HomeMy WebLinkAbout09012005 BSC Agenda~ ~ City of ~est University P1ace ~ A Neighborhood City ~ Recycled Paper Notice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will hold a meeting on: September 1, 2005 Beginning at 6:00 P.M. In the Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room, Located at 3800 University Blvd, West University Place, Texas 77005. The subjects of the meeting are as follows: [Cal! to Order.J • ~ 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules, meeting procedures and identifying parties. 2. Meetin~ Minutes. Matters relating to meeting minutes from the August 4, 2005 BSC meeting. - 3. Matters Relatint to the Building Standard Commission Recommendations and Status Report. A) Introduction of new Chief Building Official, Debbie Scarcella. 4. Structural. Matters relating to foundations and general structural requirements, and draft amendment of the Standards Code Schedule. 5. Base Flood Elevations. Matters relating to the base flood elevations, flood insurance, minimum slab heights, floodways, flood plains and ordinance amendments, etc. [Adjournment.J. . ANYONE WITH A DISABILTY RE4UIRING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE PERSON WHO SIGNS THIS NOTICE BELOW, IN AD i~ANCE OF THE MEETING, TO ALLOW TIME FOR ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE AS NECESSARY.. THE MEETING PLACE MENTIONED ABOVE IS ACCESSIBLE BY WHEEL CHAIRS BY USING THE SLOPED RAMP LOCATED AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. SPECIALLY- MARKED PARKING SPACES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD. SPECIALLY MARKED PARKING SPACES AREAT~AILABLE IN THE PARKING LOTADJOINING UNIVERSITYBOULEVARD. Notice issued and posted on: ~~\~ ~~~ , 20 ~~ Issued by: i~~JJ~ ~ . ~Y \~~` ~ Josie M. Orosco, Development Services Secretary jorosco(c~westu.org 713-662-5834 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org 1 ~ ._ ~ • O ~ Recyeled Peper .~ City of ~e~t U~i~er~it ~'lace y A Neighborhood City Notice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will hold a meeting on: . September 1, 2005 Beginning at 6:00 P.M. In the Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room, Located at 3800 University Blvd, West University Place, Texas 77005. The subjects of the meeting are as follows: [Ca[t to Order.J 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules, meeting procedures and identifying parties. 2. Meetin~ Minutes. Matters relating to meeting minutes from the August 4, 2005 BSC meeting. 3. Matters Relatin~ to the Buildin~ Standard Commission Recommendations and Status ReAOrt. A) Introduction of new Chief Building Official, Debbie Scarcella. 4. Structural. Matters relating to foundations and general structural requirements, and draft amendment of the Standards Code Schedule. 5. Base Flood Elevations. Matters relating to the base flood elevations, flood insurance, minimum slab heights, floodways, flood plains and ordinance amendments, etc. [Adjourn~nent.J. ANYONE WITH.A DISABILTY RE4UIRING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TD BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE PERSON WHO SIGNS THIS NOTICE BELOW. IN AD[~ANCE OF THE MEETING, TO ALLOW TIME FOR ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE AS NECESSARY. THE . MEETING PLACE MENTIONED ABOIfE IS ACCESSIB.LE BY WHEEL CHAIRS BY USING THE SLOPED RAMP LOCATED AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. SPECIALLY- M~RKED PARKING SPACES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UMVERSITY BOULEVARD. SPECIALLY MARKED PARKING SPACES AREA VAILA.BLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD. Notice issued and uosted on: ~\ ,~ Issued by: ~`~ , 20 v~ Josie M. Orosco, Development Services Secretary jorosco(c)westu.org 713-662-5834 3800 University Boulevard o West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 s 7130668~4441 o www.westu.org y.: ,~i ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' Cit of ~est U~~ersit P1ace y 3~ • A Neighborhood City ~ fiecycled Paper Building & Standards Commission ~ O 3826 Amherst In the Public Works Buildin ~ 4 /~ ~ g~ ~l/~ Located in the Public Works Conference Room, /~` West University Place, Texas 77005 ~~ Meeting Minutes ~ August 4, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp, Brian Hoogendam, J. Denis Powers, Muddy McDaniel, Kevin McMahon MEMBERS ABSENT: David Flame, Dr. Peter Benjamin STAFF PRESENT: Josie Orosco, James Dougherty, City Attorney GUESTS PRESENT: Mike Vanderwater, (Claunch & Miller), Don Grieve, P. E. [Call to Order] Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Bryant Slimp stated that Muddy McDaniel and Kevin McMahon are the voting alternates for the meeting. Bryant Slimp stated that Debbie Scarcella, the new Chief Building Official would start August 15, • 2005 and that she would be attending the September Building and Standards Commission meeting. Bryant Slimp stated that all positions with the board would soon be coming to an end and that Kay Holloway would be sending out letters asking if the members would like to continue their terms. 2. Meetin~ Minutes. J. Denis Powers made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as amended from the June 2, 2005 Building and Standards Commission meeting. Muddy McDaniel seconded the motion. AYES: Bryant Slimp, Brian Hoogendam, J. Denis Powers, Muddy McDaniel and Kevin McMahon. NOES: None. Motion passed. Meeting minutes approved. 3. Structural. James Dougherty briefly discussed the changes to the draft amendment of the Standards Code Schedule that were made from the July Workshop meeting. One of the major changes was that the plans must indicate the type, size and spacing of various fasteners. The intent of that is that the RLPE has to sign off on the plans. It is the Engineers decision, not the City's, to do the design work. Other changes include that utility grade lumber longer than 24 inches may not be used in the structure of a house and there must be a vertical support element not farther than four inches from each truss or joint. After further discussion and input from BSC guest Donald Greive, P. E., Bryant Slimp stated that the board needed to re-look at this wording. 4. Base Flood Elevations. Bryant Slimp summarized a letter from Mike • Vanderwater of Claunch & Miller that recommended in a letter (that was 3800 University Boulevard ~ West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 m 713~668~4441 ~ www.westu.org ~, Building and Standards Commission Meeting Minutes ~ August 4, 2005 Page 2 of 2 ~ included in the packets) that the base flood elevation be 1 foot above the base flood elevation in the 100-year flood area. There was a brief discussion regarding the Community Rating System Credit for Higher Regulatory Standards. The activity provides credits for regulations that require new development to be protected to one or more standards stricter than the National Flood Insurance Program's minimum requirements. Mike Vanderwater gave the clarified definition of free board. Mike Vanderwater gave out a handout to the Board members regarding the Community Rating System program that he printed out from the Internet, along with some other files. The handout summarized the kind of categories for a City that wishes to be in the Community Rating System program; along with the categories of activities it will have to do to carry out to increase its Community Rating System rating. The board reviewed the list of points to decide which ones they would like to implement in order to give the City a better rating. James Dougherty stated that the board could make recommendations about what things that could be done internally. Bryant Slimp stated that it would be best if someone &om City staff would recommend what items would be best to implement and then have the BSC board act on it. Mike Vanderwater stated that the City does not have to participate in the Community Rating System Program; it is strictly an incentive program. James Dougherty stated that if the City adopted an array of these itenzs; the base ordinance has a variance clause within it. It is allowable to adopt regulations with the possibility of getting • variances from time to time. James Dougherty stated that the City would have to have an ordinance to be in the Base Insurance Program. Bryant Slimp asked the board to table the item and wait to have the new Building Official, Debbie Scarcella, discuss her experiences. Ms. Scarcella has extensive FEMA flood experience from her former position. Muddy McDaniel made a motion to table the item until it could be discussed with the new Building Official. Brian Hoogendam seconded the motion. AYES: Bryant Slimp, Brian Hoogendam, J Denis Powers, Muddy McDaniel and Kevin McMahon. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. [Adjournment] Muddy McDaniel made a motion to adjourn. J. Denis Powers seconded the motion. AYES: Bryant Slimp, Brian Hoogendam, J. Denis Powers, Muddy McDaniel and Kevin McMahon. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2005 Bryant Slimp, Chairman ~ ATTEST: Ms. Josie M. Orosco, Development Services Secretary ~: ~J r ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ,. ., ~ ~ .~ Draft amendment of the ~ Standard Codes Schedule regarding structural framing and similar e/emenfs revised 8-1-05 Standard Codes Schedule Arloptian. Subject to the amendments and deletions indicated beneath each code, each of the followrng codes, including all of its published appendices and attachmenls, is adopted, ordained and made a part of the Code of Ordrnances of the Crt~~ and of each chapter where it is referenced, except as otherwise expressly provided. Proce~ure jor amendments, eta The procedure for adopting new codes, updated codes, local amendments and provisions for administration and enforcemerrt of these codes is as follows: (I) proposal by the building o~cial or other appropriate City o~cial, (2) referral to the Buildrng & Standards Commission, (3) consideratiort by the City Council, after giving required meeting nolices, and (4) adoption and publicatron, as required by Article II of the City Charter. International Building Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, Inc.. ~ *** a. Scope ; D~finitions. (1) The structural elements for the following must meet the criteria in this section, as applicable: (i) each new building (and each addition to an existing building) containing habitable space and having either a gross floor area of 485 square feet or more or a:floor higher than four feet; and (ii) each accessible deck, porch, balcony, walkway and similar structure with a floor height greater than feet. (Note: Unless otherwise defined, "height" is mea.sured from the "standard base level" as provided in the Zoning Ordinance.J • 5. Structural Elements; Engineering, Etc. (2) This section does not apply to foundation elements observed and certified Pnge I ~ B • ~ ; . ~~ f , • under another section. (3) In this section: "A2LA Lab" nieans a laboratory acc.redited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation on the basis of ISO/IEC 17025:1999 ("general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories"). "RLPE" means a licensed or registered professional engineer of the State of Texas who is: (l ) listed with the State Board of Professiona] Engineers in either the civil or structural branch of engineering (but, from and after May 1, 2006, listing in the structural branch is required); (2) employed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas; and (3) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance that: (i) has limits of at least $250,000 per claim (and at least $500,000 per • year, aggregate) and (ii) has effective dates-including any retroactive coverage date-that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section. b. Engineering; Plans & Specifications. Structural elements must be constructed in accordance with complete plans and specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a RLPE. The plans and specifications must be prepared specifically for the structure in questio.n, and they must meet criteria as to scope, content and form specified by the building official. c. Certain Reqzcirements. (1) Fire Protection. Any part of a stn~chiral element ~vithin five feet of a property line must be composed of, or fully protected by, materials with a"one-hour" f re rating, or better, determined as provided in of the Code. (2) Framing; Sheathing. All framing must include full exterior sheathing • Prege 2 ~ a t ' ~ with structural elements (or blocking) along all joints. Th plans must indicate the type, size and spacing of fastners. All sheathing must be half-inch CDX plywood or better (neither oriented strand board nor any interior-grade material may be used). Any sheathing within four feet of the ground must be treated wood or other material that is resistant to insects and rot. Exception: Full sheathing is not required for steel and similar framing materials unless required or recommended by the manufacturer. (3) Trusses, Joists, Etc. (i) The species and grade of all lumber used for trusses, joists, purlins, purlin supports or similar elements must be specified in the plans. All such lumber must be graded and stamped, and utility-grade lumber longer than 24 inches may not be used for such elements. (ii) The plans must indicate that any truss used to support ceiling or floor joists was designed by the RLPE preparing the plans. (iii) There must be a vertical supporting element not farther than four inches from the each truss or joist, measured from centerline to centerline. (iv) The length, spacing and direction of trusses and joists must be specified in the plans; they may not be spaced farther apart than l 9.2 inches on- • center; and there must be a vertical support element directly beneath at least _ percent of the trusses or joists in each array. (v) Each manufachired wood truss must comply with applicable requirements of "Design Specifications For Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses" published by Truss Institute, Ed. (vi) For each manufactured truss, the plans must indicate that the IZLPE preparing the plans reviewed both the input loads used by the truss manufacturer and the final shop drawings and that all the manufacturer's recommended truss bracing is included .in the plans. (vii) For each cantilevered truss, the plans must indicate that the truss was designed both w.ith and without the cantilevered load and the RLPE preparing the plans specified (or approved) the strapping or other attachment for the support end opposite the cantilevered load. (4) Crawl Spaces. All metal joist hangers, brackets and siinilar fasteners used in crawl spaces must be fully galvanized or made of material that is .resistant to corrosion. The plans must indicate that the RLPE preparing the plans specified the minimum "net" sizes and locations of openings required to achieve adequate ventilation of crawl spaces. • Page 3 ~ ~ : : +. ' ~ , ~ • (5) Welds. Unless otherwise specifed by an RLPE: (i) all welds for butt- connected steel plates must be full joint-penetration welds, and (ii) all welds for lapped steel plates must be continuously fillet welded with fillet leg dimensions matching the inner plate thickness. All welds must comply with AWS D1.1 (see Section 1704.3.1, IBC). See, also, observation and certification requirements for welds, below. (6) Stairwells, Chimneys, Etc.. The plans must indicate that an RLPE specified cross-bracing or similar structural elements for each stairwell, chimney, free- standing wall and siinilar vertical space or element. d. Observation & Certification. Structural elements must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below: (1) Observations must: (i) be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by one or more ~ persons under that RLPE's direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications are approved by the RLPE, (ii) include actual observation of structural elements and attachments in crawl spaces before they are covered by floors or other materials, (iii) inciude actual observations of each beam, joist, rafter, truss and similar element, including each related weld and high- strength bolt: (i) a£ter all required plumbing, electrical and mechanical "rough- in" inspections have been passed and all e.cpected "notching," boring and similar . Page 4 , A ~ , }~ '~ ~ ~ work has been done, and (ii) before the item is covered, and (iii) be documented in a form and manner approved by the building official (which may include photographs). (2) Certifications must: (i) refer to and be based upon the professional observations required by this section, (ii) state that the portions of the work required to be observed comply with the plans and specifications last approved by the building official (with any field changes that are ordered by the RLPE, reported to the building official and in compliance with applicable regulations), (iii) comply with criteria as to form and content as may be specified by the building official, ~ (iv) be signed and sealed by the certifying RLPE, and (v) be filed with the building official. (3) Certifications may rely in part upon attached certifications by: (i) an A2LA Lab, as to materials testing, and (ii) an inspector certif ed by the City of Houston, as to welds or high-strength bolts (see, also, Section 1704.3.3 of the IBC). Before any a beam, joist, rafter, truss, weld, high-strength bolt or similar element is covered: (i) all required city inspections relating to that element must be passed, and (ii) the permittee must obtain written acknowledgment from the building official that the certification for that element was duly filed as required above. For any given builciing, there may be more than one certification filed. After a beam, joist, rafter., truss, weld, high-strength bolt or similar element has been observed and certified, as provided above, it may not be notched, bored or sn~ucturally altered without: (i) a new or amended permit, if required, and (ii) a . Page S I "~ • I i~ ~ ~ ~ new observation and certification, in accordance with this section. Certifications, plans, specifications and related items may be kept on file by the City, for public inspection, for an indefinite period of time. e. Special Exceptions. The BSC may issue a special exception from any requirement in subsection "a" through "c," above, but only upon a showing that: (1) the requirement will not affect life safety or the performance of a structure (for its estimated useful life); or (2) •an alternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equal or better protection for life safety and long-term structural performance. In connection with any such special exception, the BSC may require that the applicant provide supporting engineering data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of applicable regulations. *** • . Page 6 ~ • Document Correpare Summary Original document: C:~Documents and Settings\Geneva~lVly Documents\CODES\WUP Code of Ordinances\Updates to 2003 Edition\54 o stnictural framing 7-6-OS CLEAN.wpd Revised document: C:~Documents and Settings\Geneva~Nly Documents\CODES\WUP Code of Ordinances\Updates to 2003 Edition\54 o structural framing 8-1-OS CLEE1N.rtf Deletions are shown with the following attributes and color: fitri~ceatrt, Blue RGB(0,0,255). Deleted text is shown as full text. Insertions are shown with the following attributes and color: Double Underline, Redline, .Red RGB(255,0,0). The document was marked with 76 Deletions, 49 Insertions, 0 Moves. ~ Draft amendment of the Standard Codes Schedule regarding sfructural framing and similar e/ements ~ revised ~58-9-05 n ~ =Standard Codes Schedule ~option. Subject to the amendments and rlele~inns indicated beneath each code, each of the jo[lowing codes, cluding a/1 of its published appendices und attuchments, is udopted, ordained and made a part of the Code of rdinances of the City and of each chapter where it rs rejerenced, except as otherwise expressly provided. ~cedt~re for nmendi~i~nts, etc. The pruced~~re jor adopting ~:ew cudes, Lrpdated codes, laca! amendments and rvisions for admir:istration ar~cl enforcement ojrliese cudes is as jollows: (1) proposal by the building o~cial or er appropriate City offtcial, (2) rejerral to the Building & Standar•ds Commission, (3) consideration by the City uncil, afler giving required meeting notices, and (4) adoption and publication, as required by Article 11 of the C ~ Interi:ational Btcilding Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, Inc.. *** ~ 5. Structural Elements; Engineering, Etc. a. Scope ; De/init.io~rs. • Pnge ! ~ • (1) The structural elements for the following must meet the criteria in this section, as applicable: (i) each new building (and each addition to an existing building) containing habitable space and having either a gross floor area of 485 square feet or more or a floor higher than four feet; and (ii) - each accessible deck, porch, balcony, walkway and similar structure with a floor height greater than feet. [Note: Unless otherwise defcned, "height " is measured from the "standard base level " as provided in the Zoning Ordinance.J (2) This section does not apply to foundation elements observed and certified under another section. • (3) In this section: "A2LA Lab" means a laboratory accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation on the basis of ISO/IEC 17025:1999 ("general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories"). "RLP~" means a licensed or registered professional e.ngineer of the State of Texas who is: 1) listed with the State Board of Professional Engineers in eitlier the civil or structural branch of engineering (but, from and after May l, 2006, listing in the structural branch is required); (2) employed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas; and (3) covered by professional errors and • Page 2 d ~ omissions insurance that: (i) has limits of at least $250,000 per claim (and at least $500,000 per year, aggregate) and (ii) has effective dates-including any retroactive coverage date-that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section. --f --b. Engineering; Plans & Specifications. Struchiral elements must be constructed in accordance with complete plans and specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a RLPE. The plans and specifications musl be prepared specifically for the structure in question, and they must meet criteria as to scope, content and form specified by the building official. -i-c. Certain Requirements. • (1) Fire Protection. Any part of a structural element within five feet of a property line must be composed of, or fully protected by, materials with a"one-hoiu-" fire rating, or better, deternlined as provided in of the Code. (2) Frami.ng; Sheathing. All framing must include full exterior sheathing;-using:-(-ij with structu.ral elements (or blockin alona all ioints. Th ~lans must .indicate the tvne, size and snacin o:f' faslncrs. All sh.cath.in~ m~usl be half-inch CDX plywood or better . ,, . . ~ - . . neitl.~e.r oriented strand board nor any interior-grade material may be used~. Any sheathing within four feet of the ground must be treated wood or other material that is resistant to insects and rot. Exception: Full sheathing is not required for steel and sim.ilar framing materials unless required or recommended by the manufacturer._ • Prege 3 ; ~ (3) Trusses, Joists, Etc. (i) The species and grade of all lumber used for trusses, joists, purlins, purlin. supports or similar ~ elements must be specified in the plans. All such lumber must be ~ ~raded aud stamued, and utility-_grade himber longer than 24 ~ inches may not be used for thes~esuch elements. (ii) The plans must indicate that any truss used to support ceiling or floor joists was designed by the RLP~ preparing the plans. (iii) There must be a vertical supporting element not farther than four inches from ~ the eerrter~in~e-o~~each tniss or joist. measured from centerline to ~ centerl.ine. (iv) The length, spacing and direction of trusses and joists must be specified in the plans; they inay not be spaced farther apart than 19.2 inches on-center; and there must be a vertical support element directly beneath at least _ percent of the trusses or joists in each array. (v) Each manufactured wood truss must comply with applicable requirements of "Design SpeciFcations For.Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses" published by Truss Institute, Ed. (vi) For each manufactured • truss, the plans must indicate that the RLPE preparing the plans reviewed both the input loads used by the truss manufacturer and ~ the f tlal s.hop drawings; and that all the manufacturer's recon~mended tniss bracing is included in the plans. (vii) For each cantilevered truss, the plans must indicate that the truss was designed bokh with and without the cantilevered load and tirat artthe RLPE re arin ~ the tmss la.ns specified or anproved) the strapping or other attach.ment for the support end opposite the cantilevered load. (4) Crawl Spaces. All metal joist hangers, brackets and s.imilar fasteners used in crawl spaces must be fully galvanized or made of material that is resistant to corrosion. The plans must indicate that the RLPE preparing the plans specified the minimum "net" sizes and locations of openings required to achieve adequate ventilation of crawl spaces. • Prege 4 , 1 ~ (5) Welds. Unless otherwise specified by an RLPE: (i) all welds for butt-connected steel plates must be full joint-penetration welds, and (ii) all welds f.or lapped steel plates must be continuously fillet welded with fillet leg dimensions matching the inner plate thickness. All welds must comply with AWS D1.1 (see Section 1704.3.1, IBC). See, also, observation and certification requirements for welds, below. (6) Stairwells, Chimneys, Etc.. The plans must indicate that an RLPE specified cross-bracing or similar structural eleinents for. each stairwell, chimney, free-standing wall and similar vertical space or element. -f-d. Observation & Certification. Structural elements must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below: • ~- (1) Observations must: (i) be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by one or more persons under that RLPE's direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications are approved by the RLPE, (i.i) inchide actual observation of structural elements and attachments in crawl spaces be.f.ore they are covered by floors or other materials, (iii) - include actu~l observations of each beam, joist, rafter, tniss and similar eleme.nt, includitig each related weld and high- strength bolt: (i) after all required plumbing, electrical and tnechanical "rough-in" inspections liave been passed and all expected "notching," boring and similar • Pub•e 5 4 ' • + ' ~ work has been done, and (ii) before the item is covered, and (iii) - be documented in a form and manner approved by the building official (which may include photographs). -}~---(2) Certifications must: (i) refer to and be based upon the professional observations required by this section, (ii) - state that the port.ions of the work ~ enmp~ies reauired to be observed complv with the plans and specifications last approved by the building official (with any field changes that are ordered by the RLPE, reported to the building official and in ~ . compliance with applicable regulations), (iii) - comply w.ith criteria as to form and content as may be specified by the building official, (iv) - be signed and sealed by the certifying RLPE, and ~ (v) be filed with the building ofFicial. ~--(3) Certifications may rely in part upon attached certifications by: (i) an A2LA Lab, as to materials testing, and (i.i) an inspector certified by uie City of Houston, as to welds or. high-strength bolts (see, also, Section 1704.3.3 of the IBC). Before any a beam, joist, rafter, truss, weld, high-strength bolt or simi.lar element is covered: (i) all required city uispections relating to that element must be passed, and (ii) the permittee must obtain ~ Page 6 ~ . ; , 1 ~ written acknowledgment from the building official that the certification for that element was duly .filed as required above. For any given building, there may be more than one certification filed. ~After a bea~n, joist, rafter, truss, weld, high-strength bolt or similar element has been observed and certified, as provided above, it may not be notched, bored or structurally altered without: (i) a new or amended permit, if required, and (ii) a new observation and certificat.ion, in accordance with this section. Certifications, plans, specifications and related items may be kept on file by the City, for public inspection, for an indefmite period of time. -~e. Special Exceptions. The BSC may issue a special exception from any requirement in subsection "a" through "c," above, but only upon a showing that: ~ ~(1) the requirement will not affect life safety or the performance of a structure (for its estimated useful life); or ~ (2) an 1lternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equa] or. better protection for life safety and long-term structural performance. ln connection with any such special exception, the BSC m1y require that the applicant provide supporting engineering data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of applicable regulations. *** ~ Pnge 7 . ~~ ~ OMB No. 3067-0195 • Expires February 28, 2005 F E MA . FIA-15A/2002 National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System r CRS APPLICATION 2002 C~ ~' ! • OMB No. 3067-0195 • Expires February 28, 2005 Public reporting burden for the CRS Application worksheets and the CRS Coordinafo~'s Manual is estimated to average 30 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing and submitting the application worksheets. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number is displayed in the upper right corner of the worksheet. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to: Information Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20472, Paperwork Reduction Project (3067-0195). Note: do not send your completed worksheets to this address. Activ_ity Worksheet No. Title AW 210 CRS Application Cover Page AW 214 Recertification Worksheet AW 230 Modification/Cycle Cover Page AW 310 Elevation Certificates AW 320 Map Information AW-330 Outreach Projects AW 340 Hazard Disclosure AW 350 Flood Protection Information AW-360 Flood Protection Assistance AW-410 Additional Flood Data AW-420 Open Space Preservation AW 430 . Higher Regulatory Standards AW 430LD Land Development Criteria AW-440 Flood Data Maintenance AW 450 Stormwater Management AW 501 Repetitive Loss List AW 502 Repetitive Loss Requirements AW 510 Floodplain Management Planning AW 520 Acquisition and Relocation AW-530 Flood Protection AW 540 Drainage System Maintenance AW-610 Flood Warning Program AW 620 Levee Safety AW 630 Dam Safery AW-710 Community Growth Adjustment AW-720 Community Credit Calculations AW-720m Community Credit Calculations (Modification) AW CB Closed Basin Lake Hazards AW-CE Coastal Erosion Hazards AW-DB Dunes and Beaches AW IJ Ice Jam Hazards AW MF Mudflow Hazards AW SU Land Subsidence Hazards AW-TS Tsunami Hazards AW-UF Uncertain Flow Path Hazards ~• ~ FOREWORD • The Community Rating System (CRS) is a part of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). When communities go beyond the minimum standards for floodplain management, the CRS can provide discounts up to 45% off flood insurance premiums for their policyholders. Why Apply? Wlien your community participates in the CRS, everyone benefits, including those who don't live or own property in a floodplain. Even when there is no flooding, your community's public information and floodplain management efforts can improve the quality of life, protect the environment, make people safer, and save everyone money. If there is a flood, your CRS activities • Save lives. • Prevent property damage. • Avoid lost jobs and economic devastation caused by flooding of offices, factories, farms, stores, and other businesses. • Prevent damage and disruption to roads, schools, public buildings, and other facilities. To earn CRS credit, your community can do things like ~ • Preserve open space i~n the floodplain • Enforce higher standards for safer new development • Maintain drainage systems ~ Inform people about flood hazards, flood insurance, and how to reduce flood damage. Your cornmunity is probably already doing many of these things. To get credit, you simply prepare an application showing what's being done. Once the information is verified, FEMA provides the flood insurance prernium discounts. The amount of your discount depends on what your community does. Where to start • Read the Introduction section on pages 1-3 for an overview of the CRS. • Contact your ISO/CRS Specialist (see Appendix C on page 53). He or she can tell you what credit is automatically provided in your state and answer all your questions. • Read pages 4-9 on the application procedures and prerequisites. • Pick those activities on pages 10-43 that your community is implementing now. Just spend your time on what will give you the 500 points needed for the application. Your ISO/CRS Specialist can help you with the other activities during the verification visit. ~ CRS Applicatiqn i Edition: 2002 \^ ' f ~ 100 INTRODUCTION Background: Communities that regulate new development in their floodplains are able to join the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In return, the NFIP p~ovides federally backed flood insurance for properties in participating communities. Today, over CRS Classi~cations 19,000 communities are in the NFIP and there are over 4.5 million policies in effect. The Community Rating System (CRS) is a part of the NFIP. The CRS reduces flood insurance premiums to reflect what a community does above and beyond the NFIP's minimum standards for floodplain regulation. The objective of the CRS is to reward communities for what they are doing, as well as to provide an incentive for new flood protection activities. The reduction in flood insurance premium rates is provided according to a community's CRS classification, as shown in the chart. Credit Points CRS Class Premium Discount 4,500+ 1 45% 4,000-4,499 2 40% 3,500-3,999 3 35% 3,000-3,499 4 30% 2,500-2,999 5 25% 2,000-2,499 6 20% 1,500-1,999 7 15% 1,000-1,499 8 10% 500-999 9 5% 0-499 10 0 Community participation in the CRS is VOLUNTARY. To date, over 900 communities are participating as CRS Class 9 or better. ~ The rating formulas, verification procedures, credit criteria, and documentation requirements are described in more detail in the CRS Coordinator's Manual. This CRS Application discusses only the procedures, scoring, and documentation that is needed for an initial application. SFHA (Zones A, AE, A1-A30, V, V1-V30, AO, and AH): Credit varies depending on class. SFHA (Zones A99, AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1 A30, AR/AH, and. AR/AO): 10% credit for Classes 1-6; 5~ credit for C/asses 7-9. Non-SFHA (Zones B, C, X, D): 10% credit for Classes 1-6; 5% credit for Classes 7-9. Preferred Risk Policies are not e/igible for CRS p-~emium discounts. Application: To apply, a community submits documentation that shows what it is doing and that its activities deserve at least 500 points. The documentation is attached to the appropriate worksheet pages in this CRS Applica- tion. The application is submitted to the ISO/CRS Specialist (see page 53). The ISO/CRS Specialist is an employee of the Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO). ISO works on behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the insurance companies to review CRS applications, verify the communities' credit points, and perform program improvement tasks. ~ ~ Terminology: All CRS publications use the following terms and acronyms: ISO/CRS Specialist: The person who reviews a~nd verifies your application, and is also available to help you with questions on these materials. FIRM: Flood Insurance Rate Map, published by FEMA and provided to communities. SFHA or Special Flood Hazard Area: The floodplain delineated on the FIRM as A Zones. CEO or Chief Executive Officer: The mayor, county board chair, city manager, or other person of equivalent position. CRS Application Edition: 2002 ' The Coordinator's Manual and the ISO/CRS Specialist will explain additional materials that are needed for the verification visit and that are submitted annually to document continued ~ imple~nentation of the activities. Some of the activities may appear to have relatively low scores. This CRS Application intentionally provides lower credit points for the more complicated activities where it is difficult to communicate the CRS credit criteria. The ISO/CRS Specialist or a technical reviewer will calculate the correct verified score based on the documentation submitted. You are encouraged to review the more detailed credit criteria in the CRS Coordinator's Manual before you submit your application. ~ No fee is charged for a community to apply for participation in the CRS. All CRS publications and software are available at no cost by using the order ~ form on page 49. Verification: The ISO/CRS Specialist reviews the community's application documents on behalf of FEMA to confirm that there are enough credit points to warrant a Class 9 or better. If there are, a verification visit is scheduled. During the visit, the community's floodplain • management program is reviewed in detail to provide all possible CRS points. The program is verified both in the off ce and in the field. ISO submits the findings to FEMA. FEMA sets the credit to be granted and notifies the community, the state, insurance companies, and other appropriate parties. The community's CRS classification takes effect on either May 1 or October 1. Recertification: Each year the community must recertify that it is continuing to perform the activities that are being credited by the CRS. Recertification is an annual activity that includes copies ofprojects conducted during the year, progress reports, and similar items that document continued implementation of the credited activities. At least ance every five years, the community must also verify its program again. Community Responsibilities: As part of its application, the community's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) must designate a staff person as the CRS Coordinator. The Coordinator is the point of contact for FEMA and the ISO/CRS Specialist on CRS matters. Specifically, a community is responsible for: • designating its CRS Coordinator, • cooperating with the ISO/CRS Specialist and the • verification procedures, • continuing to implement its credited activities, The CRS Coordinator should be someone familiarwith the operation of all community departments that implement the credited activities. • recertifying each year that it is continuing to implement its activities, CRS Application 2 Edition: 2002 COMMUNITY RATING SYSTEM ~ ELIGIBLE COMMUNITIES I CNUMBER I COMMUNITY NAME I ENTRY I FFECT VE I CCLASST I% D'FORUNT I%,DIFORUN2 I STATUS3 Tennessee (continued) 470184 Kingsport, City of 10/1l92 10/1/97 10 0 0 R 475433 Knox County 10/1/02 10/1/02 9 5 5 C 475434 Knoxville, City of 10/1/92 10/1/92 9 5 5 C 470070 Morristown, City of 10/1/92 10/1/93 10 0 0 R 470040 Nashville, City of & Davidson 10/1/91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 470100 Ripley, Town of 10/1/91 10/1/96 10 0 0 R 475448 Spring City, Town of 10/1/92 10/1/97 10 0 0 R Texas 485454 Arlington, City of 10/1/91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 480624 Austin, City of 10/1/91 10/1/99 8 10 5 C 485456 Baytown, City of 10/1/91 10/1/01 7 15 5 C 480289 Bellaire, City of 10/1/93 10/1/93 9 5 5 C 480586 Benbrook, City of 10/1/91 10l1/02 7 15 5 C 480082 Bryan, City of 10/1/95 10/1/95 9 5 5 C 485459 Burleson, City of 10/1/91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 480167 Carrollton, City of 10/1/91 10/1/01 7 15 5 C 485462 Cleburne, City of 10/1/92 10/1/92 9 5 5 C 480484 Conroe, City of 10/1/92 05/1/02 7 15 5 C 480170 Coppell, City of 10/1/93 10/1/03 8 10 5 C 485464 Corpus Christi, City of 10/1l91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 480171 Dallas, City of 10/1/91 05/1/02 7 15 5 C 480291 Deer Park, City of 10/1/00 10/1/00 9 5 5 . C 480774 Denton County 10/1/92 10/1/93 10 0 0 R 480194 Denton, City of 10/1/91 10/1/01 8 10 5 C 480173 Duncanville, City of 10/1/91 10/1/01 8 10 5 C 480214 EI Paso, City of 10/1/91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 485468 Friendswood, City of 10/1/91 10/1/03 5 25 10 C 485471 Garland, City of 10/1%91 10/1/97 7 15 5 C 485472 Grand Prairie, City of 10/1/91 10/1/93 8 10 5 C 480296 Houston, City of 05/1/02 05/1/02 8 10 5 C 480601 Hurst, City of 10/1/92 10/1/02 8 10 5 C 485481 Kemah, City of 10/1/92 10/1/00 5 25 10 C 485487 LaPorte, City of 10/1/99 10/1/99 8 10 5 C 485488 League City, City of 10/1/92 10/1/92 9 5 5 C 480195 Lewisville, City of 10/1/91 10/1/96 7 15 5 C 480452 Lubbock, City of 10/1/92 10/1/93 8 10 5 C 480477 Midland, City of 10/1/92 10/1/94 8 10 5 C 485491 Nassau Bay, City of 10/1/92 10/1/94 8 10 5 C 480607 North Richland Hills, City of 10/1/91 ' 10l1/99 7 15 5 C 480206 Odessa, City of 10/1/92 10/1/02 8 10 5 C 480307 Pasadena, City of 10/1/91 10/1/92 10 0 0 R 480140 Plano, City of 10/1/92 10/1/03 6 20 10 C 485499 Port Arthur, City of 10/1/91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 480184 Richardson, City of 10/1/91 10/1/97 8 10 5 C 485505 San Marcos, Cit of 10/1/92 10/1/02 7 15 5 C ^ ^ 'For the purpose of determining CRS discounts, all AR and A99 zones are treated as non-SFHAs. Zlncrease in discount for Classes 1-6 effective May 1, 2001. See table on page CRS 1. 3Status: C= Current, R= Rescinded CRS 25 October 1, 2003 COMMUNITY RATING SYSTEM ~ ELIGIBLE COMMUNITIES COMMUNITY NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME CRS ENTRY DATE CURRENT EFFECTIVE DATE CURRENT CLASS % DISCOUNT FOR SFHA~ % DISCOUNT FOR NON-SFHAZ STATUS~ Texas (continued) 485507 Seabrook, City of 10/1/02 10/1/02 9 5 5 C 480502 Sweefinrater, City of 10/1/91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 485513 Taylor Lake Village, City of 10/1/96 05/1/02 8 10 5 C 481585 Tiki Island, Village of 10/1/01 10/1/01 9 5 5 C 480662 Wichita Falls, City of 10/1/91 1011/91 9 5 5 C Utah 490039 Bountiful, City of 10/1/91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 490074 Cedar City, City of 10/1/94 10/1/96 10 0 0 R 490040 Centerville, City of 05/1/02 05/1/02 9 5 5 C ~ 490019 Logan, City of 10/1/93 10/1/03 8 10 5 C 490072 Moab, City of 04/1/01 04/1/01 9 5 5 C 490214 North Ogden, City of 10/1/93 05/1/03 8 10 5 C ~ 490216 Orem, City of ~ 10/1/93 10/1/03 8 10 5 C 490159 Provo, City of 10/1/91 10/1/96 8 10 5 C 490178 . Santa Clara, Town of 10/1/95 10/1/95 9 5 5 C 490177 St. George, City of 10/1/94 10/1/95 8 10 5 C 490052 West Bountiful, City of 10/1/96 10/1/96 9 5 5 C Vermont 500013 Bennington, Town of 10/1/93 10/1/93 9 5 5 C 500126 Brattleboro, Town of 10/1/91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 505518 Montpelier, City of 10/1/98 10/1/98 9 5 5 C Virginia 510001 Accomack County 10/1/92 10/1/96 8 10 5 C 515519 Aleicandria, City of 10/1/92 10/1/02 8 10 5 . C 515520 Arlington County 10/1/92 10/1/92 9 5 5 C 510134 Bridgewater, Town of 10/1/96 10/1/96 9 5 5 C 510002 Chincoteague, City of 10/1/00 10/1/03 8 10 5 C I 515525 Fairfax County 10/1/93 10/1/03 8 10 5 C 510071 Gloucester County 10/1/95 10/1/95 9 5 5 C 510201 James City County 10/1/92 10/1/92 9 5 5 C 510090 Loudoun County 10/1/92 05/1/03 10 0 0 R 510104 Norfolk, City of 10/1/92 10/1/92 9 5 5 C 510183 Poquoson, City of 10/1/92 10/1/97 9 5 5 C 515529 Portsmouth, City of 10/1/92 10/1/00 9 5 5 C 510119 Prince William County 10/1/96 10/1/01 8 10 5 C 510190 Roanoke County 10/1/91 10/1/91 9 5 5 C 510130 Roanoke, City of 10/1/96 05/1/03 8 10 5 C 510053 Vienna, Town of 10/1/96 10/1/96 9 5 5 C 510005 Wachapreague, Town of 10/1/96 10/1/96 9 5 5 C Washington 530073 Auburn, City of 10/1/92 05/1/02 7 15 5 C 530074 Bellevue, Cit of 10/1/92 10/1/00 6 20 10 C 'For the purpose of determining CRS discounts, all AR and A99 zones are treated as non-SFHAs. Zlncrease in discount for Classes 1-6 effective May 1, 2001. See table on page CRS 1. 3Status: C= Current, R= Rescinded CRS 26 October 1, 2003 ,, COMN~UNITY CLASSIFICATION PuINTS i There are 10 community classes in the Community Rating System. Class 1 communities have the largest remium credit; residents of Class 10 communities receive no premium credit. Communities that do not ~pply for CRS classification are Class 10 communities. The insurance premium credit is based on whether a property is in or out of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), i.e., the A and V Zones as shown on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The premium credit for properties in the SFHA increases according to the community's CRS class. The credit .for properties outside the SFHA is lower for Class 1-8 communities because premiums in these areas are already relatively low and can be lowered further through the Preferred Risk Policy. Also, most activities undertaken to qualify for those classes are implemented only in the floodplain. Because areas designated as A99 and AR Zones already receive an insurance premium reduction, these zones get the same premium reduction as non-SFHA areas. ~ A community's classification is based on the community total points (cT) as calculated on activity worksheet AW-720. The qualifying community total points, CRS classes, and flood insurance premium credits are shown below: ~ ~ ~ Credit Points (cT) CRS Ciass Premium Discount 4,500+ 1 45% 4,000-4,499 2 40% 3,500-3,999 3 35% 3,000-3,499 4 30% 2,500-2,999 5 25% 2,000-2,499 6 20% 1,500-1,999 7 15% 1,000-1,499 8 10% 500-999 9 5% 0-499 10 0 SFHA (Zones A, AE, A1-A30, V, V1-V30, AO, and AH): Credit varies depending on c/ass. SFHA (Zones A99, AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, and AR/AO): 10% credit for Classes 9-6; 5% credit for C/asses 7-9. Non-SFHA (Zones B, C, X, D): 10°/a credit for Classes 1-6; 5% credit for Classes 7-9. Preferred Risk Policies are not eligible for CRS premium discounts. The Preferred Risk Pol.icy does not receive premium rate credits under the CRS because it already has a er premium than other policies. Preferred Risk Policies are available only in B, C, and X Zones for roperties that are shown to have a minimal risk of flood damage. Premium reductions are subject to change. ; > ~ • Hi~her ReEulatorv Standards The following list inciudes examples of more restrictive requirements that a community may adopt. Although not required, communities are encouraged to adopt more restrictive standards, which would provide additional protection to lives and properties. By adopting these or other higher regulatory standards, the community may qualify for participation in the Community Rating System (CRS). Please refer to CRS Publication (CRS Credit for Higher.Regulatory Standards), which can be downloaded at http://www.fema.~ov/nfip/crs.htm. Also, another reference on the No Adverse Impacts (NAI) components is the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) and its web site htta://www.floods.or~. • Freeboard -Defined as a factor of safety usually expressed in feet above a flood level i.e.: require elevations to be 2 feet above base flood elevation (BFE) ~ Protection of criYical facilities -Meet 500-year floodplain standards ~ o Protection of floodplain storage capacity -Prohibit fill in the 100-year floodplain • Enclosure limits -Prohibit all enclosures or limit the enclosure area • Mandatory disclosure laws -Require notification that property is located in 100-year floodplain • More strict enforcement of building codes as it relates to the floodplain -As it relates to planning and zoning • Adoption of international building codes -More restrictive floodplain management standards • Zoning requirements -More restrictive floodplain management standards • Higher floodway standards -Designate 100-year floodplain as floodway • • Elevation certificate requirement for all new development -Development in Zones B, C, and X .. 4 ~ • Lower substantial improvement threshold -More restrictive than the 50% minimum standard • Cumulative substantial improvemendsubstantial damage -Combination of multiple improvements/damage in reaching certain threshold • Regulate development in the B or shaded X Zones -Mandate 100-year standards in the 500-year floodplain ~ Adopt no adverse impact on any property from any flooding source -Refer to ASFPM website for NAI components o Enforce all Special Flood Hazard Areas as if they were floodways -Refer to "Higher Floodway Standards" above • Enhance Storm water management plan -Require detention of flood waters, etc. -Specifically prohibit diverting drainage onto neighboring properties -Adopt and enforce a subdivision regulation ordinance -Adopt and enforce a master drainage plan ~ Regulations for natural and beneficial functions ~ -Restrictions on development in sensitive areas, i.e.: wetlands, riparian areas, shorelines, stream channels, banks, and habitats • Foundation Protection -Require site-specific construction standards • Land development criteria/Open space preservation -Prohibit/limit development in floodplains • Low Density Zoning -Limit development i.e.: no more than one building constructed per acre of floodplain • Allow no variances -Offer no relief to floodplain management standards • Incorporating state-mandated regulatory standards -More restrictive floodplain management standards • Other more restrictive or higher regulatory standards not listed above • ~~ Regulations Credited by the CRS Not Related to Minimum NFIP Requirements 'i ' Regulations credited in Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory Standards): ~ecrion 431.b: Requiring that fill and building foundations be designed to protect them from damage due to erosion, scour and settling (FDN). Section 431.e: Requiring that critical facilities, such as hospitals and hazardous materials storage sites, be protected from higher .flood levels (PCF). Section 431.f: Maintaining floodplain storage by prohibiting fill or by requiring compensatory storage (PSC). While floodwayregulations preserve flood~conveyance, they allow the flood fringe to be filled in which can have a significant effect on downstream flood heights. Section 431.g: Prohibiting or regulating developments that can have an adverse impact on public health or water quality, including alterations to shoreline, channels, and banks (1VBR). Section 431.i: Implementing other regulations that exceed the minimum requirements of the NFIP Regulations (OHS). Section 431LZ: Zoning to minimize the number of buildings in the floodplain to reduce the damage potential and help maintain flood storage and conveyance capacity (LZ). The NFIP Regulations are oriented toward the more common overbank and coastal flooding. Special hazards regulations ("SH") are requirements tailored to different conditions. They are found in the separate speciai hazards publications listed in Appendix E. , ~egulations credited under other activities: Section 341.b: Requiring developers or sellers to publicize or disclose the flood hazazd on their properties (ODR). Section 421: Prohibiting new buildings in the floodway, V Zone, or other part of the floodplain to preserve open space (OS). . ~ Secrion 431LD.a: Regulations that encourage preserving floodplain lands as open space. Section 451.a: Requiring new developments to provide retention or detention of their stormwater runoff to minimize the increase in flood flows due to watershed urbanization (SMR). Section 451.e: Requiring erosion and sedimentation control during construction projects to reduce siltation and the resulting loss of channel carrying capacity (ESC). Section 451.f: Requiring developers to implement appropriate "best management practices" that will improve the quality of stormwater runoff (WQ). Section 541.b: Prohibiting dumping or placing debris in stream channels (SDR). Section 631.b: Regulating new developments downstream of dams to protect them from flooding from a dam break (DFR). • 8 i ~ ~. ~r ~ Ordinance No. 1791 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FOUNDATIONS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the building official of the City has proposed certain amendments to the Standard Codes Schedule (and standard codes that are incorporated into the Code of Ordinances by that schedule); and • WHEREAS, such amendments were referred to the Building & Standards Commission, which has recommended them for consideration and adoption by the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: . Section 1. The Standard Codes Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended as set out in Appendix A, which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance. ~ ~ ~ Section 2. AII ordinances and arts of ordinances in conf i P I ct with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person~ or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. ~ Section 4. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such mee.ting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and_the contents and posting thereof. Section 5. The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the law ereate an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance ~ Page 1 I•~~ • be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared. This Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect on the tenth day following its publication as provided in the City Charter. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON FIRST READING on ~ r 2005. ' Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: SED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING on ~ , 2005. . Councilmembers Voting Aye: . Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: ~ • 1 ~ Attes • ' ~ ~ City Secretary Seal) Recommended: City Man ger Si ned: L~~!~ ~i,~--~ g Mayor Reviewed: City Attorney Page 2 i~~ .~. ~~ U Appendix A Amendments to the Standard Codes Schedule regarding foundations 3-~6-05a Note: Base draft includes the proposed new Section 3 as of 1 i-29-04; additional revrsions after that date are marked in the text. De/ete the existing paragraph 3 under "International Bui/ding Code" and insert the following: 3. The foundation for each new building (and each new addition to a buildin~) ~}} containin~ habitable suace (as defined in the IBC) {e~ "~mzc'~v~tS ~A eyc~st3it~bt}}l~}fl~ ~ •*1-, tti ~ •+L. ~l r o - - ------o-i ------ ------ .'•~" ...... .......)~ i - ~i~~-s~e-~ee~~~e~e;-must meet the criteria in this section, as applicable. In this section: "A2LA Lab" means a laboratory accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation on the basis of ISO/IEC 17025:1999 ("general ~ requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories"). "RLPE" means a licensed or registered professional engineer of the State of Texas who is: (1) listed with the State Board of Professional Engineers in either the civil or structural branch of engineering (but, from and after May 1, 2006, listing in the structural branch is required); (2) employed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas; and (3) (unless waived by the BSC as provided in "f' below) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance that: (i) has limits of at least $250,000 per claim (and at least $500,000 per year, aggregate) and (ii) has effective dates-including any retroactive coverage date-that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section. • Page 3 ~ ~ "RLGE" means a person who is: (1) either: (a) a registered professional geoscientist of the State of Texas, or (b) a licensed or registered professional engineer who is ]isted with the State Board of Professional Engineers in a relevant branch of engineering (civil, structural or geological) and employed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas; and ~2~ overed by professional errors and omissions insurance that: (i) has limits of at least $250,000 per claim (and at least $500,000 per year, aggregate) and (ii) has effective dates-including any retroactive coverage date-that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section. a. Engineering. Foundations must be constructed in accordance with complete plans and specifications prepared, signed and sealed (~k~-a „--~,,,~~~~y~pr~-~~ by a RLPE. The plans and specifications must be prepared • specifically for the site of the work, and they must meet criteria as to scope, content and form specified by the building official. If there are existing trees (either to remain or to be removed) within 20 feet of a foundation, ~~ei~}~ avua~ "~f ~~ :~~••~a~*~~~ the RLPE must acknowledge, in writing, e-e~i-€~-that the trees have been taken into account in the preparation of the plans and specifications. b. Basic Standards. Each foundation must be an approved basic tvne listed in the followin~ chart. Tn addition the desien of each foundation must be support_ ed by a~eotechnical renort and snecial en~ineering certification to the extent indicated in the followin chart. . [Note: chart is newl • Page 4 , .' ~ Approved Basic Types. See Nore 1. Geotechnical Report. See Nores 2 a»d 3. Special Engineering Certification. See Note 4. Structural slab with void space and deep foundations Limited Not reguired Structural floor with crawl space and deep founda[ions Limited Not required S6ffened structural slab with deep foundations Fu[[ Required Stiffened non-structural slab with deep foundations Full Required Mixed-depth system for all new building construction Full Required Mixed-depth system for building additions with deep foundations Full Required Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC. See "f, "below. As specified in the specia[ exception As specifced in the special exception Note i.. Approved Bas~c Types. Types of foundations are defined and described in "Foundation Design Options For Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings on Expansive Soils" published by the Structural Committee of the Fountlation Performance Association, Houston, Texas (Document # FPA-SC-01-0. Rev #0. 30 lun 04_ marked "Fnr Website Publishine"), a copy of which is on £le in the City Secrotary's office ("FDO"). Note 2. Geotechnica! Repor~ Seandards. The plans and specifications for each foundation must be based on a written geotechnical report prepared, signed and sealed by a RLGE. The report must cover all testing and site evaluation, and all must meet all applicable criteria in "Recommended Practice for Geotechnical Explorations and Reports" published by the Swctural Committee of the Foundation ~ Performance Association, Houston, Texas (Document ~t FPA-SC-04-0, Rev ~t0, 11 April 2001, issued for website publishinp~, a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office. The minimum depth of borings is 20 feet in all cases. All tests and other laboratory work must be performed by an A2LA Lab. Note 3. Ceotechnical Reparl, Scope. "Limited" indicates that the geotechnical testing, evaluation and report may be limited to a determination of the appropriate depth for the deep foundations (but the deep foundation components must meet the other criteria applicable to them). "Full" indicates that the geotechnical testing, evaluation and report must cover all foundation components. Nvte 4. Special Engineering Certifica[ion. Where indicated as "required," for a particular type of foundation, the RLPE must ceRify that the plans and specifications were prepared to achieve a soil-caused foundation movement potential of one inch or less, and that the RLPE used the estimuted depth of the active zone and at least two of the following methods to prepaze the plans and specifications: (1) Potential vertical rise (PVR) determined in accordance with Test Method Tex-124-E, Rev. January 1, 1978/December 1982, Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportution, Materials and Test Division, "Method for Determining the Potential VeRical Rise, PVR" (a copy of which is on file in the office of the City 5ecretary). For this purpose, the "dry" moisture condition (from which little shrinkage is experienced, but where volumetric swell potential is greatest) shall be used for each sample and test. (2) Swell tests perCormed in accordance with ASTM D4546-03, "Standard Test i~tethods for One-Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential of Cohesive Soils" as last revised prior to June 1, 2004. (3) Suction and hydrometer swell tests performed in accordance with ASTM D5298-03 "Standazd Test Method for Measurement of Soil Potential (Suction) Using Filter Paper" and ASTM D6836-02 "Stnndard Test Methods for Determination of the Soil Water Characteristic Curve for Desorption Using a Hanging Column, Pressure Extractor, Chilled Mirror Hygrometer, and/or Centrifuge," as such methods were last revised pribr to June I, 2004. o,~ .,.,~ ~~.,~e,a ~,.. ., n~T=-'~P-~,Xl + ~~ cv-v c:-crii • Page 5 ~ " ~ ~~- ) 1~CICl~ )f ]~~tib D~ v uaun ~ + ~~ TC~~iT~TL7t'J~° trTIC RT TS-~~' ~~v~-v-nei`#~--~-}- ~ , ~ ~ , 9€€~C-e- ~e4~}~2~~~~} 6~ r~~ .~}.F- ~ E1~ i ~n i ~ " + « t t ~ . ~r 61~ffE 3 } 1 JIRV~PjT,Tf )f {i )f f ~ f f ..,7.,r'., ~~ t,~ ,~-~(3~, +~}E'- 7~ ~@2~3T6crrr nncroar-cv axi7sorrcr r*rszrra~czrtec,`rcri~ ri. vrnc-r To.. ~7i1 ~~ DEV~-$i~Hx~~-r~ r's-~-~~PFB~G'~-i-n.~gv~~G~X'a~vccrce T~~~rtmr~ .n t nf Ni a6 . ~~}~,~j.~ ' r~ * ~ , « b ~= I ~ ~e ~ ~ * .-z ~ ~ » FAa~- a£-;;R ~ i ~h-i~ nn filn~in thr~nff ~ f+~• r'•+ c• t 1~ .~, • _ 1 J __ .. ___ -__ ____ __~ ~~~~ ..~~~.... v {t >f a ~~~v v ~~ VV 1 7 ~~; S;~`~e1~2~'t-~ r~+-rfnrm~~,~~FE~d~i~E~.~: TT~-~I~1I n~~ .~r-o~3~tEl~F~ To~~ 1-iTerl, rln F n.. T1' ..t c.. ett .- c,..~~,. ~ r~_~ , .~ a.a~/uavca-J-TVi-p - - ~f3'~lifPr~~6' 1 °'rrs ~r~ iE"F~~~}9~H~zrar ~ ,crr.nvc -^r- 11G7C14 (12 «C't., 1 . 1 T nr 1-iT tl, .1 f Aii F F c •t n ava a ~~ ' . ~.}}F.l A-rS~A ~A€~~~v--A~ "c+ a a -r f ~a~~ „a,, f~r i~ ~ *• f~~, c•i ~x r t nt, F «• ~.,.~, n ~ • Page 6 if'+ ~nn~ 1~i~r~ TTn ..rr n LTn nir~rr !"'~li~m D L' 4 4 !~L'll ~~.r• ~ t. ~~ b~. ~mi.ba~~b-cv=arrrFi~ rrc~scrtc-x.,'7rttctttti~' » > > c~13~° ~ ,crcnwT: ac v~ cc ~F.. ..,a~tinnr "'LC f~fs^•••.:l~.e.i 1. 1 '~t, D~/D .7 ~ a' -- l7 o f a~ u - - ~ ' ~ • def;,,~,a ..«„ a rla carihcu l ir "~,• •7 •' . Tl n r ~ ' ~ U •r1 r' 1 a ~ L - ----- --- T ,. u: e - -- ~.,:t "---_-~ a: ~ n . -~. ~ ... .., ~ ~ ...~........~ ~,~;.,e .... .r.. c,.:t~» . .b. ..r~ . ,t,.i:..w,. ivaau r -- - a ~._. ~L.. c+~ _, .,_ --- -- -- ~~F rl,e ~..,,. ,.~1..*: b ..., De t+ «F~• v ~i~ vv ~~Cz'Etuv " n ~ ~} « T aa r r6~1 6$- tE~~ 6r4ixx ~-~ r » f jn ~... f.~o ... ,., ...~ .~... a.. 41.u ~...+ f r:~~. C ~a..~ v f e~...e1~ns-. vc~r r~n ~.~Ff .~.u /~~L'T l/l»~ ~ ~ ~ .- .,11 .. , l.. :1.1' t r' r ~ ~ b .a civzr !Q\ A .,..r1.e,- *....e ., y u "E~Pf~-~il-S~?2r^-~-e9Ef~'^pt~eii--l~sl~2d-~'v7-iii~v~~-rs " '° cc--ti; ~G2~'YY- ' e-c.. Foundations, Deep Support Components. Deep support components must be of an approved type. Approved types are listed below. In this list, types of deep , support components are defined and described in FDO. (1) Drilled and underreamed concrete piers. (2) Drilled straight-shaft concrete piers. • Page 7 i ~ .• .' ~ (3) Auger-cast concrete piles. (4) Another type approved by specia] exception issued by the BSC. See "h," below. ~ d• , Reinforcement. Reinforcement for each foundation must be of an approved type. Approved types are listed below. In this list, types of reinforcement are defined and described in FDO. (1) Deformed bar reinforcing. ~2) ..,1.-t;r;,,.,~_r~, t~.,,:ta:..i FO~ii~g6~s~E1r-S~~~~E~}c3c w..ti.;~.,i.t ~ ~~,r~uv:c~pQC°cj; Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC. See "h," below. $• e• ~.~e~s;-Observation & Certification. Each foundation must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below: • (1) Observations must: ~ (i) be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by one or more persons under that RLPE's direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications are approved by the RLPE (any such person may be an RLGE, with respect to geophysical matters), (ii) include actual measurement of piers, fill, compaction, reinforcement, forms, materia.ls, dimensions, structural elements, .~v 11 r'"°"°;"b, '°"''^„", ~°~":~-°, attachments, etc. before the work is covered or concrete is placed (Note: dimensions of an under round element mav be measured or estimated from the forms borin~or cavitv for the element before pourin or filling~, (iii)' be performed continuously during placement of concrete ""~y~ ~ pe~e~rs, and (iv) be documented in a form and manner approved by the building official (which may include photographs). , Page 8 i~~ ~ . . :.. L I'( . • • (2) Certifications must: (i) refer to and be based upon the professional observations required by this section, (ii) state that the work complies with the plans and specifications last approved by the building officia] (with any ~eld changes that are ordered by the RLPE and reported to the building official and that comply with applicable regulations), ~111~ ~'t~tP-th~t kh~~unrlr ~,~' ~ ~+~ ...a -- ---- . ~ {~a} comply with criteria as to form and content as may be specified by the building official, (iv) be signed and sealed by the certifying RLPE, and (v~) be filed with the building official. ~ (3) Certifications may: (i) rely in part upon an attached certification by a RLGE, as to geophysical matters, and (ii) rely in part upon an attached certification by an A2LA Lab, as to materials testing. • Before framing or other work commences atop a foundation (and before the foundation is otherwise covered), the pernuttee must obtain written acknowledgment from the building official that the certification for the foundadon was duly filed as required above. Certifications, plans, specifications and related items may be kept on file by the City, for public inspection, for an indefinite period of time. #: f. Special Exceptions. The BSC may issue a special exception from any requirement in subsection "a" through "g," above, but only upon a showing that: (1) the requirement will not affect life safety or the performance of a structure ;~or (2) an alternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equal or better protection for life safety and long-term structural per.formance. However: .i) unless the basic tvne of foundation i" tructural slab with void ! Page 9 . . II~ e: ~ ~nace and deen foundations" or "structural floor with crawl soace and deen oundati~ns " as described in this section the BSC mav not issue a snecial excention waivin~ anv re uirement for an RLPE e~~-to have nrofessional ~ errors and omissions in urance in whole or in art• and (ii) the SC mav not waive anv reauirement for an RLGE to have ~uch incnranrP ~ connection with any s~rspecial exception, the BSC may require that the applicant provide supporting engineering data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of applicable regulations. Amend paragraph 4 under "lnternational Building Code" as follows: 4. All concrete piers, footings and foundations must be cured for at least 72 hours before any significant load is placed on them. ~ U ~ Page 10