HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-23 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-23 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS OF GOVERNMENTAL AGGREGATION PROJECT, INC., A POLITICAL - SUBDIVISION CORPORATION; ACCEPTING MEMBERSHIP IN SAID CORPOR.A.TION; APPOINTING A REPRESENTATIVE TO SERVE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; APPROVING PAYMENT OF AN INITIAL MEMBERSHIP FEE; AND -ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DA TE~ WHEREAS, Chapter 303 of the Texas Local Government Code, entitled Energy Aggregation Meas'ures for Local Governments, allows political subdivisions to form a political subdivision corporation to act as an agent to negotiate the purchas'e of electricity, or to lilcewise aid or act 011 behalf of the political subdivisions for which the corporation is created, with respect to their own electricity use for their respective public facilities; and WHEREAS, Govermnental Aggregation Project, Inc. ("GAP") is a political subdivision corporation organized under said Chapter; and WHEREAS, the negotiation for electricity by the corporation should result in lower electricity costs to the City of West University Place]; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place seeks to become a Member of GAP; and WHEREAS, the By-Laws of GAP reqtlire an initial membership fee of $1 ,000.00; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectioll 1. The recitals contained in the premnble of this Resollltion are determilled to be true and correct aIld are hereby adopted as a part of this Resolution. Section 2~ The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of GAP, a political Sllbdivisioll corporation, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as Exhibits A ffi1d B respectively, are hereby approved. Section 3. TIle City of West University Place accepts Membersllip ill GAP. Section 4. The City of West University Place approves payment of an initial melnbership fee of $1 ,000.00 in accordance with Article 5 of the Bylaws. Section 5~ The City of West University Place hereby appoints tile City Manager to serve as the City's representative to the corporation and to act on tIle City's behalf. Section 6~ All Resollltions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are llereby expressly -1- repealed insofar as they conflict 11erewith. Section 7~ This "Resolution shall tal<e effect inlmediately froJn and after its acloption and it is accordingly so resolved. Signed this /1)# day of ~~ ',2001. Mayor ~J ATTEST: City Secretary G APRes-O 9.01. doc -2- ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF GOVERNMENTAL AGGREGATION PROJECT, INC. ARTICLE ONE The corporation will conduct business under the name Governmental Aggregation Project, Inc~ ARTICLE TWO The period of its duration is perpetuaL ARTICLE THREE The corporation is a non-profit political subdivision corporation authorized by Section 303.001 of Chapter 303, Texas Local Govermnent Code, entitled UEllergy Aggregation MeaSlrres for Local Governments,~1 as amended ("Chapter 303"). ARTICLE FOUR The corporation has been organized for the purposes of purchasing electricity, aidil1g or acting on behalf of its members with respect to their own electricity use for their respective public facilities and negotiating on behalf of its members for the purchase of electricity, ma!<ing contracts for the purchase of electricity, and taking any other actions necessary to purchase electricity for use in the public" facilities of the political subdivision or subdivisions represellted by the corporation as authorized by Chapter 303, Section 303~OOl(d), and for all other purposes as may be permitted by law for political subdivision corporations~ These Articles have beell approved by the governing body of each political subdivision for which the corporation is created. ARTICLE FIVE The street address for the corporation's initial registered office is Arboretllffi Great Hills Center, 9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 150W, Austin, Texas 78759, and the registered agent for t11e corporation at this address is Clarence A~ West ARTICLE SIX The corporation sllall llave political subdivisiol1S as members. Mem"bership s11all be determined tInder the terms and conditions provided in the corporationrs bylawsA 1 ARTICLE SEVEN The direction c.ind management of the affairs of the corporation and the control aJ.ld disposition of its properties and funds shall be vested in a Board of Directors composed of SllCll 11umber of persons, but not less than three, as may be fixed by the bylaws. Ul1til changed by tIle bylaws, tIle original number of directors shall be three (3). The names and addresses of the persons who are to serve as Directors of the corporation llntiI their Sllccessors are dllly elected 811d qllalified are: 1 . Jeff Braun City Manager City of Rosenberg 2110 Fourth Street / P.O. Box 32 Rosenberg, TX 77471-0032 2. J ames Thurmond City Manager City of Missouri City 1522 Texas Par!cway Missouri City, TX 77459 3. Andres Garza, Jr., City Manager City of Wharton 120 East Caney Street Wharton, TX 77488 ARTICLE EIGHT The bylaws of the corporation shall be adopted by the Board of Directors and sllall be approved by the governing body of each political Sllbdivision Member for whicll the corporatio11 is created. ARTICLE NINE The names and addresses of the incorporators are: :: 1 . Jeff Braun City Manager City of Rosenberg 2110 Fourtll Street I P.O. Box 32 Rosellberg, TX 77471-0032 2. James T11l1rmond City Manager 2 City of Missouri City 1522 Texas ParI(way Missouri City, TX 77459 3. Andres Garza, Jr~, City Manager City of Wharton 120 East Caney Street Whartol1, TX 77488 The undersigned incorporators, all of whom are over the age of eighteell (18) ancl are citizens of the State of Texas, sign these Articles of Incorporation subject to the penalty ilnposed by Article 9.03A, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act. CITY OF ROSENBERG By: Jeff Braun City Manager CITY OF MISSOURI CITY By: Jalnes Thurmond City Manager CITY OF - - WHARTON By: Andres Garza, Jr. ..., -' BYLA WS OF GOVERNMENTAL AGGREGATION PROJECT, INC. (As amended 5/14/01) ARTICLE l~ Name and Pllrpose 1.1 Name~ This corporation shall be lOlown as Governmental Aggregation Project, II1C. 1.2 Purpose~ The corporation has been organized for any and all lawful bllsiness for which corporations may be organized under the Texas Non Profit Corporations Act, for the plrrposes of . + purchasing electricity, aiding or acting on behalf of its Members with respect to their own electricity use for their respective public facilities and negotiating on behalf of its Members for the purchase of electricity, malcing contracts for the purchase of electricity, and ta1(ing any other actions llecessary to purchase electricity for use in the public facilities of the political subdivisiol1 or subdivisions represented by the corporation, for the purposes of acting as a local cooperative organization to purchase goods and ancillary services for its members, in accordance with Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 303, entitled, "Energy Aggregation Measures for Local Governments," Section 303~OOl(d), and for all other purposes as may be permitted by law for political subdivision corporatiollS~ ARTICLE 2. Board of Directors 2.1 Composition. There shall be a Chair and a Vice Chair on the board and suel1 other directors as required for the performance of duties. 2.2 Powers. The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by the Board of Directors, which may exercise all such powers of the corporation and do all such lawfill acts and things as are not prohibited by statute, by the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, or by tllese Bylaws. By illustration and without limitation, included among the powers of the Board of Directors is the power to negotiate the purchase of electricity, aid or act on behalf of the political subdivisions for which the corporation is created, malce contracts for the purchase of electricity, pllfchase electricity, and ta!(e any other action necessary to purchase electricity for llse in the public facilities of the political subdivisioll or subdivisions represented by the Corporation; provided, however, no Member shall be obligated under any stIch contract unless the Member approves such COlltract. 2.3 Number, Tenllre atld Qllalification. -1- (a) Directors shall be elected to tIle Board at alillual meetings of the Members as hereillafter described from a slate presellted by tile Board and frOlll nominatiol1S by Menlbers. NOlninations for membership on tIle Board made by Members sllall not be COllsidered at any meeting of the Members unless silell nOlnil1ation has beell presellted in writillg, signed by the Member or Members proposing the same, and filed with the Secretary of the Corporation at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the meeting at which said nominations are to be considered, except for the first elected Board, as described i11 Subsections (b) and (c) below, which shall reqllire thirty (30) days' prior 11otice. Frol11 t11e nominations so made and no others, and from tile slate presented by the Board, Directors shall be elected, and the person or persons receiving the highest number of votes sIlall be declared elected& If the election of Directors shall not be held on the day designated herein for any annual meeting of the Members, or at any adjournment thereof, tIle Boarel shall cause the election to be held at a speciallneeting of the Melnbers, which sllall be convened as soon thereafter as is possible. (b) The ilutial Board of Directors shall consist of three directors, as designated, ill Article Seven of the Articles of Incorporation and each City representative tllatjoins GAP lllltil there are a total of seven Directors ("Initial Board"). Such Initial Board shall serve 11l1til their successors are duly elected and qualified. On or before December 31, 2001, the Members shall elect from its Members an elected Seven Member Board. T11e num"ber of Directors may be increased or decreased by Resolution of the Board, but no decrease shall have the effect of shortening the term of an incumbent Director. ( c) The first elected. Directors shall serve until December 31, 2003. The subsequent Board Melnber Selection Process will be determined by the fIrst elected Board based upon an equitable and fair luanner that allows aU Members to have representation and must be established before June 1,2003. The directors elected as a result of using the subsequent Board Member Selection Process shall serve two (2) year staggered tenTIS with directors serving in place numbers that are odd elected in odd numbered years and those serving in place numbers that are even elected. in even numbered years. (d) Except for the Initial Board, each Director of the Board fillst be an official or ftIll tinle salaried employee of a Member. Any Director who is an official or frIll-time salaried employee of an entity t11at ceases to be a Member participant of the Corporatiol1, llild any Director who ceases to be 8.11 official or full-time salaried employee of a Member, sllall be automatically disqualified to serve as a Director, and the position sllall beCOlne vacant, SlICh vacancy to be filled in the malmer provided in Section 2~5 of this Article 2. 2.4 RemovaL Directors may be removed from office, with or withOllt calIse, by an affirmative vote of the majority of the Members then entitled to vote at all election oftlle Directors at an annual meeting of the Members or a in meeting called expressly for tllat 'pllr.pose~ provided, no action to remove any Director shall be sufficient llnless written 110tice tllat SllC11 action is to be considered shall have been given to all Members by t11e Chairlnan or Secretary at least sixty (60) days before the meeting~ 2~5 Vacal1cies. Any Director may resign at any time by giving writtell notice to tIle Secretary of the Corporation. Such resignatioll shall tal(e effect at the tilue specified therein; and, l1111ess -2- otherwise specified tllerein, the acceptaI1Ce of such resignation shall not be l1ecessary to mal<e it effective. Any vacancy~~occllrring in the Board may be filled "by the affirmative vote of a luajority of the remaining Directors though less thaI1 a qlloruln~ A Director elected to fill a vacal1cy s11all be elected for the unexpired term of l1is or her predecessor in office. Any place on the Board to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Directors sllaIl be filled by tIle affirruative vote of a majority of the Directors then in office. A Director cI1osel1 to fill a positioll reslllti11g from an increase in tIle number of Directors shallllo1d office lmtil tile next annllal meetillg of Members, at which time a Sllccessor shall be elected to serve until the expiration date set for l1is or her designated place. 2.6 Regular Meetings. A regular meeting of tIle Board shall be held" mmually in conjul1ctioll with the annual meeting of Members, for the purpose of organization, election of officers, alld consideration of any other business that properly may come before the Board. The Board Inay provide, by resolution, the time al1d place for tile "holding of additional reglllar meetillgs. 2~7 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Cllairm811 of tIle Board or at the written request of any two Directors"~ The person or persol1s autllorized to call special meetings of the Board may fix the place for holding any special meeting of the Board so caIled~ If no place is fixed, the place of meeting shall be tIle principal office of the Corporation ill Texas. 2.8 Voting, QUOrulTIS. A majority of the number of Directors described in by Section 2~3 shall constitute a quorum for the transaction ofbllsiness. The act of tIle majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board, provided, however, tIle Board may, by resolution, delegate any of its powers in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently, to any Director or committee of Directors then acting; any SllCh delegation shall be by written il1strument filed in the records of t11e Corporation. 2~9 Notice of Meetings. Notice for board meetings shall be provided to all Directors and Members either by mail not less thail sevel1ty-two (72) hOtlrS before tIle date of the Ineeting, by telephone, telegram, e-mail or telecopy 011 twenty-four (24) hOllfS notice or on SllCh shorter notice as the person or persons calling such meetil1g may deem necessary or appropriate ill t11e circumstances~ 2~ 1 0 Informal Action by Directors~ Any action required to be tru<en at a meetillg of the Directors, or any other actioll which Inay be taken at a meeting oft11e Directors, may be talcell without a meeting if a consel1t or consensus in writing, setting fortIl tIle action so ta1(ell, sIlall be signed by all of the Members with respect to tIle sllbject matter thereof. StIch consent or COl1sents shall have the same force and effect as a unanimolls vote of the Directors~ ....... -: 2.11 Compensation. Duly elected or appoil1ted Directors sllall serve withollt compe11satiol1~ but shall be reimbursed for costs of travel, Ineals, lodging alld incidental expellses while 011 official business for the Corporation. 2.12 Reliance on Professionals and Experts. Directors are authorized to rely 011 inforu1atioll, ...... -,)- opinions, reports and statemellts, incllldillg financial statements al1d otller financial data, prepared or presented by otllers to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. , . 2.13 Executive Committee. The Chairman of the Board may appoint an Execlltive COl11111ittee of the Board to l1andle the affairs of the Board when regular or special Board meetings are 110t in sessioll, with such functions as may be designated to the Execlltive C011lluittee by tile Board tlu40ugh a resolution properly adopted. The Executive Committee may COllsist of tIle Chairm811, Vice-Chairman, and one or two other Directors as designated by the ChairmaJ.1. 2.14 Other Committees. The Chairlnan is allthorized to form any cOlumittees as needed i11 order to assist the Board with its information gathering and deliberations. 2.15 Specific Powers and Duties~ The Board, in addition to other powers and duties l1erei11 conferred, imposed, and allthorized by law, shall have the following powers and dllties: (a) It shall carry out all of the duties necessary for the proper operation and administratiol1 of the Corporation on behalf of the Members and to that elld sllall have all of tIle powers necessary and desirable for the effective administration of the affairs of tIle Corporation. (b) It shall be authorized to contract with any qualified individllal, firm or organization to perform any of the functions necessary for the effective administration or operation of tIle Corporation, or to provide for the fiscal protection of the Corporation or in l(eeping with its fiduciary responsibilities as Directors. (c) It may hire attorneys, accountants, consultants, or sl1.ch other professional perSOl1S t11at it may deem necessary aid to or for the Corporation. Tllose persons shall be paid as provided in the contract for hire as executed by the Chairman of the Board~ (d) It shall have tIle general power to ma1(e and e.nter into all contracts, leases and agreements ~necessary or convenient to carry out any of the powers granted llnder these bylaws or by any other law. (e) It shall provide for an annual audit of the bool(s of the Corporation to be supplied to t11e Membership within 120 days following the close of eacll Corporation Year, or as soon thereafter as practicable. (f) It shall have tIle authority to terminate membership of any Member tllat fails to a"bide by tIle reasonable requirements of the Board concerning .paymel1t of a1111l1al dlles or aggregation fees--as provided in Article 5, cooperate with any of tIle agents l1ired to provide administrative services on behalf ofllie Board, or tal(es allY otller action that Inay be detrimelltal to the Corporation. (g) It may collect interest on all past due accounts not to exceed the amounts allowed under applicable law. ARTICLE 3. Officers 3~ 1 GeneraIly~ TIle Board shall elect frolll among tlleir ntunber a Cl1airman of tIle Board alld -4- a Vice-Chairluan of the Board. The Board shall designate a Secretary, who mayor may 110t be a Director, to lceep the mJnutes and the records of the Board. TIle Board may appoillt SllCh otller officers, assistant officers, committees and agents, including a treasurer, assistant secretaries alld assistant treaSllrers, as they may consider necessary, who shall be chosen ill SUCIl mallner and hold t11eir offices for such terms and have stIch authority and dtIties as Inay from time to tilne be determined by the Board. No person may simultaneously hold two offices. III all cases wllere tIle duties of any officer, agent or elnployee are not prescribed by the bylaws or by tIle Board, stIch officer, agent or employee shall follow the orders and instnlctiollS of the Chairman of tIle Board. 3.2 Election; Tenure. The C11airmal1 of the Board, the Vice-Chairmall, and" tIle Secretary shall be elected at the organizational meeting of tIle Board. If the election of officers shall110t be l1eld at SUCll meeting, stIch election sllall be l1eld as soon thereafter as a meeting may be conveniently convened. Other officers may be chosen by the Directors at Sll,?h meetillg or at al1Y other time. Each officer shall hold office until the first of the following QCCllr: llntilllis or 11er successor shall have been duly elected and shall have qllalified; or llntilllis or her cleatll; or lU1til he or she shall resign; or until he or she sllaII be disqualified pursuant to these bylaws; or lJ11til l1e or she shall have been removed in the manner hereinafter provided. 3~3 Removal. Any officer or agent may be removed by majority vote of the elltire Board for cause or without cause whenever in its judgment tIle best interests of the Corporation will be served thereby~ Neither notice nor a hearillg need be given to any officer or agellt _proposed to be so removed~ Election or appointment of an officer or agent shall not ill itself create contract rights~ 3~4 Vacancies. A vacancy in any office, however occllrring, may be filled by the Board for tIle unexpired portion of the term. 3~5 Powers and Duties of the ChiefExeclltive Officer. The Chairman of tIle Board s11all be the ClliefExeclltive Officer of the Corporation. Subject to the control of the Board atld tIle Executive Committee, the Chief Execlltive Officer shall have general execlltive charge, management and control of the properties, business and operations of the Corporation witll all such powers as may "be reasonably incident to such responsibilities; may agree llpon and execllte all leases, contracts, evidences of indebtedness and other obligations in the name of the Corporation; and shall have such other powers and duties as designated in accordance witll tllese bylaws and as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the Board~ He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Members and of the Board. 3.6 Vice-Chairman~llle Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman anel shall perfOflTI Sllel1 duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Cllairman or by the Board~ III tIle absence of tile Chairman, the Vice-CllairmaIl shallllave the powers and perform the dllties of tIle Chairl11311. III addition, the Vice-Cllairman shall have such otller powers and dllties as from time to til11e Inay "be assigned to him or her by the Chairlnan or by the Board. 3.7 Secretary. The Secretary shall: (a) l<eep the minlltes of tIle proceedings of tIle Members, the Executive Committee and the Board; (b) see tllat all notices are dllly given in accorda11ce -5- with the provisions of these "bylaws or as required by law; (c) be Cllstodia11 of tIle records al1d of the seal of the Corporation aIld affix the seal to all documents WIle!l alltllorized by tIle Boarcl~ (Cl) lceep at the Corporatiort's principal place of business within the State of Texas a record containing the names aIld addresses of all Members; and (e) in general, perform all dllties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as froIn time to tie may be assigned to him or her by the ChairmaJ.l or by the Board. 3.8 Executive Director, Other Officers. TIle Board lnay select alld appoint an Execlltive Director and any other employees to serve at the pleasure of the Board. At the discretion of tIle Board, the Execlltive Director may be 311 independent contractor or an employee oftlle corporation. The Executive Director and any other such employees "dllly selected and appoillted employees shall receive such compensation and other benefits as the Boarclluay deterruil1e, a11(l~ additionally shall be entitled to reimbllrsemellt of expenses for attenda11Ce at official l11eetillgs of and official functions for the Corporation. ARTICLE 4. Membership 4.1 Eligibility. Any political subdivision of the State of Texas that approves the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws by ordinance, resolution, or order adopted by the governing body of the political subdivision and that purchases electricity for one or more of their respective public facilities is eligible for membership in Governmental Aggregation Project, Inc., sllbject to the right of the Board to determine eligibility and conditions of membership, and Sllbject nlliller to the authority of the Board to terminate membersllip of any Mem"ber as provided l1erei11, or ill any agreement made between the Member and the Corporation. 4.2 Representation. Each Member shall appoint, by formal action by its governingbody-, a representative to act for it at the meetings of Members and shall give to tIle chair oftlle Board of Directors in writing the name of the person thllS appointed~ Only appointed representatives l11ay act on behalf of Members in the conduct of business of the corporation~ If at any time, a Me111ber withdraws from participation or otherwise has its membership status terminated, tllat Member shall no longer have a representative in tIle Membership, on the Board, or 011 any cOl11mittee of the Corporation~ Each Representative will serve until a successor appoillted. 4.3 Withdrawal. Any Member may withdraw from participation ill the activities of tlle Corporation at any time llpon thirty (30) days notice, whereupon it shall cease to "be a Meln"ber1 sllall cease to be entitled or obligated to participate in the activities of all committees al1d su,bcommittees of the Board of Directors and shall have no furtller o"bligations as a Member; provided, however, that-if suell notice is given more than thirty (30) days after SllCll Melnbees receipt of its statement of annllal dues, fees alld" expel1ses for a fiscal year, the Member s11all "be obligated to pay for the full fiscal year within which SlICh termination is effective. 4.4 V oting Rights. Voting rights are lilnited to Menlbers. Each Melnber shall be entitled to use one vote at any regular or special meeting of the Members upon all matters ofbllsiness, which vote or votes may be exercised ill person or "by mail by a represelltative of tIle Mel11ber dllly authorized in writing; provided, 11owever, t11at proxy alld Cll111Ulative voting s.hall be -6- prohibited~ t ~ 4~5 Annllal Meetings. The annllal meeting of the Members shall be l1eld at a time al1d, 011 a date selected by the Cllairman of tIle Board, with written notice to each Member, for tIle plu.,pose of electing Directors, receiving the annual report frOITI the Board, and for the transaction of SllCll other business as may COIne before the meeting. If the day fixed for tIle al111tlal meetil1g shall be a legal holiday in the State of Texas, sueIl meeting shall be held on the next sllcceeding 'bllsilless day. 4.6 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Members, for any pllfpose, unless otherwise prescribed by statute, may be called by the Board, alld shall be called by the Cllairman of tIle Board or by the Secretary at the request of ,not less than on,e-tenth (1/10) of all of tIle olltstallclillg Members of the Corporation. ., 4.7 Place ofMeeting~ The Board may designate the place for any annual meeting or for illlY special meeting called by the Board. If no designation is made, or if a special meetil1g sllall be called otherwise than by the Board, the place of meeting shall be the prillcipal office of tIle Corporation in Texas. 4~8 Notice of Meeting: Voting by Ballots Forwarded by Mail. (a) Written or printed notice stating the place, day and hour of tIle Ineetillg, aIld, i11 case of a special meeting, the p'urposes for whicl1 the meeting is called, shall be delivered, 110t less than ten (10) nor more thall fifty (50) days before the date of tIle meetil1g (eitller personally or by mail), by or at the direction of the Chairman of the Board or tIle Secretary to each Member entitled to vote at such meeting~ If mailed, SllCh 110tice sllall 'be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail so addressed, witll postage thereon prepaid~' In order that Members may vote by mail, eacll notice of meeti11g s11all include a ballot containing each issue to be voted at that meetil1g aIld instnlctiol1S as to the date by which such ballot must be postmarl(ed in order for the vote to be COllllted. (b) Whenever notice is required in this Section 4.8 of Article 4, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the Member, whether before, at, or after the tilne stated therein, shall be equivalent to such notice. By attend ing a meeting, a Melnber waives objections to lack of notice or defective notice of such lneeting unless the Member, at the beginning of the Ineeting, objects to the holding of the meeting or the transacting of business at the Ineeting4 Further, a Melnber waives objection to consideration at such Ineeting of a particular matter not within the purpose or purposes described in the rn,eeting notice unless the MelTI ber objects to considering the matter when it is presented. 4.9' Quorum~ A quorum for the election of Directors, and condllcting 110rmal bllsiness at all meetings of the Members shall be twenty-five percent of the Members present ill perSOll or voting by mail. 4~ 10 Informal Actiol1 by Melnbers~ AllY actiO!l reqllired to be tal(ell at a 111.eeti11g oftlle Mem'bers, or any other actiol1 which may be tal(el1 at a meeting of tIle Melnbers, Inay be tal(el1 without a meeting .if a consent or consellts in writillg, setting forth tIle actiO!l so talcell, sllall be signed by all of the Melubers with respect to tIle sllbject matter thereof. SllC11 COl1sellt or -7- consellts sllall have the same force and effect as a llnanilllollS vote of the Melnbers~ 4.11 Notwitllstanding anything to the contrary in these Bylaws, all Municipal Utility Districts that are located in the City limits of a Member City shall have no vote but shall be represe11ted by the representative of the Member City ill whicll they are located. AR TI CLE 5 ~ Funding 5.1 GeneraIly~ Fllnding of tIle corporation sllall be by member political Sllbdivisions tllrollgll the assessment of citIeS or through an aggregation fee charged per lcilowatt-llOllr, or a combination of both as determil1ed appropriate by the Board of Directors. 5.2 Initial Menlbership Fee. TIle initial membership fee shall be $1,000.00, however no Member shall be required to pay such fee llntiI there are five (5) or more Members. StIch fee shall reimburse all Board approved costs incurred in the initial creation and organizatiollal Ineeting administering the corporation, not to exceed $10,OOO~OO. To the extent all costs l1ave been reimbursed, any funds remainil1g shall be a credit as to future aggregation fees. 5~3 Board AuthoritYa The Board shall have the authority to establish mem"bersllip diles, all aggregation fee, or both, to be applicable to all Members of the Corporation based llpon a projected budget as approved by the Board, the draft of which has been provided to the Melnbers at least seven (7) days before the Board meets to vote on snell blldget. SllCll draft may be provided by fax or e-mail message to the Members. The budget," as adopted, sllall be substantially similar to the draft as provided to the Members, without an overall chaJ.lge of greater tllan 15%. The Board may amend stIch dues and fees only after notice to all Melnbers) "based upon a revised and approved budget. The Board shallllave the allthority to establish appropriate pel1alties that may be assessed against a Member for failure to pay tIle dlles, aggregation fee, or both, established by the Board. 5.4 Statements. Membership fees will be billed annually (other than the 111itial Melu"bersllip Fee); statements for other fees and expenses will be provided monthly as l1eeded. Dlle dates for fees and expenses will be determined by the Board~ 5~5 BoDIes and Records. All Members of the corporatioll will have access to the bool(s allcl records of the corporation, includil1g fil1ancial statements and "budgets; 11owever, tile Board of Directors may adopt policies that provide reaso"nable protectioll against the unnecessary disclosure of information to individual employees~ ARTICLE 6~ Indemnification 6.1 Liability. A Director, officer, employee or agellt of tile Corporatiol1 WI10 perf Of IllS llis or her duties in good faith, in a manner he or sIle reasonably believes to be in tIle best illterests of the Corporation, and wit}l SllCll care as an ordinarily prllde11t persoll in a lil<e positioll vVOllld llse llnder similar circU"mstmlces, shall not "have any liability by reaSOll of beillg or havillg beell a -8- Director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation and sllall not l1ave allY liability for allY actiO!l tal(en by any employee, agellt or independent contractor selected witll reasonable care, or for any loss incurred through the investlnellt of or failllre to invest monies of tIle Corporatio11 or any Trust Account. No Director, officer, employee or agent sllatl be liable for 81'1Y actioll ta!ce11 or omitted by another Director, officer, employee or agellt. 6~2 INDE1V1NIFICATION~ EACH PERSON WI-IO AT ANY TIME SHALL SERVE, OR SHALL HAVE SERVED, AS A DIRECTOR, OFFICER, EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF THE CORPORATION, OR ANY PERSON WHO, WHILE A DIRECTOR, OFFICER, EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF THE CORPORATION, IS OR WAS SERVING AT ITS REQUEST AS A DIRECTOR, OFFICER, PARTNER, VENTURER, PROPRlETOR, TRUSTEE, EMPLOYEE; AGENT OR SIMILAR FUNCTIONARY OF ANOTHER FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, JOINT VENTURE, SOLE PROPRlETORSHIP, TRUST EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN OR OTHER ENTERPRISE, SHALL BE ENTITLED TO '. INDEMNIFICATION AS, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT, PERMITTED BY ARTICLE 1396 2~22A OF THE TEXAS NON PROFIT CORPORATION ACT OR ANY SUCCESSOR STATUTORY PROVISION, AS FROM TIME TO TIME AMENDED, SUCH ARTICLE OR SUCCESSOR PROVISION, AS SO AMENDED, BEING INCORPORATED IN FULL IN THESE BYLAWS BY REFERENCE. THE FOREGOING RIGHT OF INDE1vINIFICA TION SHALL NOT BE DEEMED EXCLUSIVE OF ANY OTHER RIGHTS TO WHICH THOSE TO BE INDEMNIFIED MAY BE ENTITLED AS A MATTER OF LAW OR UNDER ANY AGREEMENT, VOTE OF DISINTERESTED DIRECTORS, OR OTHER ARRANGEMENT. IT IS EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THE INDE1v1NIFICATION PROVIDED IN THIS ARTICLE COULD INVOLVE INDEMNIFICATION FOR NEGLIGENCE OR UNDER THEORIES OF STRICT LIABILITY~ 6.3 Advance Payment. The right to indemnification conferred in tllis Article VI shall illclllde tIle right to be paid in adV811Ce or reimbllfsed by the Corporation the reasonable expenses incurred by a person of the type entitled to be indemnified under Section 2 who was, is or is threatened to be made a nanled defelldant or respondent in a proceeding in advance of tIle fi11al disposition of the proceeding and without any determination as the :personts llltimate elltitlelTI.eJ1t to indemnification; provided, however, that the paymel1t of such expenses incllrred by any SlIe11 .person in advance of the final disposition of a proceeding, shall be made only llpon delivery to the Corporation of a written affirmatiol1 by suell Director or officer of his or her gaoel faitll belief that he or she has met the standard of conduct l1ecessary for indel1Ulification tInder t11is Article 6 and a written undertalcing, by or on behalf of such person, to repay all amounts so advallced if it shall ultimately be determined that such indemnified person is not entitled to be indelnl1ified lUlder this Article 6 or otherwise. 6.4 Appearance as a Witness. Notwithstanding any other provisio11 of this Article 6, tile Corporation may payor reim.burse expenses incllfred by a Director or officer i11 COlTIlection vvith his or her appearance as a witness or otller participation ill a proceeding il1volving tIle Corporation or its business at a time wIlen he or slle is not a named defel1dallt or respOl1dellt ill tIle proceedil1g. -9- 6~5 Non-Exclusivity of Rights. The rigllt to indemnification alld tIle advallcement aIld payment of expenses conferred in this Article 6 shall not be exclusive of any other right w11icIl a Director or officer or other person indenmified pllrSllant to this Article 6 may l1ave or hereafter acquire under any law (common or statlltory), provision of the Articles of Illcorporatiol1 of tIle Corporation or tIlese Bylaws, agreement, vote of shareholders or disinterested Directors or otherwise. 6.6 Savings Clause. If this Article 6 or any portion hereof shall be illvalidated on allY grolmd by any COlllt of competellt jllrisdiction, tllen the Corporation sllall nevertlleless i11demnify and hold harmless eac.h Director, officer or any other person indemnified pllrsllaJ.1t to tllis Article VI as to costs, charges and expenses (inclllding attorneys' fees), jlldgmellts, fines and in 8lTIOl111tS paid in settlement with respect to any action, suit or proceedillg, whether civil, crimillal, administrative or investigative, to the full extent permitted by any applicable portioll of this Article VI that shall not have been invalidated and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law~ ARTICLE 7~ Code ofCondllct 7.1 Policy and Purposes. (a) It is the policy of the Corporation that Directors and officers conduct themselves ill a manner consistent with sound business and ethical practices; that the public interest always be considered in conducting corporate bllsiness; that the appearance of impropriety be avoided to enSlrre and maintain public confidence in the Corporation; alld that the Board establish policies to control and manage the affairs of the Corporatioll fairly, impartially, and without discrimination. (b) This Code of Ethics has been adopted as palt of the Corporationrs Bylaws for the following purposes: (a) to encourage high ethical standards in official conduct by Directors and corporate officers; and (b) to estab I ish guidelines for such ethical standards of conduct. 7.2 Conflicts of Interest. (a) Except as provided in subsection (c), a Director or officer is prollibited from participatil1g in a vote, decision, or award of a contract involving a bllsiness entity or real pro})erty in which the Director or the officer l1as a Sllbstantial illterest, if it is foreseeable tllat tile business entity or real property will be economically benefitted by the actiol1. A persoll l1as a sllbstantial interest in a bllsi11ess (i) ifllis or her ownersllip interest is tell percellt or more of the voting stocl( or shares of the bu.siness entity or ownersllip of $15,000 or 1110re of the fair marlcet value of the bllsiness entity, or (ii) if the bl1siness elltity provides 1110re than ten percent of the person's gross income. A person l1as a Sllbstantial interest ill real property if the interest is an eqllitable or legal ownersllip with a fair marlcet vallIe of $2,500 or more~ An interest of a person related il1 the first d.egree by affillity (lnarriage relationship) or consanguinity (blood relatiolls11ip) to a Director or officer is considered a -10- (c) .. ( d) (d) substantial interest (b) If a Director or a person related to a Director in the first degree by affil1ity or the first degree by consangllinity has a Sllbstantial interest in a bllsiness el1tity or real property t11at would be pecuniarily affected by lilY official action tal<en by the Board, SllCl1 Director~ before a vote or decision on the matter, shall file an affidavit stating tIle natllre al1d extent of the interest. The affidavit shall "be filed witll the Secretary of tIle Board. A Director who l1as a substantial interest in a busi11ess el1tity tllat will receive a pecluliary benefit from an action of the Board may vote on that actiOll if a majority of tIle Boarclllas a similar interest in the same actioll or if all other similar bllsiness el1tities i11 tIle Corporation will receive a similar pecuniary benefit. An employee ofa public entity may serve on the Board.7..3 Acceptance of Gifts. No Director or officer shall accept any benefit as consideration for any decision, opinion, recommendation, vote or other exercise of discretion in carrying out official acts for the Corporation. No Director or officer shall solicit, accept, or agree to accept any benefit from a person known to be interested in or like.ly to becolne interested in any contract, purchase, payment, claim or transaction involving the exercise of the Director's or officerfs discretion. As used here, a benefit does not include: (a) a fee prescribed by law to "be received by a Director or officer or any ot11er belle fit to Wl1ich the Director or officer is lawfully el1titled or for which he or she gives legitimate consideration in a capacity other than as a Director or officer, (b) a gift or other benefit conferred on account of l<inship or a personal, IJfofessionaL or business relationship independel1t of tIle official statlls of the Director or officer; ( c) an honorarium in consideration for legitimate services rendered above and beyon"cl official dllties and responsibilities if. (1) not more than one hOllorarillm is received from the same person ill a calendar year; (2) not more than one honorarium is received for the same service; a11d (3) tIle value of tIle llonorarillm does not exceed $50 exclusive of reimbursement for travel, food, and lodging expenses inclllTed by tIle Director or officer in ~performance of the services; :.. :. a benefit consisting of food, lodging, transpoltatioll, or entertahllnent accepted as a guest if repolted as Inay be required by law. 7.4 Bribery. A Director or officer sllallllot intentiollally or lrnowi11gly offer, COllier or agree to confer on another, or solicit, accept, or agree to accept from another: (a) any benefit as consideration for the Director's or officees decision, OpilTioll, -1 1- recommendatiol1, vote, or other exercise of discretion as a Director or officer; (b) any benefit 'as consideration for the Director or officerrs decision, vote, recommendation, or other exercise of official discretiol1 in a jttdicial or administrative proceeding; or (c) any benefit as consideration for a violation of duty imposed by law o"n the Director or officer. 7.5 Notice. No Director or officer sllalI appoint, or vote for, or COllfirm tile appointlnellt to any office, position, clerkship, employment or duty, of an person related withil1 tl'le second degree by affinity or within the third degree of consanguinity to the Director or officer so appointing, voting or confirming, or to any other Director or officer. This provision sllaIll10t prevent the appointment, voting for, or confirmation of any persoll WIlD shall have been . continuously employed in any stIch office, position, clerl(ship, employment or dllty at least t11irty (30) days prior to the appointment of the Director or officer so appointing or votillg. ARTICLE 8. Miscellaneous Provisions 8.1 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year for the Corporation shall begin on January 15t and el1d 011 December 31st This fiscal year sIlall also "be referred to as the Corporation Year. 8.2 Seal. The seal of the Corporation shall be such as from time to time lnay be approved "by the Board. 8~3 Gender~ References herein to the masculine gender shall also refer to the feminine ill all appropriate cases, and vice versa. 8.4 Appropriations and Grants~ The Corporation shall have tIle power to reqtlest aIld accept any appropriation, grant, contribution, dOl1ation, or other form of aid fi.om tile federal government, the State, any political subdivision, or municipality in the State, or from allY otller source. 8.5 Amendments. These bylaws may be amended by the Board after notice of the proposed amendments has been mailed to each Director of the Board at least ten (10) days prior to tIle day of the meeting to consider same~ The Board s"ha11 reconunend such cllanges as it deems llecessary or desirable from time to time. Any amended Bylaws shall be signed by the C11airmall and attested to by the Secretary. A copy of any amendmellt sllall be mailed ilnmediately after its adoption to each Melnber~ 8.6 Conflicts of Interest. Each Director, committee mel11ber and SllbcOlnlnittee Inember sllall have an affirmative clllty to disclose to the Board of Directors, the conlmittee or sU""bcoffilnittee (as tIle case may be) any actual or potential conflicts of interest between SllC11 Director, committee member or subconunittee member, and tIle Corporation vvhere, and to tile exte11t tllat1 stIch conflicts or potential conflicts directly or indirectly affect 8l1Y matter tllat COUles before tile -12- Board of Directors, or atlY committee or sllbconlmittee~ . ~ GAPBy Laws-09.0 I.doc -- -13-