HomeMy WebLinkAbout10252005 BSC AgendaCity of ~est ITni~ersity Pla~~ ~ A Neighborhood City ~ Recycled Paper Notice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will hold a workshop on: October 25, 2005 Beginning at 11:30 A.M. In the Public Works Building Conference Room, Located at 3826 Amherst Street, West University Place, Texas 77005. The subjects of the meeting are as follows: [Call to Order.J 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules, meeting procedures and identifying parties. 2. Structural. Matters relating to framing aiid general structural requirements, and draft • amendment of the Standards Code Schedule. 3. Demolition Construction. Matters relating to deinolition codes, demolition permits, contractor requirements, and ordinance amendments, etc. [Adjournment.J. ANYONE WITH A DISABILTY REQUIRING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE PERSON WHO SIGNS THIS NOTICE BELOW, IN ADI~ANCE OF THE MEETING. TO ALLOW TIME FOR ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE AS NECESSARY. THE MEETING PLACE MENTIONED ABOVE IS ACCESSIBLE BY WHEEL CHAIRS BY USING THE SLOPED RAMP LOCATED AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. SPECIALLY- MARKED PARKING SPACES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UIVIYERSITY BOULEi~ARD. SPECIALLY MARKED PARKING SPACES ARE AYAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UNIYERSITY BOULEVARD. Notice issued and posted on: ~~~ ~I_}~-~ ~~ , 20 V~ Issued bv: ~l ~l ~J \~ _ ` T \ • ~~~~ Josie Orosco, Development Services Secretary jorosco(u~westu.or~ 713-662-5834 ~ 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668~4441 • www.westu.org City of West University Piace DEMOLiTION PERMIT APPLICAT.ION FORM • • • Please Fill Out All Appliceble Information FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT PERMIT NO: ADDRESS: DATE: ESTIMATED DEMOLITION PROJECT COST: FEE DUE: FEE PAID: FULLY DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: • TYPE OF PERMIT: (Chedc AlL That Appty) [ ] RESIDENTIAL [ ] COMMERCIAL DEMOLITION ELECTRICAL [ j DISCONNECT PLUMBING GAS [ ] DISCONNECT TREE DISPOSITION OWNER: DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR: Street: Street: Ci , 5tate, ZIP: Ci , State, ZIP: Phone: Phone: CITY REGISTRATION NUMBER: REGISTRATION CURRENTT YES NO INSURANCE CARRIER: EXPIRATION DATE: Ci , State, ZIP: LIABILITY LIMITS: Phone: EXPIRATION DATE: SUBCONTRACTORS: COMPANYNAME LICENSEENAME SIGNATURE ELECTRICAL: PLUMBING: TREE: BUILDING # of SWCtures Tolal Area Stories Type ot Construction 7ypeotOccupancy TREE REMOVAL NO. OF TREES REPLACEMENT INCHES TOTAL REPLACEMENTS PLBG DISCONNECT SEwER GAS ELEC DISCONNECT SERVICE UG APPLICANTS SIGNATURE: pplieation Date: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: SITE FENCING FEMA FLOOD ZONE SITE CONDITIONS INSPECTION Required For All Projects: SURVEY/SITE PLAN ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION (COMMERCIAI ONLY) APPROVED TREE DISPOSITION PLAN VERIFICATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATIONS ELECTRICAL WATER/SEWER NATURALGAS NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS SUBMITTED CONTRACTOR INSURANCE RE~UIREMENTS UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS MAY BE VERIFIED BY CALLING TEXAS ONE CALL AT 1-800-245d545. NATURAL GROUND ELEVAT~ON PROPOSED FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION By: Dale: Development 5rvcs. Planning Dept. ey: oate: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES October 2005 RE~UIREMENTS FOR DEMOLITION PERMITS • 1. Temporary construction fencing must enclose the entire work area during the duration of construction. The enclosure must be a minimum of 5.5' high. (Section 6.410 of the City Code of Ordinances). 2. Permit and address numbers must be posted on site at all times during the duration of construction. (Section 6.409 of the City Code of Ordinances). 3. It is the contractor's responsibility to ascertain the location of all underground utilities and have them plainly marked or flagged. You must contact TEXAS ONE CALL (1-800-245-4545) and show verification of notice through that system. You must allow su~cient time for all utilities (including the City of West U) to mark the locations of their facilities in the area of the work. (Section 6.412 of the City Code of Ordinances). 4. The site must be kept clean and reasonably free of construction debris during the duration of construction. (Section 6.407 of the City Code of Ordinances). 5. All trenching and excavation must meet the minimum requirements of the International Codes and Section 6.406 of the City Code of Ordinances. 6. The demolition must be completed within 10 days of the commencement of work (Section 6.414 of the City Code of Ordinances). 7. Sanitary facilities must be provided at all times for workers during the course of construction. 8. Equipment and materials shall be stored so as not to endanger the public, workers or adjoining properties. • • Draft amendment of the ~ Standard Technical Codes Schedule regarding structural framing and similar elements revised ~-~-8~90-25-05 ~~-Technical Codes Schedule Adoption. Subject to the amendments and deletions indicuted beneath each code, each of the following cudes, rnclz~ding all of its published appen~lices and attachments, is acfopted, ordained and made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City and of each chapter where it is referenced, except as otherwise expressly provi~led. Procedure for amendments, etc. The procedure for adopting new codes, updated codes, local amendments and provisions for administration and enforcement of these codes is as follows: (1) proposa! by the building o~cial or other appropriate Crty o~cial, (2) referrul to the Bui[ding & Standards Commission, (3) consideration by the City Council, after giving required meeting rrotices, and (4) adoption and publication, as required by Article .I! of ~ the City Charter. Inter~:ational Building Code, 2003A Ed., International Code Council, Inc: : • *** 5. Structural Elements; Engineering, Etc. a. Scope ; D~finitions. (1) The structural elements for the following must meet the criteria in this sectio.n, as applicable: (i) each .new building (and each addition to an existing building) containing habitable space and having either a gross floor area of 485 square feet or more or a~loor higher than four feet; and (ii) each accessible deck, porch, balcony, walkway and similar structure with a floor height greater than feet. [Note: Unless otherwise defined, "height" is meast~red from the "standard base level" as provided in the Zoning Ordinance.J (2) This section does not apply to :Foundation elements observed and certified • Page I under another section. • (3) In this section: "A2LA Lab" means a laboratory accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation on the basis of ISO/IEC 17025:1999 ("general reqturements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories"). "RLPE" means a licensed or registered professio.nal engineer of the State of Texas who is: (1) listed with the State Board of Professional Engineers in either the civil or structural branch of engineering (but, from and after May 1, 2006, listing in the structural branch is required); (2) employed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas; and . (3) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance that: (i) has limits of at least $250,000 per claim (and at least $500,000 per • year, aggregate) and (ii) has effective dates-including any retroactive coverage date-that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section. b.. Engineering; Plans & Specifications. Structura.l elements must be constructed in accordance with complete plans and specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a RLPE. The plans and specifications must be prepared specifically for the structure in question, and they must meet criteria as to scope, content and form specified by the building official. c. Certain Requirements. (1) Fire Protection. Any part of a structural element within .five feet of a property lane must be composed of, or fully p.rotected by, materials with a"one-hour" fire rating, or better, determined as providecl in Section :R302 of the ~ Interilational R.csidential Code, 2003 edition, r~-~~. (2) Framing; Sheathing. All framing must iiiclude full exterior shelthing ~ Page 2 • with structural elements (or blocking) along all joints. The plans must indicate the type, size and spacing of fasteners. All sheathing must be a minimum 7/16"#~-i~ structural wood anels.Exe~e~e~e~ . . . t~yLA_ll sheathing within four feet of the ground must be treated ~^~' ~~*'~°r ~ ~*°~;~~ *"^* ; °;°*".,+,~~ :~°°~a.° ~ra ~~+or resistant to moisiure, decav, and termites. Exception: Full sheathing is not required for steel and similar framing materials unless required or recommended by the manufacturer. (3) Trusses, Joists, Etc. (i) The species and grade of all lumber used for trusses, joists, purlins, purlin supports or similar elements must be specified in the plans. All such lumber must be graded and stamped, and utiliTy-grade lumber longer than 24 inches may not be used for such elements. (ii) The plans must indicate that any truss used to support ceiling or floor~e~~,-~~~loads has been designed by the ~ RLPE preparing the plans. (iii) There must be a vertical supporting element ~ ~within ~~four inches €~ieof each truss or joist, measured from centerline to centerline. (iv) The length, spacing and direction of trusses and • joists must be specified in the plans; they may not be spaced farther apart tlian 19.2 inches on-center; ~~?.r.l ~t'har~ ;;.~.~~ "~ w. ~:~~:~u' „ ^,-- o~ew.o..~ a' ,~ ~ `'`Y.Yv~~ r1VLCf~iTZ~qIILTCIT ~ie~~ea~-~~-~e~as~ ..* ,.~•+~.., ~,., ~e;. .,. : ,*: . ". _ (v) Each - ,• manufactured wood truss must comply with applicable requirements of the "Narional Design ~°^~~~TStanclard For ~t~-Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses Construction" published by Truss Plate Institute TPI , 1-2000 Ed. (vi) For each manufactured truss, the plans must indicate that the RLPE preparing the plans reviewed both the input loads used by the truss manufacturer and the final shop drawings and that all the manufacturer's recommended truss bracing is included in the plans. (vii) For each cantilevered truss, the plans must indicate that the truss was designed both with and without the cantilevered load and the RLPE preparing the plans specified (or approved) the strapping or other attachment for the support end opposite the cantilevered load. (4) Crawl Spaces. All metal joist hangers, brackets and similar fasteners used in c.rawl spaces must be fully ga.lvlnized or made of .material that is resistant to corrosion. T'he plans must indicate that the RLPE preparing the plans specified • Pnge 3 w ~ the minimum "net" sizes and locations of openings required to achieve adequate ventilation of crawl spaces. (5) Welds. Unless otherwise specif ed by an RLPE: (i) all welds for butt- connected steel plates must be full joint-penetration welds, and (ii) all welds for lapped steel plates must be continuously fillet welded with fillet leg dimensions matching the inner plate thickness. All welds must comply with AWS D1.1 (see Section 1704.3.1, IBC). See, also, observation and certification requirements for welds, below. (6) Stairwells, Chimneys, Etc.. The plans must indicate that an RLPE specified cross-bracing or similar structural elements for each stairwell, chimney, free- standing wall and similar vertical space or element. • d. Observation & Certification. Structural elements must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below: (1) Observations must: (i) be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by one or more persons under that RLPE's direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications are approved by the RLPE, (ii) include actual observation of structural elements and attachments in crawl spaces before they are covered by floors or other materials, iii. ~i+i3--include actual observations of each beam, joist, rafter, truss a~l-s~t~ri-l~and siinilar element, including each related weld and high-strength bolt: (i) after all required plumbing, electrical and mechanical "rough-in" inspections have been passed and all expected "notching," boring and similar work has been done, and (ii) before the item is covered~, and iv~) be documented in a form and manner approved by the building official (which may inctude photographs). (2) Certif cations must: • Page 4 (i) refer to and be based upon the professional observations required ~ by this section, (ii) state that the portions of the work required to be observed comply with the plans and speciFcations last approved by the building official (with any field changes that are ordered by the RLPE, re.ported to the building official and in compliance with applicable regulations), (iii) comply with criteria as to form and content as may be specified by the building official, (iv) be signed and sealed by the certifying RLPE, and (v) be filed with the building official. (3) Certifications may rely in part upon attached certifications by: (i) an A2LA Lab, as to materials testing, and (ii) an inspector certified by the City of Houston, as to welds or high-strength bolts (see, also, Section 1704.3.3 of the IBC). ~ Before any ~1 beain, joist, rafter, truss, weld, high-strength bolt or similar element is covered: (i) all required city inspections relating to that element must be passed, and (ii) the permittee must obtain written acknowledgment from the building official that the certification for that element was duly filed as required above. For any given building, there may be more than one certification filed. After a beam, joist, rafter, truss, weld, high-strength bolt or similar element has been observed and certified, as provided above, it may not be notched, bored or structurally altered without: (i) a new or amended permit, if required, and (ii) a new observation and certificat.ion, in accordance with this section. Certifications, plans, specifications and related items inay be kept on file by the City, for public inspection, for an indefinite period of time. e. Special Exceptions. The BSC may issue a special exception from any requirement in subsection "a" ~Ill'OL1gI1 "c," above, but only upon a showing that: (1) the requirement will not affect li.fe safety or the performance of a structure ~ Prrge S ~ (for its estimated useful life); or ~ (2) an alternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equal or better protection for life safety and long-term structural performance. In connection with any such special exception, the BSC may require that the applicant provide supporting engineering data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of applicable regulations. *** ~ ~ Prige 6