ ~ r _ ~ ~~ N ~ ~ ~ c-~ f"' r ' <r^r~ C.qi ; ~` ~: i ~ ~ : ~ ~J ~ ~ y~ ~ ~ Vi ~ ~.,. Q .~ .~ ~ . ~ , ; I, ~~~ ~ ~ City of ~est Uni~e~sit P1ace . i S °' ~ , ~ A Neighborhood City ~, ~'. ~ ReeyeledPaper ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE bJ ~ s 2 6 3~ ob~aa~o3 3~111181t7b~1 ~ii.ur~ Address ojSite: 6614 Weslayan, Houston, Texas 77005 Docket Number: 03-07 Legal Description ofSite: The North 50.27 feet of Lots Nine (9), and Ten (10), Block Twenty-Three (23), of ~~ College View Addition, an addition in Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded ,j in Volume 6, Page 44 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas. Save and except the North 2.5 feet and the Easterly 2.5 feet of Lot 10, in Volume 1929, Page 561 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas Permittee/Applicant: Stephen R. Koprowski Decision or Action Requested or Proposed: Request for a variance regarding Table 5-1 Building Site Dimensions. The request for a variance is to allow minimum depth of lot of 97.50 feet instead of the required 100 feet deep. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: ( X) Required Notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, ~ Planning & Development Assistant, City of West University Place. ( X) Hearing held on: May 15, 2003 ( X) Required statutory findings made: Variance is not contrary to public interest; literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship; spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done. ( X ) Additional Findings: None ( X) The vote: John Rentz, James Jordan, Mark Plagens and Steven Segal voted to grant the variance, and no one opposed. Decision of the Zoning Board ofAdjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Article 5, Table 5-1 Building Site Dimensions of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the applicant named above subject to the following conditions: 1. This decision must be recorded in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decision will go into effect once the decision is recorded and is in the Board's Offce (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. 2. If an application is granted by the Board, the written decision shall contain conditions as follows: (i) that all permits necessary for the prosecution of work shall be applied for within 90 days, or such other period determined by the Board and (ii) that construction shall be commenced and completed within two years from the date of granting by the Board, unless otherwise prescribed in the decision itself, or unless an extension of time is granted by the Board. No extensions may be granted by the Building Ofticial unless authorized to do so by the Board. Neither additional notice nor hearing is required for granting a time extension. If any such condition is not fulflled within the prescribed time, the decision remains in effect but is subject. to reversal or modification by the Board without additional notice or hearing. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL UR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UlVE1VFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY A~sT: JUN 2 7 ?~. )eputy .1 r~ .~,,. , SYLVIA L. McCULLOUGH • ~ .~~Page2 ~ ; ~ ZBA Decision, Docket 03-07 (Variance) This variance is for an indefinite period, unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. ' Effective Date & Appeals: The decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are ' subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed iu the Board's office. x ti ~ o ~ ~ w ~~ ` ino By: ~ Z ~ Vi ce=Presid' r, Zoning Boazd of Adjustment ~~ ~ ~ ~ -,~ r ;~ ~ ~ o x ~ ~ State of Texa "' ~ ~ County of ~ l~ ~~ ~ ~,~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on U~ ~Q (date) by Mark Plagens, Vice- ~~I Presi ng Officer for the Zonin Board of Adjustment. I ~~ i,~ ~t~ Notary Publi s Signature ~ (Personalized Seal) SALLYE A. CLARK !~y ` - MY COMMISSION EXPIRES oll I~ MAY 18, 2006 Filed in the Board's office and original forwarded to applicant on staff. After recordin~ return to: Sallye A. Clark City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston, Texas 77005 Phone #: 713-662-5843 by: Plannin~ Division ~M1'FROV~SION IERFM N41~d1 RESTWCR 1HE SUE. RENfK WI IISF OF 1ME DENR6ED REA~ /~ ~PFNn' IECAIISE OF COlqt pl RACE 6 MMlp Nm UNFNWq~ABIE U~IOER FFDERAL UW. ~ THE STATE OF T~(qS ~ COUN7Y OF HqRRIS ~ ~~~-~1' ~ m ~etunaV ws Fl.ED'n Re Mmba Sepence m h QNe ad ~ M Yme pN knonl~ ~ne: ~ed m~ dul~ RECORDED. M Ik Olidd?Y6& pNaA dRal ProppR aHrm ~h, r~m m JUN 2 6 2003 ~ ~~~~~~~~~ COUNTY CLERK * FWiRIS COUNTY, TEXqS AfYY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID A1VD UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY A~ST: JUN 2 7 ~3 Deputy SYtVfA t: McCULLOU6F~. ~ • ~_ . {. ~ ~/ is /1 ~v , ~ ^ t/ `~r~ J`~_. • • . C1ty of ~est Unlversit P~ace .t~ y ~~,~ _.,. A Neighborhood City Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ ~ Racycled Paper City of West University Place, Texas ("City") ~ W7~2fs'~9 . DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPT~~~J~p3 3~]n1E1059 Address ofsite: 6404 Westchester, Houston, Texas 77005 Docket #: 03-02 / ~ ~-v. ~11.40 Legal description ofrhe site.• Lot Six (6), in Block Twenty- Eight (28), of West University Place, Section One (1), a ~~ ~ subdivision in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Volume 444, Page 560 of the Deed Records of Iiarris County, Texas. Permittee/Applicant: William N. Finnegan, IV Decision or Action Requested: Request for a Special Exception regarding Table 7-5A, Note 7., Special Exceptions of the Zoning Ordinance. The request for the Special Exception is to allow the maximum width for a side yard driveway serving a three-car garage to be 30 feet. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: (X) Reauired norice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning & Development Assistant City of West University Place. (X) Required deternrinations have been made bv the ZBA with respect to the special exception as r~ranted below: (proposed Special Exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed Speciai Exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed Special Exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service.) (X) Additional fmdines (if any): Granting a Special Exception for the proposed structure will not u nreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire fighting and similar needs. (X) Hearing held on: Februsry 20, 2003 (X) The vote: John Rentz, Michael Neal, James Jordan, Mark Plagens and Steven Segal voted for; no one opposed. Decision ojthe Zoning Board ofAdjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance, a special exception as requested, but limiting the driveway to thirty feet as specifically allowed in Table 7-5A, Note 7., Special Exceptions of the Zoning Ordinance, is granted for the site identified above subject to the following: 1. The applicant must record this decision in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. The decisi.on will go into effect once the decision is recorded and a certified copy is returned to the Board's Office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. 2. All permits necessary for the prosecution of the work shall be applied for within 90 days and construction commenced and completed within two years from the date of granting by the Board, unless otherwise prescribed in the approval itself, or unless an extension of that time is granted by the Board. No extensions may be granted by the Building Official unless authorized to do so by the Board. ' This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org ANY PROViSIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE 1S INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY ~ua 2 7 ~: AITEST: ~ B Y. C AN, Cou ry Clerk puty SYIVIA L.. McCULLOUGH ~ _1- x ~ ° n 7p o ~.. Page 2 ~ o c ZBA Decision, Docket 03-02 (Special Exception) ~ z N ~ ~~ ~ ~ r ..~ r ~ (7'~ ~ r~~'1 ~ ~ 3C ~ ~ cn ~ ~ . ~ Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. , ~~ , By: > '~~ ./ Presi ing Officer, Zoning oard of Adjus en ~ ~ I~1 ~~ ~ I~~ ~~ ~ I~ I~ ~ ;~ State of Tex County of ~ r1 This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ ate) by Steven Segal, Presiding Officer for the Zoni Board of Ad'ustment. ~ _,~.,...~~._ ~~~~ Sk~:_~'k A C!..ARK Notary Publi Signature nev c;r.;~.s~,R+~s~r.;;. ~.:XpIRES (Personalized Seal) °~~f~~y ir3.:y~~os --- ~ - Filed in the Board's office and original forwarded to applicant for recording on , by: Sallve A. Clark. Planning and Development Assistant AFTER RECORDiNG RETURN T0: SALLYE A. CLARR - CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE !~^ 3826 AI~IIiL~RST STREET ~/ HOUS~ON, TEXAS 77005 ANY PNOYISION NEREN WIACM AEiTRICTS hIE SUF,RENTU, OA USE OF iNE DESCRgED REAL PROPEBTIlECWSF OF COldt OR RACE b NVNW M1D UNEMFOACfA1LE UMDER FEDERAI UW. TFiE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS Ihmb~ear67rlnl lin Y+aimed.w i~ED'n Fk M+mbx Sequerce a Me dMe ad a Ir ime ~-b ~ h me: ~~d n~ IW~ AECORUFD. M Re qfid~ Pul& Reooib ~f Rrl PraPeA~ ef Nrri Can~, Tem on JUN 2 6 2003 ,~, ~~~~~~~~ COUNIY CLERK * HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNEI~IFORCEABLE UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW. A CERTIFIED COPY A~ST: ~UN 2 7 2~- SYLVIA L. McCULLOUGN . ~ ~d c Memo To: Development Services Division From: Sallye A. Clark, Planning and Development Assistant Date: Apri124, 2002 Re: Docket O1-09 Attached please find a letter from Shelby Ranly in reference to ZBA docket 01-09, 6733 Westchester. This serves as notice that she no longer plans to build a pool at the above address and her Special Exception is no longer valid. • Docket0l-096733 WestchesterM.doc • APR-2B-2002 04:58 AM Shelbv Ranly Associates T1366B2B49 P.01 , ` ~ O f - ~ . Shelby Fertitta Ranly rwo w~tchesEe. court • Nauaeon, rexas rlOOtS-37oo ~J • DATE.• Apr1119, 2002 . TO: Satlye Clark FAXNO.: 7I3-349-2769 c~~y of w~$t u~~~~y FROIbL• 5lulby Ranly FAX NO.: T13-668-2849 Totat n~ntber of elaete ~n~lud~ng tkfs cover shee~ 1 Dtar Ms. Clar~, For yorn,~itea i~ie !e a letter of noi~,~c~ation fltat I no lo~er plan t~ bafTd a poot a~ T'rvo tiVestchester Court 6733 Weetclrester Coar! ~ Houeto», TX 77~05 Ias~ I u~lt b~ bu~td~ng a waterfal~ ;f farther ~~aKo~ ~S »eeded pkase~ie~Y fne to cot~tact m~ at T23-668-700~8 or 7i3-660-D1~0. Sfncenl~y, . ~ Sl~tlby aly SR/~an Sfr360~ca.c~m Phone:713-660-0240 Fax:7'I3-668-2849 / ~ ~',~~~ J ~~~ ~ l~ ,~ 'J ~ qecycled Paper ,V 43USf~~ City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace A Neighborhood City Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Address ofsite: 6733 ~Vestchester Court li/19/01 300651638 V430569 f11.00 Docket #.• 01-09 Lega! desc~•iptroir of the site: Lots R-One (R-1) and R-Two (R-2), of Westchester Court, a subdivision in Harris County, Tesas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Film Code No. 394113 of the Nlap Records of Harris County, Texas. r`. Permittee/Applicant: Shelby Ranly Decisio~r or Actioir Reqirested: Request for a Special Exception regarding Table 7-5B, Certain Structures, Swimming Pools, Note 2, Swimming Pools in TH Districts. This request for a Special Exception is to allow the construction of a private (not visible from the street) 6' x 30' lap pool on a portion of Lot R2 in Westchester Court for the purpose of physicul Therapy. ~; Notice, Hearing, Fi-~dii~gs, Vote: .,;~ (X) Required notice eiven bv: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning & ~;! Development Assistant City of ~Vest Uni~~ersity Place. ~ (X) Required determinations have been made bv the ZBA with respect to the snecial excention as ~ranted below: (proposed Special ~ Exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception will not cause any ~• substantial traffic congestion; proposed Special Exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed '°~"' Special Exception will not cause an unreasonabie burden upon utility systems or upon uny other public tacility or public ' Y; service.) (X) Additional findines (if any): Granting a Special Exception for the proposed structure will not unreasonably interfere with ,w~ available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire tighting and similar needs. ~~ (X) Hearing held on: October 18, 2001 ~,~ (X) The vote: Mark Plpgens, ~4ichael Neal, John Rentz, Jeann Howse and Steven Segal for; no one opposed. Decisio~r of the Zoniirg Board of Adjusrnrent (si~bject to al! applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception as requested and as specifically allowed bv Table 7-5B, Certain Structures, Swimmine Pools Note 2 S~vimmine Pools in TH Districts, of the Zoning Ordinance, is granted fur the site identitied u~UV2 5uLJrCi Cu aiir ivii~liYlll~: 1. The applEcant mus*. record this decisicn in the Real Property Ftecords of I~arris Couni;.•, Texus. The deci~ion :~~fi gu into effect once the decision is recorded and a certitied copy is returned to the Board's Oftice (c/o Secretary of the ~ Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3826 Amherst, Houston, Texas 77005), City of West University Place. 2. The pool plans must meet all applicable building requirements at the time of permitting. This special exception is for an indetinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. • 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • tivw-v.tives[u.org ~ :.. : .. s. • ` ~age 2 ZBA Decision, Docket 01-09 E,JJ`'ective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect as indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. ~ , By; Attest: ' I'r.. ~:~i . O~cer; 7_oiimg eard of J; ~s*.mcr.* taff R~presercati .., Ciry o'r luest Universety Pla~== ~,/ /' State of Te County of ~_ ~~1 h l ~~~ This instrument ~vas acknowledged before me on~v~~ `(date) by Steven Segal, Presiding Officer for the ~i Zoning Board of Adjustment. ~ ( 1 "'C , i u1 ~ `C ~ ~~~ JOSIE MARIE OROSCO ~~otary Public's Signature •~'' MV COMMISSION EXPIRES ~ (Personalized Seal) ~ JUNE 22, 2005 i ~ 1 ~ r ~d Filed in the Board's office and original forwarded to applicant for recording on ~ ~~! by: Sallye A. Clark, PlanninQ ~~ and Develogment Assistant. ~ ~j U ~Q ~ ;~ f: ~ 1 ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~~~~ ~:~_. .. ~ y ~, ~; ~-~ I~' . `. •~, . ~.~c~ ~ , ~ r~ , ~- c-~ ~ : ~. ± ~- :..: ~, . ,` ,1.~ . ~`••.. ~ U=~~ ~' ~;~ %~ ~ ~ -- .~.`~ .". ~.• ~ PAONSpM NEIEN N'HICN AESIAICTS ilE SUF. REJRAI OR USE OF tl# DESCWCfD AfAL ' °- .~ IAO-EAttlECAUfE Oi COIOR OR AACE E NYAlO AND UMEIIFORCEABIE UMOEp FEOEIUL UN '' ' - ti; ~ 7HE STATE OF TEXAS ~ • ~~}~ ~,1 ~•, T ~'~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~' •`-: ~ , ~ COUNIY OF HARRIS _ V . I lwa aAly M li iulue~l ~r F1F0'a Re N~nhrSeaew m le I+Y rd r M iw ... ~ M~p~Mq~ee;ad~lduy~D NhOitiYRbkRm3dRWP~dFirnt ~ •. Cr~,in~a , NOV 19 2001 ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ., , ~~''~~~\ ~.~/ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ,., courrnr c~eRK + HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS • . . ~o 0 ~ ~ . ~~~~ ~ `~- .~~ Shelby Ranly d~ Associates, Inc. ' Four Wesfchester Court • Houston, Texas 77005-3700 December 18, 2001 City of West University Place 3800 University Blvd ~ West University Place, TX 77005-2899 Attention: Sallye Clark RE: Property Description: Lots Rl 8c R-2, of Westchester Court, Harris County, Texas Property also known as Two Westchester Court, Houston, TX Address of Site: 6733 Westchester Court Dear Sa[lye: Enclosed you wi[I find the Decision to Grant a Special Exception for the above referenced property, filed with Harris County, Texas on November l9, 2001. If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to ca[1 me. Sincerel , She[by Ranly /cmf attachments Phone: 713-660-0140 Fax: 713-668-2849 City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ RecycledPeper City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Address of Site: One & Two Westchester Court Legal Descriptio~t of Site: Lots Rl and R2 , Westchester Court Addition Building Perinit NuniGer: Permittee/Applicant: Shelby Rttnly Decision or Action Reqeeested or Proposed: Request to amend the existing variance which limits the height of residences to two stories with a maximum height of 35', to allow one residence proposed for Lots Rl &R2 to have 2 1/2 stories maintaining a maximum height of 35' (which would be in compliance with the current ordinance). Notice, Hearing, Findi~zgs, Vote: ( X) Required Notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance ~vith Article 11 by Neslihan Bilr Tesno, Development Coordinator/Forester City of West University Place. ( X) Hearing held on: Apri120, 2000 ( X) Required statutory findings made: Variance is not contrary to public interest; due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship; spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done. ( X ) Additional Findings: None ( X) The vote: Sue Poretto, Steven Segal, Rich Langenstein and Bill Richardson for, no one opposed. Decision of tlie Zoning Boa~d of Adjustn~e~it (suGject to al[ applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance nnd applicable law, an amendment to an existing variance is granted to the permittee/applicant named above to allow one single family 2 1/2 story residence with a maximum height not to exceed 35' on Lots Rl & R2 with the following conditions: 1. Three additional guest parking spaces be installed on Lots Rl & R2. This variance is for an indefinite period, unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: rC~.- . Attest: -~~ hairperson, Zoning Board of Adjustment taff Representative, City of West University Place :~ Filed in tlie Board's offece and copy n:ailed to applicant on ~ G~ Gy: ~r`-~ 0 3800 University Boulevard •~Vest University Place, Texas 77005 • 713/668-~1 City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ Recycled Paper City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Adclress of Site: 6430 Wakeforest Legal Description of Site: South 1/2 of the east 1/2 of Lot 3, Block 19, West University Place First Addition Buildi~zg Permit Number: Permittee/Applicant: Salvador Diaz Decisior~ or Action Reqacested or P~•oposed: A request for speciAl exception that would grant PNC status which would authorize the projection of the existing principal building (as built) into the front yard. Notice, Henriitg, Fi~icti~zgs, Vote: ( X) Required notice given by: Mail and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Neslihan Bilir Tesno, Development Coordinator/Forester City of West University Place ( X) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below: The encroachment was inadvertent and neither misrepresented to the City nor hidden from City officials. The encroachment will not cause a substantial adverse effect on other persons. The ~ encroachment does not create a significant health or safety risk. ( ) Additional Findings: ( X) Hearing held on: Apri120, 2000 ( X) The vote: Sue Poretto, Rich Langenstein, Bill Richardson and Steven Segal voted for, no one opposed. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjusbnent (subject to all applicnble appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception to grant PNC status and allow the projection of the existing principal building (as built) into the front yard is granted. This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulltory jurisdiction of the city, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision tAkes effect on the date it is 61ed in the Board's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005) unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Texas Local Government Code. Under chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is fled in the Board's oftice. By: F~- ~. L Attest: ~ Chairperson, Zoning Board of Adjustment afF Representative, City of West University Place Filed i the Board's office on ~ ~~ , 2000 and copies mailed (see attached mailing list) on / ~ , 2000, sy: ~'~~~ 3800 University Bot~levard • West University Plaee, Texas 77005 • 713/668-~1 s~ City of ~est Uni~ersity Place • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~ RecycledPaper City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Adrlress of Site: 6531 VVestcliester Legrtl Description of Site: Lot Eleven (11), in block Tl~irty-Two (32) of West lJniversity Place. Bcrildirtg Permit Number: Pe~•mittee/Applicant: Mr. & VIrs. Jeff Everist Docket 1Vun16er: 00-21 Decisiore or Actiaa Re.ryuested or Proposed: Request for variance under Article 7, Table 7-6, Projections Schedule, page ii, Note 5 (c). Notice, Hea~•ing, Findr'~zgs, Vole: (X) Required Notice given by: M~il and on-site posting in accordance with Article 11 by Sallye A. Clark, Planning 3c Development Assistant City of West University Place. (X) Hearing held on: nTovember 16, 2000 • (X) Required statutory findings made: Variance is not contrary to public interest; literal ent'orcement of the orclinance would result in unnecessary hardship; spirit of the ordin~nce is observed; substantial justice is done. (X) Additional Findings: None (X) The vote: Steven Segal, Frank Billings and alternate members Carolyn Panebianco and Elizabeth Wilder voted i'or, and no one opposed Decision. of the Zon.ing Boarrl oJAdjushnent (sa~bject ~o nf.! npplicuble nppeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoni~~g Ordinance and appticable la~v, a variance from Article 7, Table 7-6, .Projections Schedule, page ii, of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the applicant named above. 7'he variance is granted to allow construction of a detached garage with a 63' foot setback i'rom the front street line with the condition that all the recommendations made by William B. Kopf, Consulting Urban Forester are also complied ~vith to prevent damage to the tree (per attached letter). This variance is for an indefuiite period, uiiless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any ki.nd. Fffective Date & Appectls: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the 13oard's oftice (c/o Secretary o!' tlie Zoning Board of Adjustmcnt, 3800 University Boulev~rd, ~Vest ~University Place, Texas 77005), unless other~vise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: . e Zoning Orclinance and Chapt 211, Tesas Loc~l Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions f'or judicial r'e must be pr te vithin l0 s after the date t' decision is tiled in the Board's ofCce. By: Attest. /b~ • irperson, Zoni.ng oar of justm .t Staff Repr entative, City of W st Umversity Place Filed in the .Board's o~ce und copy nzailed to applicant o~: ~y~ ~~..(iI~('/~- ~~y.' Sallve A. Clnrk. Plannr.'nQ c~nrl Developme~:t Assistant. 3800 University Boulevard • Houston, Texas 77005 • 713/668-4~1 ~. ^ ~ ~ S. L. ANDERSON COMPANY, LI'D. CONSULTING URBAN FORESTERS • Tracy Everist August 30, 2000 6531 Westchester Houston, TX 77005 Re: 6531 Westchester, West University Place, Texas Pecan Tree in Back Yard Deaz Ms. Everist: The following are my observations, conclusions and recommendations from my site visit on August 29, 2000 of the large pecan tree located in the back yard of your residence at 6531 Westchester in West University Place, Texas. Qhcerv tions ~ - The pecan tree located in the back yard appeazs to be in relatively good condition, as evidenced by good foliage color, fullness of the crown, and lack of significant deadwood or limb dieback. - It appears the tree has received root loss and damage on the west side of the tree root zone . during the installation of the pool and the plumbing for the pool pumps. Approximately 25- • 35% of the critical root zone of the tree has been lost or damaged. - A large portion of the crown is located on the south side of the tree. - The pool pumps aze currently located on the southern side of the tree root zone. - It is my understanding that the new addition is required to be relocated approximately 7' to the east from the current proposed location. - The current proposed location of the addition will cause minimal additional root damage or disturbance and require minimal clearance pruning. Cnn 1 ~sinns - It is my opinion that pECan trees typically do not tolerate root loss or disturbance well. - It is my opinion that the tree will likely recover from the root loss associated with the pool construction if there is no additional disturbance to the tree's root zone and the tree receives proper care. . - By relocating the proposed addition 7' to the east, the following will occur: . The pool pumps and associated plumbing will require relocation farther to the east. The tree may receive additional root loss or disturbance during the relocation procedure. . A large portion of the crown will require removal for clearance for the new addition. . Additional root zone on the south and west sides will be lost due to construction methods required for foundation installation for the new addition. - It is my opinion that relocating the proposed addition 7' to the east will cause additional root • loss to the tree and require a large portion of the crown. The tree may not recover from these additional disturbances. P.O. Box 571435 Houston, Texas 77257-1435 (713) 974-2208 FAX (713) 974-1674 .~ ~ ~ • 6531 Westchester August 30, 2000 Page 2 $ec~mm -ndationc - In order to aid the tree in recovering from the root loss from the pool installation, the following should be pe:formed: . Water thoroughly on an infrequent basis. Soil should be allowed to dry between waterings. Soil should not remain wet. o Deep root fertilize the entire root zone using ArborGreen (30-10-7) at 40 pounds per 100 gallons of water in October 200, April 2001 and October 2001. . Prevent and control insect and.fungal infestations by spraying or pruning. - To m;nimi~e root disturbance during construction and the relocation of the pool pumps and plumbing, any excavation within the tree root zone should be accomplished using hand tools and to preserve roots 1" in diameter and larger. - Roots that must be removed should be cut clean with the edge of the cut. - Roots exposed during constructibn should be covered with dirt, moist sand, or mulch within 24 hours of their initial exposure. - Place a layer of 6mi1 plastic within root zones of any trees prior to pouring concrete. If you have any questions, please call me at (713) 515-2787. LJ Sincerely, ~-.- !7. ~~;,~i William B. Kopf Consulting Urban Forester /wbk • Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION Address ofsite: 2728 Wroxton, 2732 Wroxton, 2736 Wroxton, West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal descrrplion ofthe srte: #098-85-1065, Exhibit "A" Tract I GF#195-84De1, #098-85-1066, Exhibit "A" Tract II GF#195-84De1, #098- 85-1067, Exhibit "A" Tract fI[ GF#195-84De1(total footage 197.30' x 108.15') located at the northeast comer of Wroxton and Wakeforest in West University Place, Texas 77005 Building Permit No: Permittee/Applicant: Harlan E. Smith and Raymond S. Wiltshire, Agents for Ms. Marilyn Scardino Decrsion or Action Requested or Proposed: Notice, Hearing, Findings, Vote.• . Required notice given by : City of West University Place Building Division, Dennis Holm, Sr., Building Official Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below (propose sepcial exception will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed special exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public facility or public service.) : Additionai findings (if any): Heazing held on: August 20, 1998 The vote: Sue Poretto, Frank Billings, Steven Segal, Michael Neal for, no one against granting. Decision of the Zoning Board ofAdjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception for aside yard reduction (common walls), as specifically allowed by Section 1493 of the Zoning Ordinance, is granted :(i) to the permittee/applicant named above, (ii) for the site identified above, and (iii) subject to the following conditions (if any): No Conditions This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the city, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Ef)''ective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Boazd's office (c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjus~nent, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77050) unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision aze subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. By: ~~~ ~(g-~/~ ~'~~ Attest: Chairman, For the Zoning Board of Adjustment Filed in the Board's o~ce on September 14, 1998, and copies mailed (see mailing list attached) on September 14, 1998. • Bv: Christine Cavalier, Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Form ZBA-201(04c:\wp51\forms~zba201.54orig) • Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A VARIANCE Address of site: 3126 WROXTON - City of West University Place - Houston, Texas Legal description of the sile: LOT E 50'-17 W 10'-18 Block 1- Monticello Addition MR. PATRICK GRIMES, OWNER BuildingPe»nitNo: N/A Permittee/Applicant: AND LEE ANN GRIMES Decision orAction Requested orProposed: A REQUST FOR A VARIANCE TO THE LOCATION OF THE REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK AREA AS REQUIRED BY ZONING ORDINANCE 4~1493 AS AMENDED. Notice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: (X~ Required notice given by: POSTING (Mi1NT TPAT RT nf &~OP,ERTYT, ~~~~~~t8~~~t~~3~ A~~1aRS) (~ Hearing held on: JEINUARY 15, 1998 (~• 1 Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) ( ) Additional findings (if any): • (X~ The vote: BILLZNGS NEAL IiABER, .PT ac:FNS,T.~av for, NONE against. Decision of the Zoning Board of Adj:~stment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a variance from Section ~ of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This vaziance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. Effective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Boazd's office. ~ By: Chairman, For the Zoning Board of Adjustment A ttest: Filed in the Boand's office on , 19 , and copies mailed (see mailing list attached) on , 19 , By: Forn~ ZBA-203. 8-24-94(04c:1wpS (1Comu~zba203.34) Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECISION TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEP'TION Address of sile: 2703 WROXTON STREET Legd descrip~ion of the si[e: LOT 9, BLOCK 1, EVANSTON ADDITION Bui/dingPermitNo: N~A Pe~mi[lee/Appliamt: SHANNON MANN & JAMIE MANN Decision orAction Requested orProposed: A REqUEST FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION CONCERNING COMMON WALLS IN TH, GR-2 OR C DISTRICTS Notice~ Hearing, Findings, Vote: ~X~ Required notice given by: POSTING (MUNICIPAL BLDG & PRnPERTY~ ~ MATT. (PRIIPF.RTY l1WNF.R$•~ (X.) Required determinations have been made by the ZBA with respect to the special exception as granted below (proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; proposed special exception wil( not cause any substantial traffic congestion; proposed special exception will not cause any substantial increase in traffic; proposed special exception will not cause an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service.) ( ) Additional findings (if any): (X ) Hearing held on: DECEMBER 18, 1997 ~ (g ) The vote: PORETTO,NEAL,PLAGENS, SEGALgp~~ NONE against granting. Decision oJthe Zoning Bourd oJAdjuslment (subjecl to al/ crpplicable c~peals): Under and subject to ttie City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a special exception for a • as specifically allowed by Section of the Zoning Ordinance, is granted: (i) to the permittee/applicant named above, (ii) for the site identified above, and (iii) subject to the following conditions (if any): This special exception is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This special exception remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. EJfec[ive Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated above. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. B. A uesl: Chaicman, For the Zoning Board of Adjustment ~led in the Boa~i's oJfice on ,!9 , a~d copies mailed (see mailing lis~ a1[ached) on , 19 , By: Form ZBA-201(04c:\wp51~f'orms~zba201.54orig) • Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place, Texas ("City") DECLSION TO GRANT A VARTANCE Add~ss of site: 6542 WESTCHESTER 96-07 Legal description of the site: SOUTH 1/2 OF LOT 2, BLOCK WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 1ST. ADDITION Building Permit No: N/A Permittee/Applicc~rt: JAMES F. SMITH Decision orAction Requested orProposed: A REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO ALLOW A GARAGE TO REMAIN 2.3 FEET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE AND CONSTRUCT A SECOND STORY ABOVE. Nolice, Hearing, Findings, Yote: (~ Required notice given by: POSTING (MUNICPAL BLDG & PROPERTY) MAIN (PROPERTY OWNER) (~ Hearing held on: JULY 18, 1997 ~• (~ Required statutory findings made (variance is not contrary to public interest;due to special conditions a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship;spirit of the ordinance is observed; substantial justice is done.) • ( ~ Additional findings (if any): N/A ~ The vote: NEAL, SNELL, MINOR & HUBER for, NONE against. Decision of the Zoning Bocmd of Adjustment (subject to all applicable appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law, a vaziance from Section ZONING ORDINANCE N0. 111, DATE 6/ 11 / 37 AMENDED BY ORD 131 DATED 1/ 14/38 of the Zoning Ordinance is granted to the permittee/applicant ~ named above for the site identified above, subject to the following conditions (if any): THE VARIANCE IS GRANTED TO ALLOW A 2.3 FOOT SETBACK WITH THE CONDITION T~IE EAVE & GUTTER ENCROACH NO MORE THAN 7 INCHES. This variance is for an indefinite period unless a temporary period is indicated above. This variance remains subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the City, and it does not grant any property right or vested right of any kind. EfJective Date & Appeals: This decision takes effect on the date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas ?7005), unless otherwise indicated above: Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: ~ Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Govemment Code. Under Chapter 211, peritions for judici i w st b resented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in he oard's office. By. llest: airman, r e Zoning oard of Adjustment , • Q/J Filed in the Bourd' o fice on , 19 -f /, and copies mailed (see mailing list attached) on ~ :~~~f (`~ : ~~, 19 ~T By: ~ ~ . Form ZBA-202(04c:1wp51\forrns~zbe202.54ori~rJ Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West Ylniversity place. Texas ("City") bECISION 'Ii0 DEN'i' A VARXANCE AddneSS of sile: 37~07 WROXTON Legal descriplio~~ oJYhe sile: LOT 8, BLOCK 6, SUNSET TERRACE CC~Q~ ~~, s~ 1~N BuildingPerntitNo: N~A Pernrittee/Appliccn~t: MS. MARGARET M. YOUNG Decrsion orAc~ion Requested orProposed.• A REQUEST FOR VARIANCE ON SIDE SETBACKS No[ice, ~Ieaing, Findings, T~ote: (~ lZequiied notice given by: POSTING (MUNICIPAL BLDG & PROPERTY) , MAIL (PROPERTY OWNERS) ~ (~ Hearing held On: JULY 17, 1997 (X ) The vote: BILLINGS,PORRETTO, NEAL,MANNONfor, NONE against. Decrsion of the Zonir~gBoa,~ofAdjustment (sabject to all c~plicable c~peals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law~ tho varianca from Section 7-100 of the Zoning Ordinance is DENI~D. • Rulings on individual requi,~ed~ndinga (optivnal; u~qt~es~forlhese fndividual rulings »:ust be timely mudeJ: (1) Requined Finding: "~rariance is noi contraryto public interest." () This finding could bo made. {)1'his finding is impossible. () Unpersuasive proof. () Variance would be contrary to the public interest. ( ) Other: (2) Requi~d Fi,rding: "due to special conditions a literal onforcement of the ordinance would result in unaecessary hardship." () Positive ~nding cauld be made. () Positive finding is impossible. () Unpersuasive proof. () No "special condition" proved. () No hardship proved. ( ) Othor: • (3) Required F1Pnding: "spirit of the ordinance is observed." () Positivo finding could be made. () posirive f nding is impossible. () Unporsuasive proof. () Variance would not observe the spirit of the ordinaace. {) Other. (4) Regui,ed FYading: "substantisl justice is done." () Positive finding could be made. () Positive linding is impossible. () Unpersuasive proof. () Substantial justice would not be done if the variance were granted. () VAriance woutd have adverse impact on others. ( ) Other: (5) 01herRequir~d F}nding (1'f A~y): ~By:, Efj~ctive Dure d Appeals: 71~is decision takes effect on t}~e date it is filed in the Board's office (c% Secretaty of the Zoning Boaxd of Adjustment, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston~ Texas 77005), unless otherwise indicated abvve. Any appeals of this decision are subject to~and governed bq applicable o~dinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211, Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's o~ce. Chairman, For the Zoning Board of Adjustrnent Filed in t1rE Boa-t~'s office on _ , 19__, By: A![es~: 19 , a~nd copies mailed (see malling list at~achedJ on 1: . ~. f ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS nFrrcrnrr Reference: 5933 Wakeforest Lot 8, Block 5 Rice Court Appeal : 94-03 Dated: April 19, 1994 Hearing Held On May 19, 1994, Thursday 7:30 P.M. 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" The variance request is denied. ~ BY THE BOARD STERLING MINOR, CHAIRMAN Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date : May 20, 1994 cc: Building Inspector • ~ ~ • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA5 n~rrcrrnv Reference: ~- Appeal : Dated: Hearing Held On Thursday, August 19, 1993 1. INTERPRETATION: 6719 Weslayan Lot 1 & 2,Block 21 Collegview 93-15 7/29/93 "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ;. Application 93-16, is granted on condition (1) this decision is filed with the Real Property Records (2) the trash receptacle is not located at any time within 100 feet of the principal building of a residence. BY THE BOARD STERLING MINOR Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a~ermit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date : August 20, 1993 cc: Building Inspector ~. BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Reference: 6310 Wakeforest S 70` of Lot 6,B1k.20 West University Place Appeal No : 92-01 Date of Application: 1/3/92 Receipt No : N/A Hearing Held on January 9, 1992 DECISION/INTERPRETATION: Drew McManigle made motion to grant a variance based on approved plans to not have sidewalk. This motion was seconded by Susan Freeman. Voting Aye: Carolyn Hodgins, Nicholas Aschliman, Dale Reid, Craig DuCote, Drew McManigle and Susan Freeman Voting No: None DATE : January 10, 1992 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION u SEC TARY cc: Building Inspector File ~ BUILDING & STANDARDS CONIlrIISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Reference: 6727 Weslayan 6700, Ltd. S 25', Lot 2; Collegeview Appeal No: 91-OS ' Date of Application: 9/26/91 Receipt No: Hearing Held on October 3, 1991 DECISION/INTERPRETATION: Variance was denied to maintain abutting roofline between the two buildings because it would mean a variance with the Fire District Code. Date: 11/4/91 cc: Building Inspector City of West University Place Building & Standards Commission Secretary ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF W~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION • Hearing Held On 5eptember 19, 1991 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" - Appeal was denied due to lack of evidence. • Unless otherwise stated, any authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permiC within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. ~ City of West University Place Zonin Board of Adjustment . ~,e,~~/" " Secretary .~ (Date) 9/20/91 cc: Building Inspector Reference: 6~2~ Weslayan S 25' of Lot 2 Blk. 21, Collegeview ~ Appeal No.: 91-17 . Dated: 9/9/91 ' • - . , . ' • : ~;1~71'.t ' . . ~t' . , _ ~rs,m~,7,i • _„ :~t'•i ',t.•. y.~ .._ ~~~~.•~, ; :~;;~ ~~.~"~r~.~ . ~ • f• ,~1 . • . . . • .._ :..E_ ;,~•, . . . . . ~'~~C•~.. . . . . ..., . ._ . . ~ . . _ ;4~.. . , . ~ ~ ~ • ~ • ~ ~ ~ ZONING B~ARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS n~rTeTnnT • Hearing Held On ~e- ~~ ~~I ~~~ 1. INTERPRETATION: Reference:~,/~iS~ ~/vL,~ ,3, G~~s /6~ /Sry/ .. pPPeal : 9~ ~~~ Dated : ~ c~/~ ~ ~ f'3 "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" y 4 ~~~ ~~~,~ ~ ~- r~ ~~ f ~ v~ v~ ~~ ~ o~,~. BY THE BOARD Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date: cc: Building Inspector ~ p J '• ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION Hearing Held on ~-~~-~'~'~' ~G~ ~ / f~ 1. INTERPRETATION: Re f erence : ~/~S V~ /J~dLk y ~~d y S 7~ ~~ q .. Appeal : ~ 3 --~ 2 Dated : /~~'~'~"~ w~a y~ ~~9~ "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ~- r ~ ~1 ~ ~ a S ~, y/ F'~`~o ~ ~-- i ,~ ~ ~ U' °~9 /~~ C, . u \ Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the~Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date: cc: Building Inspector • • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS n~rreTnrr Hearing Held On .~ 1. INTERPRETATION: Reference: ~y~S/~/~• ~ /~~~~~ 1 /~,, ?11~-, ~/~C ... APPeal : ~'~'3~~~ G"r'~~ y Dated : ~'/y ?~~?~ "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ~ . ~. ~ •-~" ~ r Unless otherwise stated, an authorizatiori by the ~oard of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization oi such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date: cc: Building Inspector • , =~ ~ ~ • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION Hearing Held On u~! ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~-~ 1. INTERPRETATION: Reference: ~ `~ d /I L'~ /~/~~ L/ ~~ Appeal: ~ 3_.~~ Dated: ~ ~, (7 ~,~,•~ /5~ "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" /~` L u V~, tP--'~ Cl ~'-,~ i~ -~j rc~7` •- a/ d-~, G~-n d•'~ ~h C ~~ ~ ~ G ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ . ~.. ~ ~ ,~, %~ d w ~ ~7'1-, 7~ /1~ ~ ~,-~ ~-,- •. ~~~°'"`~- 5 ~1', 7Yw 7~'~ ~ r t ~ .30 ~« ~'~- ~ ~ r-. O -~ l~r,•-~,e. cr ~, ~°r"'~, ~i hti w~ ~ 7`yi ,~, / D(~ .1~ c. = s~ o a~ y~,~ ~-- i K ~1~ ~/ h ~ ~' / d ,~ ~ ~ ~ r ~s ~' 01 ~.~. ~ -~- . ~ ~ B ^ Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Boa of . Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment 5ecretary Date: cc: Building Inspector ~ • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA5 ns~rr~rn~T Hearing Held On ~ GC ~ S^ ~ f~7-.~ 1. INTERPRETATION: Ref erence : ~ - ~~ ~ ,~~` ' ` d m .. pPPeal : S h ~ S~ r ' ^ C~'~•-w7 Dated: , /~ -~ 3 "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ~ ~ r ~ ~ r~c ~~ ¢" ~+- ~~-r~ ~,-r. ~c.~ 7'N a.~~ `j y /~ ~, 'c~ l f'~': ~ e~ /yi~,~, ~rv ~/Ua 7~ ~-,~,~ ~'~~1 K~ e~ h/? a~e y, ~ ~ d• /v v ~o~'°~~~i~~~ ~.~- ~~'--~'~ • ~ ~v~~v~v- ~ p'~ ~i ~-~. ~ 2d J~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ r ~ ~. < ~ h J~ ~ Li `*c ~~Y~ v-i ~~ ~+ ~c ~s~, ~'i ~'J ~ ~ (,i p~ ~5, ~ ~- aln~~.~. ~ , ~ Unless otherwise stated, an authorizatio~by the\~'oard~of Adjustment for a special exception, vari nce or c~bndit onal use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date: cc: Building Inspector ~ ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS•"~ DECISION Reference: -•- Appeal: Dated: Hearing Held On January 21, 1993 1. INTERPRETATION: Lots 4A & 4B Block 83 WUP II Addition 93-02 12/31/92 "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" The request for variance to build a normal residentia'1 fence at the abuttnent to the present Harris County Fl~od Control District fence, rather than at the _.edge.of_the building site - easement border, is GRANTED on condition the fence be constructed to not impede the flow of ground water to the Poor Farm Ditch. BY THE BOARD Sterling Minor, Chairman Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall exgire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Z ing Board of A justment ~~ Secretary ' Date: 2/19/93 • cc : Building Ir-spec~tor ~ , ., . . . ~ ` • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION Reference: Appeal: Dated: Hearing Held On ~~~, ~r ~7~ / c! ~ Y 1. INTERPRETATION: %~~l) "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ~ V/.r'-~^ /~M•''~Ci i w s ~V c?7'1 ,~ C C! _ . ~~~aZ~ v • BY THE BOARD Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date: cc: Building Inspector • ~ ~ • • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION Reference: Appeal: Dated: Hearing Held On .ti ~ ~/ ~ / / ~ 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ~~~-/~ j- ` ~ ~~i ~ ~--•> ~+ ~ ~ ~L r~,~ p~irt rv 13 ~ -~~ / C+ ~1'~ ~ J ~ ~ • /ce ~ li" ~~S /1 ~%~ Gt. G?~l'ic1~y~.~ ~ / I~ /~•~1 1~ l; ~ ~-'`-~ ~ -~~ ,h.~J ~G~1~ u~v~ G~~._ i• ,~__ ~ .. _.... .. . . ~,Y~ ~ ~ BY THE BOARD Unless otherwise stated, an authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary Date: cc: Building Inspector ~~ U Form No. 3 ZONING BOARD OF AD,T[TgTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS DECISION Reference: Appeal No.: 91-7 Dated: June 24, 1991 Hearing Held On_~une 20 1991 , 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" John Pickul made motion seconded by Joe Webb to allow a gate operator box no more than 24"x18" to sit in the front set back. ~^ Unless otherwise stated, any authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. City of West Universitv Place Zonin Board f Adjustment ~ v E i beth Bethune Secr~tary ~ (Date) cc: Building Inspector Form No. 3 ~ , ,• . ZONING BOARD OF ~ADJUSTMENT . • - ~ . , . . CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY~PLACE, TEXAS ~ .~.:.~ ~ DECISION ~ Reference: ~ . .~ ~ Appeal No.: 89-11 . • ~ Dated: Per Phone Call to C. Cooper Hearing Held On Thursdav, April 20,~1989 ~' ~~ ~ ~ 1. INTERPRETATION: "Decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment" ~ Question was made as to whether or not a retractable, roll-up canvas awning may be attached to extend to the rear property line from the garage. This is to be used for~storage of lawn equipment. They are requesting an interpretation. It was unanimously determined that any attachment to the structure makes it a part of the structure; therefore, it may not be attached to the garage because.it violates the rear setback requirements. ~ Unless otherwise stated, any authorization by the Board of Adjustment for a special exception, variance or conditional use shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain a permit within 90 days from the date of authorization of such special exception, variance or conditional use. . City of West University Place Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ ~~I~~~ 1 ~- 'Y~f ~ Secretary - Diana Wright ~ ~ (Date) April 21, 1989 . cc: Building Inspector \ . ~-~` Hearing Held Thursday, July ~5, 1971, 7:3~ p.m. •J Reference: Lots. 1 S 2 Colonial Terrace Lo t 1 Fairhaven Appeal No: 71-Z . Dated: June 23, 197~ INTERPRETATION OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE ~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE By order of the Zoning Board of Adjustment it was de- termined that the operation of a pharmacy in the Clinic Building under construction in the Professional and Office Building District would constitute a retail business ~_