6:30 P.M.
The Building and Standards Commission convened in the Municipal
Building, 3800 University Blvd., in the City of West University
Place, on September 3, 1992, for a Regular 5ession with the
following members present: Chairman Nicholas Aschliman, Alternate
Dale Reid and Regular Member Carolyn Hodgins. Also present from
the City were: Ed Beasley, Building Official, Chief Terry
Stevenson and Susan Thorn, Building Secretary.
None Present
This was a carry over item from previous months concerning a
structure located at 3123 Amherst which is in a state of disrepair.
Richard Ballanfant, Owner of the property was not present.
• Chief Terry Stevenson explained that notice had been sent three
times to the owner of the property regarding the two story garage
which is in a state of disrepair. Originally a notice was sent to
Mr. Ballanfant the first time in April asking him to call and
discuss it with the City. Ed Beasley and Chief Stevenson went and
inspected the property and brought the matter before the Building
and Standards Commission. Chief 5tevenson also sent notice to Mr.
Ballanfant of their findings asking him to contact them to discuss
it or be present at the next scheduled BSC meeting.
July 29 was the last correspondence informing him of this meeting
and of our findings deeming the structure a dangerous building.
There has been no contact with the owner. A return card receipt was
received from the registered mail sent to Mr. Ballanfant.
After the July 8 BSC meeting, Mr. Ballanfant was requested to meet
with Ed Beasley and Chief Stevenson to discuss what it would take
to repair the property, but the City received no response. Both
Terry Stevenson and Susan Thorn called Mr. Ballanfant and left
messages on his recorder requesting he attend this September 3
meeting, but there was still no response from Mr. Ballanfant.
• Chief Stevenson explained that he has not received back the title
search to determine ownership. The search should be complete in the
following week. They are checking to make certain that the property
was not part of a divorce settlement and that will take a little
more time. He also checked on the property taxes and they are
current. Chief Stevenson explained that one of the things that he
wanted to discuss with Mr. Ballanfant was due to the size of the
structure it would be very costly for Mr. Ballanfant to repair or
demolish the structure. He explained that he would give Mr.
Ballanfant some time to work out a financial arrangement to have
the repairs or demolition done. Mr. Beasley explained that it
would not be feasible to repair the structure. The second floor
would have to be jacked up in order to repair the first floor.
Chief Stevenson contacted Entex regarding the location of the gas
meter next to the leaning structure and Entex will not take any
steps to pull the gas meter unless the Building and Standards
Commission takes legal action and signs an order to demolish and
condemns the structure and serves Mr. Ballanfant with notice.
Entex will not deprive someone of service is the home is occupied.
Entex sent one of their supervisors out to look at the problem and
the supervisor agreed that this is a serious problem.
Mr. Beasley explained that he is not certain whether the sagging
• overhead wires going to the garage are hot. There were no lights
on in the garage at the time of inspection. He further explained
that the yard is open and unfenced with no fence on the rear
property line or across the driveway. Neighbors could easily enter
the yard and walk through the property. There is no way of
securing the structure because of the fact it is so warped.
Chief Stevenson stated that when he last had a conversation with
Mr. Ballanfant that Mr. Ballanfant felt that the garage was not his
problem. Chief Stevenson stated he did not know if it is because
Mr. Ballafant doesn't realize it is a dangerous structure or if it
is because he doesn't care. Only the housekeeper and Mr. Ballafant
appear to reside in the home.
Dale Reid said that if the title search came up with one owner it
would make it easier, but if there were a second owner's name to
appear on the title then all notification would have to be sent to
~ both parties.
Dale Reid made motion, seconded
title search that we notify the
the next meeting. If the title
the sole owner then recommend t:
that the structure is condemned
tear down the structure.
by Carolyn Hodgins following the
owners of the property to appear at
search shows Mr. Ballanfant to be
hat we send notice to Mr. Ballanfant
and that procedures be started to
All voting aye.
Voting no: None
A notice of Public Hearing will be prepared to be put in the paper
after the title search is complete ordering the structure to be
demolished or repaired.
This item will appear on the next agenda.
Carolyn Hodgins made motion to approve the minutes from the July
23rd meeting with minor corrections. Motion seconded by Dale Reid.
All voting aye.
• Voting No: None.
Chief Stevenson updated the board regarding a hazardous structure
located at 3816 Byron. He explained that the people who were
residing in Mrs. Sara Kelly's home located at 3816 Byron were
arrested after an investigation for embezzlement. Mrs. Kelly is
now in a nursing home and requires 24 hour care. A nephew has been
located and has been informed of the situation with the hazardous
garage structure. There is no longer a problem with having gas
turned off to the property as there is no one residing in the home.
The nephew lives out of state and will be coming to Houston soon to
take care of everything needed.