HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2003-07 RESOLUTION NO. 2003-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, REQUESTING THAT THE HARRIS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AND THE HARRIS COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY OPPOSE THE FUNDING OF, STUDY OF, AND/OR DEVELOPMENT OF A TOLL ROAD OR OTHER MANAGED LANE-TYPE FACILITY ALONG THE SP RAIL CORRIDOR (COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE "UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ROUTE") BETWEEN NORTH INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 610 AND SOUTH INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 610 ADJACENT TO THE WESTERN BORDER OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, tile City of West University Place, Texas, is el11powered to protect tIle health, safety, a11d welfare of its citizens pursuant to tIle Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, as anlellded May 3,2003; and WHEREAS, tIle City of West University Place, Texas, is conunitted. to protectil1g the quality of life of its citizens; and WHEREAS, tIle City of West University Place, Texas, is cOlnmitted to protectil1g the value of pro.perty in the corporate limits of West Ulliversity Place, Texas, from devaluation; aIld WHEREAS, tIle City of West Ul1iversity Place, Texas, believes that a toll road or otller managed lane-type facility along the SP Rail Corridor (commo.nly l<llOwn as the "Union Pacific Railroad Route") between North Interstate Highway 610 and Soutll Interstate Highway 610 adjacent to the wester!l border of the City of West University Place, Texas, will have all adverse effect on tIle healt11 i111d qllality of life of West University Place residents; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, tIle City of West Ul1iversity Place, Texas, believes that a toll road or otller managed lane-type facility along the SP Rail Corridor will negatively ill1pact the surroul1di11g envirornnel1t dlle to illcreased air aJ.ld 110ise pollutiol1; and WHEREAS, the City of West Ul1iversity Place, Texas, believes tllat a toll road or otller l11anaged lane-type facility along the SP Rail Corridor willlil<ely illcrease floodillg d.u.e to an il1crease ill tIle im.pervious surface witllill an area t11at is already prolle to heavy flooding; and WHEREAS, the City of West Ul1iversity Place, Texas, .believes that a toll road or otller Inanaged Imle-type facility along the SP Rail Corridor wiIllilcely increase traffic congestion in West Ulliversity Place; atld WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, believes that a toll road or otller managed lane-type facility along tIle SP Rail Corridor will decrease tIle vallIe ofresidelltial properties in West Ul1iversity Place; alld WHEREAS, the City of West Ul1iversity Place, Texas, believes that a toll road or otller mallaged lane-type facility alo11g tIle SP Rail Corridor will .have a d.etrimelltal iln!Jact 011 Memorial Parl< (the preluier park in Houston, Texas) dlle to ellvirOllil1el1tal, safety, and quality of life issues; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City of West University Place, Texas, is opposed to the Harris County Toll Road Autllority's proposal to develop or bllild a toll road or otller Inal1aged Page 2 of 3 latle-type facility along what is defined as tIle SP Rail Corridor between NartI1 Interstate I-ligh.way 610 and SOUtll Interstate Higllway 610~ Section 2.. TIle City of West Ul1iversity Place, Texas, respectfully reqllests tllat tile Harris Cou.nty COlnmissiol1ers Court al1d tIle Harris COullty Toll Road Autllority o.ppose any funding of, future stlldy of and/or d.eveIopUlellt of, a toll road or otller nlal1aged lal1e-type facility along tIle SP Rail Corridor~ Section 3. All resollltiol1S and parts of resoIutio11S in conflict witll tllis resollltiol1 are repealed to the extent oft11e conflict GIlly. Section 4. Tllis resolution takes effect immediately upon its .passage and. signatllre. PASSED and APPROVED on Julv 28~ 2003 Blut BaIlanfant, May 4 City of West Ulliversity Place, Texas ATTEST: ylynn Holloway, Cit ecretary City of West University Place, Texas Page 3 of 3 a (.... City of West University Place * Recycled Paper A Neighborhood City August 1, 2003 Commissioners' Court Harris County Administration Building 1001 Preston, Room 938 Houston, Texas 77002 Dear Honorable County Judge and Members of the Commissioners' Court: Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No~ 2003-07 adopted by the City Council of the City of West University Place on July 28, 2003 regarding the development of a tal] road along the SP Rail Corridor. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 713~662..5813. Sincerely, ~~r Kaylynn Holloway City Secretary Enclosure Presented to Commissioners. Court VC'"!>2: 0t ~L~ <.:i:~.U~.t '''1 ~~$ No Juc~ge Eckels ~/ D Conlm. Ll;e L::r D r....~ E a C.-0f..~" >m~ ... 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