HomeMy WebLinkAbout11162005 BSC AgendaCity of ~e~t Uni~ersity P1ace A Neighborhood City ~~ RecycledPap~otice of Building & Standards Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Building & Standards Commission (BSC) and members of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas will hold a meeting on: . November 16, 2005 Beginning at 6:00 P.M. In~the Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room; Located at 3800 University Blvd, West University Place, Texas 77005. The subjects of the meeting are as follows: [~Call to Order.J 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules, meeting procedures and identifying parties. 2. Meetin~ Minutes. Matters relating to meeting minutes from the September 1, 2005 BSC meeting. 3. Structural. Matters relating to general structural requirements, and draft amendment of the Technical Code Schedule. 4. 2003 International Buildin~ Codes. Matters relating to the possible adoption of the 2003 International Building Code family, including those codes related to building, plumbing, gas, mechanical, residential dwellings, minimum housing standards, and draft amendments of the Technical Code Schedule. . 5. Forms, certifications, inspection. Matters relating to standard applications, forms, and certifications as they pertain to construction of foundations, demolition and inspections of same, etc. ~ [Adjournment.J. ANYONE WITHA DISABILTYREOUIRING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO BEABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE PERSON WHO SIGNS THIS NOTICE BELOW IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, TO ALLOW TIME FOR ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE AS NECESSARY. THE MEETING PLACE MENTIONED ABOVE IS ACCESSIBLE BY WHEEL CHAIRS BY USING THE SLOPED RAMP LOCATED AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. SPECIALLY MARXED PARKING SPACES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOIMNG UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD. SPECIALLY MARKED PARKING SPACES ARE A:VAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UNIVERSITY BOULEYfIRD. Notice issued and posted on: ~~~~.~'-~l ~V , 20~~a . • Issued by: .J ~'Z~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ Josie Orosco, Development Services Secretary jorosco(a~westu.org 713-662-5834 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 ~ 713~668~4441 o www.westu.nrg ~ ~ ~ :i ~ City of ~est ZT~~er~~t~ P1ace ~ A Neighborhood City ~ fietycled Paper D Building & Standards Commission ~ O ~ tl 3826 Amherst, In the Public Works Building, Q~ ~ Located in the Public Works Conference Room, ~ West University Place, Texas 77005 Meeting Minutes September 1, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp, David Flame, Brian Hoogendam, Dr. Peter Benjamin, Muddy McDaniel, Kevin McMahon MEMBERS ABSENT: J. Denis Powers STAFF PRESENT: Debbie Scarcella, Nes Tesno GUESTS PRESENT: Robert Riquelmy [Call to Order] Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Bryant Slimp stated that Muddy McDaniel would be the voting alternate for the meeting. Bryant Slimp gave an update regarding John Ayes, a former BSC member. Bryant Slimp reminded the members to submit their applications if they wanted to serve on the BSC board another term. • 2. Meetin~ Minutes. Brian Hoogendam made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the August 4, 2005 Building and Standards Commission meeting. Muddy McDaniel seconded the motion. AYES: Bryant Slimp, David Flame, Brian Hoogendam, Dr, Peter Benjamin, Muddy McDaniel and Kevin McMahon. NOES: None. Motion passed. Meeting minutes approved. 3. Matters Relating to the Buildin~ Standard Commission Recommendations and Status Report. Bryant Slimp welcomed, Debbie Scarcella, the new Chief Building Official. Debbie Scarcella gave a brief introduction of herself and what attracted her to work for the City of West University Place. She also stated that she looked forward to doing good things for the City. She also gave a brief description of League City, the City where she worked at for 27 years. The board members also gave a brief introduction of themselves. 4. Structurai. Bryant Slimp stated that there would be workshop meetings inviting any structural engineers and contractors who wanted to attend to work out all the kinks. Debbie Scarcella stated that the City would be required by state to adopt the International Building Code 2003 edition by January 1, 2006. She also stated that James Dougherty thought it would be a good idea for City Staff to look at some of the current building regulations and make any necessary amendment changes. Debbie Scarcella briefly described the process of how the amendments are adopted. • 3800 University Boulevard m West University Alace, Texas 77005-2899 ~ 7130668~4441 m rvtivw.westu.org r ,~ Building and Standards Commission Meetiug Mimites September 1, 2005 Page 2 of 2 ~ ~ 5. Base Flood Elevation. Debbie Scarcella touched on the necessity for freeboard requirements. She briefly explained the Tropical Storm Allison Project map. She stated that the majority of the city is located within the 100-year flood plain. Debbie also stated that FEMA would not allow a resident to do a substantial improvement to them home without, bringing the structure up to minimum elevation requirements. Substantial improvement is defined by FEMA at being 50% of the value of the structure, not the land. Freeboard requirements were also discussed. Debbie Scarcella briefly explained the Tropical Storm Allison map to the board members. Bryant Slimp stated the CBO needed to give City Council a basic synopsis of the base flood elevation. Bryant Slimp asked to table the Base Flood Elevation item and put it on the next agenda for the November meeting. Bryant Slimp asked about the deadlines to file protests against this Project map. Debbie stated she would find out and get back with the board members. Bryant stated that he was glad that Debbie is there to explain the map to the members because there has been a substantial amount of confusion regarding its implied meaning. Bryant also stated that the CBO needed to give both City Council and ZPC a presentation to let them be aware of the changes that were going to be made. Kevin stated he would get some additional information and data from the intranet regarding the base flood elevations and forward it the rest of the members so they would have a better understanding of it. [Adjournment] Muddy McDaniel made a motion to adjourn. Brian Hoogendam ~ seconded the motion. AYES: Bryant Slimp, David Flame, Brian Hoogendam, Dr. Peter _ Benjamin, Muddy McDaniel and Kevin McMahon. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m. PAS SED THIS Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: DAY OF , 2005 Ms. Josie M. Orosco, Development Services Secretary • ~ ~ ~ ~ Memo go: Building Standards Commission Members From: Debbie Scarcella, Chief Building Official Date: November 16, 2005 Re: Staff Recommendation for Agenda Item No. 3-Structural Attached is a proposed ordinance amendment concerning the design and construction of the structural framing elements. The ordinance amendment addresses the design and certification of all structural framing elements and specifcally sets out the criteria by which the certifcations may be certified. In addition, the proposed amendment requi.res full exterior sheathing of a minimum of 7/16" wood structural panels; requires the species and grade of all nominal and engineered wood products to be specified in the plans; requires the length, spacing, and direction oftrusses and joists to be specifed in the plans; and prescribes the standard by which all metal truss connectors must be in compiiance. • Earlier versions of this proposed amendment included prescriptive requirements for additional elements of the structures. By adoption of the 2003 International Codes and the local climatic and geographical design elements table (Section 301.2(1) of the l.nternational Residential Code, 2003 edition), the intent of those proposed requirements will be met. Staf.f recommends approval and support of this ordinance, and will be working with the City Attorney to develop the proper certification documents to implement its provisions. • ~J Draf~ amendmenf of the Standard Technical Codes Schedule regarding structural framing and similar elements revised 11-08-05 Technical Codes Schedule • Adoption. Subjecl to the amendments and deletions indicuted beneath each code, each of the following codes, incl:rding a![ of its publisl~ed appendices and attachments, is adoptecl, ordarned und n~ade a part of the Cade of Ordinances of the City and of each chupter where it is referenced, except as otherwise eapressly provided Proceduse for aneeirdmeir~s, etc. The procedure for adop~ing new codes, z~pdated codes, local amen~lments and . provisions for adminrstration and enforcement of lhese codes is as follows: (1) proposal by the bzrrlding o~cial or other appropriate City o~cial, (2) r•eferra! to the Burlding & Standurds Commission, (3) consideralion by tlze Ci[y Council, after giving required me~ting notices, and (4) adoption and publication, as required by Arlicle I! of the Ciry Charter. International Btcilding Code, 2003 Ed., International Code Council, Ine. *** 5. Structural Elements; Engineering, Etc. a. Scope ; Definitions. (1) The structural elements f.or the following must meet the criteria in this section, as applicable: (i) each new building (and each addition to an existing building) containing habitable space and having either a gross floor area of 485 square feet or more or a floor higher than four feet; and (ii) each accessible deck, porch, balcony, walkway and similar structure with a floor height greater than feet. [Note: Unless olherti>>ise defined, "height" is measured from t.he "standard base level " us provided in the Zoning O~•dinance.J u (2) This section does not apply to foundation eleinents observed and certified under another section. Page I ~ (3) In this section: "A2LA Lab" means a laboratory accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation on the basis of ISO/IEC 17025:1999 ("general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories"). "RLPE" means a licensed or registered professional engineer of the State of Texas who is: (1) listed with the State Board of Professional Engineers in either the civil or structural branch of engineering (but, from and after May 1, 2006, listing in the structural branch is required); (2) employed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas; and (3) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance that: (i) has limits of at least $250,000 per claim (and at least $500,000 per year, aggregate) and (ii) has effective dates-including any • retroactive coverage date-that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section. b. En.gineering; Plans & Specifications. Structural elements must be constructed in accordance with complete plans and specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a RLPE. The plans and specifications must be prepared specifically for the structure in question, and they must meet criteria as to scope, content and form specified by the building oi:~icial. c. Certain Requirements. (1) Framing; Sheathing. All framing must include full exterior sheathing with structural elements (or blocking) along all joints. The plans must indicate the type, size and spacing of fasteners. All sheathing must be minimum 7/16" structural wood panels. (2) Trusses, Joists, Etc. • Prrge 2 ~ (a) The species and grade of all lumber used for trusses, joists, purlins, purlin supports or similar elements must be specified in the plans. (b) The length, spacing and direction of trusses and joists must be specified in the plans. (c) Each manufactured wood truss must comply with applicable requirements of the "National Design Standard For Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction" published by Truss Plate Institute (TPI), 1- 2000 Ed. d. Observation & Certification. Structural elements must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below: (1) Observations must: (i) be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by one or more persons under that RLPE's direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications are approved by the RLPE, (ii) include actual observation of structural elements and attachments • in crawl spaces before they are covered by floors or other materials, (iii) Include actual observations of each beam, joist, rafter, truss and similar element, including each related weld and high-strength bolt: (i) after all required plumbing, electrical and mechanical "rough-in" inspections have been passed and all expected "notching," boring and similar work has been done, and (ii) before the item is covered, and (iv) Be documented in a form and manner approved by the building official (which may include photographs). (2) Certifications must: (i) refer to and be based upon the professional observations required by this section, (ii) state that the portions of the work required to be observed comply with the plans and specifications last approved by the building official (with any field changes that are ordered by the RLPE, ~ Pnge 3 reported to the building official and in compliance with applicable ~ regulations), (iii) comply with criteria as to form and content as may be specified by the building off cial, (iv) be signed and sealed by the certifying RLPE, and (v) be filed with the building official. (3) Certifications may rely in part upon attached certifications by: (i) an A2LA Lab, as to materials testing, and (ii) an inspector certified by the City of Houston, as to welds or high-strength bolts (see, also, Section 1704.3.3 of the IBC). Before any a beam, joist, rafter, truss, weld, high-strength bolt or similar element is covered: (i) all required city inspections relating to that element must be passed, a.nd (ii) the permittee must obtain written acknowledgnlent from the building official that the certification for that element was duly filed as required above. For any given building, there may be more than one certification filed. • After a beam, joist, rafter, truss, weld, high-strength bolt or similar element has been observed and certified, as provided above, it may not be notched, bored or structurally altered without: (i) a new or amended permit, if required, and (ii) a new observation and certification, in accordance with this section. Certifications, plans, specifications and related items may be kept on file by the City, for public inspection, for an indefinite period of time. e. Special Exceptions. The BSC may issue a special exception from any requirement in subsection "a" through "c," above, but only upon a showing that: (1) the requirement will not affect life safety or the performance of a structure (for its estimated useful life); or (2) an alternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equal or better protection for life safety and long-term structural performance. In connection with any such special exception, the BSC may require that the • Pnge 4 ~ applicant provide supporting engineering data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of applicable regulations. *** Agenda Item No 5- Make a motion to approve the forms and permit applications as to content and support the use of the forms and applications effective December 5, 2005 in conjunctidn with all applications for permits within the scope of City Ordinance No. 1791 ~~~vi'sions. Agenda Item No 3- Make a motion to approve and support the proposed structural elements ordinance amendment (as written) or (with the changes as recommended and approved). ~ • Pnge 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Memo To: Building Standards Commission Members ~rom: Debbie Scarcella, Chief Building Official ~ate: November 16, 2005 Re: Staff Recommendation for Agenda Item No. 4-2003 Internationa! Building Codes During the last legislative session, a bill was approved and entered as law to require all jurisdictions enforcing a commercial building code to adopt the 2003 .f.nternational Buildi~~g Code as the standard for all commercial construction. The legislature also amended an existing law allowing jurisdictions to adopt the latest version of the International Residential Code as the standard for residential construction within its limits. The lnternational Codes are a family of codes that are published every three years based on code amendments approved by their membership. Si.nce the Texas legislature has compelled us to adopt these updated publications, it makes sense to adopt the family of codes since they are ~ designed to work together as comprehensive code compliance documents. The law cites January l, 2006 as its effective date. Staff recommends approval and support of this proposed ordinance change with the local amendments as outli.ned in the Technical Codes Schedule of the City Code of Ordi.nances. • ~ Draft amendment of the Technical Codes Schedule Proposed adoption of the International Building Codes, 2003 editions. Revised 11-06-OS Technical Codes Schedule A[loplioir. Subject to tlze amendments and deletions indicaled benealh each code, each ojthe followr~:g codes, inch~ding n/l ojils p:~blished appe~zdices und a~lachments, is udopted, a•dained nnd made n part of ihe Code oj Ordinances ojthe City and ojeach cltnpler where r! is referenced, e.rcept as otherwise expressly provided. Procedure for n~nendmeitts. The procedcrre for adopling new codes, updaled codes, local amendments and provisions for adn:inislrntion and enforcement of these codes is as fo!lows: (1) proposul by the buildrng o~cia! or other appropriate City o~cial, (2) rejerra! to the Building & Standards Commission, (3) consideration by the City Council, after giving required n:eeting notices, und (4) adoption and pub/rcation, as reqeeired by Article 11 ojthe City Charter. lnternutiona! Brrildiag Co~le, 3899 2003 .Ed., International Code Council, Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. All roofs must have Class C or better fire resistance, as determined under Sec. 1505. I. 3. (This section ~vas deleted and substitueed ~vith the wording as required by Ordinance 1791, adopted on May 2, 2005. A copy is attached to this draft) 3. All concrete footings and foundations must be cured for At least 72 hours before any significant load is placed on them. 4. All walls and ceilings ~vithin a R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 type occupancy shall be sheathed with Type X gypsum board at least 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) thick. Exception: Where this code (!BC) requires ofherwise for moisture • protection. 5. Delete: Appendices A(Employee Qualifications), B(Board of Appeals) and D(Fire Districts). 6. In Section 101.1 insert "The Citv of West University Place" as name of jurisdiction. 7. In Section 1612.3 insert "The Cicv oF West Universitv Place" as name of jurisdiction. 8. In Section 1612.3 lnsert April 2000 for effective date of F1RM. 9. In Section 3410.2 insert ePfective date of passa~e of this ordinance. /nternntionnl Ener~v Conservation Cor/e, 2003 Ed., International Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building ofPicial. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. In lieu of inspection by City employees, the building official may require a wriCten certif cation that a building meets or exceeds minimum requircments, if the certification is: (i) signed by a code-certified inspector (as defined in Section 388.02, TGX. F-iGALTFI & SAi'GTY CODG) not employed by the city, and (ii) accompanied by an approved inspection checklist, properly completed, signed and dated by the inspector. lf the Fees of the code-cercified inspecfor are paid by the City, the amount shall be added to che building permit fees otherwise payable. With approval from the building official, a permittee may pay such fees directly to an independent inspection firm. Only code-certified inspectors may perform inspections and enforce this code in the City. Internntionnl Fire Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, Inc. 1. The fire official shall be the fire chiel'or acting fre chief, who may detail other members of the fire department or the building inspection division to act ~s inspectors. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of the fire code in the same manner as it applies to the building code (except that the fire official shall have the powers and duties of the building official under such articles). 2. The BSC shall have che same jurisdiction and authority with respect to the fire code as it has with respect to the building code. 3. '1'he limits of the fire district referred to in Section 902.1.1 are coe~tensive with the City limits. 4. Explosives and fireworks, as deFned in Chapter 33, are prohibited ~vithin the City limits. S. Notwithstanding Seccion 2206.7.6 (relating to service stations), "latch-open" type devices are prohibited. • Page S-1 ~ CHARTER & ORDIN~INC~S, City of West University Place, Texas, July 31, 2003 Page S-2 6. Section 603.8.4 (hours for burning) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: "An incinerator shall not be used or allowed to remain with any combustion inside it: (i) at any time from an hour preceding sunset on one day until sunrise the following day; or (ii) at any time when unattended." Delete: Appendices FA (Board of Appeals), FB ([-lazard Categories), FF (1-lazard Ranking) and ~G (Cryogen.ic Fluids - Weight and Volume Gquivalents). /nternrrtionn! Firel Gns Code, 398A2003 Ed., Internntionol Code Council, Inc. l. The administrative officer is the building ofJicial. Chapter 6 of this Code sh~ll apply to enforcement and administration of this code in che same manner as it applies to the building code. The 13SC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority ~vith respect to this code as it has ~vith respecl to the building code. 2 Delete Sections FG103, FG106 and FG10. 3 Even if permitted by this code, copper tubing shall not be used for the yard service line. 4. Amend Section 311.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "Low pressure (not to e.cceed 0.5 PSI) gas piping shall withstand a pressure of at least 10 inches of inercury for a period of time not less than ] 0 minutes without showing any drop in pressure, except that the following shall apply in the case of new construction: The newly-constructed system must withstand a pressure of at least 25 PSI for a period of not less than 10 minutes ~vithout showing any drop in pressure as an initial pressure test, and the system must also withstand a pressure as a fnal test. Higher pressure piping must withstand pressure of at least 10 PSI, but never less than twice the maximum pressure to which the piping will be subjected in operation, for a period of at least 10 minutes ~vilhout sho~ving a drop in pressure, but the higher pressures required for new construction, above, shall be used to test new construction in lieu of the l0-PSl level prescribed by this sentence." 5. 'fhere must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located. 6. Even if permitted by this code, undiluted liquefied petroleum gas, or "I.PG", shall not be used at any fixed location in the City. Exception: This does not prohibit the use of such gas in quantities of 10 gallons or less. • 7. Each new or replaced gas meter shall be located on the same building site that it serves. Internationu! Mecltanicu! Code, ~A992003 Ed., International Code Council, Inc. 1. "I'he administrative officer is the building ot~icial. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. Add to Section M306.3: "There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located." . :~ 3. Delete: Appendix MB (Recommended Permit ~ee Schedule). Internationa! Plumbing Code, 38AA2003 Ed., Internation~l Code Council, Inc. l. The administrative officer is the building offcial. Chapter G of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration ofthis code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. 'fhe BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has ~vith respect to the building code. ~ 2. i~elete: Sections P103, P 106 and P 109 and Appendices PA (Plumbing Permit Fee Schedule) and PG (Vacuum Drainage System). 3. Add at the beginning of Section 303.1: "Even if permitted by this code (IPC), none of the follo~ving is allo~ved for use in the City: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) pipe or fittings, polyethylene pipe or fittings, Type M copper, lead-based pipe, ~luminum DWV pipe or components, or air admittance valves." 4. Even if permitted by this code (IPC), PVC and CPVC type water pipe and fittings are not allowed for use in the City. Exceptiori: PVC ~aater pipe may bc used where permitted by this code (fPC), but only if: (i) it is installed underground and (ii) all joints are primed and glued as required by the manufacturer's recommendations (and the primer must be purple or another distinctive color, except on above-ground pool P~P~~g)• 5. Even if permitted by this code (IPC), ~vet venting sha.ll not be allowed except when authorized by the BSC, as a special exception for hardship and unusual cases. 6. Amend Seccion I 101.2 to read in its entirety as follo~vs: "The provisions of this chapter are applicable to i.nterior lelders, building storm drains, building storm s~wers, e~terior conductors, downspouts, roof gutters and other storm drainage firtures and f'acilities." 7. Maximum water meter size; unless an .RP.E can clearly and convincingly demonstrate the need for 1 larger ~ meter in a particular case, is: 3/4ths-inch for an irrigation syslem, or 1-inch for a single-family dwelling. ~ CHARTER & ORD.INANCES, City of West Universrry Place, Texas, July 31, 2003 Page S-3 Inleritatio~etr/Resirlentin/ Code,38A8 2003 edition, International Code Council, Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. This code, in lieu of the other "International Codes," applies to all residential structures in the City. "R.esidential" means having the character of a detached one-family or t~vo-1'amily dwelling that is not more than three stories high with separate means of egress, including the accessory structures of the dwelling. This code does not apply to: (i) ~ny d~velling that has a common means of egress, such as a common hallway, or (ii) any dwelling or structure that has the character of a facility used for accommodation of transient guests or a structure in which medical, rehabilitative, or assisted living services ~re provided in connection with the occupancy of the structure. 3. A.II amendments and deletions to the other "intemational Codes" adopted by this Schedule are also carried forward and adopted as amendments and deletions from the International Residential Code. 4. Delete: Appendices RA.i' (R~don Control Mechods), RAI (Private Sewage Disposal), and RAE (Manufactured Housing Used as D~vellings). 5. This code does not apply to installation and maintenance of electrical wiring and related components. See National Electrical Code, below. 6. In Section R101.1 Insert "1'he Citv of West University Place" for the name of the jurisdiction. 7. In Section R301.2 [nsert the followin TR able: TA.BI,E R301.2U. CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DES[GN CRITERIA GROUND SNOW LOAD: 0 AIR FRFF%ING INDEX: 50 BI' DAYS W1ND SPEED (MPH): SEISMIC DESIGN CA'fEGORY: WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURE: I 10 A 32 DEGREES ~ MEAN ANNUAL TEMP: 68 DEG E SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM: WEATHERING: NEGLIGlBLE ICE SI•IIELD UNDERLAYMETiT: NOT R.EOUIRED FROST LINE: 6" FLOOD HAZARDS: MAP EFFECTIVE DATE. TERMITE: VERY HEAVY APRIL 2000 DECAY: MOD TO SEVERE • 8. In Section P2603.6.1 insert 6" for minimum depth of cover for a se~ver line. ~. In Section .P3103.1 insert 6" for a minimum heiQht above the rootline for a vent termination. (BOCA) Nntionn/ Building Code, 1996 Ed., Building Officials & Code Administrators Internationul, Inc. Only Sections 3108 (Radio And Television Towers) and 3109 (Radio And Television Antennas), together ~vith any necessary definitions or interpretative aids, are adopted. See Subchapter G of Chapter 6 of this Code. Nntional Electrical Code, 2002 edition, Nntional Fire Protection AssociAtion, ("NEC") l. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the F3SC. 2. See Chapter 8 of this Code t'or various provisions ~vhich override or supplement the NEC. , ' , , Internationnl Properly Mnintenmiee Code, 2003 Ed., International Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building o~cial. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. Agenda Item No 4- Make a motion to approve and support the pro,poseci 2003 ~ International Building Code ordinance amendment (as written) or (with the changes as recommended and approved). u ~ ~ ~~ ~ Mer~o CJ To: Building Standards Commission Members From: Debbie Scarcella, Chief Building Official Date: November 16, 2005 Re: Staff Recommendation for Agenda Item No. 5-Forms, certifications, inspection. Staffhas been working to implement the certification and inspection procedures to ensure compliance with Ordinance 1791, which was approved by City Council in May 2005. Attached are proposed inspection certification forms and an engineer's observation certification that contain the elements required by Ordinance 1791. Staff recommends that the BSC approve these forms as to content to be used in conjunction with all permit applications beginning December 5, 2005. Any permit issued prior to December 5, 2005 would be subject to the procedures and required documentation, as it currently exists. All applications submitted on or after December 5 and all applications currently on file, and not yet approved to be issued, will be required to fully comply with Ordinance 1791. sheet. Staffis asking the BSC to approve the application and guideline as to content and approve their use. beginning December 5, 2005 fo.r all newly submitted permit applications. The permit guidelines will be copied to the back of each permit when tssued. Also under this agenda item is a proposed demolition application and demolition project guideline • ~formslBDF-302(11-OS) FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE Unless otherwise indicated, word and phrases used in lhis document hnve the same n:eanings as in The Technical Codes Schedule ojthe Code oj Ordinances ("Fowadation Ordinance ) ojthe City of West University Place, Texas ("Citv ). New foundation built at the site described below ("New Foundation") Address of site: Legal description of the site.• Building Permit No: Permittee: CERTIFICATION: By signing below, I certify as follows (check applicable sections): ~~ I am an "~.PE" as defined in the Foundation Ordinance. ~"RLPE" means a licensed or registered professional engineer of the State of Texas who is:(1) listed with the State Board of Professional Engineers in either the civil or structurul branch of engineering (but, from and after May 1, 2006, listing in the structural branch is required); (2~mployed by a registered engineering firm of the State of Texas; and (3) (unless waived by the BSC .. .) covered by professionai ertors and omissions insurance that: (i) has limits of at least $250,000 per claim (and at least $500,000 per year, aggregate) and (ii) has effective dates-including any retroactive coverage date-that include the entire period when the person provides services or takes actions regulated by this section.] () Observations of the New Foundation: () were performed either by me or by one or more persons under my direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications were approved by me; () included actual measurement of piers, fill, compaction, reinforcement, forms, materials, dimensions, structural elements, attachments, etc.~ before the work was covered or concrete was placed (Note: dimensions of an underground element may have been measured or estimated from the forms, boring or cavity for the element, before pouring or filling); () were performed continuously during placement of concrete; and () were documented in a form and manner approved by the building official of the City. • Referring to and based upon the professional observations described above, the New Foundation complies with the plans and specifications last approved by the building offcial (with any field changes that were ordered by me and reported to the building official and that comply with applicable regulations). () This certification does not rely upon any other certification, except as indicated below: optional, with attachment () This certification relies in part upon an attached certification by a RLGE, as to geophysical matters. optional, with attachment () This certification relies in part upon an attached certification by an A2LA Lab, as to material5 testing. Name of certifying RLPE (printed): Date signed: Employed by (name of registered engineering firm): Signature of RLPE: ACIf1VOWLEDGMENT OFFILING. The buildi.ng official of the City acknowledges that this certification was duly filed as required by the Foundation Ordinance. By: ~ acknowledged: Texas Registration Nu.mber: Rc,j E (SEAL) must be legible City oF West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street West Universiiy Place, Texas 77005 ENGINEERING COMPANY NAME POST-TENSION SYSTEM FOUNDATION MAKE-UP CERTIFICATION Builder Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Blk Sec Plan site specific Yes ^ No ^ Plan #: Cable Count Design Engineer Superintendent Plan provided at site Yes ^ No ^ Weather Plan Date Detail Sheet Date Concrete Contractor Detached Garage Yes ^ No ^ Pennit #: G~eck (~ If Items Comp[y Witle T/1e Plans; (X) If Items Do Not Comply Wit/: The Plans SITE FORMS ADDITIONAL REVIEWS Lot Description ^ Forms secure Date Time Fill on site. Yes ~ No ^ ^ Floats installed Com action verified by Geotechnical Engineer: ^ Proper clearance at floats Yes g No ^ Date ^ Garage front closed Will foundation make up drain: Yes ~ No ^ Trees removed Are trees within 20' of foun ation Yes No If yes, attach statement by RPLE at esting o Ordinance 1791 S~.~4B Thiclrness (in) Measured: Scree s String line Other Describe Pad Matena~- Level and Furn Yes ~ No BEAMS Design Depth: in Exterior Interior Actual Depth: in (in~ (in) (in) Design W~dth: in Actual Width: in (in) (in) m Average depth into un istur~e~oil ~in; Clean of soil & debris Water in beams Yes No Average Depth (in) Will water drain Yes No Plumbing obstructions accommodated Pier tops clean TENDONS Count: L to R F to B Garage Total Var~ance Explain Number of tendons left on site Re az 1/2" tendons Other No tendons space over 6'-0" 20.D nails used at castings Live ends stripped ofplastic not over 1" or taped Cathead clamps all tiglit All intersections tied All tendons supported at intersections Dead ends have 3/4" clearance to forms All S Hooks crimped Beam tendons draped and secured by #3 stakes or rebar concrete bricks Ample chairs all tied Tendon grid secured for concrete placement Yes ^ No ^ POLYETHYLENE SHEETING B 6-mil.Lapped and Taped ~Seated in bottom of beams and secured at sides Mastic/tape applied at plum ing REINFORCING STEEL SLAB SECTION WWF: esh Size Roll Sheet OR B#3 Q in.) on center both ways All W WF mesh seams lapped 6" #3 .Lapped per p ans All edges 2" from forms No rebar or (mesh) touch.ing forms BEAM SECTION Rebar: grade Clearances per plan: Sides ^.Bottom ^ Top ^ 8 Splices lappe~c per plan • Corner rebar installed at corners & dead ends Typical Rebar/Exterior Beams conti.rruous Typical Rebar/Interior Beams continuous Corner bars installed at dead en s Yes No Bay Windows or Porcbes Re ar Stirups Extra Rebar Added Diagonal Rebar at Re-entrant Corners No. of Corners Nose Bars Q Construction Joi.nts Anchor bolts on site Yes No ~Diameter (in Length (in) Other Fasteners IS FOUNDATION READY FOR CONCRETE? Yes ~ No ^ gineer's Signature Registration No. Engineer's Printed Name Cily of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street West Universiry Place, Texas 77005 ENGINEERING COMPANY NAM CONCRETE PLACEMENT CERTIFICATION Builder Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Bllc Sec Plan #: Cable Count Design Engineer Superintendent Arrival Time Departure Time Copy of Foundation Makeup Report Provided Yes ^ No ^ Date of Copy Items Repaired Yes ^ No ^ Concrete Contractor Detached Garage Yes ^ No ^ Permit #: Clieck (+7 If Items Comply With Tlee Plans; (~ If Items Do Not Comply Wit/r T/ee Plans SITE FORMS ADDITIONAL REVIEWS Are there obstructions at the site which would ^ Forms secure Date Time prevent access for concrete trucks Yes ^ No ^ ^ Proper clearance at floats ^ Garage closed in Explain WEATHER Weather conditions START: FINISH: Will temperature rise above 40° F for five hours Forty-eight hour forecast: HIGH TEMPERATURE: LOW TEMPERATURE: CONCRETE Concrete Company Batch Plant Tickets on site? Yes ^ No ^ Delivered by truck over what distance Was a pump used Yes ~ No ^ Pump Co. Mix : psi psi "pump mix"- Pump Prime Placed outside of form Yes ~ No ^ Sack Mix: 4 5 6 OR Strength Mix Yes ^ No ^ Strength Additlves: NO CALCIUM CHLORIDFrAPPLIES TO POST TENSION SLAB Fly Ash: Type C? Yes Q No ^ % ~ Slump as ordered from plant (in) xplain (Discrepancies if slump is different): as concrete consolidated by vibrator Yes ^ No ^ Other ^ ' est Cylinders Taken Yes ^ No ^ Testing Company Slump Test Taken Yes ^ No ^ Testing Company If water is added at the jobsite, show the amounts over ten gallons and give Time Poured Gallons Placement Est. Tested a visual estimate of the final slump Anchor bolts on site Yes ^ No ^ Diayneter (in) Length (in) Other Fasteners Describe provisions for curin~, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Engineer's Signature Registration No. Engineer's Printed Name ~ ~ City of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst SVeet West University Place, Texas 77005 ENGINEERING COMPANY NAM CONVEfVTIONAL (REBAR) FOUNDATION MAKE-UP CERTIFICATION Builder Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Blk Sec Plan site specific Yes ^ No ^ Plan #: Design Engineer Superintendent Plan provided at site Yes ^ No ^ Weather Plan Date Detail Sheet Date Concrete Placement Date Detached Garage Yes ^ No ^ Permit # Clreck (+71fltems Co~nply Witl: T/rePla~rs (X) Ijltems Do Not Comply Wit1i T/re Plans Fill on site Yes ^ No ^ Com action verified by Geotechnical Engineer: Yes ~ No ^ Date Will make up drain: Yes No Trees removed Are trees within 20' o foundation Yes No Su-B Thickness (in) Measured: Screeds Stringline Other .Describe Pad Material Level and Firm Yes ^ No POLYETHYLENE SHEETING ~ 6-mil.Lapped and Taped CONSTRUCTION PIERS Number of piers REINFORCING S7'EEL Grade of Steel BEAM SECTIONS Forms secure Floats installed Proper clearance at floats Garage front closed Date Time BEAMS Design Depth: in Exterior Interior Actual Depth: in (in~- (in) (in) Design Width: in Actual Width: in (in) (in) m Average depth mto un isturb~soil ~in~ Clean of loose soil & debris Water in beams Yes B No BAverage Depth (in) Will water drain Yes No Plumbing obstructions accommodated Pier tops clean Yes ^ No ^ ^ Seated in the bottom of beams secured at sides ^ Mastic/tape applied at plumbing Are pier tops clean of debris Yes ^ No ^ Exterior Beams: Steel size Number top Bottom Stirrup size Spacing m Interior Beams: Steel size Number top Bottom Stirrup size Spacing ~in~ Extra Beam depth Yes ^ No Additional steel required Proper Clearance: Bottom (in) Sides (in) 7'op in) Support System Continuity: Splices lapped pe~an Yes ^ No Corner bars mstr allecT~Yes ^ No ^ Rebar clean of mud and excessive rust Yes No~ Void Boxes in bottom of beam Yes ^ No~ He~gTit (i.n) Condition SLAB REINFORCING Mesh: Size Roll Sheet OR #3 in.) on center both ways e All mesh seams ap ep d 6" #3 ~apped per plans All edges 2" from the forms No rebar or mesh touching forms Void Boxes Yes ^ No ^ Height _(in) Poly covering void boxes Yes ^ No ^ ADDITIONAL REINFORCING Diagonals: Size Number in slab Fi.replace pads: Size of stee Placement Bay wmdows: Size of steel P1lcement Other projections: Control joints Construction ~oints: Anchor bolts on site Yes No Diameter in Length (in) Other Fasteners IS THE FOUNDATION READY FOR CONCRETE PLACEMENT? Yes ^ No ^ • Engineer's Signature Registration No. Engineer's Printed NRme Cily of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst Street West University Place, Texas 77005 NEERING COMPANY FOUNDATION PIER CERTIFICATION-NEW CONSTRUCTION Builder Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Blk Sec Plan site specific Yes ^ No ^ Plan #: Design Engineer Superintendent Geotechnical Engineer Plan provided at site Yes ^ No ^ Plan Date Detail Sheet Date Weather at site Concrete Contractor Geotechnical Report # (T.HIS FORM NOT APPLICABLE FOR $LURRY .PLACED PI.ERS) Cleeck ( If Itenrs Comply Wit/e Tlee Plui:s; (X) If Items Do Not Comply Witli Tlee P[ans SITE Date Time Fill on site Yes No Cornpaction ver~ ied by Geotechnical Engineer Yes 0 No ^ Date Trees removed Yes ^ No ^ Location: Are trees within 20' of foundation Yes No PIERS Name of drilling company: Can drill equipment access al pier locations Yes No Type of drilling apparatus: Truck Mounted Bobcat: Other: Total number of piers: PIER SIZES Bell Pier No. Rebar Stirrups Shaft Dia. Depth Rebar Size Piers pacing Total Sketch Typical Pier Showing Depth ~~n) ~~~) ~ft) (~~) (in) (in) (ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft) m ~~n) ~in) ~ft) (~~) (in) (in) (ft) (in) ~escribe the manner of ineasuring the bell sizes: (Bel! checkinQ tool reouiredl Boring logs froin Geotechnical report on site Yes ~ No ^ Describe bearing strata: Pocket Penetrometer rea ing taken from au er cuttmg Yes No TSF Note locations elow Was water apparent in pier fiole Yes ^ No~] Depth " Action Taken REINFORCING ' Rebar placed per plan Yes ~ No ^ Rebar grade Does rebar exten a ove pier top Yes No ^ How much above (in) Sleeved Yes ^ No ^ Describe CONCRETE Will concrete iruck be able to access site Yes ~ No ^ Concrete company: Truck numbers: Was pump truck used Yes No Spec~fied strength of concrete: psi Was concrete placed on the same day as the pier drilling Estimated time of completion If not, explain: ARE THE.PIER HOLES READY FOR CONCRETE PLACEMENT Yes ^ No ^ CHANGES NEEDED: Yes ^ No ^ Engineer's Printed Name and Registration Number Engineer's Signature • City of West University Place Development Services Division 3826 Amherst SVeet West University Place, Texas 77005 ENGINEERING COMPANY REPAIRED PIER CERTIFICATION Owner Subdivision Date Time Site Address Lot Blk Sec Plan site specific Yes ^ No ^ Plan #: Design Engineer Superintendent Geotechnical Engineer Plan provided at site Yes ^ No ^ Plan Date Detail Sheet Date Weather at site Permit # Geotechnical Report # C/eeck ( If Items Comply Wit/e Tlee P/ans; (X) If ltems .Do Not Comp ly Witli Tlee P[m:s SITE aDDITIONAL REVIEWS Subdivision Lot Other Explain Date Time Soils Report on site Yesn No Bearing Soils at what depth ft Test hole drilled to what~epth (ft) Bearing soils at ~ft~ Underground plumbing test Yes No Water li.nes under slab Yes No ^ Site obstructions to drillin Descra e: Trees removed Yes ^ No~] Locatton UNDERPINNING Name of repai.r contractor: Method of repair: Total number of piers: Inter~or Exterior PIER SIZES . Sketch Typical Pier Showing Depth escribe the manner of ineasuring the bell sizes: e c ec ing too require ,,. escribe bearing strata: oc et Penetrometer rea mg es o TSF Note ocat~ons e ow Was water apparent in pier hole es ^ No Depth " Action Taken REINFORCING Rebar per plans Yes ~ No ^ Rebar grade HELICAL PIERS Test hole depth (ft) Bearing Data Helix Size Bracket Style Pier Log Onsite Yes ^ No ^ Shaft D~ameter CONCRETE Will concrete truck be able to access site Yes ~ No ^ Was pump truck used Yes ^ No ^ Concrete company: Truck numbers: Batch Time Onsite Time Specified strength of concrete: psi Slump as delivered Water added Yes ~ No ^ Amount Was concrete p.laced on the same day as the pier was belled Yes 0 No ^ Projected time of completion of concrete pl.acement If not, explain: ESTIMATED MAXIMUM I.IFT INCHES: TO BE GROU"fED Yes ~ No ^ Draw a sketch of the structure lndfcaling the pier placement Engineer's Signature Registration No. Engineer's Printed Name . Bell Pier No. Rebar Stirrups City of West Universiry Place DENI:OLITION PERMIT APPLICATION .FORM Please Fill Out All Applicable Information FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT PERMIT NO: ADDRESS: Da7E: ESTIMATED DEMOLITION PROJECT COST: FEE DUE: FEE PAID: FULLY DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE: LEGAL DESCRIP710N OF PROPERTY: TYPE OF PERMIT: (Chedc ALL That Appry) [ ] RESIDENTIAL [ ] COMMERCIAL DEMOLITION ELECTRICAL [] DISCONNECT PLUMBING GAS [ ] DISCONNECT TREE DISPOSITION OWNER: DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR: Street: Street: Ci , State, ZIP: Ci , State, ZIP: Ptione: Phone: CITY REGISTRATION NUMBER: REGISTRATION CURRENT? YES NO INSURANCE CARRIER: EXPIRATION DATE: Ci , State, ZIP: LIABILITY LIMITS: Phone: EXPIRATION DATE: SUBCONTRACTORS: COMPANY NAME IICENSEE NAME SIGNATURE DOZER: PLUMBING• TREE: BUILDING q of SVuctures TREE REMOVAL NO. OF TREES APPLICANTS SIGNATURE: Total Area REPLACEMENT INCHES Slories TOTAL REPLACEMENTS Type otCanstruction PLBG DISCONNECT SEWER GAS Application Date: Typeof0«upancy ELEC DISCONNECT SERVECE UG REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Required For All Projects: SURVEY/SITE PLAN ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION (COMMERCIAL ONLY) APPROVED TREE DISPOSITION PLAN VERIFICAT~ON OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATIONS ELECTRICAL WATER/SEWER NATURALGAS NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS SUBMITTED CONTRACTOR INSURANCE RE~UIREMENTS SITE FENCING FEMA FLOOD ZONE SITE CONDITIONS INSPECTION SCHEDULE/SCOPE OF WORK NATURAL GROUND ELEVATION PROPOSED FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS MAY BE VERIFIED BY CALLING TEXAS ONE CALL AT 1-800-245-4545. By: Date: Development Srvcs. Planning Dept. ey: ~a~e: ~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES October 2005 ~~ 1 F REOUIREMENTS FOR DEMOLITION PERMITS 1. Temporary construction fencing must enclose the entire work area during the duration of construction. The enclosure must be a minimum of 5.5' high. (Section 6.410 of the City Code of Ordinances). 2. Permit and address numbers must be posted on site at all times during the duration of construction. (Section 6.409 of the City Code of Ordinances). 3. It is the contractor's responsibility to ascertain the location of all underground utilities and have them plainly marked or flagged. You must contact TEXAS ONE CALL (1-800-245-4545) and show verification of notice through that system. You must allow sufficient time for all utilities (including the City of West U) to mark the locations of their facilities in the area of the work. (Section 6.412 of the City Code of Ordinances). 4. The site must be kept clean and reasonably free of construction debris during the duration of construction. (Section 6.407 of the City Code of Ordinances). 5. All trenching and excavation must meet the minimum requirements of the International Codes and Section 6.406 of the City Code of Ordinances. 6. The demolition must be completed within 10 days of the commencement of work (Section 6.414 of the City Code of Ordinances). 7. Sanitary facilities must be provided at all times for workers during the course of construction. 8. Equipment and materials shall be stored in a safe and workman like manner. 9. Scope of work and schedule of demolition must accompany application. 10. The permit holder is required to be onsite observing all work during the course of the project. oY ~~ y'~ o(~. ~~ 11. If a loss of property or damage occurs, the Bw~dmg Standards Commission may hold a hearing of revocation for the contractor ~s~se_'re5 i S~'G~ ~ oy~ ~