HomeMy WebLinkAboutRSWRB JANUARY 2023 PacketNotice of Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board will meet on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 6:00 pm Community Building – John Neighbors Activity Room 6104 Auden Mission Statement: “The Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board is responsible for: studies and recommendations on recycling and solid waste; and Community education on matters relating to recycling and solid waste.” The Agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1) Call to Order 2) Approval of December 2022 Minutes 3) Board Member Reports, Business/Action Items: (a) Tree Light Ceremony Report Status- Sheth (b) New Neighbor Program- Barnwell (c) Literature updates complete: WTDWI (d) New board members process- Sheth (e) Social Media Themes-Davis (f) Currents Article Discussion-Pai (g) WUES Report- Fehl/Gregory (h) Upcoming Events (i) Master Recycler Class (j) WULL Carnival – Feb 25, 2023 – Edlund (k) Report on Tree Light Removal Project- Barnwell/Davis/Pai (l) West U Collects App Update- Barnwell 4) West U Staff Report -- Recycling, Solid Waste and West U Collects App Stats/Storage and Shelving/Review Action Item List 5) Chairman’s Report/Board Member Comments 6) Adjourn - next meeting February 14, 2023 If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting, please contact the City Secretary at 713.662.5813 in advance of the meeting. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your participation in the meeting. MEETING MINUTES RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 1 RSWRB Meeting Minutes – December 2022 Community Building, John Neighbors Activity Room – 6104 Auden, West University Place, Texas 77005 1) CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM. 2) ATTENDANCE: Members Present: Chairpersons Monte Edlund and Shreya Sheth; Mary Barnwell, Corrinn Davis, Julie Fehl, Lindsay Gregory, Rick Mifflin, and Ravi Pai. Also Present: Ed Orozco (West U, Asst. Director of Public Works), and John Barnes (City Council Member) Member(s) Absent: Orzeck 3) AGENDA ORDER: The Agenda Order was not changed. The dates for the Master Recycler class were revised to indicate corrected dates. 4) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A Motion was made to approve the minutes of the November meeting. 1st: Davis 2nd: Sheth Action: Pass Vote: Ayes: Chairperson Edlund and all present. 5) BOARD MEMBER REPORTS – BUSINESS/ACTION ITEMS: (a) Report on Tree Lighting Event– Sheth The event was a success and the RSWRB booth was very busy. The Recycle the Reindeer game was a hit. A discussion of supplies and re-ordering them for each event was discussed. It was suggested that an inventory be added to the event report that describes the status of supplies remaining available at the close of each event. (b) Upcoming Events: (i) Tree Light Removal, Colonial Park, January 14-Barnwell/Pai Barnwell reported that an email had been sent out requesting volunteers to assist with the event. MEETING MINUTES RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 2 RSWRB Meeting Minutes – December 2022 (ii) WULL Carnival-February 25, 2023- Edlund Edlund will chair the event and will reach out to WULL to discuss food waste and recycling at the event. (c) Literature Complete- WTDWI-Barnwell/Sheth A draft of WTDWI was reviewed and submitted. There is no estimated publication date. Barnwell said she would complete edits to the West U Collects App prior to the next Board meeting. (d) Currents Article Update-Fehl Fehl’s composting article was completed and submitted. The next deadline for the summer 2023 article is 2/21/23. Pai offered to write the next article. One suggestion was to discuss recycling at ITR. It was mentioned that the curbside recycling guidelines published in the Winter 2022 Currents was the previous version and not the new, updated version. (e) Social Media Themes- Q1-Davis December’s theme was submitted to the Board previously. January’s theme will feature ways to recycle toys. February and March themes will be discussed during the January meeting. 6) MASTER RECYCLER CLASS AND COMPOSTING COURSE Sheth emailed the presentations to the Board and will upload information to Google drive. The meeting dates indicated on the agenda are changed for the composting workshop. The dates listed should add February 18. Additionally, the dates listed for the Composting Workshop should reflect for the Thursday, February 16 or Saturday, February 18. 7) NEW NEIGHBOR PROGRAM: - Barnwell The main worksheet was updated to include October through November. New Neighbor address lists and literature were distributed. Year to date, through September, 86 deliveries were assigned. October information has been received but not posted or assigned. By the date of this meeting, approximately 82% of deliveries have been completed. Orozco followed up on Councilman Barnes suggestion to provide a mechanism such that Board members will know which houses are being renovated, vacant, under construction, etc. to streamline deliveries. The Board appreciated Orozco’s preparation of New Neighbor delivery lists that are limited to addresses where the residence and invoice address are the same. MEETING MINUTES RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 3 RSWRB Meeting Minutes – December 2022 8) WEST U STAFF REPORT: Orozco will send October statistics from Republic Waste and will email the November report when received. Relative to food waste composting, an RFQ is going to approval several vendors as composting options. The deadline is Thursday, December 15. Pai asked if the Board would be able to see the proposal to determine how they may be differentiated. Fehl asked if the Board may see the list of vendors who replied to the RFQ. 9) CHAIRMAN’S REPORT/BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: RSWRB Storage Room- Questions were asked about storage capability for the future part of the City’s Master Plan. Gregory suggested the need for a shelving unit. Orozco will look for the availability of an existing shelving unit that may be available. WUES- Fehl and Gregory participated in a STEM night on Thursday, December 8. The project presented by Fehl and Gregory was planting a wildflower seed mix using RSWRB available peat pots. Approximately 150 students participated. Fehl and Gregory expressed they very much desire a 96-gallon bin for the cafeteria, where recycling may be delivered. Additionally, they would like to have a lift to assist with transfer of recycling to the school’s recycling dumpster. 10) ADJOURNMENT: At approximately 7:25 PM, Barnwell motioned to adjourn tonight’s meeting to January 10 and the motion was seconded by Mifflin. The Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting to January 10. MEETING MINUTES RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 4 RSWRB Meeting Minutes – December 2022 Attachment 1 Action Items –October 2022 Action Item Board/Staff Lead Next Review Date Completion or Event Date Comments Request head of ITR attend Board Meeting. Orozco 1/10/23 Review process to green light volunteer participation and whether a waiver may be required. Orozco 1/10/23 Provide ideas for including student volunteers for the RSWRB Pai 1/10/23 . Review and discuss RSWRB file management on the City’s system Board 1/10/23 Discuss filling the 2 vacant Board positions with City Council. Barnes 1/10/23 Train RSWRB members on recycling. Board 1/10/23 MEETING MINUTES RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 5 RSWRB Meeting Minutes – December 2022 Action Item Board/Staff Lead Next Review Date Completion or Event Date Comments New Neighbor Program Board 1/10/23 Members should email Edlund/Sheth with any further opinions about what should be included in the NNP handout bundle. Review high school volunteer possibilities Pai 1/10/23 Organize the RSWRB Storage Area Davis/Barnwell 12/13/22 Orozco suggested Davis and Barnwell send him an Amazon link with storage containers we would like. Summer 2023 Currents Article (June, July August) Pai 2/21/23 Fall 2023 Currents Article (September, October, November) 5/23/23 Winter 2023 Currents Article (December, January, February) 8/22/23 WUES Communications Fehl/Gregory Ongoing Ongoing Neighborhood Welcome and Bin Delivery Barnwell Ongoing Ongoing Closed Action Items MEETING MINUTES RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 6 RSWRB Meeting Minutes – December 2022 Action Item Board/Staff Lead Next Review Date Completion or Event Date Comments West U Winter Currents-Curbside and Recycling Guidelines Marlow 10/12/21 10/16/21 WUES Fall Carnival (Boo Bash) Marlow 11/9/21 10/16/21 West U Shredding Event Mifflin 11/9/21 11/6/21 Social Media- November Davis 11/9/21 11/9/21 Focused on America Recycles Day. Spring 2022 Currents Article (March, April, May) Orzeck 11/19/21 Topic is Medical Bridges. Marlow to email Board Members for review. Master Recycler Report Marlow 12/14/21 Yvonne Jacobs made a presentation to the Board. Susie Hairston was present. Social Media- December Davis 12/14/21 12/14/21 Davis prepared social media topic for greening up your holidays. Candy Wrapper Collection Fehl/Gregory 12/14/21 11/12/21 MEETING MINUTES RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 7 RSWRB Meeting Minutes – December 2022 Action Item Board/Staff Lead Next Review Date Completion or Event Date Comments Check with West U App to update reference discontinuance of Styrofoam collection at Westpark. Marlow 2/8/22 2/8/22 Summer 2022 Currents Article (June, July, August) Marlow N/A 2/21/22 Holiday Tree Lighting Removal Barnwell/Pai 2/8/22 2/24/22 Barnwell provided a written report. WUES Service Day Fehl/Gregory 3/28/22 Barnwell and Davis participated. Easter Spring Festival Sheth 4/9/22 WUES Earth Day Fehl/Gregory 4/22/22 Tour of MRF Facility Marlow 4/30/22 Spring Shred It Event Davis 5/7/22 Fall 2022 Currents Article (September, October, November) Davis 5/23/22 Yard Waste MEETING MINUTES RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 8 RSWRB Meeting Minutes – December 2022 Action Item Board/Staff Lead Next Review Date Completion or Event Date Comments Winter 2022 Currents Article (December, January, February) Edlund 8/11/22 8/22/22 Review Pumpkin Collection Flyer for 2022 Barnwell 8/11/22 Orozco provided a draft. Order prizes for Boo-Bash and other events Pai/Davis/Barn- well; Orozco 10/11/22 DONE Adult prize for guess the number of plastic bottle tops in the jar Review Candy Wrapper Collection Flyer Board DONE Review Candy Wrapper Collection Flyer WTDWI (What to do with it flyer) Barnwell/Sheth DONE Orozco will try and have a draft ready by the next Board Meeting, but a date is to be determined. Obtain quote for 96- gallon bin for WUES Orozco 11/8/22 COMPLETE The City purchases 96-gallon bins, but they are purchased in bulk on an infrequent basis at the cost of $225/bin. Print Handouts for Shred-It Event Orozco 11/8/22 11/5/22 Print Handouts for Shred-It Event Schedule ITR Tour Orozco 11/8/22 11/10/22 Orozco will coordinate so that Hairston and Jacobs can tour ITR ahead of the course to ensure the materials will have the proper information for residents. MEETING MINUTES RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 9 RSWRB Meeting Minutes – December 2022 Action Item Board/Staff Lead Next Review Date Completion or Event Date Comments Liaise with Senior Services about reviving pick-up program for Semi- Annual Shred- It event Orzeck 11/8/22 11/5/22 Orzeck will liaise with Sr. Services to see if we can revive a program whereby volunteers pick up recyclable items (scrap metal/appliances/electronics) from Seniors and transport them to the event. Confirm Date of Holiday Event Edlund DONE Date is December 5 Determine if Master Recycling Course can be added to online activities at the Rec Center. Orozco 11/8/22 COMPLETE Determine if Master Recycling Course can be added to online activities at the Rec Center. Liaise with Senior Services about reviving pick-up program for Semi- Annual Shred- It event Orzeck 11/8/22 11/5/22 Orzeck will liaise with Sr. Services to see if we can revive a program whereby volunteers pick up recyclable items (scrap metal/appliances/electronics) from Seniors and transport them to the event. Placement of RSWRB info on the City’s computer system Board 12/13/22 Edlund provided a link on 11/8/22 to the read only files and the Board will discuss file management suggestions at the December Board meeting. Spring 2023 Currents Article (March, April, May) Fehl 11/8/22 11/15/22 Spring 2023 Currents Article (March, April, May) 2023-02 WURSWRB - Social Media - Eco Valentine's Day.docx Picture source: https://recyclingpartnership.org/social-media/ Valentine’s Day Eco-Friendly Tips: Consider a potted plant instead of a flower bouquet – better for the environment and likely easier on your wallet! Make your own cards/presents using recycled materials. Give locally and ethically grown flowers where possible and be sure to add these to your yard waste or compost once they wither. Gift an experience that your loved-one will treasure, rather than an item. Offer fair trade chocolates with ethically sourced cacao for your valentine’s sweet tooth. Don’t forget to reuse or recycle paper cards and cardboard gift boxes after the 14th! Find more green alternatives to traditional Valentine’s gifts at: earth911.com. #SustainableValentines #EcoValentines #ReduceReuseRecycle #EthicallyGrown #Compost #Recycle The entire “hexagon” to work together to solve their problem.They have not done their part.They blame the consumer, or the SYSTEM.The blogosphere is full of their excuses.They own the government (oops, political…)MANUFACTURERS WANTMaster Recycler Program Master Recycler Program Less cost for Pepsi!   Aren’t they heroic?Master Recycler Program Good for us, but this didn’t costthem anything (not that it should), it’s a free greenwashing opportunity from a cost‐saving packaging decision.Master Recycler Program Subtext:Not our problem.Americans can’t recycle properly.Pepsi is not in the recovery business.Master Recycler Program MasterRecyclerProgramText goes here Cities try bag bansMRF’s educate not to contaminate recyclingThe 3%....Don’t look for the city or the hauler or the MRF to fix the problem.Master Recycler Program Cities charge residents to remove trash and recycling.  •These fees pay the haulers.  •These fees pay the MRF’s.•These fees subsidize the manufacturers who buy the bailed recyclables.Master Recycler Program AS LONG AS THEY KEEP SELLINGTHEY WON’T FIX THE PROBLEM.IT’S BEEN THIS WAY FOR DECADESMaster Recycler Program WHAT IF SALES DROPPED?NOW YOU HAVE THEIR ATTENTION.Master Recycler Program AS LONG AS WE RECYCLEMRF’S WON’T FIX THE PROBLEM.RECYCLING IS BIG BUSINESS.Master Recycler Program WHAT IF WE JUST STOPPED?NOW YOU HAVE THEIR ATTENTION.Master Recycler Program Let’s understand Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Youhave control over all three in your part of the hexagon.Master Recycler Program Waste: READThese 4 cut to the chase. Master Recycler Program Text goes hereThe END we ALL have in mind. This is the old normal.Master Recycler Program CARDBOARD PLASTIC BOTTLES ALUMINUM CANS PAPER CONTAMINATION some ends           we should     have in mind Master Recycler Program Zero waste is a goal, a movement•It’s not you becoming an Uber‐recycler•It’s not all about downstream•It starts with understanding the problem•Stuff must be designed correctlyMaster Recycler Program Master Recycler Program What do we do with old clothing?•Clothing production has not peaked!•Fashion industry is in probably top 5 most damaging to the environment.•Cotton has a huge footprint, but organic is better than conventional.•Do I know I will wear it 30 times?  Over‐riding factor.•Goodwill and other clothing donation centers are your best bet when you are done with something wearable.Master Recycler Program Oh that’s right, there’s more to recycle or divert than paper, cardboard, aluminum, & plastic –the packaging (40% of MSW) ‐that gets picked up curbside.Master Recycler Program Like HHWMaster Recycler Program And batteriesMaster Recycler Program And foodMaster Recycler Program CURBSIDE IS NOT ENOUGHIT’S THE 40%SO WE HAVE 60% WE’RE ON OUR OWN FOR….Master Recycler Program WUP.COULD. DO. THIS.Master Recycler Program OVER PUBLIC WORKS DEAD BODYMaster Recycler Program WHO’S GONNA PAY FOR THAT?EARTH PAYS FOR IT ALREADY IN DEGRADATION.Master Recycler Program A Zero Waste StrategyMaster Recycler Program The Circular Economy is a Master Recycler Program without PROACTIVE and highly REGULATED processes by the manufacturers of our consumer economy.  •And they won’t get proactive until demand [or lack thereof] drives them to do it.  •And our regulatory structure is suspect without demand or oversight driving it.Master Recycler Program MasterRecyclerProgramReally?•Let’s track this to see how this works.  •Clearly, this is not going in your curbside bin. will take the Circular EconomyFrom Myth to realityMaster Recycler Program Master Recycler Program Rethink TRASHEverything without value to processors and end users is trash.  Hereit’s much cheaper to landfilltrash than wish‐cycle it.Master Recycler Program Think about itSorting recyclingcosts $95/tonSorting contaminationcosts $95/tonAnd then it is landfilled for $35/ton!So, contamination costs us $95/ton morethan correctly landfilling it.Master Recycler Program And you KNOWEverything AFTER manufacturers sell it is without value to them.Master Recycler Program Rethink CURBSIDEAluminum is valuableCardboard and paper are viableGlass is a serious costly problemPlastic is insane –1’s & 2’s (5’s?)Master Recycler Program Rethink CITIES Solid Waste departments are charged to remove waste.  Every day without fail.  They are risk‐averse and under‐resourced.Master Recycler Program AndSolid Waste departments are•removing waste, •recycling packagingonly, •and mulching yard trimmings.Master Recycler Program In the meantimeTrash is not all badRecycling is not all goodMainstreaming EPR is essential Master Recycler Program The Circular Economy means•Everyone knows what to do•Everyone participates•Everything is recyclable•And there is accountability Master Recycler Program Master Recycler Program MasterRecyclerProgramRecycling & Solid Waste Reduction Board 137 People need to be told that?Yes – repeatedly.  Get over it.Master Recycler Program Not always mentioned:•No Small plastics•No plastic cutlery•No straws•Darn!  I really want to recycle those!•I feel your pain!Master Recycler Program Did you notice?No Number 6 plastics.No styrofoam.Master Recycler Program Speaking ofNo StyrofoamIt would SHOCK you how many curbside cardboard boxes for recycling pickup still have the foam in them.Master Recycler Program MasterRecyclerProgramPLASTICS:Other cities are only taking bottles & jugs* Master Recycler Program Glass breaks•It’s non‐toxic and inert in the ground.•But it contaminates the single stream.•Separate drop‐off containers?•Houston tried that and everyone complained.Master Recycler Program WE COULD ALWAYS DIVERTFOODWASTEWE’RE DOING QUITE WELL WITH YARD WASTEMaster Recycler Program Master Recycler Program•You can compost in your back yard•You can subscribe to a service•Hmmm, what else could we do? HOW ABOUT C&D WASTE?OTHER CITIES HAVE 50% WASTE DIVERSION ORDINANCES –WEST U COULD, TOO.Master Recycler Program HOW ABOUT C&D WASTE?•THIS “EXTRA COST” IS VIRTUALLY NIL TO A HOME BUILT IN WUP.•IT WOULD TAKE ACTION BY THE BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION.Master Recycler Program Master Recycler ProgramMaybe… Master Recycler Program Master Recycler Program West U conducted a surveyMaster Recycler Program Email from CityDoor hangerCity CurrentsMailer (?)West U Collects appSocial mediaNewspaperQ 7: Best Information Type WUP Email Blast: 2161 subscribers = 40%Door hangers: 95% possibleCurrents articles: Assume 100% (quarterly)Mailers?WUP Collects App: 1272 subscribers = 23%Facebook: 2791 Likes, 3177 Followers = 51%Next Door: 6785 members (WUP plus) ?Newspaper articles?74%41%35%28%22%15%15%8%5419 Households in WUP WHAT DO THEY KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW?Master Recycler Program MasterRecyclerProgramWest U Collects App ? MasterRecyclerProgramHow to reach people West U Collects AppEasiest for WUP,   but only 23% of WUP subscribes Recycling is the gatewayEPA wants a 50% Recycling Rate.We start there & scream for EPR.‘Reduce’ mightget some traction.Everything else is just talk.And we have 5419 households to inform.Master Recycler Program Master Recycler Program Master Recycler Program What can one person do?Don’t be one person.  Kathleen Dean MooreMaster Recycler Program TAKE YOUR PICKMaster Recycler Program Thank youMaster Recycler Program Item NOVEMBER % of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total Rev Rev Share West U Rev Garbage Collection: (Avg $ / ton)ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill Regular Trash 421.24 ($44.26) ($18,642.72) Subtotal Garbage Collection:421.24 ($18,642.72) Curbside Recycle:Single Stream Total Tons: 144.93 Blended Value/Ton XOCC (corrig.cardboard) 23.80% 0.00 $45.00 $0.00 $0.00 ALL OTHER PAPER 0.00% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 XONP (newspapers, mag, inserts) 49.45% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Processing Fee: XPETE (PET plastic #1) 2.02% 0.00 $210.00 $0.00 ($97.98) XHDPEC (color plastic #2) 2.03% 0.00 $205.00 $0.00 XHDPEN (natural plastic #1) 1.10% 0.00 $1,245.00 $0.00 Value Delta / Ton 3-7 PLASTIC 0.40% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 XMIXED GLASS 9.75% 0.00 ($38.00)$0.00 ($97.98) XSTEEL (steel cans) 1.17% 0.00 $177.50 $0.00 75%($73.49) XUBC (aluminum) 1.22% 0.00 $1,350.00 $0.00 Rebate / Ton XWASTE 9.06% 0.00 ($45.00)$0.00 FUEL $0.00 ENV FEE 100.00% $0.00 DISPOSAL FEE P/TON ($97.98) Subtotal Curbside:0.00 $0.00 ($14,200.24) Yard Waste 35.65 (13.57) ($483.77) Misc. / Special Events: Electronic Scrap #DIV/0! 100% $0.00 Outside Metal Vendor #DIV/0! 100% $0.00 Total Misc. & Special Event Revenue:0.00 $0.00 Total WM Revenue: SOLID WASTE: TOTAL TONS: 421.24 TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE): 421.24 ($18,642.72) Recycling % RECYCLING:7.80% Tons Curbside: 0.00 TOTAL RECYCLING: 0.00 TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($14,200.24) YARD WASTE Tons Curbside: 35.65 TOTAL YW: 35.65 TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($483.77) TOTAL:456.89 ($33,326.73) City of West University Place, TexasRECYCLING REVENUEYEAR 2022ItemJANUARYFEBRUARYMARCHAPRILMAYJUNE% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U RevGarbage Collection: (Avg $ / ton)ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of billRegular Trash 416.06($37.33) ($15,531.05)345.76($37.44) ($12,944.05)372.06($38.00) ($14,137.57)406.37($38.00) ($17,855.12)375.03($38.00) ($16,536.61)370.10($44.32) ($16,403.15)Subtotal Garbage Collection:416.06($15,531.05)345.76($12,944.05)372.06($14,137.57)406.37($17,855.12)375.03($16,536.61)370.10($16,403.15)Curbside Recycle:Single Stream Total Tons: 135.17Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 113.54Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 131.61Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 141.76Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 130.50Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 129.48Blended Value/TonXOCC (corrig.cardboard) 23.80% 32.17 $165.00 $5,308.13 $128.21 23.80% 27.02 $160.00 $4,323.60 $136.90 23.80% 31.32 $160.00 $5,011.71 $136.90 23.80% 31.00 $155.00 $4,805.00 $129.22 23.80% 28.70 $150.00 $4,305.00 $131.16 23.80% 30.82 $150.00 $4,622.44 135.32ALL OTHER PAPER 0.00% 0.00 $85.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00 $80.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00 $80.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00 $80.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00 $80.00 $0.00XONP (newspapers, mag, inserts) 49.45% 66.84 $85.00 $5,681.53Processing Fee:49.45% 56.15 $80.00 $4,491.64Processing Fee:49.45% 65.08 $80.00 $5,206.49Processing Fee:49.45% 64.30 $80.00 $5,144.00Processing Fee:49.45% 59.60 $80.00 $4,768.00Processing Fee:49.45% 64.03 $80.00 $5,122.23Processing Fee:XPETE (PET plastic #1) 2.02% 2.73 $405.00 $1,105.83($97.98)2.02% 2.29 $690.00 $1,582.52($97.98)2.02% 2.66 $690.00 $1,834.38($97.98)2.02% 2.60 $830.00 $2,158.00($97.98)2.02% 2.40 $930.00 $2,232.00($97.98)2.02% 2.62 $860.00 $2,249.33($97.98)XHDPEC (color plastic #2) 2.03% 2.74 $490.00 $1,344.54 2.03% 2.30 $590.00 $1,359.87 2.03% 2.67 $590.00 $1,576.29 2.03% 2.60 $680.00 $1,768.00 2.03% 2.40 $660.00 $1,584.00 2.03% 2.63 $690.00 $1,813.63XHDPEN (natural plastic #1) 1.10% 1.49 $1,190.00 $1,769.38Value Delta / Ton1.10% 1.25 $995.00 $1,242.70Value Delta / Ton1.10% 1.45 $995.00 $1,440.47Value Delta / Ton1.10% 1.40 $1,080.00 $1,512.00Value Delta / Ton1.10% 1.30 $1,130.00 $1,469.00Value Delta / Ton1.10% 1.42 $1,140.00 $1,623.68Value Delta / Ton3-7 PLASTIC 0.40% 0.54 $0.00 $0.00 $30.23 0.40% 0.45 $0.00 $0.00 $38.92 0.40% 0.53 $0.00 $0.00 $38.92 0.40% 0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $31.24 0.40% 0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $33.18 0.40% 0.52 $0.00 $0.00 $37.34XMIXED GLASS 9.75% 13.18($38.00) ($500.80)75% $22.67 9.75% 11.07($38.00) ($420.67)75% $29.19 9.75% 12.83($38.00) ($487.62)75% $29.19 9.75% 12.70($38.00) ($482.60)75% $23.43 9.75% 11.80($38.00) ($448.40)75% $24.88 9.75% 12.62($38.00) ($479.72)75% $28.01XSTEEL (steel cans) 1.17% 1.58 $265.00 $419.09Rebate / Ton1.17% 1.33 $265.00 $352.03Rebate / Ton1.17% 1.54 $265.00 $408.06Rebate / Ton1.17% 1.50 $230.00 $345.00Rebate / Ton1.17% 1.40 $230.00 $322.00Rebate / Ton1.17% 1.51 $220.00 $333.28Rebate / TonXUBC (aluminum) 1.22% 1.65 $1,670.00 $2,753.95 1.22% 1.39 $2,220.00 $3,075.12 1.22% 1.61 $2,220.00 $3,564.53 1.22% 1.60 $2,250.00 $3,600.00 1.22% 1.50 $2,250.00 $3,375.00 1.22% 1.58 $1,750.00 $2,764.40XWASTE 9.06% 12.25($45.00) ($551.09)9.06% 10.29($45.00) ($462.90)9.06% 11.92($45.00) ($536.57)9.06% 11.80($45.00) ($531.00)9.06% 10.90($45.00) ($490.50)9.06% 11.73($45.00) ($527.89)FUEL($0.00)$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00ENV FEE$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00DISPOSAL FEE P/TON$22.67 $29.19 $29.19 $23.43 $24.88 $28.01Subtotal Curbside:135.17 $17,330.55 $3,064.81 113.54 $15,543.91 $3,314.45 131.61 $18,017.74 $3,841.94 130.00 $18,318.40 $3,321.57 1.00 130.50 $17,116.10 $3,247.28 117.75 $17,521.36 $3,626.18Curbside tonnage breakdown is an estimate based upon random sampling of City's collections.*p/ton price increase per CPIYard Waste 93.34(14.81) ($1,382.37)67.56(13.94) ($941.98)86.41(14.81) ($1,279.73)97.40(14.81) ($1,442.49) (14.81) ($899.56)42.63(14.81) ($631.35)SOLID WASTE:TOTAL TONS: 416.06 345.76 372.06 406.37 375.03 370.10TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($15,531.05) ($12,944.05) ($14,137.57) ($17,855.12) ($16,536.61) ($16,403.15)Recycling %Recycling %Recycling %Recycling %Recycling %Recycling %RECYCLING:35.45% 34.37% 36.95% 35.88% 25.81% 30.23%Tons Curbside: 135.17 113.54 131.61 130.00 130.50 117.75TOTAL RECYCLING: 135.17 113.54 131.61 130.00 130.50 117.75TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):$3,064.81 $3,314.45 $3,841.94 $3,321.57 $3,247.28 $3,626.18YARD WASTETons Curbside: 93.34 67.56 86.41 97.40 0.00 42.63TOTAL YW:93.34 67.56 86.41 97.40 0.00 42.63TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($1,382.37) ($941.98) ($1,279.73) ($1,442.49) ($899.56) ($631.35)TOTAL:644.57($13,848.60)459.30($10,571.59)590.08($11,575.36)633.77($15,976.04)505.53($14,188.89)530.48($13,408.32)ItemJULYAUGUSTSEPTEMBEROCTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBER TOTAL% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev Tons Rev / (Exp)Garbage Collection: (Avg $ / ton)ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of billRegular Trash 310.80($44.63) ($13,871.20)371.95($44.49) ($16,549.18)360.85($44.24) ($15,965.45)339.60($44.17) ($15,001.20)421.24($44.26) ($18,642.72)#DIV/0! 4,089.82($173,437.30)Subtotal Garbage Collection:310.80($13,871.20)371.95($16,549.18)360.85($15,965.45)339.60($15,001.20)421.24($18,642.72)0.00 $0.00 4,089.82($173,437.30)Curbside Recycle:Single Stream Total Tons: 122.55Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 132.83Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 136.26Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 124.72Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 144.93Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 0.00Blended Value/TonXOCC (corrig.cardboard) 23.80% 29.17 $150.00 $4,375.04 $122.89 23.80% 31.61 $140.00 $4,425.90 $95.14 23.80% 32.43 $110.00 $3,567.29 $67.86 23.80% 29.68 $65.00 $1,929.42 $57.49 23.80% 34.49 $45.00 $1,552.20 $43.57 22.10% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0! 338.42 $44,225.71ALL OTHER PAPER 0.00% 0.00 $80.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00 $60.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00 $30.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7.90% 0.00 $0.00$0.00 0.00XONP (newspapers, mag, inserts) 49.45% 60.60 $80.00 $4,848.08Processing Fee:49.45% 65.68 $60.00 $3,941.07Processing Fee:49.45% 67.38 $30.00 $2,021.42Processing Fee:49.45% 61.67 $30.00 $1,850.22Processing Fee:49.45% 71.67 $0.00 $0.00Processing Fee:45.60% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00Processing Fee:703.00 $43,074.68XPETE (PET plastic #1) 2.02% 2.48 $670.00 $1,658.59($97.98)2.02% 2.68 $250.00 $670.79($97.98)2.02% 2.75 $160.00 $440.39($97.98)2.02% 2.52 $190.00 $478.68($97.98)2.02% 2.93 $210.00 $614.79($97.98)5.40% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00($95.40)28.66 $15,025.30XHDPEC (color plastic #2) 2.03% 2.49 $450.00 $1,119.49 2.03% 2.70 $290.00 $781.97 2.03% 2.77 $135.00 $373.42 2.03% 2.53 $135.00 $341.80 2.03% 2.94 $205.00 $603.13 1.20% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 28.77 $12,666.13XHDPEN (natural plastic #1) 1.10% 1.35 $950.00 $1,280.65Value Delta / Ton1.10% 1.46 $950.00 $1,388.07Value Delta / Ton1.10% 1.50 $830.00 $1,244.05Value Delta / Ton1.10% 1.37 $950.00 $1,303.32Value Delta / Ton1.10% 1.59 $1,245.00 $1,984.82Value Delta / Ton0.90% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00Value Delta / Ton15.58 $16,258.143-7 PLASTIC 0.40% 0.49 $0.00 $0.00 0.40% 0.53 $0.00 $0.00 0.40% 0.55 $0.00 $0.00 0.40% 0.50 $0.00 $0.00 0.40% 0.58 $0.00 $0.00 0.90% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5.68XMIXED GLASS 9.75% 11.95($38.00) ($454.05)$24.91 9.75% 12.95($38.00) ($492.14) ($2.84)9.75% 13.29($38.00) ($504.84) ($30.12)9.75% 12.16($38.00) ($462.09) ($40.49)9.75% 14.13($38.00) ($536.97) ($54.41)15.20% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0! 138.68($2,450.08)XSTEEL (steel cans) 1.17% 1.43 $185.00 $265.26 75% $18.68 1.17% 1.55 $177.50 $275.85 75%($2.13)1.17% 1.59 $177.50 $282.98 75%($22.59)1.17% 1.46 $177.50 $259.01 75%($30.37)1.17% 1.70 $177.50 $300.98 75%($40.81)0.10% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 75% #DIV/0! 16.60($1,435.72)XUBC (aluminum) 1.22% 1.50 $1,650.00 $2,466.93Rebate / Ton1.22% 1.62 $1,350.00 $2,187.71Rebate / Ton1.22% 1.66 $1,430.00 $2,377.19Rebate / Ton1.22% 1.52 $1,300.00 $1,978.06Rebate / Ton1.22% 1.77 $1,350.00 $2,387.00Rebate / Ton0.30% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00Rebate / Ton17.39 $13,576.35XWASTE 9.06% 11.10($45.00) ($499.64)9.06% 12.03($45.00) ($541.55)9.06% 12.35($45.00) ($555.53)9.06% 11.30($45.00) ($508.48)9.06% 13.13($45.00) ($590.88)0.40% 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 128.80 $16,436.91FUEL$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00($2.35) ($3,099.95)ENV FEE$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 100.00% $0.00($5.00)$0.00DISPOSAL FEE P/TON$18.68($2.84) ($30.12) ($40.49) ($54.41)#DIV/0!$0.00Subtotal Curbside:122.55 $15,060.35 $2,289.68 132.83 $12,637.68($377.00)136.26 $9,246.37($4,104.39)124.72 $7,169.93($5,050.13)144.93 $6,315.07($7,885.17)0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0! 1,421.59 #DIV/0! $154,277.46 #DIV/0! <===avg paid per ton in 2020Curbside tonnage breakdown is an estimate based upon random sampling of City's collections.Yard Waste 40.51(14.81) ($599.95)37.15(14.81) ($550.19)45.25(14.81) ($670.15)36.01(14.81) ($533.31)35.65(13.57) ($483.77) (13.84)$0.00 581.91($9,414.86)SOLID WASTE:TOTAL TONS: 310.80 371.95 360.85 339.60 421.24 0.00 4,089.82TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($13,871.20) ($16,549.18) ($15,965.45) ($15,001.20)421.24($18,642.72)$0.00($173,437.30)Recycling % Recycling % Recycling % Recycling % Recycling % Recycling % Recycling %RECYCLING:34.41% 31.37% 33.47% 32.12% 30.01% #DIV/0! 32.86%Tons Curbside: 122.55 132.83 136.26 124.72 144.93 0.00 1,419.86TOTAL RECYCLING: 122.55 132.83 136.26 124.72 144.93 0.00 1,419.86TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):$2,289.68($377.00) ($4,104.39) ($5,050.13) ($7,885.17)#DIV/0! #DIV/0!YARD WASTETons Curbside: 40.51 37.15 45.25 36.01 35.65 0.00 581.91TOTAL YW: 40.51 37.15 45.25 36.01 35.65 0.00 581.91TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($599.95) ($550.19) ($670.15) ($533.31) ($483.77)$0.00($9,414.86)TOTAL:473.86($12,181.47)541.93($17,476.38)542.36($20,739.99)500.33($20,584.64)601.82($27,011.66)0.00 #DIV/0! 6,091.59 #DIV/0! City of West University Place, TexasRECYCLING REVENUEThrough: 11/30/22ITEM2019 2020 2021 2022Tons Rev Tons Rev Tons Rev Tons RevGARBAGE COLLECTION:Regular Trash 4,651.47(165,396.01)5,009.11(185,686.27)4,999.24(184,481.97)4,089.82(173,437.30)Subtotal Garbage Collection:4,651.47($165,396.01)5,009.11(185,686.27)4,999.24(184,481.97)4,089.82(173,437.30)CURBSIDE RECYCLING:XOCC (corrig. Carboard) 270.04($126,847.15)332.52($129,601.30)384.25($8,083.97)338.42 $113,606.46ALL OTHER PAPER 683.67 145.92 0.00XONP (newspapers, mag inserts) 1,169.70 560.14 761.40 703.00XPETE (PET plastic #1) 39.50 52.51 86.84 28.66XHDPEC (color plastic #2) 40.09 29.08 17.81 28.77XHDPEN (natural plastic #1) 21.51 115.71 15.26 15.583-7 PLASTIC 13.46 10.43 5.68XMIXED GLASS 190.65 121.80 311.22 138.68XSTEEL (steel cans) 22.88 105.46 1.35 16.60XUBC (aluminum) 23.86 8.63 4.22 17.39XWASTE 177.16 103.78 69.92 128.80Subtotal Curbside:1,955.37($126,847.15)2,126.77($129,601.30)1,808.61($8,083.97)1,421.59 $113,606.46SOLID WASTE:TOTAL TONS: 4,651.47 5,009.11 4,999.24 4,089.82TOTAL REV/(EXP):($165,396.01) ($185,686.27) ($184,481.97) ($173,437.30)RECYCLING:Avg. Recycling Rate Avg. Recycling Rate Avg. Recycling Rate Avg. Recycling RateTons Curbside: 1,955.37 37.42% 2,126.77 36.07% 1,808.61 34.51% 1,421.59 32.88%TOTAL RECYCLING: 1,955.37 2,126.77 1,808.61 1,421.59TOTAL REV/(EXP):($126,847.15) ($129,601.30) ($8,083.97)$113,606.46YARD WASTETons Curbside: 825.68 699.80 825.50 581.91TOTAL YW: 825.68 699.80 825.50 581.91TOTAL REV/(EXP):($11,146.68) ($9,648.56) ($11,424.92) ($9,414.86)TOTAL:7,432.52($303,389.84)7,835.68($324,936.13)7,633.35($203,990.86)6,093.32($69,245.69)