HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2003-02 . .f RESOLUTION NO. 2003-02 IlAp~ I t/ /} /d- ft '-#I,{.J~i!J/\: ., _. . . _ t1 .r!? ~c/' /'tt7....;,l'.;-..vN...- c~l~~.'~. A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND TI-IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN INTERJURISDICTIONAL COMPREI-IENSIVE ALL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN WHEREAS, tile City of West University Place, pllfsuant to Ordinance No. , and }Iarris County, pllrsual1t to tllat certain Order of t11e Conunissioners court dated , 2003, l1ave establis11ed sinlilar progralns of a Comprehensive Hazard Mitigation which inclllde plans for the Initigatiol1, preparedness, responses, and recovery phases of emergency Inanagement; and WHEREAS, tIle City and COllnty find tllat vulnerability to many potential l1azards is shared by the residel1ts of tIle City of West University Place llild tIle ullincor.porated portions of Harris county; and WHEREAS, the City and tIle County nuiher find 111at tIle common goal of developillg an Illterjurisdictiol1al Comprellensive All Hazard Mitigatiol1 Plan can best be achieved throllgh an organization whicll shares the combined resources of tIle City alld the County; and WHEREAS, the action contemplated by this Resollltioll is specifically allthorized by the aforementioned Ordinance and. Court Order; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: Section 1. TIle Harris County Emergency Management Organization shall consist of tIle officers al1d employees of tIle City alld of tIle COUl1ty as d.esignated in an interjllrisdictional el11ergency mallagement plan, together with SllCh orgal1ized volunteer grollps as tllat plan may specify. Section 2. The Judge of Harris County and the Mayor of tIle City of West University Place shall agree 011 the appointlnel1t of a project team to coordil1ate all aspects of the I-Iarris COllnty Conl!Jrelle11sive All Hazard Mitigation Plan, including tIle review of tIle l1azards an.d vulnerabilities for tIle City of West Ul1iversity Place and I-Iarris County in accordance with tllis Joint Resolutioll. - Sectiol13. The Ju.dge of I-Iarris Cou.nty and the Mayor of the City of West V.niversity Place shall agree 011 t11e appoilltment of an project teatn to coordillate all aspects of the Harris COllnty CO:Dlprellellsive All Hazarcl Mitigatio.n Plan, il1Cludil1g tIle development of a l11itigation strategy for t]le City of West Ul1iversity Place and Harris COllllty in accordance witll this JOil1t Res 0 llltioll. RESOLVED t11is tIle d ~ ~ /l day of(: , 2003. Jlldge, I-IrnTis County ATTEST: COl1l1ty Clerl(