HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2002-01 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2002-01 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE RESOLUTION RELATING TO SIGNATURES ON CHECKS DRAWN ON CITY ACCOUNTS; AUTHORIZING SUCH SIGNATURES AND AUTHORlZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES; AUTI-IORIZING THE CITY TREASURER TO RATIFY CERTAIN SIGNATURES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS, tIle COlnpass Ballk is tIle depository for the fUl1ds of tIle City; al1d, WHEREAS, tIle Compass Banle reqllires a resolutiol} alltllorizillg officers of tile City to sign checlcs, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1 ~ City TreaSllrer Walter Tl10mas is auth.orized to Sigll clleclcs drawn 011 all City accounts lleld by tIle depository, ifth.e cllecl(s are co-siglled by OIle of tIle following: A. Linda Lewis, Mayor B ~ Ro bert P ~ Ye111, City Milllager C. Micllael Ross, Assistal1t City Manager Section 2~ All sigl1atures may be signed either manu.ally or .by facsill1ile in accordance with mticle 717J-1 of tIle Texas Ulliform Facsiluile Sigl1ature ofPu.blic Officials Act~ Sectiol1 3. All resolutions alld pmis of resollltions in C011f1ict l1erew.i.tb. are hereby repealed to the extel1t of tbe conflict only ~ Section 4. If any word, plu~ase, clause, sentel1ce, IJaragrapll, sectio11 or other part of tllis resollltiol1 or the applicatiol1 tllereof to atlY perSOll or circu.n1stan.ce~ s11all ever .be l1eld to be invalid. or unCOl1stitutiollal by IDlY COlut of COlnpetel1t ju.risdiction., the remaillder of tllis resolution llild the application of stIch word, phTase, clallse~ sentence, paragrapll, seetioll, or otller part of tllis resolutiol1 to allY ot11er IJerSOll or circumstallces sIlall not be affected tllere.by. Sectioll 5~ TIle City Council officially filld.S, deter111il1es and declares tl1at [1 SllfficieJlt writte.n Jlotice of tIle date, 11our, place and subj ect of eacll Ineeti11g at vvl1i c h tllis resolution was discllssed, COl1sidered or acted UpOll was given in the 111an.ner required by tIle Texas Open Meetillgs Law, as all1ended, and that each 5116h 111eeting l1as been opell to tIle public as reqllired by law at all tin1es dluing such discussion. COl1sideration alld action. TIle City COUI1Cil ratifies, approves and cOl1firll1s stlch. 110tices and the c9ntents and posting thereof. Section 6~ Tllis llotice sllall take effect immediately upon its ad.o:ptiol1 alld si gnature ~ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON, 2002