HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2004-04 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON SCHOOL FINANCE OR TAX SYSTEM REFORMS THAT WOULD AFFECT CITY REVENUES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS WHEREAS, it is likely t11at tIle Texas Legislattlre will address sellool fil1ance alld tax systelTI reforms in the l1ear future; and WHEREAS, during theses deliberations by tIle Texas Legislature, proposals to limit tIle ability of cities to collect property taxes and sales taxes are lil<ely to be offered by some members of the Legislature; and. WHEREAS, additional restrictions on city taxes fly ill tIle face of a l1istory of frllgal tax adluinistration by Texas cities; alld WHEREAS, all Texas cities com.bined collect only 15.3 percent of all property taxes collected ill tIle State of Texas, w11ile sclloo1s collect more than 60 percel1t; and WHEREAS, between 1985 and 2002, tIle municipal sllare of all property tax revenue fell from 20.3 percellt to 15~3 percellt; alld. WHEREAS, Texas cities rely 011 tax revenue to build basic infrastructure, to el1S11re public safety through police and fire departments, and to .provide nlllnerOllS essential services for city residents, WI10 are 80 percellt of tIle state's population; alld WHEREAS, Texas cities el1gage in llUluerOllS ecollolnic development activities t11at produce jobs and revenue for the entire State of Texas; and WHEREAS, cities lllUst Ineet the challenges of 110me 1 and. security al1d compliatlCe witll state and federal mal1dates, many of which are unfunded mandates; and WHEREAS, it is the voters of individllal cities who sllould pass 011 tIle fiscal administratiol1 of their city at tIle ballot box, not State Statlle; llild WHEREAS, efforts to limit tIle ability of cities to collect sales and :propelty tax revel1ues or to set tax rates V!9l11d. llave severe llegative impact 011 city services, city employees, economic development efforts and ultimately tIle citizens of tIle State of Texas Wllich should be su.bject to local taxpayer controlllot State Statue; al1d WHEREAS, certail1 restrictions 011 tile right of a City to iJll.pose property taxes migllt violate the Texas Constitlltion's equal taxation provision resulting in substmltially differel1t taxable valu.es between siluilar properties~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That tIle goverl1il1g body oftlle City of West University Place will oppose all scllool finance or tax ref Of In efforts by tIle Texas Legislature tllat l1egatively ilnpact tIle ability of tIle City to provide basic essential services, condllct economic developtuent activities, and el1sure public safety by limiting our a.bility, beyon.d the provisio.ns of currel1t law, to collect property tax or sales tax revel111es. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ ~ day of ~ ' 2004. ATTEST: ~~ Ka ynn Holloway ~ City Secretary AjOVE Jalnes Dougllerty City Attorney