HomeMy WebLinkAbout11072002 BSC Agenda• ~ Notice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting • Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will meet in Regular Session on: Thursday, November 7, 2002 6:00 P.M. Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas The su6jects of the meeting are as follows: 1. Call to Order. Report as to notice of ineeting. 2. Citizens who wish to be heard. Citizens who wish to address items that are not on the agenda will be permitted to speak to the BSC after introducing themselves and giving their address. State law will not pernut the BSC to fully discuss debate or consider items that are not on the agenda. Items that cannot be referred to the City Staff for action may be placed on the agenda of a future BSC meeting. 3. Citizens who wish to address agenda items. Citizens who wish to address specific agenda • items will be permitted to speak to the BSC after introducing themselves and giving their address. 4. Designation of voting members. Matters relating to the designation of Voting Members for this meeting. 5. Meeting Minutes. Matters relating to the approval of minutes from the September 5, 2002 meeting. ~ 6. Variance Request. Matters relating to a variance request from the Standazd Codes Schedule, International Residential Code, 2000 Edition, and Chapter 8 of the NFP~1 72 at 3224 University. 7. Appe~l of a decision by the Chief Building Official. Appeal the decision of the Chief Building Official's official ruling of the height of a fence at 3111 Rice Blvd. Applicant Ms. Jennifer Hamlet. 8. Registration of Contractor Quasi-judicial Hearing. Quasi-judicial hearing for repetitive ordinance violations in accordance with Chapter 6 Sec.103 of the Code of Ordinances, as it relates to Southampton Homes. 9. Drainage/ Site Plans. Matters relating to discussion of the ZPC me~nbers report and suggestions to the Zoning and Planning Commission for proposed amendments in Chapter 6, • Drainage and Official Site Plans of new construction sites in the City. Building & Standards Commission Meeting r November 7, 2002 Page 2 • • 10. Foundation Design. Matters relating to discussion of foundation and framing designs and construction practices. 11. Staff Comments and Status Reports. (Non-action items regarding inquiries by Staffl a. Use of purple PVC Primer and Schedule 40 PVC (Proposed Amendment) 12. Commission Member Comments. Commissioners) (Non-action items regarding inquiries by 13. Adjournment. If you ~ir~t~n .~o .a~te-td.this pub~ic nreetii:~ anrt yor~ ~rm~e a r[rsavi[ity t/tat reqrtzres sp~c~a[ atFdng~xit~'nt~ ~' at ~; the meetirzg,, plea~~ `~. contact~. tl~e. Plnui:ir~g .& Development Assistuint '~at Tl3:d~~':~~33 z~i ddv~si~e' of tlie nieeling,':Re~sotta~b~e:ace,4nrm~idaf~o~,~ tt~zll.b.e mad~•to assist ~ : .,: ..:.:,:_. ; ....:~; ~~ ~ . ; ,. .., ~ :. .. ,, ~ .; . . : , . •. ;yoiar.p~rr~r~:puti~~a~ ~ dhe ~rrFeefin~: The. ~urr3ciptcl Buildittg: is ~vlieel c~ltair, ac~essible; frarit ~tJ:~.' . ,. ~~-ves~; enw~t~'~x~c~, an.ri~,speeii~lty~~rrtarke''~l p~rkiii~g ~p~ces~ ~r~'nvatlablQ ~in ~t/te, sarct.liwe~t ;p"~:rkiiag~. ~pea~ ~ ';p ~ ~, , . .' : . - . '. . .~ . . . ~ ~•~Y~ a Annette R. Arriaga Planning & Development ssistant POSTED THIS 4`h DAY OF November 2002 AT 1:00 O'CLOCK P.M. • • • Notice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members ~ of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will meet in Regular Session on: Thursday, November 7, 2002 6:00 P.M. Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas The subjects of the meeting are as follows: 1. Call to Order. Report as to notice of ineeting. 2. Citizens who wish to be heard. Citizens who wish to address items that are not on the agenda will be permitted to speak to the BSC after introducing themselves and giving their address. State law will not permit the BSC to fully discuss debate or consider items that are not on the agenda. Items that cannot be referred to the City Staff for action may be placed on the agenda of a future BSC meeting. 3. Citizens who wish to address agenda items. Citizens who wish to address specific agenda items will be permitted to speak to the BSC after introducing themselves and giving their • address. 4. Designation of voting members. Matters relating to the designation of Voting Members for this meeting. 5. Meeting Minutes. Matters relating to the approval of minutes from the September 5, 2002 meeting. ' 6. Variance Request. Matters relating to a variance request from the Standard Codes Schedule, International Residential Code, 2000 Edition, and Chapter 8 of the NFPA 72 at 3224 University. 7. Appeal of a decision by the Chief Building Official. Appeal the decision of the Chief Building Official's official ruling of the height of a fence at 3111 Rice Blvd. Applicant Ms. Jennifer Hamlet. Registration of Contractor Quasi-judicial Hearing. Quasi-judicial hearing for repetitive ordinance violations in accordance with Chapter 6 Sec.103 of the Code of Ordinances, as it relates to Southampton Homes. 9. Drainage/ Site Plans. Matters relating to discussion of the ZPC members report and suggestions to the Zoning and Planning Commission for proposed amendments in Chapter 6, • Drainage and Off cial Site Plans of new construction sites in the City. Building & Standards Co~r~ion Meeting • November 7, 2002 Page 2 r~ U 10. Foundation Design. Matters relating to discussion of foundation and framing designs and construction practices. 11. Staff Comments and Status Reports. (Non-action items regazding inquiries by Staf~ a. Use of purple PVC Primer and Schedule 40 PVC (Proposed Amendment) 12. Commission Member Comments. (Non-action items regarding inquiries by Commissioners) • 13. Adjournment. If yQU pl~n to r~rten~l tlii,c priblic meetiftg an~l you have a disability t{lat reqrsires special. arrangemer~ts at. the meetin,~, please; corttact tlie Plar:ning &~3evelopment Assistant at 713. b62. 5833 .in advnnce of the meeting. Reasonable accamn:vd~tdons wdll be made to assist yaur:~arti.+cipativ~:,ir~ tfie nua~ting. The Mu~ticipa! Building is ivfieel c/ia~ir accessible from tlte ~ iuest ~ntr~ttte a~t~ speciirlly marked parkir:g spaces are nvailnb[e ir: the soutlewest p~erking areQ. , , ~ ' ~ ~ ~ Annette R. Arriaga Planning & Development ssistant POSTED THIS 4t" DAY OF November 2002 AT 1:00 O'CLOCK P.M. ~ ~ I : ::'.. ~ . _. • • Notice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members • of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will meet in Regular Session on: Thursday, November 7, 2002 6:00 P.M. Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas The subjects of the meeting are as follows: 1. Call to Order. Report as to notice of ineeting. 2. Citizens who wish to be heard. Citizens who wish to address items that are not on the agenda will be permitted to speak to the BSC after introducing themselves and giving their address. State law will not permit the BSC to fully discuss debate or consider items that are not on the agenda. Items that cannot be referred to the City Staff for action may be placed on the agenda of a future BSC meeting. 3. Citizens who wish to address agenda items. Citizens who wish to address specific agenda items will be permitted to s.peak to the BSC after introducing themselves and giving their ~ address. 4. Designation of voting members. Matters relating to the designation of Voting Members for this meeting. Meeting :Minutes. Matters relating to the approval of minutes from the September 5, 2002 meeting. 6. Variance Request. Matlers relating to a variance request from the Standard Codes Schedule, International Residential Code, 2000 Edition, and Chapter 8 of the NFPA 72 at 3224 University. 7. Appeal of a decision by the Chief Building Official. Appeal the decision of the Chief Building Official's official ruling of the height of a fence at 3111 Rice Blvd. Applicant Ms. Jennifer Hamlet. 8. Registration of Contractor Quasi-judicial Hearing. Quasi-judicial hearing for repetitive ordinance violations in accordance with Chapter 6 Sec.103 of the Code of Ordinances, as it relates to Southampton Homes. 9. Drainage/ Site Plans. Matters relating to discussion of the ZPC members report and suggestions to the Zoning and Planning Commission for proposed amendments in Chapter 6, ~ Drainage and Of.ficial Site Plans ot new construction sites in the City. Building & Standards Corr~ion Meeti.ng ~ November 7, 2002 ~ Page 2 ~ • 10. Foundation Design. Matters relating to discussion of foundation and framing designs and construction practices. 11. Sta.ff Comments and Status Reports. (Non-action items regarding inquiries by Staf~ a. Use of purple PVC Primer and Schedule 40 PVC (Proposed Amendment) 12. Commission Member Comments. Commissioners) (Non-action items regarding inquiries by 13. Adjournment. If yoie plan to attend t/tis public ~neeting and you have a disnbiliry t{iat requires specinl arrar~gements at the meeti~~ig, please corrtact tlie Plair~:ing & Development Assistant at 7I3.662.5$33 in ~dva~ice af the nzeeting. Reasonab/e accomnzo~i~trons will be mnde to assist your parlicipa~ion i~: t/te .r~ieE.-ting. The Municipal Bieilding is wkeel clcadr accessible from tlte west entrance an~l specially marked parking spaces are availccb[e i~: the southwest parking area, a Annette R. Arriaga Planning & Development ssistant POSTED THIS 4`h DAY OF November 2002 AT 1:00 0'CLOCK P.M. •