HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2007-05 Approving an application for a crime scene unit RESOLUTION NUMBER 2007..05\..... A RESOLUTION APPROVING A GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE CREATION OF A CRIME SCENE U.NITIEVIDENCE TECHNICIANS PROJECT WHEREAS, The West University Place City Council finds it in the best interest of the citizens of The City of West University Place, that the Crime Scene Unit / Evidence Technicians Project be operated for the year of 2007; and WHEREAS, The City of West University Place agrees to provide the salary and benefits for two Officers and one Sergeant for the said project as required by the S.F42 I grant application; and WHEREAS, The City of West University Place agrees that in the event of loss or misuse of the Criminal Justice Division funds, The City of West University Place assures that. the funds will be returned to the Criminal Justice Division in full; and WHEREAS, The City of West .University Place designates Police Chief Ken Walker as the grantee's + authorized officiaL The authorized official is given the power to apply for, accept, reject, alter or terminate the grant on behalf of the applicant agency ~ BE .IT R.ESO.L VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The City Council approves submission of the grant application for the Crime Scene Unit I Evidence Technicians grant to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division. Section 2. All resolutions and palts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflicts only. Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the relnainder of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 4~ The City Council officially finds, detennines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and sub jeet of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, con sidered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action~ The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1 .I th day of June , 2007 ~ Voting Yea: Voting Nay: Absent: Sjgnedlt/-~f Bob l&Uy . Mayor (SEAL) Grant Application Confirmation Number: 1946101