HomeMy WebLinkAbout07061995 BSC Minutes.
6:30 P.M.
The Building and Standards Commission convened in the City Hall, 3800 University
Blvd., City of West University Place on July 6, 1995 for a regular session with the
following members present: Chairman Drew McManigle, regular members Les Albin
and James Todd and alternate members James McDaniel, Craig Hughes and James
Collier. Absent were regular members Craig DuCote, Roy Harper and alternate
member Evelyn Dravis. Les Albin abstained from voting. Also present from the City
were Chief Building Official Dennis Holm and Building Secretary Susan Thorn.
The first item on the agenda was Hearing of Residents. No one was present.
The next item on the agenda was 95-06, consideration of 3833 Southwestern, Lot 1,
Block 6, Collegeview Addition. This was a request for variance to have a fixed attic
stairway without a landing as required by code filed by Lacon Homes.
• Dennis Holm explained a fixed stairway is required by code to have a landing before
and after the stairway.
Les Albin of Lacon Homes explained the original plans showed a fold down set of stairs
to the attic space. He explained the Owners asked if it would be possible to have a
fixed stairway. There is not enough space for a landing.
Mr. Holm stated he felt a fixed stairway is much better for workers making repairs and
etc. He explained that a landing is required for stairs, but these stairs are going up to a
none living use attic area. The fixed stair would be much safer.
Mr. Albin stated someday the 50 gallon water heaters and heating units in the attic
would have to be replaced and it would be di~cult to carry the water heaters or heating
units down a fotd down stair.
James Collier asked what would be the clearance of the headroom on the last step.
Mr. Holm said it would be 6'1" and the only problem would be with the last step.
Drew McManigle stated he felt the applicant has made a good faith effort to comply with
the code requirement. Mr. Albin has brought this matter to the Boards attention. Mr.
McManigle asked if the issue of whether an alternative method or procedure would
achieve or substantially achieve the same result as literal compliance with the code
• requirement. Mr. McManigle then asked the Board to consider that criteria and
' determine if then, the Board Members , felt this would be a better alternative?
~ Jim McDaniel made a motion to grant the variance to allow a fixed stairway to an attic
without the required landing at the bottom of the attic stairs. This motion was seconded
by James Collier.
All voting aye.
Voting No. none
Mr. Albin left at 7:45 p.m.
The next item on the agenda was 95-05, consideration of the property located at 3606
Albans, Lot 5B, Block 93, West University Place Second Addition. This was a request
for variance to finish out third floor attic space in a home which does not meet current
code requirements. This application was filed by Michael Metz and Clare Casademont.
Mr. Metz and Ms. Casademont, Owners of the property were present. Steve
Goodman, General Contractor for the project was also present.
Dennis Holm, Chief Building Official gave the City's point of view: Mr. Holm explained
he had met with Mr. Metz and walked the project. He stated this request was similar to
• others the Board had heard in the past. The treads and risers on the stairway are all to
code and the stair width is fine though it is only 32" wall to wall, the current code
requires a minimum of 36". This house is a finro story home plus the attic story. To
Mr. Holm's knowledge the house does not have 5/8 type x sheetrock. The first floor
according to the designer has 2 x 6's. Mr. Holm stated he did not know why there
would be 2 x 6's unless there had been plans to go to a third story.
Mr. Metz explained Kurt Aichler designed and built this house for himself then sold the
house to Mr. Metz and Ms. Casadamont.
Mr. Holm explained he and his predecessor Mr. Ed Beasley both concurred when you
go to a third story there must be 5/8" type x sheetrock throughout the house. This
house was built during the time period before Mr. Holm and Mr. Beasley when there
was a different thought process. An attic story would be allowed if certain things such
as an exterior ladder was provided, as one example.
Mr. Metz explained the conduit and ductwork were already roughed in. Mr. Aichler
presented it to them when the home was purchased that the third floor could be finished
Mr. Holm stated there were several items the Board needed to consider. First of all the
stair width is only 32" wide, less than the minimum width of 36". Secondly Mr. Holm
• stated he could not verify there was 5/8" type x sheetrock under the stairway. Thirdly at
' the bottom of the stairs there is not a landing. Chairman McManigle asked what the
~ 1994 code requires. Mr. Holm stated a landing is required before and after the door.
The last item which needs to be considered is the emergency means of egress out of
the room.
Chairman McManigle asked the owners how they planned to meet the City's Concerns.
The owners Mr. Metz and Ms. Casademont stated they were expecting a baby and
because of their need to have a workout room they decided to finish out the third floor.
Mr. Metz presented a set of plans designed by Kurt Aichler. After Mr. Holm had visited
the house and expressed his concerns about the need for an emergency means of
egress such as a window, Mr. Metz had asked Mr. Aichler to add a window to the
plans. He also had Mr. Aichler add a fire rated door at the entrance to the stairs,
however the doorway was left open to meet the landing requirements.
Mr. Metr stated there is 5/8" type x sheetrock under the stairs according to the original
house plans. Ms. Casademont stated it would be in their best interest to make these
changes to provide a safe environment. She explained the house has a fire protection
system. She also was willing to not have a door at the bottom of the stairs, instead she
stated she could use a baby gate.
Drew McManigle asked the Board Members if they had any objection to granting of the
• variance based on the fact this was similar to a prior request. The Board Members
agreed they had no objection.
James Todd made a motion to grant the variance with the stipulation the doorway
remain open. James McDaniel seconded the motion.
All voting aye.
Voting No. none.
Jim McDaniel made a motion to approve the minutes. This motion was seconded by
James Todd.
All voting aye.
Voting no. none.
After a brief discussion it was decided that a workshop session would be tentatively
scheduled for July 15 or July 22 after a poll is taken of all the board members.
James McDaniel made a motion to adjourn. This motion was seconded by Craig
• Hughes.
All voting aye.
• Voting No. none
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.