HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 030923Minutes Senior Board Meeting March 9, 2023 Meeting Called to order at 2:00 pm Presiding: Ann Crowley Roll Call: Attending: Diana Ayers, George Baker, Tom Brombacher, Candyce Beneke, Ann Crowley, Selby Clark, Susan Davis, Allan Elkowitz, George Hilderbrandt, Joan Johnson, Karen Kenny, Candace Tenbrink, Mardi Turner, Shannon Carroll. Absent: Teresa George-Hung, Gloria Nino Monacelli Minutes: Meeting Minutes for both January and February were approved. Motion to approve Diana Ayers, second Karen Kenny. Guests: Carlos de la Torre, John Barnes, Dick Yehle, Ms. Drewes Comments: J.Barnes—Garden Club Mtg. March 26th- Guest speaker on Native Plants D. Yehle—Centennial of West University is coming, committee is looking for historical photos and information. Ms. Drewes—WU should reduce taxes for Seniors, have a dog park, do something about flood control, offer mor services, problems with transparency, wrong information, limits of 3 min for speakers is wrong, Bd. Member Tenbrink noted that most of the remarks were outside the perview of the Sr. Bd. Ideas for Community Bldg. Ann went over a powerpoint. All Bd members and guest were given copies of key points. Both are attached to the minutes. General discussion: Ann described our trip to Mt. Belvieu. These are ideas for consideration. Toby noted that one thing we left off was the need for some type of emergency generator so staff sheltering in WU during emergencies would have a bit of power. Discussion of WHAT the facility should be. Shannon brought up the issue of communication and how input will be formally gathered. George asked What the expectations of the community are for a senior bldg.? Ann noted that whatever the building is called, it is a community bldg. which at present hosts many things plus admin for Parks & Rec, and Sr services, senior activities. George recommended we come up with a list of questions to ask friends and neighbors. Mardi and Joan spoke about what citizens need and want. No one wanted to take on leading this effort. Diana suggested each board member come up with a question or tow and send them to Ann. We can look them over at the April Meeting. Reports: GNT--Mardi Turner Said there will be a speaker on Hospice March 16. She also recommended LEOH Life Enrichment of Houston lecture Series. PARKS--Susan White Sustainability with 110% Analysis of the results next meeting on Cost Recovery Goals. Weir Park analysis will be funded by WU Parks for $35K, not tax dollars. Edloe fencing will be put up this week. April 1 is the Spring Festival, “Deep in the Heart” movie April 21 SENIOR Services—Toby Brooks--New newsletter is out. Council Report--Shannon Carroll—Drainage project Eastside Wakeforest/University Council approved composting pick up of food waste was approved—two vendors info to follow. Special Townhall will be held by the ZPC on March 29th—topic pickle ball and sports courts at private residences—noise, space, permeability, rules etc. Motion to adjourn; 3:10 pm. Selby Clark, Diana Ayers second. Candace asked for folks to stop by Dish Society for Happy Hour