HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2002-03 Resolution No. 2002-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE CONTINUATION OF THE METRO #70 UNIVERSITY ROUTE WHEREAS, tIle City of West Ul1iversity Place co.ntributes approxinlately 1% of total sales and use tax revel1ue collected ($518,505 for 2001) to the Metropolitan. Tral1sit Alltllority; and WHEREAS, the City of has a number of residents, City elnployees, alld. ot11er .busil1esses' eUlployees that use the services provid.ed by tlle Metropolitan Tra11sit Autllority; and WHEREAS, the City l1as beell informed tllat there are efforts beil1g lllld.ertaken to discontinlle tIle #70 University route which is a major portioll of tIle services tIle Metropolitan Transit Autllority provides to tIle City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TI-IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. TIle City supports the contil1uation of the #70 University rOtlte tl1at services tIle City of West Ulliversity Place. FurtherlTI,Ore, the City opposes any efforts by the Metropolitan Transit Autllority to discolltinue or reduce this service. Section 2. TIle City COUI1Cil officially finds, deternlil1es and declares tllat a sufficiellt writtell notice of tIle date, 11our, place ill1d. su.bject of eacll Ineetin.g at Wllicl1 tllis resolution was discllssed, considered or acted llpOJl was givel1 ill tile manl1er reqllired by tIle Texas Open Meetings Act, as amend.ed, and that each such meeting 118S been opell to tIle pllblic as reqllired by law at all tilnes duril1g SUCll discussion, consideration, and actioll. TIle City COllllCil ratifies, ap:proves atld confirms Sllcllllotices illld tIle contellts al1d posting t11ereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED t11is 25th day of MarcIl , 2002. ATTEST: ~ '-.aylynn Holloway City Secretary (SEAL)