HomeMy WebLinkAbout03031994 BSC Minutes~~~ a~
6:30 P.M.
The Building and Standards Commission convened in the Municipal
Building, 3800 University Blvd. in the City of West University
Place on March 3, 1994 for a regular session with the following
regular members and alternates present: Craig DuCote,
Vice-Chairman, Jim McDaniel, Les Albin, & Roy Harper. Members
absent were Craig Hughes, Evelyn Dravis, James Todd, Drew
McManigle and James Collier. Present from the City were Dennis
Holm, Building Official and Susan Thorn Building Secretary.
Present also was Michael Skoller, P.E.
Hearing of Residents: No residents were present to speak on
behalf of anything not on the agenda.
The second item on the agenda was discussion of changes to
inspection procedures.
Dennis Holm explained that since his arrival he has been looking
• at the entire building process which includes inspections. Mr.
Holm explained that he would like to discuss some changes that
would not lessen or decrease, in his view lessen or decrease the
construction mechanism here. Jim Dougherty the City's Attorney has
provided new form which replace a single form now in use. The
engineers now sign a compliance letter regarding foundations. The
new forms would replace the one in use. These forms are included
as a part of these minutes. Mr. Holm explained that what they are
trying to do is to look at in several different aspects. One is
to make the system so that for example if, a Builder determines
that he wants to do something on the weekend or make some changes
wi.thoiit the .,Builder ~iaving to . submi.t amend~d ,p~~ns . At times this
thig does crea~.e ~ 8 del8y problem,:a ~- ~Mere are othe~+ ~ times ,. they may
want to ~relocate a- pier or ~make a moderate change a•nd 'th~,s is a~
eng£neer' ~ c.~ll.,i~tr ~the fie],d ~and~ that~ change.. couL~~ be'•made... in ~.he
ffeld. Mr. ~Holm,. e~piained, that• his though,,ts were ~~in~~` th~
Engineers are basieally required to desiqn.the-faundations;,~nd to
.. . .
certi.fy tha~ the• fc~urtdatibn is,-con's~Cruc~3on p~r the deesign. HiR
con.cern •was' that wi;th -the Lngineer making `the: ~~.nspectiort~_y ~].~a~~dy,
why are the City Inspectors out -maki~~'~tgie s,ame,;~iX~sgec~ion~ ~-].~#-.
It places~~ the 1-iability o~_ the C~ity.~ ~Iost Engin$er~ •th~'t ~~~~ ~,~1
aware o-f do not ca~r~ liabi~'i,~y ~ insurance. Tlie City cannt~~~ ~~
require Enginee=s to be ,insured; beca~i•~e they are licensed ~~ '~~i~
State:of Texas and`the State sets the standards: Mr. Holm ~~.t~o
stated that the professiort~-~:..groups do rno~ requirg tt ~i~~-~~.
~~ .
~ Mr. Holm explained the Board were to require the Engineer to be
responsible this would put the responsibility back upon the
Contractors, but it would require the Surveyors and the Engineers
to do their work and to do it properly. He referred to the form
and explained that it simply tightens up the language that is
already there.
Mr. Holm explained that they would still make the necessary
inspections, making sure that the interior walls are sleeved,
inspecting the inground plumbing, inground electrical etc., but as
far as getting into the location of the piers, the depths of the
bells, the City would be removed from that part. He explained
that the City would still make some cursory inspections just to
make sure that the Engineer was on sight. In fact, in the past
week the inspectors had checked a couple of sites and in both
cases the Engineers were there. He explained that he just wants
to see if there is a mechanism with the Boards approval and
consent that the City can put requirements back onto the people
who are doing the professional work. Mr. Holm explained at this
point require insurance. He explained that the Soils Labs are not
licensed by the State they are certified by a national
organization and they can be required to have insurance.
Michael Skoller, P.E. expressed the opinion that the soils report
is a good requirement.
• Roy Harper remarked that he would not like to see the City stop
inspecting foundations. Mr. Harper would rather have the City
spend sometime making the inspections just to make sure that
something in error is being done.
Mr. Holm explained that the City would not be totally out of the
picture. They would be making sure that the proper testing is
being done. He felt that there needs to be things to done to
strengthen the requirement. He stated the foundation is the most
important part of the house. There are still going to be failures
no matter what the City does.
Le~ Albin stated that compression test on concrete could be
After further discussion among the members it was decided that a
workshop session needed to be scheduled in the near future.
The third item on the agenda was the approval of minutes. Jim
McDaniel made a motion to approve the minutes. Les Albin seconded
the motion.
All voting aye.
Voting no. none
~ Les Albin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim McDaniel
seconded the motion.
All voting aye.
Voting no. none.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.