HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2004-05 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-05 A RESOLUTION DENYING RELIEF REQUESTED BY CENTERPOINT ENERGY ENTEX, A DIVISION OF CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP., EFFECTIVE MAY 1,2004, SUBJECT TO POSSIBLE SETTLEMENT AND FURTHER PROCEEDINGS, AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS, on or about December 19, 2003, CenterPoillt El1ergy Elltex, a divisiol1 of Cel1terPoint Energy Resources Corp., ("Entex") filed witll tIle City of West University Place, Texas ("City") a Statemellt of Intent to cllange gas rates in various municipalities within tile Harris, Montgomery and. Fort Bend County area effective February 1,2004 ("A.pplicatiol1"); and WHEREAS, tIle City, by resollltion, extel1ded t]le effective date for 90 days to cooperate . Wit11 otller similarly-sitllated cities alld create a Steerillg Committee of SllCll cities to stu.dy tile appropriatel1ess and reasonablel1ess of tIle El1tex reqllest; WHEREAS, Entex's Application is based 011 a settleluent reacl1ed with the City of Houston and not on cost of service revenue and expense il1formation specific to tIle individual cities included ill tIle Application; and WHEREAS, Entex is seeking a disprOpoltionate amount of its proposed il1creased revenues from Cllstomers in the Application Cities when cOlnpared to il1creased revenlles approved ill the City of Houston; and WHEREAS, Entex's rates inclllde a payment pel1alty provision tllat produces revenues for wl1ich there is no cost correlatiol1 and that falls disproportiollately on low cOnS1Ul1.ptioll customers; and WHEREAS, Entex' s proposed allocation of costs amollg custoluers aIld rate desigl1 11ave not been shown to be reasollable; and WHEREAS, Cities 11ave not l1ad adequate time to tll0rOtlgllly evaluate the Applicatioll because of a paucity of cost of service data; alld WHEREAS, Elltex has an el1virol1s (areas outside municipal jurisdiction) rate filing pending at the Railroad Commission covering tIle same request and data presented in its A,pplication; and WHEREAS, Elltex has tIle sole discretion to extel1d its effective date to eliluinate tile necessity of tile City having to act 011 the rate request prior to May 1, 2004 al1d tllere.by permit meaningful evaluation of tIle rate request and settlemel1t discussions; atld WHEREAS, Elltex has all obligatiol1 to .pay reasonable rate case expenses illcllrred by Cities. 2208\OO\oth040413 gmg 1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: 1. Tllat the Elltex request for gas lltility rate relief is in all nlatters denied effective May 1, 2004, unless Entex extellds its effective date prior to May 1, 2004. 2. If Entex extends its effective date for proposed rates, tIle effective date of this resollltion denying rate relief is postponed the same nUlnber of days as tIle exte.nsiol1 granted by Entex. 3. SllOllld tIle Steering COlllll1ittee of Cities reacll a settlelnel1t witll Elltex, tllis resolutiol1 will be superceded, llpOl1 passage of tIle rate ordil1ance tllat incorporates tile settlelnel1t. (TIlls does not preclllde tile ad.option of any other rate ordinallce .before tIle above- mentioned effective date.) 4. Elltex sllall promptly pay Cities' rate case expenses. ,- Passed, approved, adopted and signed this ,$ #day of ~ ,2004. M~~:X ~ ATTEST (seal): 2208\00\oth040413 gTng 2 CenterPointTM Energy Entex 30-04-04Al0:S3 PAID CenterPoint Energy Entex 1111 Loujsiana Street HoustonJ TX 77002-5231 P.O. Box 2628 Houston, TX 77252-2628 April 30, 2004 Ms~ Kay Holloway, City Secretary City of West Un.iversity Place 3800 University Blvd. West University Place, TX 77005 Re: Extension of Effective Date for Proposed Rates of CenterPoint Energy El1tex Dear Ms. Holloway: Cel1terPoint Energy Entex, ("the Company") hereby extends tIle effective date for proposed rates from May 1, 2004 to June 1, 2004~ Accordingly, the effective date of Resolution N.o. 2004-05 is postpon.ed to June 1, 2004, the date of the final decision by the City den.yin.g Entex's rate application. Please d.o not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this filing~ CJH:yt c: Mr~ Burt Ballanfant, Mayor Mr~ Jim Dougherty, City Attorney Mr. Geoffrey M~ Gay Ms~ Georgianna Nichols Mr. George Hepburn Mr. Dan Renner, Clark, Thomas & Winters Mr. Paul Ruxin, Jones Day