HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2004-11 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2004-11 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF APPRAISAL ROLL, ASSESSOR-COLLECTORrS CERTIFICATE AND RELATED INFORMATION; DESIGNATING A PERSON TO CALC'ULATE CERTAIN TAX RATES, MAKE CERTAIN PUBLICATIONS AND PERFORM OTHER RELATED TASI(S; DECIDING ON THE AMOUNT OF SURPLUS AND UNENCUMBERED FUNDS TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE; AND CONTAINING RELATED PROVISIONS. WHEREAS, 011 Allgust 9, 2004 tIle City Council of tile City of West University place (tIle HTaxing Unitn) received tIle attaclled. certificate, appraisal roll and related inforlnatiol1 frolll its assessor and collector of taxes, of Wllicll certificates al1d ap'praisal roll are il1corporated into tllis resollltiol1 aIld. Inade a part l1ereof for all purposes; WHEREAS. t]le City Cou.11cil desires to proceed wit11 tIle steps llecessary to levy ad valOrelTI taxes; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: SECTION 1. TIle Inatters d.escribed in tIle premuble of tllis resolutioll are found ffi1d determined to be tru.e al1d correct and are adopted, ratified alld cOl1forlned~ SECTION 2. The Ci.ty COl1l1Cil of tIle City of West Ulliversity Place l1ereby authorizes and. directs tIle City's Tax Assessor to talce tIle following actions: (a) Calculate the effective tax rate and the rollbacl( tax rate u.nder tIle Texas Property Tax Code~ (b) Subnlit SllCl1 rates to tIle City COUI1CiL ( c) PU.blisll SllCll rates, as wel I. as tIle additional il1formatioll required. by tIle Texas Pro:perty Tax Code, ill the forIn and Inanner requ.ired by suell Code, at tIle earliest practica'ble tilne. ( d) Report 011 SU.Cll pu.blicatioll to t11e governil1g body. ( e) Talce all otller action necessary or incidelltal to any of tIle foregoin.g steps or to the tilnely levy alld collections of taxes by tIle Taxing UITit SECTION 3. (a) All actions by tile assessor al1d collector of taxes prior to this date, witll respect to suell calculations alld pllblicatiol1S are apIJToved, fa tifi ed 811d co l1firnl ed ill all resp ects ~ (b) For purposes of COl11pleting Sclledlde B of tIle Notice of Tax Rates prescribed by tile State Property Tax Board., it is l1ereby decided to llse $-0- out of tIle surplu.s or l111el1culnbered. funds (to be Sl10Wll OIl Scl1edule A) to pay d.e'bt serVl ce. SECTION 4. All resollltiollS and parts of resollltiollS 111 C011f1ict 11erewith are here'by repealed to tlle extel1t of tlle co'nt1icts 0111.y. SECTION 5. If allY word, plnase, clause, selltel1ce, paragrapll, seetioll or otller 'part of tllis resolutiol1 or tIle application tl1ereof to allY perS01l or cirClunstance, sllall ever be lleld to be invalid or ullconstitutional by ill1Y court of conlpete11t jllrisdictioll, the relnail1der of tl1is resollltioll 31ld. tIle applicatioll of suell word, pInase, clause, sel1ten.ce, paragrapll, sectioll or otller IJart of this resollltiol1 to any otller persons or circUlllstal1ces s11all J10t be affected. th.erebyc SECTION 6. TIle City COlU1Cil officially finds, d.eterlnines and d.eclares that a Sllfficient written 110tice of th.e date~ hour, place al1d subject of each l11eetil1g at Wllicll tllis resolutiol1 was discllssed, COllsidered or acted llpOll was given in tIle InalUler reqllired by tIle Texas Open MeetiIlgs Act, as aluen.ded, alld t11at eacll suel1 Ineetitlg 113S beell opell to tIle pllblic as reqllired by law at all titlles dur.il1g SllC11 discu.ssiol1, consid.eratio11 and. actioll. TIle City COll.11Cil ratifies, approves and. confirms suell llotices and. tIle co:nte11ts and pOStil1g tllereo f. -- SECTION 7. This resolution sllall take effect ill1111ediately llpOll its adoption an.d signatllre. PASSED AND APPROVED tllis 16th day of August, 2004. VotingYea:~~.&L~~~ dk-rl:~4!i:..Ju-! 5r..~ /~t/ ~~ #~ daru/J V Otillg Nay: ?l~...h-L- A'bsel1t: // v:l~ S iglled: (Seal) ATTEST: