HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2005-02 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2005-02 A. R.ESOLUTION APPO.INTING A M.EM..BER TO TliE REeye.LING AN.D SO.Ll.D \~ ASTE .R.EDUCTION BOARD NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section "I ~ That the follo\ving person is appointed to serve as a 1l1enlber of the :Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board for a spec.ific ternl of the specific position indicated belo\v ~ under and su bj ect to Chapter 2, as Jast alllended by Ord inance 1686. APPO.IN1~EE POSITION T.E.RM ENDING Steve Stelzer Pas ition 3 August 3 L 2005 Section 2. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conn ict here\vith are hereb)'" repealed to the extent of the confl icts only. Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence~ paragraph, section or other part of th is resolution or the application thereof to any person or CirClllTIstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any COUlt of conlpetent jurisd ictjon~ the renlainder of th is resolution and the app 1 icatioll of su eh \vard, phrase~ cl ause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of th is resolution to any other persons or cirClllllstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 4. The City Council officially 'finds, detennines and declares that a sufficient \vritten notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each l11eeting at \;vh ich this resolution was discllssed, considered or acted upon was given in the l11anner requ ired by the ~r'exas Open Meetings Act, as anlended, and that each stich 111eeting has been open to the pu bl ic as requ ired by law at all tilnes during stich discussion, consideration and actioll. The City COllllCi [ ratifies~ approves and con-firn1s such notices and the contents and posting thereof. PASS.ED AN.O APPROVED this 24th day of January ~ 2005. Voting Yea: Voting Nay': Absent: ATTEST: Signed: 1(, ylynn 1-1ollo\vay City Secretary (SEA.L)