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02052004 BSC Agenda
. • City of ~est U~i~ersity Place A Neighborhood City ~ HeeyCled Pe °~Votice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will hold a meeting on: February 5, 2004 Beginning at 6:00 P.M. In the Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room, Located at 3800 University Blvd, West University Place, Texas 77005. The subjects of the meeting are as follows: ~Call to Order.J • 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules, meeting procedures and identifying parties. 2. Meeting Minutes. Matters relating to meeting minutes from the January 8th, 2004 BSC meeting. 3. Matters Relating to the Building Standard Commission Recommendations and Status Report. Matters related to the BSC recominendations A) Summary of changes and report from staff on progress toward implementation on the Fire Alarm Ordinance and amendments to the Standazd Code Schedule. B) Issues relating to double 2X4's verses 2X6's and 3X4's for framing studs. C.) Complaint from staff to the State Board regarding Rosa Kym at 3804 Ruskin Street. D.) Update on the revised draft amendments tb the Fence Ordinance. E.) Update on proposed action regarding 4029 Case Street. 4. Foundations. Matters relating to foundations, soil testing, piers, etc. 5. Old Stock Houses. Matters relating to the discussion of old stock houses. A) Definitions of old stock houses and remodeling. B) Remodeling issues observed by the Chief Building Official. 6. Studs and Materials. Matters related to wood stud spacing, and rot resistant materials. 7. First Floor Elevations verses Survey Benchmarks. Matters relating to minimum first floor elevatio.n, survey benchmazks and reports f.rom staff. ~Adjournment. J • ANYONE WITH A DISABILTY REQUIRING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE PERSON WHO SIGNS THIS NOTICE BELOW. IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. TO ALLOW TIME FOR ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE AS NECESSARY. THE MEETING PLACE MENTIONED ABOVE IS ACCESSIBLE BY WHEEL CH.4IRS BY USING THE SLOPED RAMP LOCATED AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. SPECIALLY- MARKED PARKING SPACES ARE A i~AILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UNIVERSITY BOULEYARD. SPECIALLY MA.RKED PARKING SPACES ARE A VAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668~4441 • www.westu.org Building & Standards Commission Meeting February Sth, 2004 2 L~ o ~ Notice issued and posted on: ~~¢"~,Ll~ ~'"J ~ 3~ .t~~,0 ~ Issued by: ~ • ~ Anr~ette R. Arriaga, Developme S rvices Secretary aarriaga(a~westu.org 713-662-5833 • • ~ i Dennis Mack From: Larry Franks [Ifranks @iccsafe.org] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 10:35 AM To: DMack©westu.org Cc: jbattles @iccsafe.org Subject: FW: Interpretation of the 2000 IRC It is my understanding that your e-mail poses the following question: 01: May two 2 x 4s be nailed together as an alternative to using a 3 x 4 or 2 x 6 as required by table R602.3 (5) Maximum Stud Spacing? Al: Only if justified by analysis in accordance with accepted engineering practice. See Section R301.1.2 Engineered design. Regards, Larry D. Franks, PE,CBO Codes and Standards Development, Senior Staff Engineer International Code Council, Inc Birmingham Regional Office Ph:205-591-1853 X279 Fax:205-592-7001 email:lfranks @iccsafe.org web site:www.iccsafe.org Original Message From: John Battles [mailto:jbattles @iccsafe.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 3:17 PM To: Ifranks @iccsafe.org Subject: FW: Interpretation of the 2000 IRC Larry...please handle this.... John R. Battles, PE, CBO Director, Technical Assistance International Code Council Birmingham District Office 900 Montclair Road Birmingham, AL 35213-1206 Tel: +1 (205) 591-1853, ext.274 Fax: +1 (205) 592-7001 Email: jbattles @iccsafe.org Website: www.iccsafe.org Original Message From: Dennis Mack [mailto:DMack @westu.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 12:29 PM . _ • To: 'JBattles©iccsafe.org' Subject: Interpretation of the 2000 IRC Dear Sir I am writing to you for your interpretation of the 2000 IRC as it relates to the minimum size wood studs on the first floor of a three story residential structure. To be more specific, may two 2 x 4s be nailed together as an alternative to using a 2 x 3 or 2 x 6 as required by table RR602.3 (5) Minimum Stud Spacing. I thank you in advance for your help Dennis Mack Chief Building Official West University Place Tx. 713-662-5830 2 Jan 03 04 04. I8p Hamad Naderi 5401-258-3060 p. 1 • Setting the Standardrd for Building Safety' Mi f650 SpiC u•<'.*+3 Spur_,4145- 1[) J ThRN TIONAL A u.&h,.TX 7875')- 'SSA. A. CODE COUNCIL' SHEET ICC FAX To° Dennis Mack Fax #: 713-349-2754 Subject: Written Code Opinion Date: January 9, 2004 Pages: 3, including this cover sheet. COMMENTS: Dear Dennis: Attached is the written cod eopinion you had requested_ Thanks. From the desk of... Rashid A. Naderi, P.E., C.B.O. Team Leader, A&E Services,Austin international Code Council 8650 Spicewood Springs Suite 145-610 Austin, Tx. 78759 email: hnaderi @iccsaFe.org Ph 51 2/258-0133 Fax: 512/258-3060 icc ebs te:www.iccsafe.org • 8650 Spic ce ood Springs.t f 15-610 Austin,TX 78794-4399 U.S.A. Tel:+t O5T2 258-0133 Fax:4-1(512)25g-3060 Wtvay.ICC31'C:irg PRESIDENT January 9, 2004 MINER.vratWELLER.C.B.O. Chief B.otdxr Of Octal Marron Ugh Mr. Dennis Mack T NICK 0'AND RE A,JR.,CALL Building Inspections Menei;e+.Cammatrial City of West University Place Dave'cnmen:Stndcas Tamp,Dorado 3800 University Blvd. SEDHETARMITRERCUREH Houston, TX 77005-2899 FRANK P.HOODE,JR-C.S.G..CLAP Director of R4Idisg and Eua Cedaa Nihon HaodL:Jest Scrub Cording Subject: Wall stud size and spacing WALLY BAILEY.c.B.c. Table R602.3 (5) Director.Develapmt anti Construction International Residential Code(IRC).2000 edition fl,Smith,Arkansas EDWIN M.SERXEL C.F.I. Fire Marshal Dear Mr. Mack: Meh#rMe Fire Protentfon DiStOCT St.Louis,,Missouri TERRENCE L,COBB,C.11,11. This is in response to your fax of December 30, 2003 for a clarification of the 2000 -Ditoeter,tiayt.of Codes Administration Neshrirlo:VoridsanCounty,Terarosxu International Residential Code. The following opinion is for informational purposes witLIAM L.DUCK,JR„C,s.O, only and you as the code official are not obligated to accept it. The code official is the Chian,Inspections and Colo Enforcement Division final authority in rendering interpretations of the code, whereas ICC staff is not Columbus,score granted this authority. Additionally, code opinions issued by ICC staff are based on MAU O. Offi ialPLER published codes and do not include local, state or federal codes, policies or any ChaaorfiakJ.,Krglnia GERALD D.GEORGE.Cal amendments that may impact this decision. Chief BaldIna Official Ltaufdar,Colorado Your paraphrased questions and our responses are as follows: HENRY LC PEEN Executive Director Department of Consumer &Industry Services Q 1: What is the required stud size and spacing of the first story of a three story Lansing,fffichipan DGROTHYAt.HARRIS single family building? Deputy Secretary of State Albany,New Yo,* FRED HERMAN Al: For the first story wall of a three story building where the studs support two Chief B,idl,a arn'ad floors, a roof and ceiling,Table R602.3 (5)requires either 3 X 4's or 2 X 6's GREG JBH6tSON spaced 16"on center. Building Intpamor Saint Pool,Mirmasata N,N."WHOP ROBERTS,C.B.O. Q2: Can two 2X4's nailed together replace each of the 3 X 4 or 2 X 6's and be Building Of Phenix City.Aaiabama spaced 16"on center instead of using 3 X 4 or 2 X 6's ? p g spaced 16"on center. JAMES T.RYAN,C.S.O. • Cadet Administrator DyaPaMPork,naasas A2: In general, substitution of a 2 X 6 by two 2 X 4's is not acceptable, because STEVEN!.SRAPIRD,CB.o. the 5.5"dimension of the 2 X 6 major axis of bending is not achieved by two Dire,terof CedesCempliance Hamptaa,W,gfnu7 2 X 4's, even though the dimension of the minor axis of bending is increased. ADOLF A.CURIA However, in the case of the 3X4,using two 2X4's maintains the dimension of Fire Caret las Crimes,New Mexico the major axis of bending and increases the dimension of the minor axis of CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER bending, and as such, it would be acceptable. JAMES LEE WITT Headquarters:5203 Leesburg Pike.Suite 600 - Fails Churrtt.VA 22041-34lYc U.S.A. Tel:+1 (703)931-4533 + Pax:+1(703)379-1546 Z Jan 08 04 04: 18p Hamid Naderi 12-258-3O80 r Dennis Mack January 9,2004 Page 2 of 2 As Table 8602.3 (5) allows both 3 X 4 and 2 X 6's spaced 16" on center for the described project, replacing the 2 X 6's in this specific case with two 2 X 4's would be acceptable because it is actually substituting two 2 X 4's for the 3 X 4 studs. It is important that the double studs be properly fastened together. The double studs should be face nailed with 10d common nails spaced 24 inches on center as is required for built-up corner studs in accordance with Table 8602.3 (1). Hopefully, this will provide the needed clarifications and please call us at 512-258-0133 if you should need any further assistance. Sincerely yours, International Code Council, Afc{4 Hainid A. Naderi,P.E.,C.B.O. Senior Staff Engineer, A&E Services, Austin cc: Codes CtM, ?6O6&JB:wpd • i Revised draft amendments to the fence ordinance (Chapter 6, Code of Ordinances) 9-11-03 Subchapter I. Fences Sec.6.581.Maximum height limits. (a)Eight foot limit. No fence higher than eight feet may be constructed,improved or structurally altered on any private property. (b)Four-Six foot limit.No fence higher than six four feet may be constructed,improved or structurally altered in any of the following locations: (1) Closer than six feet from a to the main wall surface of an existing principal building used as a single-family residence on any adjacent building site (measured across the property line perpendicularly). if the proximity of the fence direct or reflected sunlight. To make these determinations,the Building Official shall take into account the type and design of the fence and the following(if existing or proposed in the immediate vicinity of the fence): trees,other plants (2) Between buildings on separate building sites where the eaves are less than two feet apart. (c)Height measurement. Fence height shall be measured along each fence line on the side with the lowest grade level. If the fence is within three feet of a property line,the adjacent grade level of the adjacent property is used to measure the height of the fence,if the adjacent grade level is lower than the grade level of the property where the fence is located. (d) Gate height. A gate may be no taller than may a fence at the same location,except that a gate which is not more than 40% opaque, may extend to a height not greater than 12 inches above the maximum height of a fence at the same location. Sec. 6.582.Property lines; notices; waiting period. (a)Basic Duties. It shall be the responsibility duty of any-persen each permittee and property owner who proposes to construct constructs a fence, or causes it to be constructed, to: (i) give notice, if required below, and (ii) wait at least 14 days after filing proof that such notice has been given before construction starts,unless the waiting period is waived as provided below, and (iii) locate the fence within the property lines of the site, except as provided below in the case of a common fence along a boundary.the property lines. (b)Notice. Notice is required if the proposed fence is located within three feet of adjacent property (other than street area). A required notice must: (1) include: (i) a description of the proposed fence, (ii) a sketch showing its location, and (iii) the name, address and telephone number of the permittee and the owner of the property where the fence is proposed to be constructed; • • (2) be addressed to the owner of each adjacent property lying within three feet of the proposed fence, using either: (i) current name and address from the Harris County Appraisal District's records, or (ii) "Current Property Owner" at the street address of the adjacent property; and (3) be given by: (i) depositing it in the U.S. Postal Service mail, properly addressed with first class postage affixed , (ii) delivering it by hand to a person who is fourteen years of age or older who resides upon the adjacent property, or (iii) some other method approved by the building official that is reasonably calculated to bring the notice to the attention of the person to be notified. (c) Proof of notice. Proof of notice must be filed in the office of the building official, using a standard form provided by the building official. (d) Waiver of waiting period. An owner of adjacent property may waive the 14- day waiting period by signing a standard form provided by the building official. The form must contain an acknowledgement that the notice was received, and the permittee (or an owner of the property where the fence is to be constructed) must certify that the waiver is true and correct. Sec.6.583.Prohibition in front or side. (a) Prohibition. No fence may be constructed, improved or structurally altered on the front portion of any building site.Exceptions: this restriction does not apply to low retaining walls, institutional security fences, fences owned by any governmental entity or fences or walls specifically required or allowed to be located in the front portion of a building site by this Code or the zoning ordinance. In this subchapter: (1)Front portion means the area of a building site extending from the front street line to a depth equal to the depth of the front main wall of the principal building.The front street line is the common boundary between the front line of a building site and the street right- of-way. The front main wall is the front of the building exclusive of any porch or entranceway. (2)Low retaining wall means a wall designed and used to hold earth or similar material in place,no part of which extends higher than the highest naturally occurring part of the ground in the front portion of the building site and no part of which is located outside of the building site. (3) Institutional security fence means a fence which meets all of the following criteria: (i)the fence is located on a building site where there is a building or group of buildings specially constructed and used as an actual place of religious worship (including schools,parking lots, parsonages and other accessory buildings); (ii)the fence is located along or generally parallel to a major thoroughfare, and only along side streets to the extent necessary to connect the main portion of the fence to side fences, rear fences or buildings; and (iii)the fence is no more than 50% opaque. (4)Major thoroughfare means Kirby Drive, Bissonnet Street or Bellaire (West Holcombe) Boulevard. (b)Rotated corner lots. This subsection only applies to a corner lot("corner lot")carved out of a larger corner site originally established by the first plat or map of the subdivision in question, where the front street line of the corner lot is on a different street from the street where the larger corner site had its front street line. On such a corner lot,no fence may be constructed, improved or structurally altered along the side street line of the corner lot (this would have been the front • • street line of the original larger corner site)unless the fence is set back from the side street by at least one of the following two distances: (1) a distance equal to the depth of the front setback area of any adjacent building site which has a front setback area abutting the side street; or (2)a distance equal to the depth of the side setback area of the corner lot,measured from the side street. If the BSC is requested to issue a variance to permit a fence on the corner lot closer to the side street than prescribed above, and if a petition signed by 20%or more of the persons owning property along the side street within 200 feet of the rear lot line of the corner lot(and on the same side of the side street)is presented to the BSC before it acts on the request, the requested variances shall not take effect unless approved by all members of the BSC qualified and serving. Under no circumstances, with or without a variance, is a fence allowed within five feet of the side street line. Sec.6.584.Distance from property line; common fences. A boundary fence shall be constructed immediately along the property line or as close as practicable to the property line. Common fences may be constructed along the property line, if the written consent of the owners of both properties is submitted. Such agreement shall be recorded in the Harris County real property records. Sec. 6.585.Easements. No brick,masonry or similar type of fence may be constructed, improved or structurally altered if it would interfere with the installation and maintenance of utility lines in any easement reserved therefor. Sec. 6.586.Removal of debris. It shall be the responsibility of each persen permittee and property owner who constructs or reconstructs a fence, or causes it to be done,to clean up and remove from the premises all debris, dirt, scrap and broken pieces of concrete caused by the construction of the fence. Sec. 6.587.Nonconforming fences. In cases where an existing fence erected contrary to the provisions of this Code is to be removed, improved or structurally altered,each new fence must conform to this Code. Sec.6.588.Facing of fences. All fences abutting on a street area shall be constructed so that all supporting members, including posts and horizontal runners, shall not face the street.This provision shall apply to such portions of a fence that face the street on which the lot faces as well as a side street. Sec. 6.589.Fence gate. Where a fence is constructed, improved or structurally altered along an easement area,a gate with a minimum opening of 30 inches must be built for ingress and egress into the easement area. The gate is for the use and convenience of public utility companies and the City service crews. Sec. 6.590.Electricity,barbed wire prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or controlling any property in the City to construct, maintain or permit to remain on such property any fence: (i)charged with electricity, or(ii) containing any barbed wire,concertina wire or other sharpened or barbed projections.Where chain link fence is used,no twisting or barbing of wire is permitted at the top salvage.All wire on the top salvage shall be knuckled. Sec. 6.591. Masonry construction. i • Masonry fences must be made of brick, vitrified clay tile, concrete tile, on monolithic reinforced concrete, and must be built according to the following specifications: (1)At least eight inches thick for double-wall construction, which shall be either brick, vitrified clay tile,or concrete tile; at least six inches thick for single-wall construction, which shall be only of brick or monolithic reinforced concrete construction. (2)Pilasters shall be placed on not more than twelve-foot centers,or adequate steel reinforcing shall be placed in the whole fence. (3)Expansion joints shall be placed on not more than 24-foot centers. (4)The fence shall have a foundation which shall rest on drilled footings sunk to approved bearing soil. Such footings shall be not less than 12 inches in diameter, and each footing shall have not less than four one-half-inch ties on three-foot centers. Foundation beams shall be not less than 12 inches wide and not less than 18 inches deep with not less than four five-eighths-inch reinforcing rods and three-eights-inch ties, on not less than 30-inch centers. (5)A gate with a minimum opening of thirty inches must be built for ingress and egress into any public easement. Sec.6392.Fences on vacant lots. Any fence construction or reconstruction on a site on which no building is located shall be constructed to comply with all of the setback requirements which apply to the location of a residence on such site. No building permit shall be issued for construction of improvements on a vacant lot,if there is a fence which does not meet all requirements of this Code. Sec.6.593.Maintenance. Any person owning or controlling a fence shall maintain it in good repair so as not to endanger any person on or property.