HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2003-22 Resolution No. 2003-22 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY'S FLEXIBLE SPENDING PLAN TO INCLUDE CERTAIN OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICINES AND DRUGS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT~ WHEREAS, by the adoption of Resolution No.2003-0S on June 9,2003, the City Council adopted a revised Flexible Spending Plan under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Cod.e ("Flexible Spending Plan"); and WHEREAS, tIle City Council desires to amend tIle Flexible Spending Plan's defil1ition of ".Eligible Medical Expel1ses" in ligllt of IRS Revel1ue Rulil1g 2003-102, to permit reilubursemellt for certain over-the-counter medicines and drugs~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tllat, effective for expenses incurred by Participants or Beneficiaries from and after January 1, 2004, the d.efinition. of "Eligible Expense" in Q-9 011 page 10 of tIle Summary Plan Description is replaced with tIle following defil1itiol1: "Eligible Expense" means an expense incurred by the :Enlployee or the Employee's Spouse or Dependents after the date of the .Employee's participation in the Health FSA and during the Plan Year to the extent that the medical expense satisfies the conditions set forth in the Sum:nlary Plan Description and are for "lnedical care" as defined by Code Section 213(d). For purposes of this Plan, the following expenses are not considered "Eligi hie Medical Expenses" even if they otherwise constitute "tnedical care" under Code Section 213 (d): (i) .Expenses for qualified long term care services (as detined in Code ~ 7702B); and (i i) Ex pen ses for health ins u ranee premi urn s For purposes of this Plan, an expense is "incurred'~ when the Participant or Beneficiary is furnished the medical care or services giving rise to the clailned expense, regardless of when the expense is paid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that: Section 1. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewitll are 11ereby repealed to the extent oft11e cOl1f1ict OIlly. Section 2. If any word, phrase, clause, sel1tel1ce, paragrap11, sectioll or other part of tllis resolution or tile application tllereof to allY perSOll or circumstaI1Ce, sllall ever be held to be illvalid or llllconstitlltiollal by any court of competent jllrisdiction, tIle remaillder of this resolution and. tIle applicatioll of StIch word, phrase, clause, SeJltel1ce, paragrapll, section, or otller part of tl1is resollltion to allY other person or CirCUlTIstances sllall not be affected tllereby~ Section 3. The City COllncil officially fillds, deterluil1es alld d.eclares tllat a sufficient written 110tice of tIle date, 11ol1r, place and subject of eacll rneetillg at which tIns resolution was discussed, considered or acted D.pOll was given ill the Ina1111er reqllired by tIle Texas Opell Meetillgs Act, as illl1el1ded, lli1d that eacll SllCll meetillg l1as been opell to tIle public as required by law at all tilues d.uril1g sue11 disCl1ssion, COllsideration al1d actioll. Tile City COllllCil rati"fies, approves and. confirl11s sllch~notices and tIle COlltents alld postin.g tllereof~ Section 4. Tllis resolutiol1 shall take effect immediately llpOll its ad.o.ptio!l alld sigl1ature. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON .November lO~ 2003 Signed: &d- Mayor i .