HomeMy WebLinkAbout10202005 BSC AgendaCity of ~est U~i~ersit~ P1a~~ ~ A Neighborhood Cily ~ Reeycled Paper Notice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members of the ~City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will hold a workshop on: October 20, 2005 Beginning at 11:30 A.M. In the Public Works Building Conference Room, Located at 3826 Amherst Street, West University Place, Texas 77005. The subjects of the meeting are as follows: [Call to Order.J 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules, meeting procedures and identifying parties. 2. Structural. Matters relating to foundations and general structural requirements, and draft amendment of the Standards Code Schedule. • 3. Buildin~ Codes. Matters relating to the building codes, electrical codes, plumbing codes, fire codes, mechanical codes and ordina~ice ainendments, etc. [Adjournment.J. ANYONE WITH A DISABILTY RE UIRING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE PERSON WHO SIGNS THIS NOTICE BELOW, IN ADVANCE OF TKE MEETING. TO ALLOW TIME FOR ARRANGEMENTS TD BE MADE AS NECESSARY. THE MEETING PLACE MENTIONED ABOVE IS ACCESSIBLE BY WHEEL CHAIRS BY USING THE SLOPED RAMP LOCATED AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. SPECIALLY- MARKED PARKING SPACES ARE AYAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD. SPECIALLY MARKED PARKING SPACES AREAVAILAB~E IN THE PARICING LOT AD.TOINING UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD. Notice issued and posted on: ~-~l_~~~ \~ , 20~ Issued by: i ~ Josie Orosco, Development Services Secretary jorosco c(r~,westu.or~ 713-662-5834 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668~4441 ~ www.westu.org Cit;y of ~est ~T~~ersity P1ace • A Neighborhood City ~ Reeycled Paper • Notice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will hold a workshop on: October 20, 2005 Beginning at 11:30 A.M. In the Public Works Building Conference Room, Located at 3826 Amherst Street, West University Place, Texas 77005. The subjects of the meeting are as follows: [Call to Order.J 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules, meeting procedures and identifying parties. 2. Structural. Matters relating to foundations and general structural requirements, and draft amendment of the Standards Code Schedule. 3. Building Codes. Matters relating to the building codes, electrical codes, plumbing codes, fire codes, mechanical codes and ordina~ice amendments, etc. ~Adjournment.J. ANI'ONE WITH A DISABILTY REQUIRING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE PERSON WHO SIGNS THIS NOTICE BELOW, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. TO ALLOW TIME FOR ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE AS NECESSARY. THE MEETING PLA.CE MENTIONED ABO irE IS ACCESSIBLE BY WHEEL CHAIRS BY USING THE SLOPED RAMP LOCATED AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. SPECIALLY- MARKED PARKING SPACES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADTOINING UNIVERSITY BOULEVA.RD. SPECIALLY MARKED PARKING SPACES AREAYAILABLE IN THE PARKING I.OT f1DJOIMNG UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD. p ~-~l._` \~~'l \~ ~. Notice issued and osted on: , 20~ Issued by: • J~U~°~ s2 \'~ . FJG~~..~ Josie O.rosco, Development Services Secretary jo.rosco cr,westu.o:rg 713-662-5834 3800 University Boulevard o West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 0 713•668~4441 ~-vtivtiv.westu.org City of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street West University Place, Texas 77005 NGINEERING COMPANY NAME CONVENTIONAL (REBAR) FOUNDATION MAKE-UP CERTIFICATION Builder Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Blk Sec Plan site specific Yes ^ No ^ Plan #: Design Engineer Superi.ntendent Plan provided at site Yes ^ No ^ Weather Plan Date Detail Sheet Date Concrete Placement Date Detached Garage Yes ^ No ^ Permit # C/eeck ( If Ifems Con1ply Wit/~ Tlre Plairs (X) lf ltems Do Not Comply Wir/r T/re Plans Fill on site Yes ^ No ^ Forms secure Date Time Com action verified by Geotechnical Engineer: Floats installed Yes g No ^.Date Proper clearance at floats Will make up drai.n: Yes No Garage front closed Trees removed Are trees within 20' o.oundation Yes No Su-B Thickness (in) Measured: Screeds Stringline Other Describe Pad Material Level and Firm Yes ~ No B EAMS Design Depth: in Exterior Interior Actual Depth: in (in) (in) (in) Design W~dth: in Actual Width: i.n (in) (i.n) in Average depth ~nto un isturbed so~l ~in~ Clean of loose soil & debris Water in beams Yes No Average Depth (in) Will water drain Yes e e No Plumbing obstructions accommodated Pier tops clean Yes I-1 No n POLYETHYLENE SHEETING ~ 6-mil.Lapped and Taped ^ Seated in the bottom of beams secured at sides ^ Mastic/tape applied at plumbing CONSTRUCTION PIERS Number of piers Are pier tops clean of debris Yes ^ No ^ REINFORCING STEEL Grade of Steel BEAM SECTIONS Exterior Beams: Steel size Number top Bottom Stirrup size Spacing in Interior Beams: Steel size Number top _~ Bottom Stirrup size Spacing ~in~ E;ctra Beam depth Yes ^ No Additional steel required Proper Clearance: Bottom (in) Sides (in) Top (in) Support System Continuity: Splices lapped per plan Yes ^~No Corner bars mstalled Yes ^ No ^ Rebar clean of mud and excessive rust Yes No ~] Void Boxes in bottom of beam Yes ^ No~ Height (in) Condition SLAB REINFORCING Mesh: Size Roll Sheet OR e#3 (~~ ~n.) on center both ways 8 All mesh seams lapped 6" #3 Capped per plans All edges 2" from the forms No rebar or mesh touching forms Void .Boxes Yes ^ No ^ Height _(in) Poly coveri.ng void bo;ces Yes ^ No ^ ADDITIONAL REINFORCING Diagonals: Size Number in slab Fireplace pads: S~ze of steel Placement Bay windows: Size of steel Placement Other projections: Control joints Construct~on joints: Anchor bolts on site Yes No Diameter (in Length (in) Other Fasteners IS THE FOUNDATION READY FOR CONCRETE PLACEMENT? Yes ^ No ^ • Engineer's Signature Registration No. Engineer's Printed Name City of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street West University Place, Texas 77005 GINEERING COMPANY UNDATION PIER CERTIFICATION-NEW CONSTRUCTION Builder Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Blk Sec Plan site specific Yes ^ No ^ Plan #: Design Engineer Superintendent Geotechnical Engineer Plan provided at site Yes p No ^ Plan Date Detail Sheet Date Weather at site Concrete Contractor Geotechnical Report # ('1'1•IIS FQR~7 NbT APPI,ICAI3LE TOR SL1J12RY PLACF.D PIF,RSI C/ieck (/) Ij/tems Co»rply Wit/i The Plans; (X) If lten~s Do No! Comp/y Wit/r Tlle Pluns SnE Date Time Fill on s~te Yes No Compaction veri ied by Geotech.nical Engineer Yes 0 No ^ Date Trees removed Yes ^ No ^ Location: Are trees within 20' of foundation Yes No PIERS Name of drilling company: Can drill equipment access all pier locations Yes No Type of drilling apparatus: Truck Mounted Bobcat: Other: Total number of piers: PIER SIZES Bell Pier No. Rebar Stirrups Shaft Dia. Denth Rebar Size Piers nacing Total Sketch Typical Pier Showing Depth (in) (in) (ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft) (in) (in) ~ (in) (ft) (in) escribe the manner of ineasuring the bell sizes: (Bell clteckinQ too! reateired) Boring logs from Geotechnical report on site Yes ^ No ^ Describe beari.ng strata: Pocket.Pen.etrometer readmg taken from au er cuttmg Yes No TSF Note ocations below Was water apparent in pier hole Yes ^ No~] Depth " Actio~en REINFORCING Rebar placed per plan Yes ^ No ^ Rebar grade Does rebar exten a ove pier top Yes No ^ How much above (in) Sleeved Yes 0 No ^ Describe CONCRETE Will concrete truck be able to access site Yes ~ No ^ Concrete company:_ Truck numbers: Was pump truck used Yes No Specified strength of conc.rete: psi Was concrete placed on the same day as the pier drilling Yes ^ No ^ Estimated ti.me of completion If not, explain: ARE THE PIER HOLES READY FOR CONCRETE PLACEMENT Yes ^ No ^ CHANGES NEEDED: Engineer's Printed Name and Registration Number Engineer's Signature . City of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street West University Place, Texas 77005 ENGINEERING COMPANY REPAIRED PIER CERTIFICATION Owner Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Blk Sec Plan site specific Yes ^ No ^ Plan #: Design Engineer Superintendent Geotechnical Engineer Plan provided at site Yes ^ No ^ Plan Date Detail Sheet Date Weather at site Permit # Geotechnical Report # Check ( If ltems Comply Wil/r T/ie Pluns; (X) If Items Do Not Comp /y Wit/r Tlle Pla~rs SITE ADDITIONAL REVIEWS Subdivisio.n Lot Other Explain Date Time Soils Report on site Yes~ No Bearmg Soils at what depth ft Test hole drilled to whatTepth (fit) Bearing soiis at ~ ~ Underground plumbina test Yes No Water lines under slab Yes No Site obstructions to dr~li.n Descr~ e: Trees removed Yes ~ No~'] Location UNDERPINNING Name of repair contractor: M.ethod of repair: Total number of piers: Interior Exterior P1ER SIZES Bell Pier No. Rebar Stirrups (in) (in) (ft) (in) ~~n) ~~n) ~ft) ~~n) (in) (in) (ft) (i.n) ~~n) ~i--) ~ft) (in) ~i.n) ~i.n) ~ft) ~in) Sketch Typical Pier Showing Depth escribe the manner of ineasuring the bell sizes: ~ escribe bearing strata: e c ec ing too req:eire Poc et Penetrometer rea ~ng Yes No TSF Note ocat~ons e ow Was water apparent in pier hole Yes 0 No Depth " Action Taken REINFORCING Rebar per plans Yes ^ No ^ Rebar grade HELICAL PIERS Test hole depth (ft) Bearing .Data Helix Size Bracket Style Pier Log Onsite Yes ^ No ^ Shaft .Diameter CONCRETE Will concrete truck be able to access s.ite Yes ~ No ^ Was pump truck used Yes ^ No ^ Concrete company: Truck numbers: Batch Time Onsite Time Specifed stre.ngth of concrete: psi Slump as delivered Water added Yes ^ No ~ Amou~it Was concrete placed on the same day as the pier was belled Yes ^ No ^ Projected time of completion of concrete placement lf not, explain: ESTIIvI.ATED MAX[MUM :LIFT INC~IES: TO 13E GROUTE.D Yes ~ No ^ Draw a sketch of the s~ructure indicating the pier placement , Engineer's Signature Registration No. Engineer's Printed Name ~ City of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street West University Place, Texas 77005 T-TENSION SYSTEM FOUNDATION MAKE-UP CERTIFICATION Builder Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Blk Sec Plan site specifc Yes ^ No ^ Plan #: Cable Count Design Engineer Superintendent Plan provided at site Yes ^ No ^ Weather Plan Date Detail Sheet Date Concrete Contractor Detached Garage Yes ^ No ^ Pennit #: C/teck (~ /f /tenrs Comply Wil/r Tlie Plans; (X) /f /tenrs Dn Not Gnmply With T/re P/uns SnE Lot Description Fill on site Yes ^ No ^ Compaction verif ed by Geotechnical Engineer: Yes ^ 1Vo ^ Date ~ Will foundation make up drain: Yes ^ No ^ Trees removed Are trees within 20' of Foundation Yes No If yes, attach statement by RP.LE at esting o Ordinance Su-B Thickness (in) Measured: Scree s String line Other_ Describe :Pad Materia~ Level and Firm Yes ~ No BEAMS Design Depth: in Exterior ]nterior Actual:Depth: in (in) (in) (i.n) Design. W.idth: in Actual. Width: in (in) (in) in Average depth into un isturbed soil ~in~ Clean of soil & debris Water i.n beams Yes No Average Depth (i.n) Will water drain Yes No ~ Plumbing obstructions accommodated Pier tops clean FORMS ADDITIONAL REVIEWS ^ Forms secure Date Time ^ Floats installed ^ Proper clearance at floats ^ Garage front closed 1791 TENDONS Count: L to R F to B Garage Total Variance Explam ~Number of tendons left on site Rebar 1/2" tendons Other No tendons spaced over 6'-0" 20D nails used at castings Live ends stripped ofp lastic not over 1" or taped Cathead clamps all tiglit All intersections tied All tendons supported at intersections Dead ends have 3/4" clearance to forms All S Hooks crimped Beam tendons draped and securcd by t13 stakes or rebar concrete bricks Ample chairs all tied Tendon grid secured for concrete placement Yes p No ^ POLYETHYLENE SHEETING 6-mil.Lapped and Taped ^ Selted in bottom of beams and secured at sides Mastic/tape applied at plumbing REINFORCIN6 S7EEL SLAB SECTION W WF: Mesh)Size Roll Sheet OR #3 i.n.) on center both ways ~] All W WF mesh seams lappe 6" 8#3 ~apped per plans All edges 2" from forms ^ No rebar or W F(mesh) touching forms BEAM SEC770N Rebar: grade Clearances per plan: Sides ^ Bottom ^ Top ^ e Splices lappe~c per plan Corner rebar installed at corners & dead ends Typical Rebar/Exterior Beams continuous Typical Rebar/Interior Beams continuous Corner bars installed at dead ends Yes No Bay Windows or Porches Re ar Stirups .Extra Rebar Added Diagonal Rebar at Re-entrant Corners No. of Comers Nose Bars @ Construction Joints Anchor bo:lts on site Yes N~Diameter (in .Length (in) Other Fasteners IS FOUNDATION READY FOR CONCRETE? Yes ^ No ^ ngineer's Signature Registration No. Engineer's Printed Name City of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street West University Place, Texas 77005 ENGINEERING COMPANY NAME ,CONCRETE PLACEMENT CERTIFICATION 'Builder Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Blk Sec Plan #: Cable Count Design Engineer Superintendent Arrival Time Departure Time Copy of Eoundation Makeup Report Provided Yes ^ No ^ Date of Copy Items Repaired Yes ^ No ^ Concrete Contractor Detached Garage Yes ^ No ^ Pennit #: C/eeck (+7 Ijltems Comply Wit/~ Tl1e.P/n~rs; (X) /jltems Do Not Co~np/y Wit/i Tfie Pln~rs SnE Are there obstructions at the site which would prevent access for concrete trucks Yes ~ No ^ Explain WEATHER Weather conditions START: Will temperature rise above 40° F for fve hours Forty-eight hour forecast: HIGH TEM.P.ERATURE: LOW TEM.PERATURE: CONCRETE Concrete Company Batch .Plant Tickets on site? Yes ^ No ^ Delivered by truck over what distance Was a pu~np used Yes ~ No ^ Pump Co. Mix : psi psi "pump mix"- Pump Prime Placed outside of form Yes 0 No ^ Sack Mix: 4 5 6 OR Strength Mix Yes ^ No ^ Strength Additives: NO CALCIUM CHLO.RIDE-APPLIES TO POS'f TENSION SLAB Fly Ash: Type C? Yes ^ No ^ % Slump as ordered from plant (in) ~xplain (Discrepancies if slump is different): as concrete consolidated by vibrator Yes ~ No ^ Other ^ Test Cylinders Taken Yes ^ No ^ Testing Company Slump Test Taken Yes ~ No ^ Testing Company If water is added at the jobsite, show the amounts over ten gallons and give a visual estimate of the final slump Time Poured Gallons Placement Est. Tested Truck # Out Added Location Slump Slump Tem~ Anchor bolts on site Yes ^ No ^ Diameter (in) Length (in) Other Fasteners Describe provisions for curing ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Engineer's Signature Registration No. FORMS ADDITIONAL REVIEWS ^ Forms secure Date Time ^ Proper clearance at floats ^ Garage ciosed i.n FINISH: Engineer's Printed Name ~ ~. ~ ,~ ' •~ ~ Ordinance No. 1791 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FOUNDATIONS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the building official of the City has proposed certain amendments to the Standard Codes Schedule (and standard codes that are incorporated into the Code of Ordinances by that schedule); and WHEREAS, such amendments were referred to the Building & Standards Commission, which has recommended them for consideration and adoption by the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The Standard Codes Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended as set out in Appendix A, which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance. ~ • Section 2. AII ordinances and arts of ordinances in conflict ' P with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person~ or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 4. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon ~Nas given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such mee;ting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 5. The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance ~ Page 1 ~ be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is • hereby declared. This Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency mea~sure and shall take effect on the tenth day following its publication as provided in the City Charter. ~ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON FIRST READING on ~, 2005. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: SED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING on ~ , 2005. Councilmembers Voting Aye: . Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: Attes • '~~ ,.~~ City Secretary Seal) Recommended: City Man ger . L~~~~ -. Signed• ~ Mayor Revi • ~ ~1~~ ~ ewed. City Attorney Page 2 ~~ • ~ :' _~. 'v ~ Appendix A Amendments to the Standard Codes Schedule regarding foundations 3-~s-05a Note: Base draff includes the proposed new Section 3 as of 11-29-04; additional revisions after that date are marked in the text. De/ete the existing paragraph 3 under "International Bui/ding Code" and insert the following: 3. The foundation for each new buildin~ (and each new addition to a buildin~) ~} - - containin~ habitable space (as defined in the IBC) {e~ , ^4c °"„^-'° f°+ ~r -~~~°, must meet the criteria in this section, as applicable. In this section: "A2LA Lab" means a laboratory accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation on the basis of ISO/IEC 17025:1999 ("general • requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories"). "RLPE" means a licensed or registered professional engineer of the State of Texas who is: (1) listed with the State Board of Professional Engineers in either the civil or structural branch of engineering (but, from and after May 1, 2006, listing in the structural branch is required); (2) employed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas; and (3) ~unless waived bv the BSC as provided in "f' below) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance that: (i) has limits of at least $250,000 per claim (and at least $500,000 per year, aggregate) and (ii) has effective dates-including any retroactive coverage date-that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section. • Page 3 ~~~ i ~ ` "RLGE" means a person who is: • (1) either: (a) a registered professional geoscientist of the State of Texas, or (b) a licensed or registered professional engineer who is listed with the State Board of Professional Engineers in a relevant branch of engineering (civil, structural or geological) and employed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas; and (2) ''`'°a ~.°'~.~.` ^overed by professional enors and omissions insurance that: (i) has limits of at least $250,000 per claim (and at least $500,000 per year, aggregate) and (ii) has effective dates-including any retroactive coverage date-that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section. a. Engineering. Foundations must be constructed in accordance with complete plans and specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a RLPE. The plans and specifications must be prepared specifically for the site of the work, and they must meet criteria as to scope, . content and form specified by the building official. If there are existing trees ' (either to remain or to be removed) within 20 feet of a foundation, ~-e$t~ , the RLPE must acknowledge, in writing, ee~y-that the trees have been taken into account in the preparation of the plans and specifications. b. Basic Standards. Each foundation must be an a~proved basic type listed in the followin~ chart. In addition, the desi~n of each foundation must be sup orted by a~eotechnical renort and special en ineerin~ certification to the extent indicated in the followin chart. fNote: chart is newl Page 4 ~ f ~ ` , ~ Approved Basic Types. See Nore 1. Geotechnical Report. See Notes 2 and 3. Special Engineering Certi~CRtiOn. See Note 4. Structural slab with void space and deep foundations ~ Limited Not required Structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations Limited Not reguired Stiffened structural slab with deep foundations Full Required Stiffened non-structural slab with deep foundations Full Required Mixed-depth system for all new building construction Full Required Mixed-depth system for building additions with deep foundations Ful! Required Another type approved by speciat exception issued by the BSC. See "f, "below. As specified in the special exception As specified in the special exception Note 1. Approved Basic Types. Types of foundations are deFned and described in "Foundation Design Options For Residential and Other l.ow-Rise Buildings on Expansive 5oils" published by the Structural Committee of the Foundation Performance Association, Houston, Texas (Document # FPA-SC-Oi-O. Rev #0, 30 )un 04, marked "For Website Publishing"), a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office ("FDO"). Note 2. Geotechxical Report, Standards. The plans and specifications for each foundation must be based on a written geotechnical report prepared, signed and sealed by a RLGE. The report must cover all testing and site evaluation, and all must meet all applicable criteria in "Recommended Practice for Geotechnical Explorations and Reports" published by the Stcucturel Committee of the Foundation ~ Performance Association, Houston, Texas (Document # FPA-SC-04-0, Rev ~l0, 11 April 2001, issued for website publishing), a copy of which is an file in the City Secretary's office. The minimum depth of borings is 20 feet in all cases. All tests and other laboratory work must be performed by an A2LA Lab. Note 3. Geotechnical Report, Scope. "Limited" indicates that the geotechnical testing, evaluation and report may be limited to a determination of the appropriate depth for the deep foundations (but the deep foundation components must meet the other criteria applicable to them). "Full" indicates that the geotechnical testing, evaluation and report must cover all foundation components. Nore 4. Special Engineering Certification. Where indicated as "required," for a particular type of foundation, the RLPE must certify that the plans and specifications were prepaced to achieve a soil-caused foyndation movement potential of one inch or less, and that the RLPE used the estimated depth of the active zone and at least two of the following methods to prepare the plans and specifications: (1) Potential vertical rise (PVR) determined in accordt~nce with Test MethoJ Tex-124-E, Rev. January ], 1978/December 1982, Texas State Department of Highways and Public 7'rnnsportation, Materials and Test Division, "Method for Determining the Potential VeRical Rise, PVR" (a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Secretary). For this purpose, Ihe "dry" moisture condition (from which little shrinkage is experienced, but where volumetric swell potential is greatest) shall be used for each sample and test. (2) 3we11 tests performed in accordance with ASTM D4546-03, "StandarJ Test Methods for One-Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential of Cohesive Soils" as last revised prior to June 1, 2004. (3) Suction and hydrometer swell tests performed in accordance with ASTM D5298-03 "Standard Test Method for Measurement of Soil Potential (Suction) Using Flter Paper" and ASTM D6836-02 "Standard Test Methods for Determinntion of the Soil Water Characteristic Curve for Desorption Using a Hunging Column, Pressure Extractor, Chilled Mirror Hygrometer, and/or Centrifuge," as such methods were last revised piibr to June I, 2004. . 2~-A~3-a ~vr~tt~n ~~nt~rk4r~~r.al-ra~ar* .,..o...,..ea n.,oa .,,,a .. .,ia~ ~j+~~~~~}B--F~o"r~~~cv~,-~-~.~ - a------- r--- r--r---~-e -b--.~.. ~..... .,.~..~ • Page 5 ~. I ~ ~ . ~ L{ • ) 17 ~l~~~k9~R-~2~E2~S6E1$~6~~i@i~S~6•,n~2~'~cr ,,•°• + ~FF ~DA r~'~v~^nv~-rDc@'b~~n~rr ~ ~ , A~2: ~.~^~=+: T~ f~'P--~ ,~,~ E- 3 -C~~ u a r~c r } ~ 8 » 6H~} u ozrr. ca raE » e > > e ~e~~~1 ~~2 ~ ~ F~ei '~ ~r~~~~ ~•. T `' ~'~ - ~ ' ~e~~8~ .-., «r.,*' ~ '~ss~~e AR + 1 .7 T a L i r ~ t2 f tYtJ 1 1 Gi "e 7 ~ ~...~.~, ..f .. .L.: ..L. : C .. ~:lo :« the ..~FF:..o_~f Y SCTCCl'CYt"~^ t1.e (':k. C~e. E~CI~r1-}~~ ...e*.,....\ ~.... ai. T ~ :,. ~/~ ii 411V VSiZVG )) f ! ~ 2~fai~kP`~~Fr-RFf-~l~f~~2~'FY~i-~r~ir~~~v~~ ~~~~k~ Tn~+t TderL...,7.. f.. ll..e Tl:,-.-.e«.~.:~.„..1 C...ell C~ +tl f D ~ ~• 1 r . v.a.. i.ivu•vuv ava vaiv Liaaavar - ~~fiiife-S6; t "rr '~cra-iu~~E~FY$@~~9~9-~i~Ft ~ ,crcvvT ~57(14 !l~ «C'r.,.,.7 . ~ L l' 7 T ~* AiTetL....a F Ad G t f C' '1 D t ~' 7 ~CI7Q T QT v 1 i vuu i °LT~';lh ei l vT c.~ Dn..~ ~'f ~Ti ' v~~~v ~ ~t a ui \ 1 'b rrrc ]~iTetL..,.l~ f.,,. Tlo+o.-..~. c+~cP C 1YY ~ i ;«.,r;.,., ..f ~L.e ~ '7 ~x v •av vvii~ ~-fy'~B~J- TRx'r urt~t' ,~ l * !'~L, + F' I"~ r Page 6 • a ~% . . .' ne ,.,.~,,-:,.~ r r„ u., .,r r,.i, n,. ., ~..~_ ,.4,. r~. • i~ a~~r• ~ y ~""b ., ~~u~.b~:,b ~..,~.air~r , _~ » e e T~TlT11~~~`tll7T: ii f) ii 7) f 7 f . ~ ~ " °~ $S , '~FP-~3S~E'~ ~ -- e~I~6i~r Tr~ thir~ * c ^ ii a ` t.t. ~ .a f; ,a ~~'~@ c a • «~„ ~ r i - iii fi~~~ A z-a ,r- ^+;,.. ~ Tp crv , ~c vu ~ • ii u ritroiro-ca~ a *• ~ a n*~. c ~..... D:~.e 7~,,:1.~1:«..rn . i r TV t ... L`......«.n:. .e C~..:l n» . p rrr~ ..,l.l:..l.e.i rr~z-c+ 1.., ~L.,. rr~c-a= C~a..... aorinua-nrrcr vtrr~ .r.:..,.7 /-~_~~:...-- ,.. " ~'~..~ ~ »"...' 'b., . nf tli~-T^ iiRi~~2 'ni ac .~. ~. .t....~.,. . ~2E~ .. .....~ ~'S61~ tE1 }3 ~' 6 } ~A ~ ` m + aa L^D v x r cc , t S i•1 23 ~~ ~ a f f ~ ;.. ,... ~:ie :.. *we ~:+.. ee,...e«,,....+~ ,.~~:,.e i«~nn»> .~ .,~. ~~.., .~. ~..., ...~~y ~.,~..z ~ e~i,~l-~7~~~c~~x-iS-~e~-~l~e-~Sz-~ `~ ' ' z k~e~evv- ~ r - ~c.. Foundations, Deep Support Components. Deep support components must be of an approved type. Approved types are listed below. In this list, types of deep support components are def.ined and described in FDO. (1) Drilled and underreamed concrete piers. (2) Drilled straight-shaft concrete piers. • Page 7 `.. ti . (3) Auger-cast concrete piles. • (4) Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC. See "h," below. ~ d. ~.-~e~, Reinforcement. Reinforcement for each foundation must be of an approved type. Approved types are listed below. In this list, types of reinforcement are defined and described in FDO. (1) Deformed bar reinforcing. ~2) , Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC. See "h," below. g. e. , Observation & Certification. Each foundation must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below: (1) Observations must: ~ (i) be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by one or more persons under that RLPE's direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications are approved by the RLPE (any such person may be an RLGE, with respect to geophysical matters), (ii) include actual measurement of piers, fill, compaction, reinforcement, forms, materials, dimensions, structural elements, ~:~'~: .b, ~~.=uV~=TZ~~~attachments, etc. before the work is covered or concrete is placed (Note: dimensions of an underground element mav be measured or estimated from the forms borin~or cavitv for the element, before ouring or fillin~), (iii) ° be performed continuously during placement of concrete ~~ , and (iv) be documented in a form and manner approved by the building official (which may include photographs). Page 8 • ., ~ ~. N ~ (2) Certifications must: ~ (i) refer to and be based upon the professional observations required by this section, (ii) state that the work complies with the plans and specifications last approved by the building official (with any field changes that are ordered by the RLPE and reported to the building official and that comply with applicable regulations), (iii) , {-i~} comply with criteria as to form and content as may be specified by the building official, (iv) be signed and sealed by the certifying RLPE, and (v~) be filed with the building official. (3) Certifications may: (i) rely in part upon an attached certification by a RLGE, as to geophysical matters, and (ii) rely in part upon an attached certification by an A2LA Lab, as to materials testing. ~ Before framing or other work commences atop a foundation (and before the foundation is otherwise covered), the permittee must obtain written acknowledgment from the building official that the certification for the foundation was duly filed as required above. Certifications, plans, specifications and related items may be kept on file by the City, for public inspection, for an indefinite period of time. ~r. f. Special Exceptions. The BSC may issue a special exception from any requirement in subsection "a" through "g," above, but only upon a showing that: (1) the requirement will not affect life safety or the performance of a structure ~f~~ S:~ ~~~:,,...,~e,t , f ~ ~:~~~••Or uiauav ~ (2) an alternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equal or better protection for life safety and long-term structural performance. owever: (i) unless the ba ic tvne o.f foundation is " tructural slab with void ~ ~ Page 9 ~~ *. ~ ~ ~:~ - . nace and deen foundations" or "structural floor with crawl snace and deen • f undations." as described in this section. the BSC mav not issue a snecial excention waivin~ anv reauirement for an RLPE ^r po~~to have nrofessinnai errors and omissions insurance. in whole or in nart• and (ii) the BSC mav not waive anv reauirement for an RLGE to have such in urance In connection with any ~Y~special exception, the BSC may require that the applicant provide supporting engineering data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of applicable regulations. , Amend paragraph 4 under "International Building Code" as follows: 4. All concrete piers, footings and foundations must be cured for at least 72 hours before any significant load is placed on them. ~ ~ Page 10 ~ Page 357 of 365 APPENDIX C ~ TECHIVIC CODES SCHEDULE Adoption. Subject to the amendments and deletions indicated beneath each code, each of the following codes, including all of its published appendices and attachments, is adopted, ordained and made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City and of each chapter where it is referenced, except as otherwise expressly provided. Procedure for amendments, etc. The procedure for adopting new codes, updated codes, local amendments and provisions for administration and enforcement of these codes is as followa: (1) proposal by the building official or other appropriate City official, (2) referral to the Building & Standards Commission, (3) consideration by the City Council, after giving required meeting notices, and (4) adoption and publication, as required by Article II of the City Charter. International Building Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. On sites primarily used for residential purposes, all roofs must have Class G A or better fire resistance, as determined under Sec. 1505.1, except that wooden roofing materials are forbidden. 3. All foundations for new buildings and foundation repairs shall be designed by a registered professional engineer ("RPE"), and the work shall be: ~ a. illustrated in complete plans and specifications signed and sealed by the RPE; b. based on a soils report from a recognized and reputable firm or agency (Exception: no soils report is required for a single-story accessory building with less than 450 sq. ft. of gross floor area); and c. inspected by an RPE who certifies proper construction, before work proceeds further. 4. All concrete footings and foundations must be cured for at least 72 hours before any significant load is placed on them. 5. All walls and ceilings within a R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 type occupancy shall be sheathed with Type X gypsum board at least 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) thick. Exception: Where this code (IBC) requires otherwise for moisture protection. 6. Delete: Appendices A(Employee Qualifications), B(Board of Appeals) and D(Fire Districts). (Ord. No. 1775, § 1(Appendix A), 9-27-2004) International Energy Conservation Code, as it existed on May 1, 2001, International Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. In lieu of inspection by City employees, the building official may require a written certification that a building meets or exceeds minimum requirements, if the certification is: (i) signed by a code-certified inspector (as defined in Section 388.02, TEX. HEALTH & SAFETY ~ODE) not employed by the city, and (ii) accompanied by an approved inspection checklist, properly completed, signed and dated by the inspector. If the fees of the code-certified inspector 357 r Page 358 of 365 are paid by the City, the amount shall be added to the building permit fees otherwise payable. With approval from the building official, a permittee may pay such fees directly to an independent inspection firm. Only code-certified inspectors may perform inspections and enforce this code in ~the City. (Ord. No. 1775, § 1(Appendix A), 9-27-2004) International Fire Code, 2000 Ed.; International Code Council, Inc. 1. The fire official shall be the fire chief or acting fire chief, who may detail other members of the fire department or the building inspection division to act as inspectors. Chapter 18 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of the fire code in the same manner as it applies to the building code (except that the fire official shall have the powers and duties of the building official under such articles). 2. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to the fire code as it has with respect to the building code. 3. The limits of the fire district referred to in Section 902.1.1 are coextensive with the City limits. 4. Explosives and fireworks, as defined in Chapter 33, are prohibited within the City limits. 5. Notwithstanding Section 2206.7.6 (relating to service stations), "latch-open" type devices are prohibited. 6. Section 603.8.4 (hours for burning) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: "An incinerator shall not be used or allowed to remain with any combustion inside it: (i) at any time from an hour preceding sunset on one day until sunrise the following day; or (ii) at any time when ~unattended." Delete: Appendices FA (Board of Appeals), ~FE (Hazard Categories), FF (Hazard Ranking) and FG (Cryogenic Fluids - Weight and Volume Equivalents). (Ord. No. 1775, § 1(Appendix A), 9-27-2004) International Fuel Gas Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 18 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. 2. Delete Sections FG103, FG106 and FG10. 3. Even if permitted by this code, copper tubing shall not be used for the yard service line. ~ Amend Section 311.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "Low pressure (not to exceed 0.5 PSI) gas piping shall withstand a pressure of at least 10 inches of inercury for a period of time not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure, except that the following shall apply in the case of new construction: The newly-constructed system must withstand a pressure of at least 25 PSI for a period of not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure as an initial pressure test, and the system must also withstand a pressure as a final test. Higher pressure piping must withstand pressure of at least 10 PSI, but never less than twice the maximum pressure to which the piping will be subjected in operation, for a period of at least 10 minutes ~vithout showing a drop in pressure, but the higher pressures required for new construction, above, shall be used to test new construction in lieu of the 10-PSI level prescribed by this sentence." 358 r Page 359 of 365 5. There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located. 6. Even if permitted by this code, undiluted liquefied petroleum gas, or "LPG", shall not be used at any fixed location in the City. Exception: This does not prohibit the use of such gas in quantities of 10 gallons or less. 7. Each new or replaced gas meter shall be located on the same building site that it serves. (Ord. No. 1??5, § 1(Appendix A), 9-27-2004) International Mechanical Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2: Add to Section M306.3: "There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located." 3. Add to Section M603: "All return air ducts must be installed within 10 inches of the finished floor in all new residential construction and wherever possible in existing buildings." Delete: Appendix MB (Recommended Permit Fee Schedule). (Ord. No. 1775, § 1(Appendix A), 9-27-2004) International Plumbing Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 18 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as ~it has with respect to the building code. 2. Delete: Sections P103, P106 and P109 and Appendices PA (Plumbing Permit Fee Schedule) and PG (Vacuum Drainage System). 3. Add at the beginning of Section 303.1: "Even if permitted by this code (IPC), , none of the following is allowed for use in the City: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) pipe or fittings, polyethylene pipe or fittings, 7.`ype M copper, lead-based pipe, aluminum DVW pipe or components, or air admittance valves." 4. Even if permitted by this code (IPC), PVC and CPVC type water pipe and fittings are not allowed for use in the City. Exceptions: (A) Schedule 40 (or better) PVC water pipe may be used where permitted by this code (IPC), but only if (i) it is installed underground or as pool i in , and (ii) all joints are primed and glued as required by the manufacturer's recommendations (and the primer must be purple or another distinctive color, except on above-ground pool piping). (B) This section does not apply to irrigation systems. 5. Even if permitted by this code (IPC), wet venting shall not be allowed except when authorized by the BSC, as a special exception for hardship and unusual cases. 6. Amend Section 1101.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "The provisions of this chapter are applicable to interior leaders, building storm drains, building storm sewers, exterior conductors, downspouts, roof gutters and other storm drainage fixtures and facilities." Maximum water meter size, unless an RPE can clearly and convincingly demonstrate the need for a larger meter in a particular case, is: 3/4ths-inch for an irrigation system, or 1-inch for a single-family dwelling. •(Ord. No. 1775, § 1(Appendix A), 9-27-2004) 359 ~ i Page 360 of 365 International Residential Code, as it existed on May 1, 2001, International Code Council, Inc. 1, The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. This code, in lieu of the other "International Codes," applies to all residential structures in the City. "Residential" means having the character of a detached one-family or two- family dwelling that is not more than three stories high with separate means of egress, including the accessory structures of the dwelling. This code does not apply to: (i) any dwelling that has a common means of egress, such as a common hallway, or (ii) any dwelling or structure that has the character of a facility used for accommodation of transient guests or a structure in which medical, rehabilitative, or assisted living services are provided in connection with the occupancy of the structure. 3. All amendments and deletions to the other "International Codes" adopted by this Schedule are also carried forward and adopted as amendments and deletions from the International Residential Code. 4. Delete: Appendices RAF (Radon Control Methods), RAI (Private Sewage Disposal), and RAE (Manufactured Housing Used as Dwellings). 5. This code does not apply to installation and maintenance of electrical wiring and related components. See National Electrical Code, below. (Ord. No. 1775, § 1(Appendix A), 9-27-2004) (BOCA) National Building Code, 1996 Ed., Building Officials & Code Administrators International, Inc. ~ Only Sections 3108 (Radio And Television Towers) and 3109 (Radio And Television Antennas), ~ogether with any necessary definitions or interpretive aids, are adopted. See subchapter G of Chapter 6 of this code. (Ord. No. 1775, § 1(Appendix A), 9-27-2004) National Electrical Code, as it existed on May 1, 2001, National Fire Protection Association, ("NEC"). ~ 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. See Chapter 26 of this Code for various provisions which override or supplement the NEC. (Ord. No. 1775, § 1(Appendix A), 9-27-2004) Standard Housing Code, 1997 Ed., Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. (Ord. No. 1775, § 1(Appendix A), 9-2?-2004) ~ U 360 ~' . ~, • n ~~;~ I~ ~ Codes Schedule Arloplion. S:ebjecl to the amendments and deletions i~tdicnted beneath ench code, each ojthe jollo~+~ing codes, including a!! of its pub/ished appendices nnd a-lachments, is adopled, orduined and made a part of the Code oJ Ordinances of the City and of each chapter irhere it is refe-•encecl, exce~t as otherivise expressly provided. Procedirre jor nmendmeitts. The proced:~re for adopting new codes, updated codes, local an:endments and provisions for administration and enforcen:ent of Ihese codes is as fo[lotivs: (I) proposa! by the building o~cia! or other appropriate City affcial, (2) referra! to the l3ui/ding & Stundards Con:mission, (3) consideration by tl~e Cily Council, afl.er giving required meeting notices, and (4J udop~ion nnd publiculivn, us reyuired by Article // of the City Charter. /nter~rntionn! BttiJding Code, 3A89 2003 Ed., lnternational Code Council, Inc.. I. The administrative officer is the building offcial. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. All roofs must have Class C or better fire resistance, as determined under Sec. 1505. I. 3. (This section was deleted and substituted with the wording as required by Ordinance 1791, adopted on May 2, 2005. A copy is attached to this draft) 3. All concrete footin~s and foundations must be cured for at least 72 hours before any significant load is placed on them. 4. All walls and ceilings within a R-I, R-2, R-3 and R-4 type occupancy shall be sheathed with Type X gypsum board at least 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) thick. Exception: Whcre this code (113C) requires othenvise for moisture protection. 5. Delete: Appendices A(Employee Qualifications), B(Board of Appeals) and D(Fire Districts). /nternaliona/Energy Conservation Code, as it existed on May 1, 2001, International Code Council, Inc. I. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. In lieu of inspection by City employees, the building ofEicial may require a written certification that a building meets or exceeds minimum requirements, if the certification is: (i) signed by a code-certif ed inspector (as defined in Section 388.02, 7'EX. HEALTH & SAFETY CODG) not employed by the city, and • (ii) accompanied by an approved inspection checklist, properly completed, signed and dated by the inspector. If the fees oP the code-certified inspector are paid by the City, the amount shall be added to the building permit Fees otherwise payable. With approval from the building official, a permittee may pay such fees directly to an independent inspection firm. Only code-certified inspectors may perfonn inspections and enforce this code in the City. !nt nnti nal Fire Corle, 2000 Ed., lnternational Code Council, Inc. 1. he fire official shall be the f re chief or acting fire chief, who may detail other members of the fire epartment or the building inspection division to act as inspectors. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to nforcement and administration of the fire code in the same manner as it applies to the building code (e:ccept that the fire official shall have the powers and duties of the building official under such articles). 2. The DSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to the tire code as it has with respect to the building code. 3. The limits of the f re district referred to in Section 902.1.1 are coextensive with the City limics. 4. F.,xplosives and fireworks, as defined in Chapter 33, are prohibited within the City limits. 5. Notwithslanding Seclion 2206.7.6 (relating to service stltions), "latch-open" type devices are prohibited. 6. Section 603.8.4 (hours for burning) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: "An incinerator shall not be used or allowed to remain with any combustion inside it: (i) at any time from an hour preceding sunset on one day until sunrise the f'ollowing day; or (ii) at any time when unattended." 7. Delete: Appendices FA (Board of Appeals), FL' (1-lazard Categories), !'F (f-lazard Ranking) and FG (Cryogenic Fluids - Weight and Volume Equivalents). Internntiona! Feee! G[~s Cu~Je, 3A9A2003 Ed., lnternation~l Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative ofticer is the building of1'icial. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and "•~ administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same ~urisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. 2. nelete Sections t~G 103, FG I 06 and i'G 10. 3. Lven if permitted by this code, copper tubing shall not be used for the yard service line. • Page S-1 Jj ~ CHARTER & ORDINANCES, Cih~ of 6Vest University Pluce, Texas, July 31, 2003 Page S-2 4. Amend Section 311.2 to read in its entircty as follows: "Low pressure (not to exceed 0.5 1'SI) gas piping shall withstand a pressure of at least LO inches of inercury for a period of time not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure, except that the following shall apply in the case of new construction: The newly-constructed system must withstand a pressure of at least 25 PSI for a period oP not less than 10 minutes without sho~ving any drop in pressure as an initial pressure test, and the system must also withstand a pressure as a final test. Higher pressure piping must withstand pressure of at least 10 PSI, but never less than twice the maximum pressure to ~vhich the'piping will be subjected in operation, for a period of at least 10 minutes without showing a drop in pressure, but the higher pressures required for new construction, above, shall be used to test new construction in lieu of the 10-PSI level prescribed by this sentence." 5. There must be a permanently-installed stainvay, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located. 6. Fven if permitted by this code, undiluted liquefied petroleum gas, or "LPG", shall not be used at any fixed location in the City. Exception: This dues not prohibit the use of such gas in quantities of 10 gallons or less. 7. Each new or replaced gas meter shall be located on the same building site that it serves. InternntionnlMecleanicnl Cnde, 399A2003 Ed., International Code Council, Inc. l. 7'he administrative officer is the building offcial. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. Add to Section M306.3: "There must be a permanently-installed stainvay, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located." 3. Delete: Appendix MB (Recommended Perrr-it Fee Schedule). I~eternntional Plumbing Code, 39992003 Ed., International Code Council, lnc. 1. T'he administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has ~vilh respect to the building code. • 2. Delete: Sections P103, P106 and P109 and Appendices PA (Plumbing Permit Fee Schedule) and PG (Vacuum Drainage System). 3. Add at the beginning of Section 303.1: "Even if permitted by this code (IPC), none of the follo~ving is allowed for use in the City: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (A.BS) pipe or fittings, polyethylene pipe or fittings, Type M copper, lead-based pipe, aluminum DWV pipe or components, or air admittance valves." 4. Even if permitted by this code (IPC), PVC and CPVC type water pipe and fittings are not allowed for use in the City..Exception: PVC water pipe may be used where permitted by this code (IPC), but only if: (i) it is installed underground and (ii) all joints are primed and glued as required by the manufacturer's recommendations (and the primer must be purple or another distinctive color, except on above-ground pool 5. P~P~nS)• Even if permitted by this code (IPC), wet venting shall not be allowed except ~vhen authorized by the F35C, as a special exception ~For hardship and unusual cases. 6. Amend Section 1101.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "The provisions of this chapter are applicable to interior leaders, building storm drains, building storm sewers, exterior conductors, downspouts, roof gutters and other storm drainage fixtures and facilities." 7. Maximum water meter size, unless an RPE can clearly and convincingly demonstrate the need for a larger meter in a particular case, is: 3/4ths-inch for an irrigation system, or 1-inch for a single-family dwelling. lnternatio-enl Reside~:tiul Code,3AAA 2003 edition, International Code Council, lnc.. l. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. This code, in lieu of the other "International Codes," applies to all residential structures in the City. "Residentill" means having the character of a detached one-family or t~vo-family d~velling that is not more than three stories high with separate means of egress; including t.he accessory structures of the d~velling. This code does not apply to: (i) any dwelling that has a com.mon means of egress, such as a common hallway, or (ii) any d~velling or structure chat has the charactcr of a facility used for ~ccommodation of transient guests or a structure in which medical, rehabilitative, or assisted living services are provided in connection ~vith the occupancy of the structure. 3. All amendments and deletions to the other "International Codes" adopted by this Schedule are also carried Porward and adopfed as amendments and deletions Prom the International Residential Code. • 4. Deletc: Appendices RAI' (Radon Control Methods), RAI (Private Sewlge Disposal), and RAE (Manufactured 1-lousing Used as Dwellings). r. ~ r ~ • CHARTER & ORDINANCES, Ciry of ~Vest Universiry Place, Te,ras, July 31, 2003 Page S-3 5. This code does not apply to installation and m~intenance of electrical wiring and related components. See Nntiona! Electrical Cvde, below. (BOCA) NntionrrlBuilding Code, 1996 Ed., Building Of'ficials & Code Administrators International, Inc. Only Sections 3I08 (Radio And "felevision 'I'owers) and 3109 (Radio And Television Antennas), together with any necessary definitions or interpretative aids, are adopted. See Subchapter G of Chapter 6 of this Code. Nntio~enl Electricnl Code, 2002 edition, Nationul Fire Protection Association, ("ATEC") I. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings: variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. See Chapter 8 of this Code tor various provisions which override or supplement the NEC. ~ • ~ . , /nleriiationrrl Property Mnintenance Code, 2003 Ed., Internationrl Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building offcial. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. . ~. . , l ~ Standard Codes Schedule Adnption. Subject to the umendments and deletions indicated beneath each code, each of the followi-rg codes. ii:cluding nll of its published uppendices and attuchme~us, is adopted, ordained and ninde a purt uf the Code of Ordinances of the Ciry and of euch chapter where it is referenced, except as otherwise expressly provided. Procedure fur anreiidments, etc. Tlre procedure fur atlopting new codes, updated codes, lvcu! umendments und pravisions for administralion and enforcement of these codes is as follows: (/) proposal by the building o~ciaJ or other appropriate City v~ciul, (2) referrul to the Burlding & Stundards Commission, (3) consideration by the Crty Council, after giving required meeting notices, aird (4) adoption arrd publication, as required by Article /! of the Ciry Charter. lnternationa/Building Cntle, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the buiiding official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. All roofs must have Class C or better fire resistance, as determined under Sec. 1505.1. 3. All foundations for new buildings and foundation repairs shall be designed by a registered professional engineer ("RP.E"), and the work shall be: a. illustrated in complete plans and specifications signed and sealed by the RPE; b. based on a soils report from a recogni2ed and reputable tirm or agency (Exception: no soils report is required for a single-story accessory building with less than 450 sq. ft. of gross floor area); and c. inspected by an RPE who certifies proper construction, before work proceeds further. 4. All concrete footings and foundations must be cured for at least 72 hours before any significant load is placed on them. 5. All walls and ceilin~s within a R-I, R-2, R-3 and R-4 type occupancy shall be sheathed with Type X gypsum board at least 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) thick. Exception: Where this code (IBC) requires otherwise for moisture protection. 6. Delete: Appendices A(Employee Qualifications), B(Board of Appeals) and D(Fire Districts). ~ti: Internarionnl Energy Conservatfon Code, us it existed on May .I, 2001, International Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. Al( hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. In lieu of inspection by City employees, the building official may require a written certification that a building meets or exceeds minimum requirements, if the certification is: (i) signed by a code-certified inspector (as defined in Section 388.02, TEX. HGALTI•I & SAFETY CODE) not employed by the city, and (ii) • accompanied by an approved inspection checklist, properly completed, signed and dated by the inspector. If the fees of the code-certified inspcctor are paid by the City, the amount shall be added to the building permit fees otherwise payable. With approval from the building official, a permittee may pay such fees directly to an independent inspection firm. Only code-certified inspectors may perform inspections and enforce this code in the City. lnteruationa! Fire Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, lnc. I. The fire o.ftici~l shall be the fire chief or acting fire chief, who may detail other members of the fire department or the building inspection division to act as inspectors. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of the fire code in the same manner as it applies to the building code (except that the fire official shall have the powers and duties of the building official under such articles). 2. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to the fire code as it has with respect to the building code. 3. The limits of the fire district referred to in Section 902.1.I are coextensive with the City limits. 4. Explosives and fireworks, as defined in Chapter 33, are prohibited within the City limits. 5. Notwithstanding Section 2206.7.6 (relating to service stations), "latch-open" type devices are prohibited. 6. Section 603.8.4 (hours for burning) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: "An incinerator shall not be used or allowed to remain with any combustion inside it: (i) at any time from an hour preceding sunset on one day until sunrise the following day; or (ii) at any time when unattended." (7) Delete: Appendices FA (Board of Appeals), rE (Flazard Categories), FF (1•lazard Ranking) and FG (Cryogenic Fluids - Weight and Volume Equivalents). . lnternatiorial Fue/ Cas Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, Inc. l. The administrative officer is the buildin~ official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement t-nd administration of this code in the same mAnner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. 2. Delete Scctions FG I 03, FG l OG and FG I 0. 3. Even if permitted by this code, copper tubing shall not be used for the ynrd service line. ~ 4.~ Amend Section 31 I.2 to ref~d in its entirety as follo~vs: "Low pressure (not to exceed 0.5 PSI) gas piping shall withstand a pressure of at least .l 0 inches of inercury for n period of time not less than I O minutes without ~ CHARTER & ORDINANCES, City of West Universitv Place, Texas, July 3.1, 2003 Page S-1 . . . ~ • showing any drop in pressurc, except that the following shall apply in the case of new construction: The newly-constructed system must withstand a pressure of at least 25 PSI for a period of not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure as an initial pressure test, and the system must also withstand a pressure as a final test. Higher pressure piping must withstand pressure of at least 10 PS1, but never less than twice the maximum pressure to which the piping will be subjected in operation, for a period of at least 10 minutes • without showing a drop in pressure, but the higher pressures required for new construction, above, shall be used to test new construction in lieu of thc 10-PSI level prescribed by this sentence." 5. There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located. 6. Even if permitted by this code, undiluted liquefied petroleum gas, or "LPG", shall not be used at any fixed location in the City. Exception: This does not prohibit the use of such gas in quantities of 10 gallons or less. 7. Each new or replaced gas meter shall be located on the same building site thAt it serves. beternalional Mec/aanical Code, 2000 Ed., [nternational Code Council, Inc.. I. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. Add to Section M306.3: "There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located." 3. Add to Section M603: "All return air ducts must be installed within 10 inches of the finished floor in all new residential construction and wherever possible in existing buildings." 4. Delete: Appendix MB (Rccommended Permit Fee Schedule). /nternationa! Plumbing Code, 2000 Ed., .International Code Council, Inc. I. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. 2. Delete: Sections P103, P106 and P109 and Appendices PA (Plumbing Permit Fee Schedule) and PG (Vacuum Drainage System). 3. Add at the beginning of Section 303.1: "Even if permitted by this code (IPC), , none of the following is allowed for use in the City: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) pipe or fittings, polyethylene pipe or fittings, Type M copper, lead-based pipe, aluminum DW V pipe or components, or air admittance valves." 4. Even if permitted by this code (iPC), PVC and CPVC type water pipe and fittings are not allowed for use in the City. Exception: PVC water pipe may be used where permitted by this code (IPC), but only if: (i) it is installed underground and (ii) all joints are primed and glued as required by the manufacturer's recommendations (and the primer must be purple or another distinctive color, except on above-ground pool • P~P~nB)• 5. Even if permitted by this code (IPC), wet venting shall not be allowed except when authorized by the BSC, as a special exception for hardship and unusual cases. 6. Amend Section I 101.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "The provisions of this chapter are applicable to interior leaders, building storm drains, building storm sewers, exterior conductors, downspouts, roof gutters and other storm drainage fixtures and facilities." 7. Maximum water meter size, untess an RPE can clearly and convincingly demonstrate the need for a larger meter in a particular case, is: 3/4ths-inch for an irrigation system, or I-inch for a single-family dwelling. InternatrunalReside~itia! Code, as it existed on May l, 2001, intern~tional Code Council, Inc.. I. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. This code, in lieu of the other "International Codes," applies to all residential structures in the City. "Residential" means having the character of a detached one-family or two-family dwelling that is not more than three stories high with separate means of egress, including the accessory structures of the dwelling. This code does not apply to: (i) any dwelling that has a common means of egress, such as a common hallway, or (ii) any dwelling or structure that has the character of a facility used for accommodation of transient guests or a structure in which medical, rehabilitative, or assisted living services are provided in connection with the occupancy of the structure. 3. All amendments and deletions to the other "International Codes" adopted by this Schedule are also carried forward and adopted as amendments and deletions from the International Residential Code. 4. Delete: Appendices RAF (Radon Control Methods), RA1 (Private Sewage Disposal), and RAE (Manufactured Housing Used as Dwellings). 5. This code does not apply to installation and maintenAnce of electrical wiring and related components. See Nationul Electrica! Cocle, below. (BOCA) National Building Code, 1996 Ed., Building Officials & Code Administrators lnternational, Inc. Only Sections 3108 (Radio And Television To~vers) and 3109 (RAdio And Television Antennas), together with any necessary definitions or interpretative aids, Are adopted. See Subchapter G of Chapter 6 of this Code. Natioxal Electrical Code, as it existed on May 1, 2001, National Fire Protection Association, ("NEC"). ,~ CHARTER & ORDINANCES, City of West Unrver•siry Place, Terus, July 31, 2003 Page S-2 ~ c . `~ ~ 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc, are handled by the BSC. 2. See Chapter 8 of this Code for various provisions which override or supplement the NEC. Standurd Housing Code, 1997 Ed., Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. 1. The administrative ofticer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. ~J ~ CHARTER & ORDINANC.ES, City of West University Pluce, Texas, July 3l, 2003 Page S-3