HomeMy WebLinkAbout12081997 BSC Minutes
I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Les Albin, Bryant Slimp, John McIntype, James T. Collier,
Tames W. McDaniel, James D. Todd, Roy Harper
MEMBERS ABSENT: Craig Hughes, Craig S.DuCote
GUEST PRESENT: Terry Stevenson, Fire Chief
II. STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Holm, Iris Conway
Roy Harper
Minutes of the Meeting
• Agenda Item Discussion Action
Welcome Harper called the meeting None Required.
to order.
Hearing of Residents None were present. Notice of Hearing on Record.
Approval of Minutes Minutes will be provided in None Required.
summary form and available
at next meeting. Attention
will be focused on inclusion
of critical elements of
discussion and actions taken.
Determination that Proper Notices were mailed to all None Required.
Notification of. the properties within 200 feet.
• Public Hearing was Made
Notices were posted at all
Agenda Item
three locations at the
Mu~ucipal Building, as
and the motion was
unanimously approved.
Docket No. 97-05, 4028 Roy Harper ask Terry Bryant Slimp made a motion
Ruskin, Public Hearing Stevenson to bring us for the Fire Chief of West
to date and familiarizeUniversity Place be issued
the committe of the the authority to proceed with
hearing as follows: the demolition of the house,
located at 4028 Ruskin, to
On 4000 block of Ruskin remove the debris, and attach
there were three (3) alien to this property for the
separate pieces of property associated costs. He will
and deemed to be sub-proceed with this action on
standard and we have February 1, 1998.
successfully dealt with two
of them and remaining is Les Albin seconded, and the
• 4028 Ruskin and it was an motion was unanimously
inhabited residence by Mr. approved.
Horace J. Hicks. For a
period of time, we have
tried to negotiate with Mr.
Hicks, about the condition
of his property. The property
has roof that has holes and
there is no roof over the
garage, and it exposes the
electrical service counts.
Tile interior structure has
had water damage to the
extent that most of it, is being
supported by a 2 x 4, prompted
up against the roof members
to uphold it.
We have finally made contact
with a family member in
Alabama. We encourged Mr.
• Hicks to vacant his property.
The property has been posted,
• utilities has been pulled and his
niece is negotiating with a
demotion company to demolish.
Requirements, Single
• Sites Requirements and
The legal problem that the City
wanted to advise the BSC, there is
no guarantee that this may not be
done. I need this to be heazd by
BSC Boazd, in the event this is
taken caze of, that City of West
University can take action and
demolish the property.
The owner, Mrs. Richazd
J. Campo is asking for a
variance to the ordinance
concerning garage space,
driveways and a single
building site. Mrs. Campo
has asked not to provide
for a single site as required
by ordinance. Mars. Campo
owns both lots and wishes
to have each lot remain a
building site. Mrs. Campo
does not wish to provide
garage space for the structure
the motion, which was then
unanimously approved.
Agenda Item
being modified since there was a
• permit issued for the demo-
lition of garage, cazport at 3119
Docket No. 97-15, 2703 No correspondence was Michael Neal made a
Wroxton, Request for received in favor of the motion to grant a
Special Exception application. Special Exception with.
Concerning Common the following condition:
Walls in TH, GR-2 or The owner, Ms. Shannon That the variance will
C Districts Mann, is asking fora remain in effect until
Special Exception to an event occurs that
Zoning Ordinance No. would result in loss of
1493. P & C status.
Applicant would be
expected to comply
to Zoning Ordinances
and Building Codes. All
variances and special
exceptions shall remain
subject to the regulatory
jurisdiction of the City,
and none shall be deemed
• to grant any property right
or vested right of any kind.
The motion was seconded
by Sue Porretto, which was
unanimously approved.
Agenda Item
Sue Porretto encouraged
commitment and support
for recycling paper and
returning the delivery
envelope for re-use.
None Required.
A request was made by some
• of the members for materials
to be mailed rather than
• printed and delivered. This
could save the City time and
dollars, and will be discussed
at a later date.
Adjournment Michael Neal made a mo- Meeting adjourned at
tion to adjourn, Steven 9:00 p.m.
Segal seconded, and voting
was unanimous.