HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2002-09 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-09 RESOLUTION PROPOSING A TAX RATE AND SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARINGS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Sectiol1 1. TIle City COllncil forlnally proposes a combined ad valorem tax rate for 2002 of $0.44. This proposal sllall be placed on the agenda of a future meeting as all action item, su.bject to tIle hearing scl1edtded below. Sectiol1 2. A public hearil1g on the proposed tax rate is hereby schedu.led. for Septeluber 23, 2002 ill the COllncil Chmubers, 3800 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 dllring the City COlll1Cil meeting set to begil1 at 6:30 .p~ln~ TIle Finance Director and City Secretary sIlall mal(e arrangemel1ts for the meeting alld sllall provide notice as required by law. A l1earing 011 the proposed llll1nicipal blldget is l1ereby called for the same Ineetil1g. Section 3. All prior resolutiol1S and parts of resolutions in conflict llerewitll are here.b)' repealed to tIle extent of tIle conflict 0111y~ Section 4~ If allY work, phrase, clause, sel1tence, paragraph, sectioll or other part of this resolutiol1 or tIle application thereof to any person or circumstal1ce, sllall ever be l1eld to be invalid or UllCOl1stitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of tllis resolutioll aJ.ld. tIle application of such work, phrase, clause, sentel1ce, paragrapll, sectiol1 or otller part of tllis resolutiol1 to allY other persolls or circu.mstal1ces shall not be affected tllereby ~ Sectioll 5 ~ TIle City COUI1Cil officially finds, determil1es and declares tllat a sufficiellt written notice of the date, 110tlr, place and. subject of eacll meeting at whicl1 this resolutioIl was discussed, considered or acted u.pon was given ill tIle marmer reqllired by tIle Texas Opel1 Meetings Law, as amend.ed, and tllat eacl1 such meeting l1as been open to tIle pllblic as reqllired by law at all times during suell discussion, co.nsideration an.d action~ TIle City COll.ncil ratifies, approves and confirlns su.ch 110tices al1d the COl1tents alld posting thereof Section 6~ Tllis resolutiol1 sllall take effect immediately upon its adoption and signature. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of AUgllst , 2002~ Voting Yea: #/~~ ~~ ~ ~/ ~-~. Voting Nay: ~U/ ~ <$~ Absellt: 7!' ~~ (Seal) ATTEST: - City Secretary Sigl1ed: