HomeMy WebLinkAbout10031996 BSC MinutesDRAFT BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION CONFERENCE ROOM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1996 6:30 P.M. MINUTES CRAFT The Building and Standards Commission convened in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Blvd. in the City of West University Place on October 3, 1996 for a regular session with the following members present: Chairman Craig DuCote, Vice Chairman Craig Hughes, Evelyn Dravis, James Todd, James McDaniel, and James Collier. Absent were Drew McManigle, Roy Harper, and John McIntyre, Present from the City were Chief Building Official Dennis Holm and Building Secretary Susan Thorn. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: No one was present to speak on any matter other than agenda items. DISCUSSION AND INTERPRETATION OF CIRCULAR DRIVEWAYS: • Herb Levine, a resident of West University Place stated 61~(I(t~Aue9~'My wife inherited a lot located at 5702 Buffalo Speedway at the corner of Robinhood. My wife and I are contemplating tearing down the existing residence and rebuilding a new home. The lot is only fifty feet wide. I understand the ordinance does not allow a circular driveway to be located on a lot less than sixty (60) wide, however I am proposing a driveway~ivould enter on Robinhood and exit onto Buffalo Speedway and the Garage would be located at the rear of the property with a driveway off of Robinhood. " Dennis Holm, Chief Building Official stated the following: "Ed Menville, Director of Public Works requested this issue be brought before the Building and Standards Commission for interpretation." Mr. Holm further explained "Chapter 19 of the Code of Ordinances, Section 19.203. Curb cuts and driveways; concrete. (a) Curb Cuts, Etc. Only one curb cut and only one driveway is allowed along the front street line of any building site less than 60 feet wide, measured along the front street line. The question is if you have two different streets could you have one curb cut on one street and a second curb cut on the other street? The presumption is often that if it is not included in the ordinance you cannot do it, therefore an interpretation is needed from the Building and Standards Commission." Craig DuCote asked "How close could the curb cut be to intersection." Dennis Holm stated "Mr. Menville would not allow a curb cut closer than twenty feet." - • Jim McDaniel asked "Are there any other existing circular driveways in the City similar to this proposed plan?" Mr. Holm replied "There have been a few, however they where on r~ s"ti ~~ 'r ~.y't :fir.; -~ 'a .,.~ .1 ... 1 i' ~^.ti CHAPTER 22 Urban Forest Preservation and Enhancement Sec. 22.003. Tree disposition (for building permits); tree surveys CJ (a) General requirement. Every permit for development orpre-development activity must contain tree disposition conditions meeting the requirements of this section. (b) Essential and mandatory conditions Tree disposition conditions are the most important means of protecting the urban forest of the City from unreasonable harm duringdevelopmentand pi+e-development activity. Tree disposition conditions shall: (1) prohibit removal of or damage to any large tree, ~~ ~ or dead may be authorized; (i) removal of a tree which is diseased, s~lY damag and eat to the use (u) damage to or removal of a true which causes an unreasonable impedim and enjoyment of the applicant's property may be ~ ('iii) damage to or removal of a low value tree nosy be authorized. (2) Require replacement trees, to the extent provided in the criteria manual, for any large trces authorized to be Damaged or Removed. Exception: No replacemeut is required for low- value trees. (3) Require protection for large trees (and Critical Root Zones). The conditions may specify the methods of protection to be used. ted. The conditions (4) Require that any auithorized damage to trees be minimiLed and mitiga may specify methods of mitigation to be used. • (~ Require, if there is major development, that the affected subject site attain a min~uim . planting standard of tree density as set forth in the cxitesia manual {c) Pmced:a'e. The building official shall not issue any permit for any development or Pre- ,developmeart Adivityunless all the following have £ast occu~a+ed: (1) Tree Survey. The applicant mast have filed a tree survey, aad the uc~n forester must have approved it for compliance with this chapter. ~ the urban forester (2) Tree Disposition Conditions. Tree disposition conditions approv by must have been inserted into ~e Permit The urban forestea' may require all pers°ns owning land where a tree is located to agree to any removal of or damage to the tree authorized by the conditions. (d) "Low-impact'"exception, Except for tine regturement to inset the mandatory conditions, this section does not apply to a subject site, project or other activity that will not have any significant, adverse effect upon any large tree, as determined by the urban forester. h-newtree£orm • lots 60 feet wide or greater." • Jim Collier stated "According to Mr. Levine's plans, there is a third curb cut near the rear of the property at the garage." Mr. Holm stated "This is true, however the front of the lot ~ is fifty feet wide at the front where the circular driveway would be located. The ordinance does not prohibit two curb cuts on the side street." The Board Members asked "Why are circular driveways restricted to only sixty foot or wider lots?" Mr. Hom replied "This is necessary in order to meet the specifications for a circular driveway you need a least a sixty foot wide lot. This would provide the turning radius which allows you to turn your vehicle." Jim McDaniel stated "I have no problem with the concept of one curb cut on a side street and one on curb cut on the front street, since the Ordinance does not specifically prohibit it." Jim Collier stated "I am not opposed to the request as I feel any kind provision for off street parking on Buffalo Speedway is needed." Mr. Levine explained "I needed to make certain it would be allowed by the Building and Standards Commission, however if the front setback in my deed is greater than allowed by the Zoning Ordinance it may not be possible to have the driveway." He further added "If it is determined it can be done, I will bring a proposed plan to m~. Menville for his approval." • Jim Mc Daniel made a motion to approve an interpretation of the ordinance to allow the proposed driveway with one curb cut on Robinhood and one curb cut on Buffalo Speedway e drivewa meets all the required dimensions. This motion was seconded by Craig DuCote. a Voting aye: Hughes, Collier, DuCote, McDaniel and Dravis Voting no: None. The motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: James McDaniel made a motion to adjourn the meeting. This motion was seconded by John McIntyre. Voting aye: McDaniel, McIntyre, Hughes, DuCote, Dravis and Todd. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. c: C$APTER 22 Urban Forest Preservation and Enhancement • Sec. 22.003. Tree disposition (for building permits); tree surveys (a) General requirement. Every permit for development or pre-development activity must contain tree disposition conditions meeting the requirements of this section. (b) Essential and mandatory conditions Tree disposition conditions are the most important means of protecting the urban forest of the City from unreasonable harm doting development and pre-development activity. Tree disposition conditions shall: (1) Prnhibit removal of or damage to any large tree, ~~)= or dead ma be authorized; (i) removal of a tree which is diseased, severely damaged Y and („) ~g ent to the use u e to or removal of a tree which causes an um+asonable impeditn and enjoyment of the applicant's property may be anothorizred; and (tii) damage to or removal of a low value tt+ee may be aufliori~~ed. (2) Require replacement trees, to the ext~t provided in the cat~ia manual, for any large trees athorized to be Damaged or Removed. Exception: No replacement is required for low value tt+ees. (3) Require protection for large trees (and t~itical Root Zones). The conditions may specify the methods of protection to be used. ted. The eons (4) Require that any au#horiz~ed damage to trees be minimized and mitiga may specify methods of mitigation to be used. • (S) Requires if there is major development, that the affected subject site attain a minimum .. planting standard of tree density as set forth is the cait~ia manual i (c) procedia~e. The building official shall not issue nay permit far' any development or Pre- .developmetrtActivityunless all the following have first ocGta+ed: (1) Tree Survey. The applicant must have 51ed a tree survey, and the urban forester must have approved it for compliance with this chaptea. ~ the urban forester Cl) Tree l;hsposition Conditions. Ti+ee disposition conditions approv by must have been inserted into ~e permit The utter fores~tea' may regiitre all persons owning land where a tree is located to agree to any removal of or damage to the tree authorized by the conditions. r;. (d) "Low-i»:pact" exceP~on. ~~ ~r the ~ ~ inset the mandatory conditions, ti~is section does not apply to a subject site, project or other activity that will not have any significant, adverse effect upon any large tree, as determined by the urban forester. h:newtreef:orm • ATTEST: SECRETARY .] CHAIRMAN • C$APTER 22 Urban Forest Preservation and Enhancement Sec. 22.003. Tree disposition (for building permits); tree surveys (a) General requirement. Every permit for development or pre-development activity must contain tree disposition conditions meeting the requirements of this section. (b) Essential and mandatory conditions Tree disposition conditions are the most important means of protecting the urban forest of the City from unreasonable barns during development and pre-development activity. Tree disposition conditions shall: • (1) Prohibit removal of or damage to any large tree, except): (i) removal of a tree which is diseased, sevea+ely damaged or dead may be aurthorized; and (u) damage to or removal of a tree which causes an mn+asonable impediment to the use and enjoyment of the applicant's property may be ~~ and ('iii) damage to or removal of a low value tree may be ~~~- (2) Require replacement trces, to the extent provided in the criteria manual, for any large trees authorized to be Damaged or Removed. Exception: No rePlaoemeaot is requured for low value trees. (3) Require Protection for large trees (and G~itical Root Zones). The conditions may specify the methods of protsdion to be used. tact. The conditions (4) Require that any authorized damage to trees be minimized and mitiga may specify methods of mitigation to be used. • (~ Require, if there is major development, that the affected subject site attain a miaimnm .. planting standard of tree density as set forth is the caitsria manual (c) procedure. The building official shall not issue any permit for any development or Pre- developme~t Activity unless all the following have first oocua+ed: (1) Tree Survey. The applicant must have filed a tc+ee survey, and the urban forester must have approved it for compliance with this chapter ~ by the urban forester (2) Tree Disposition Conditions. Tree disposition conditions approv . must have been inserted into the permit The u~an forests may require all Persons owning land where a tree is located to agree to any removal of or damage to the tc+ee authorized by the conditions. (~ "~~impa~"exception. Faccept for the requirement to insert the mandatory conditions, this section does not apply to a subject site, project or other activriy that will not have any significant, adverse effect upon any large tree, as determined by the urban forester. h.-newtree£orm •