HomeMy WebLinkAbout03051992 BSC Minutes. ,~
6:30 P.M.
The Building and Standards Commission convened in the Municipal
Building, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University
Place, on March 5, 1992, for a Regular Session with the following
members present: Nicholas Ashliman, Chairman, Dale Reid, Susan
Freeman, Jeann Howse and Carolyn Hodgins. Ed Beasley, Building
Official and Susan Thorn, Building Secretary were present from the
None present
The owner of the property, G. Alan Rafte was not present. He was
represented by Robert Machill and Leland Harris with Jonathan
• Marshall Homes, Builder. The request was for a variance on the
interior stair width which it between 35 inches and 35.5 inches
rather than 36 inches specified as the minimum stair width in the
Building Code.
Robert Machill and Leland Harris explained that stairs were
dimensioned 3' 4", however when sheetrock, wood trim and handrails
were installed the stairway was 1" too narrow. If sheetrock were
removed and replaced with 1/4" sheetrock the problem could be
corrected, but the baseboard would have to taken off.
Leland Harris explained that when the problem was discovered, it
was brought to the attention of the Building Official immediately.
Ed Beasley, Building Official explained that in 1112.6 of the
Southern Standard Building Code that "Stairs serving as required
means of egress shall be clear of all obstructions except that
handrails attached to walls may project not more than 3 1/2 inches
at each side within the required width" and 1112.62 states that
"width of stairs shall not decrease in the direction of exit
travel". Mr. Beasley explained that the stairway would be too
narrow after handrails are installed and that another problem with
the stairs is that they decrease in the direction of exit travel.
He also explained that on the plans the dimensions were measured
from the interior wall to and exterior wall and that this is not a
normal procedure.
Robert Machill explained that the error was discovered after the
sheetrock was installed and that it would be too costly to correct.
Different sheetrock could be used, but the stairs would still be
too narrow at the bottom portion and they would have to start
carving on the wood in order to increase the width.
Nick Ashliman explained that the three primary requirements to be
met in issuing a variance as as follows:
1) Applicant has made earnest good faith effort to comply with
2) Applicant brought matter to attention of City.
3) Alternative method or procedure will achieve same or
substantially the same result.
Nick Ashliman stated that he felt that the applicant had met these
three requirements.
Also to be considered are the following:
1) Whether the imposition of requirement cause exceptional hardship.
• 2) No reasonable or feasible method or procedure currently
3) Alternative procedure has been considered and a reasonable or
or feasible solution has been not been accomplished.
4) Would not increase or pose any threat to the safety of the
Dale Reid made motion, seconded by Jeann Howse to grant variance on
the basis that the matter had been brought to the attention of the
Board, that good faith effort had been made to comply with the code
and that to bring stairway into compliance would pose a financial
All voting aye.
Voting No: None
Rod Kellums and Hope Northrup, owners explained that they are
requesting a variance to not have a sidewalk, as many houses on
their street and in Colonial Terrace do not have sidewalks. There
are trees on the side facing west that would interfere putting in a
sidewalk. They spent over $2200.00 attempting to protect trees on
their property. Two houses at one end have sidewalks (west ) and 2
at east end. Adjoining property on east side has no sidewalk. The
owners wish to a least wait until after the time the sewer line is
installed by the City in the front so that the sidewalk will not
have to be torn up.
Mr. Beasley felt that this did not meet criteria to not have
sidewalk. The sidewalk can be allowed to curve around trees. When
the new sewer line is installed only one joint of the sidewalk be
affected. It would be three to five years before sewerline will be
put in. A tree company recently designed a sidewalk to go around
trees at another address.
Nick Ashliman explained that this does not meet criteria in
recently proposed sidewalk ordinance.
• Carolyn Hodgins made motion to decline request as this does not
meet any requirements i.e. hardship. However, they would be
allowed to have the sidewalk end at the driveway to avoid the
trees. Motion seconded by Dale Reid.
Voting Aye.
Voting No: None
Ed Beasley explained that he had spoken to Mr. Menville about the
proposed changes. Some of the proposed changes would be to require
the foundations to be designed, approved and inspected by a
structural engineer. The permit would based on estimated cost. A
soils report would be required for a 2-story structure, but for
foundation repair it would not be required. A soils reports runs
approximately $350.00 for one or two test holes.
After some discussion by Mr. Beasley and the Board Members,
revisions were made to the wording of the proposed changes. A
revised copy is included with these minutes. Ed Beasley also
explained that he would be contacting other cities to find out
their requirements for foundation repair.
Jeann Howse made motion, seconded by Dale Reid to approve minutes
with corrections.
All Voting Aye.
Carolyn Hodgins made motion to adjourn, seconded by Dale Reid.
All voting aye.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
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Suggested changes to Chapter 6 Section 6-52 (2)
Delete Section 6-52 (2) completely and replace it with the
(2) All foundations for new construction and foundation repairs
involving the installation of piers shall be designed and
inspected by a registered professional engineer.
a. The foundation or foundation repair shall be illustrated in
complete plans and specifications signed and sealed by the
registered professional engineer.
b. The foundation design for new construction shall be determined
by a soils "SR" report prepared by a recognized and reputable
soils investigation agency or firm. EXCEPTION: Foundations
• for single story accessory structures containing less than four
hundred and fifty (450) square feet of gross floor area.
c. The foundation or foundation repair shall be inspected by the
registered professional engineer and his report certifying
proper construction submitted to the building official prior to
acceptance by the city.