HomeMy WebLinkAbout03032005 BSC Agenda,~ •4 . • City of ~est University P1ace • A Neighborhood City ~ RecycledPa~otice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will hold a meeting on: ~ March 3~d, 2005 Beginning at 6:00 P.M. In the Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room, Located at 3800 University Blvd, West University Place, Texas 77005. The subjects of the meeting are as follows: [Call to Order.J 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules, meeting procedures and identifying parties. 2. Meetin~ Minutes. Matters relating to meeting minutes from the February 3rd, 2005 BSC meeting. 3. Accident Review Hearin~. Matters relating to a formal request for an accident review hearing by the chief building official regarding 2612 Werlein Street, owner of property Mr. • Robert W. Covington. 4. Matters_Relatin~ to the Buildin~ Standard Commission Recommendations and Status Renort• A) Update .on the draft amendinent of the Standard Code Schedule regarding foundations. B) Update on the foundation workshop with city council dated February 2g`n, 2005. C) ZPC update on a proposal to amend the zoning ordinance relating to old-stock housing. 5. Base Flood Elevations. Matters relatin.g to the base flood elevations, flood insurance, minimum slab heights, floodways, flood plains and ordinance amendments, etc. • 6. Structural. Matters related to stnictural and rot resistant materials. [Adjournment.J. ANYONE WITH A DISABILTY RE4UIRING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE PERSON WHO SIGNS THIS NOTICE BELOW. IN ADI~ANCE OF THE MEETING. TD ALLOW TIME FOR ARRANGEMENTS TD BE MADE AS NECESSARY. THE MELTING PLACE MENTIONED ABOVE IS ACCESSIBLE BY WHEEL CHAIRS BY USING THE SLOPED RAMP LOCATED AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. SPEGIALLY- MARKED PARKING SPACES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UNIY~'d.~~S.~~~ ~(~~I.~,l~/f~lu'~?~..SP.~'CIALLY MARKED PARKING SPACES AREAYAILABLEI:`~r7'.~?$~s a~~.~'~t'~ r'F ~.~~r ~.~?~.~Q~~%~t~~r%~'~ ~~~1'd'~''ERSITYBOULEVARD. ' 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668~4441 • www.westu.org _ :~ ~ Building & Standards Commission ting Nlarch 3`~, 2005 2 , n ~. Notice issued and posted on: ~.~,~'j (1}1_! ~ p~ ~~ ~. ?~ , 20 O~J • Issued by: . ~ Annette R. Arriaga, Development Se ' es Secretary aarria ar,westu.or~ 713-662-5833 • \J