HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2003-23 f. RESOLUTION NO. 2003-23 A RESOLUTION APPROVING BROKERS FROM WHICH THE CITY WOULD PURCHASE INVESTMENTS; AUTHORIZING A LETTER AGREEMENT; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The City COUI1Cil approves tIle following as brokers from Wllich tIle City may purcllase il1vestments, subject to tIle state laws regulating public illvestments and the City's investment policy adopted as part of Cllapter 2 of tIle Code of Ordi11ances~ Firln Broker(s) Morgan Stanley Jerome Senegal, Latrissa Gordon- Kramer NBC Capital Marl(ets Group Stewart W orthau1 Coastal SeCllrities. Tony Sel<aly; Theresa Jasso, and Eric Jupiter Bank One Gregory Vint Section 2. The City COUI1Cil authorizes a letter agreelnent with suell brokers, ill a form tIlat cOlnplies witll the City's investulent policy aIld state law and is approved by tIle Fil1ance Director. Section 2. All resolutiollS alld. parts of resolutions ill coo.flict herewitll are l1ereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentel1ce, paragraph, section. or otller part of tIlis resolutiol1 or tIle application tllereof to any person or circllillstance, sllall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutiol1al by allY court of competellt jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolutiol1 and tIle applicatiol1 of suell word, phrase, clause, selltence, paragrapll, section, or other part of tllis resollltion to any other person OT circumstances shall not be affected tllereby~ Section. 4. The City Council officially fil1ds, determines 811d declares tllat a sufficient written 110tice of tIle date, 11our, place al1d subject of each meetillg at whicll tllis resolution was discussed, COl1sidered or acted UpOll was given in tIle Inaru1er required by tIle Texas Opell Meetings Law, as mnel1ded, and t11at eacll suell lueeting 11as been open to tIle public as required by law at all tilues durillg suell discussion, consideratiol1 and action. TIle City Council ratifies, approves ill1d COl1filIDS SUCll110tices a11d the COlltents al1d posting thereof. Sectiol1 5. Tl1is notice sllall tal(e effect iU1n1ediately upon its adoptiol1 alld sigllature. PASSED, APPROV.ED AND ADOPTED ON, November 10"\ 2003~ Signed: &d: BlUi Ballanfant ayar ATTEST: (SEAL)